This is not good news.

The damn fox demon's level of caution has once again refreshed the upper limit of their knowledge, and they actually left such a hand to guard against them.

And this kind of technique is not something Meng Fei can see with his eyes, let alone how can he pay attention to the road under his feet?

Who would have nothing to do but stare at their feet? It was impossible even if he thought about it, and Qingqiao had planted a "landmine" again, which really made Meng Fei speechless for a while.

"It seems we have more things to do next."

Gu Liu also said extremely helplessly.

"That's okay, I have an idea."

Meng Fei's head turned rapidly, and he thought about it again.

"How?" Gu Liu asked.

Meng Fei took out Wanling Sinan, then used a flying knife to scoop up a small pile of soil with the blood of the fox demon, and then pulled a piece of cloth from his clothes to wrap it up.

Then, he placed the bag of soil on Wanling Sinan. Wanling Sinan's pointer moved slightly, but it was not much different from the direction it pointed when he placed the flying knife before, so he nodded with satisfaction. He said straight away: "That's good!"

Bang bang...

Seeing Meng Fei's series of actions, Gu Liu couldn't help but clapped his hands.

"Wonderful! Why didn't I think of that!" Gu Liu said while slowly shaking his head.

"Okay, if nothing happens, go back and rest first."

After being busy for so long, it was time to take a rest, Meng Fei also greeted them.

Then, they followed the waiter to the inn.

The location of Blood Trick is closer to the outside than the inn, and there are no people there.

Once you enter the bustling street, it's different.

Everything here is so lively, but not noisy, and those who want to rest can also get a good rest.

As soon as they arrived at the door of the inn, everyone's faces showed a look of comfort.

However, the good times did not last long. At this moment, terrible shouts came from the street.

"It's haunted! It's haunted!"

"Where? Is it haunted?!"

"It's the Lantern Festival! There's the Red Bridge Lantern Festival!"

"What exactly? What the hell is going on?!"

"That lantern has a face on it, and it keeps smiling!"

"What?! There's really a ghost coming!"

"My child! The child is still there at the lantern festival!"

The sounds of panic on the street rose and fell one after another, and Meng Fei and the others naturally couldn't sit still.

Looking at Xu Zhengyi who rubbed his eyes, Meng Fei touched his head and said, "Go and rest, Zhengyi. You all go and rest. I'll just go and take a look."

Naturally, Meng Fei had nothing to worry about. The tired people did not refuse and just said to him:

"Remember to come back early, you haven't rested for a long time."

Only the big yellow dog seemed to have a different style of painting. He bared one of his fangs and said with some disgust: "Don't make too much noise. It would be a big mistake to disturb my uncle's rest!"

"Hey, you damn bitch, your wings are hard!"

Meng Fei slapped it with an angry look and didn't waste any time here.

He asked the waiter where the Red Bridge was. The waiter knew that they were not ordinary people, so he simply told him, and Meng Fei rushed towards the red bridge.

Red Bridge is the largest and most beautiful bridge in Xiaoyang City. The red flowers all over the bridge give it the name "Red Bridge", and the Lantern Festival is a beautiful scene that happens almost every summer night.

But I'm afraid it's not all that beautiful tonight.

Meng Fei arrived here quickly.

I saw that on the Red Bridge, most of the people had fled, but there was still a little girl left. Her legs were probably weak from fright, so she collapsed on the spot and cried loudly.

"Ouch! My immortal Banban, why are you in such trouble?"

Meng Fei looked at the little girl and listened to the harsh cry of despair, which made Meng Fei even more desperate.

He ducked behind the little girl.

I found that the smiling lantern was actually smiling directly at the little girl, and it made a charming squeaking sound from time to time, and then kept asking the little girl.

"Good friends, let's play together. Good friends, let's play together. Good friends, let's play together..."

Meng Fei watched all this quietly from behind, and then saw the truth about the Smiling Lantern with his psychic eyes.

This guy is not a ghost, just a little monster. And judging from his posture, you can tell that he is the kind of little monster who likes to go to crowded and lively places.

After that, Meng Fei went to use his own spirit-sniffing power. After a while of sniffing to confirm, he found that the lantern monster had not harmed anyone and had no ill intentions towards the little girl.

It’s an unbearable fact that it really just wants to make friends with the little girl and play with it.

But who would dare to play with it like this?

Moreover, it is just a little demon and will not restrain its demonic energy. This is undoubtedly quite fatal to ordinary people who come into contact with it, so even if it has no malicious intent, Meng Fei still has to drive it away.

So, Meng Fei stretched out a hand to stand between it and the little girl.


Facing the hand that suddenly stretched out, the lantern monster was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Meng Fei.

Its expression suddenly changed. As a little monster like this, it couldn't feel Meng Fei's power, so it roared at Meng Fei, as if to show its power.

However, Meng Fei didn't have any fluctuations in his heart. Instead, he ignored it. He squatted down and comforted the crying little girl.

The little girl was startled by his sudden appearance and screamed, and then Meng Fei made a "shh" motion to her.

Only after she saw clearly that Meng Fei was a living person did she stabilize.

"Uncle Wei, are you here to save me?" the little girl said with tears in her eyes.

"Uncle blame? Ahem..."

At that moment, Meng Fei had the urge to kick the little girl off the Red Bridge, but fortunately, his reason defeated his emotions in the end.

"Yes!" Meng Fei said reluctantly.

"Ah, be careful!"

The little girl suddenly shouted.

It turned out that the lantern monster had started to attack Meng Fei at this time, but Meng Fei took his time and allowed it to attack him.

The lantern monster was confused again. He didn't even break his skin in that attack just now.

"I'll give you a chance. Leave now and never come here again. Otherwise, it will be one word - death!"

Meng Fei's calm expression seemed to be suppressed.

However, the lantern monster seemed a little unconvinced and began to accumulate strength again to give Meng Fei a more violent blow!

Meng Fei shook his head and said with an excited expression on his face: "Fortunately, you don't believe in evil, otherwise I will regret it!"

After saying that, Meng Fei instantly punched the lantern monster and knocked it away, turning it into a star in the sky.


Meng Fei clapped his hands and walked towards the inn.

Before leaving, he did not forget to turn around and tell the little girl: "Look for your parents. I'm leaving."

The little girl wiped away her tears with her hands, then waved to Meng Fei and said, "I know, thank you, Uncle Wei."

"Depend on!"

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