Another day of getting up early.

The sun pushed away the clouds and mist, and the light reappeared in the world.

Last night was like a dream, and it passed just like that. Meng Fei also selectively forgot the person he met last night.

"Is everyone packed? We have to set off."

Who knew that Meng Fei's words in the morning would directly shock those people.

"What? I didn't expect that it would be you, Meng Fei, who woke us up."

"What? You woke up earlier than me."

Following Gu Liu's incredible words, the big yellow dog immediately echoed.

And the big yellow dog was almost the most awake one besides Meng Fei who woke up at this time.

Xu Zhengyi rubbed his eyes and walked to the window to look outside, then widened his eyes, as if he had suddenly woken up and said: "No one on the street?! Am I still not awake?"


Gu Liu and the big yellow dog also went forward to see, and found that it was true.

In other words, it was so early that the whole Xiaoyang City had not woken up yet, and the sun had only climbed halfway up the mountain, but Meng Fei was so anxious to leave.

This really surprised them.

But it was not difficult to understand. After all, they had something important to do, so it would be best if they could avoid wasting time.

"Hurry up!" Meng Fei just urged again.

"Okay! Don't be too anxious!"

They almost all replied to Meng Fei in this way.

Then they all quickly packed up. Fortunately, they were all relaxed and casual people, and soon they were almost done. It really didn't take much time, and they could even continue to set off in the blink of an eye.

"Okay! Let's go!"

After saying these two short words, Meng Fei stepped out of the door and left the inn.

Others followed closely behind, and even whispered about what Meng Fei had experienced last night, and sometimes even laughed from time to time because they couldn't hold back.

"Don't dawdle, we can't go on so slowly, that guy hasn't been fatally injured, so the movement is not affected much, we have to catch up quickly." Meng Fei looked at them seriously, his eyes full of seriousness.

They also became serious, no longer joking, but devoted themselves to hurrying on the road.

Perhaps because they were not far from the fox demon, they did not encounter any problems along the way.

There were some small demons, but they were almost the same as the lantern monsters, and they were minor and no major problems occurred.

So, they rushed along the way, crossing mountains and rivers, but they did not encounter many blood frauds.

Until now, after three days and three nights of endless rushing, except for Xu Zhengyi who could sleep on the big yellow dog, the other three had never closed their eyelids, and had been moving forward non-stop, looking for blood frauds one by one, and the ultimate goal was naturally the fox demon.

Even so, the blood fraud in front of them was only the third one they encountered outside Xiaoyang City.

After Gu Liu cleaned up this thing, Meng Fei moved the blood bag away, and then put the flying knife on Wanling Sinan.

Originally, several people were staring at Wanling Sinan with numbness in exhaustion, but everything that happened in the next second directly made them full of energy.

The moment the Wanling Si Nan was placed on the flying knife, it trembled slightly.

This phenomenon is not strange, nor unfamiliar, because every time the Wanling Si Nan finds that the thing the holder wants to find is nearby, it will remind the holder by trembling slightly.

In other words, the fox demon is nearby!

The faces of several people did not have the worry of not being able to find the fox demon at a glance and being afraid of its secret attack. Instead, they were extremely excited. That feeling was even like a prisoner who had been in prison for many years and saw the light of day again.

Their expressions at this time were also weird, and they really had that kind of taste.


Meng Fei made a "hush" gesture, indicating that they should be careful and calm to avoid alerting the enemy.

Afterwards, they stepped very lightly, and after using the blood bag to confirm that there were no other blood frauds nearby, they could put the flying knife on it with more confidence to search for its location.

At this time, Gu Liu had been holding the Wanling Si Nan, after all, Meng Fei had to do something later.

Others will be affected by the rune bamboo sticks. Even if only one can be controlled at a time, it is enough to give it more space to escape. Therefore, only by letting Meng Fei be the main force can there be a chance to catch it.

Along the way, they can't help but feel the fox's cunningness, so now they are more cautious.

This is originally a wild place. There is nothing else except the dense weeds that grow to half a person's height.

Under the guidance of Wanling Sinan, they approached the position of the fox demon step by step.

When they came to a pile of green weeds half a person's height, the lush and dense weeds could even fit three or four adult men, and even completely wrap them in it.

Meng Fei was in front, slowly pulling away the weeds in front of him, and a hole appeared in front of them.

"What is this?"

Meng Fei tilted his head and thought. In his mind, it seemed that foxes could not make holes. This was probably the hole that it occupied.

In order to avoid any accidents, Meng Fei decided to go down alone. The three of them were ready to ambush at any time. Even with the rune bamboo stick, it could only control one person. In other words, as long as the others were not alone except Meng Fei, there would be no big problem.

So Meng Fei entered the cave alone.

The cave is very large, so it is not a hole that ordinary animals can make. It must be made by a monster, and most likely that guy controls a monster.

"Intruder! Die!"

Suddenly, with a roar, a light appeared in front of Meng Fei, and then a mole about the size of a human appeared in front of him.

This must be the real owner of the cave, and the way he regards Meng Fei as a great enemy is not because he is protecting his territory, but because he is controlled.

"It's really pitiful. Your home was taken away, and you were controlled. In addition, you smell human blood. I have no choice but to send you off!"

This monster is actually not weak, and it is infinitely close to the strength of a big monster, but in front of Meng Fei and the rune bamboo stick, it really has no way.

So even in this extremely favorable terrain, it was easily eliminated by Meng Fei.

Then Meng Fei began to rush into it recklessly.

Because the monster would definitely notice something after feeling that the rune bamboo stick was out of control, so he rushed in so frantically.

The space became more open, and there were also wisps of light flashing in the deepest part. Meng Fei stopped.

At this time, he and the fox demon looked at each other face to face, and the enemies of one man and one demon finally met!

"How could it be? There was no fluctuation in the blood fraud?!"

But it was impossible for it to admit defeat because it was so cunning.

However, Meng Fei at this time was different from that time. He rushed to the front of the fox demon and subdued it.

The fox demon was still unwilling to give up, and took out the rune bamboo stick to Meng Fei, but it didn't work!

It screamed in despair, and it seemed that there was really no way this time!

At this time, it immediately shrank into a little fox and wanted to slip away from Meng Fei's hands, but Meng Fei had already made all preparations. He reacted instantly and kicked it up, and then held it up again.

Who knew that the fox demon would release the extremely smelly gas on his body at this time, trying to suffocate Meng Fei.

Meng Fei also tried to suppress his nausea, then pinched his nose hard, and jumped out of the cave with the fox demon in his hand.

"Gu Liu!"

The first moment he came out, Meng Fei called Gu Liu's name.

Gu Liu immediately understood, then pulled out a yellow talisman paper and threw it on the fox.

Then, for safety, he specially used the blessing talisman to strengthen it.

After controlling the fox, the rune bamboo stick held by the fox finally fell to the ground, and then Meng Fei threw it on the ground with confidence.

The fox's body continued to burn under the suppression of the yellow talisman paper, and finally became a pile of dust.

Then, Meng Fei took the rune bamboo stick and looked at it carefully, then he touched his chin and said:

"I think we should look for it one by one. With a rune bamboo stick, we can track the ones behind, and I think we can collect the yellow paper first and then clean up the rune bamboo sticks. What do you think?"

Everyone nodded, without rebuttal.

Then Meng Fei took out the yellow paper and placed it on the Wanling Sinan, put away the rune bamboo sticks, and they were ready to set off again.

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