Arriving at the inn first, Xu Zhengyi was placed in the room obediently, while the big yellow dog listened to Meng Fei's words and protected him.

The two of them were going to see what unknown facts were hidden under this boiled case.

The two of them took the boat and started asking some questions before they even got there.

"Boatman, don't the officials in your city care about this matter?" Meng Fei asked doubtfully.

"Alas~" After hearing his question, the boatman also sighed and said: "This is an evil thing, and the officials are afraid of it. In addition, the person who died happened to be helpless, so we simply ignored it. This will save you from causing trouble by messing with things you shouldn’t mess with.”

"That's it..." Meng Fei nodded, and it was understandable to say so.

"But there are still people who are worried!" The boatman continued. Speaking of people who are worried, he can naturally be counted among them.

But after all, there were not many people who actually investigated this matter. After all, everyone was afraid of getting into trouble.

After all, demons, monsters and the like are well known to exist in this world. With their mortal bodies, they dare not provoke them at will.

I'm afraid he has the thief's heart but not the thief's courage.

And summarize everything they can know now.

"In other words, the person who died had no family, so it is difficult to know his movements during his lifetime, and then he was boiled to death by the water in the city, which is normal. That's all..." Gu Liu concluded with a somewhat embarrassed expression. .

There is indeed too little information like this, and we have to go to the scene first to get the details.


Finally, after a long march, the boatman brought them to the place where the deceased was found.

This is a place that has obviously been abandoned for a long time. Most of the houses built on the water have been eroded by the water and collapsed. It is estimated that there is only a tiny space above the water that can accommodate people.

And this space is said to be the place where that person lived during his lifetime.

They disembarked and immediately jumped onto that bit of space.

First, Meng Fei put his hand into the water in front of him and stirred it constantly. He found that the water was still normal and there was no boiling phenomenon.

Of course, this place is normal on weekdays, but it was abnormal when the person died, so Meng Fei couldn't find anything abnormal if he tried like this.

"Meng Fei, come and take a look inside."

Gu Liu, who checked the small house, called Meng Fei inside, and there seemed to be some clues in it.

Due to water erosion and collapse, the original two-story building was only half a story high and emerged from the water, and the roof collapsed diagonally. The direction they could walk in was the raised side of the roof. That person also lived here before.


However, when they saw the scene inside, they were a little confused.

There are actually many portraits of Bodhisattvas and various gods on display here, and there are also many tributes in front of them, many of which are already rotten.

They walked up to the front and carefully observed the area around the tribute.

"Look at this..."

Gu Liu suddenly pointed to a piece of ground he saw to Meng Fei. There was a blackened apple core here, and there were some large and small residues nearby.

"Someone used to eat here."

In this regard, they made this judgment.


At this time, Meng Fei called the boatman and wanted to ask him what these portraits were about.

The boatman thought about it seriously and said, "I remember, that man had no family and no money, but I don't know where he learned his painting skills. But he usually just painted some Bodhisattvas, gods, and the like. He wanted to win." I came to sell it, but no one bought it, so I had to hang these Bodhisattvas and gods here. I never thought that with this hanging, people nearby would finally see the Bodhisattvas and gods in this hall, and they would all come to worship the gods. , put some tributes, which solved the problem of him not being able to eat. "

"And since his death, it seems like no one has come here?"


Meng Fei nodded and said: "I understand."

"You can't tell much from these alone. Where are the people nearby? Do you know anything?" Gu Liu shook his head and continued to ask.

The boatman pointed to the nearest house, and they went to that house together, hoping to get some information.

However, when they arrived here, they found that this was an empty house, and almost everything inside had been moved away. The dust inside was not thick, indicating that it had been moved not long ago.

"It seems they have moved away. I don't know where the family has gone."

The two of them were also extremely helpless.

At this time, another boatman carrying guests rowed past them.

The boatman who was with Meng Fei saw him and said hello with some excitement: "Old Zhang!"

"Old Jiangtou, what are you doing here?"

The boatman named Lao Zhang seemed a little strange when he seemed to be still staying here.

Lao Jiang was naturally the boatman carrying Meng Fei and the others. At this time, he probably told Lao Zhang what had happened.

After hearing this, Lao Zhang immediately became excited and said: "That's great! Those of us who pull the boats are just afraid of this evil thing! Now someone is finally here to take care of it, it's so good, so good! Lao Jiang, what do you need from me? Just say whatever you want to help!”

"Is there anything I need your help with? Hey, let's see if Taoist Master needs help?!" Lao Jiang patted his forehead, then called Meng Fei and the others in the house, and asked Lao Zhang to wait.

Lao Zhang also explained it to his guest. Fortunately, the guest was not in a hurry, so there was no harm in simply waiting.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing Lao Jiang's call, the two went out and asked in confusion.

Later, Lao Jiang pointed at Lao Zhang and said: "This is Lao Zhang. He is different from us. We usually run a fixed route, but he runs all over the city! So he knows There are many things you can ask him about!”

"So good!"

Meng Fei and the others did not delay, having such a person saved them a lot of trouble.

So, they immediately stepped forward to inquire about the situation.

"Did the dead person appear to be struggling when he was found? And where did the recent family move to? Why did they move? And one last question, did anything else happen here?" Meng Fei A long list of questions was immediately asked.

Lao Zhang also quickly thought about it in his head, and finally said with bulging eyes: "It is said that the body floated up at that time, and after it was picked up, it seemed to be struggling. Then the family said something happened. If you're afraid, just move away. I don't know where to move to, and no one dares to live in this house now. If something happened here, let me think about it... Hey, it seems like it did! "

"What is it?"

Meng Fei and the others also became excited.

"Master, aren't you leaving yet?"

However, the guests on Lao Zhang's boat were dissatisfied.

Lao Zhang is also in a dilemma. After all, he also hopes that someone can solve this problem. The officials don't care, and other people in the city don't care, but people like them who run on the water every day are very scary.

"Let's do this, Lao Zhang, I will help you send the person away, and you can help the Taoist Priest and the others deal with the problem first!"

Lao Jiangtou quickly said, this is indeed the best way.

So the guests didn't bother and boarded Lao Jiang's boat.

Later, Lao Zhang felt relieved and began to tell the two of them a story that had happened.

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