Although it is a story from the past.

But according to Lao Zhang, it is more like a legend.

After all, he has almost heard such stories since he was a child.

This is the dilapidated building in front of him, where the dead man lived before his death.

According to legend, a hundred years ago, this building was a two-story house with a good environment. The family at that time was considered to be doing well.

However, this family was a bit unlucky. The man always wanted a son, but kept giving birth to daughters.

After three or five years of hard work, he gave birth to four daughters, which really made the man burn his head.

He wanted a son, but kept giving birth to daughters. In addition, it was not easy to keep so many daughters healthy, so he gave all four daughters away.

Then the man began to pray to gods and Buddhas everywhere, hoping that God would give him a son.

However, even after three years of such extremely pious prayers to gods and Buddhas.

Another year later, he and his wife gave birth to another daughter.

So the man collapsed, and even began to become violent. This time he did not send his daughter away, but let his daughter and wife live in hell, suffering from his torture and beating all day long.

Until one day, it is said that a Taoist priest came to Hucheng and passed by his house. He found that the family was very violent, so he visited.

The Taoist priest kindly calculated for him and said that he would have a son when he was the fifth child, but he did something wrong.

That is, he sent the first four children away, gave birth but did not raise them, which was a taboo, so the gods and Buddhas punished him to have no more children, that is, if he had not sent away the four daughters, then the current child would be a son instead of a daughter.

After hearing this, the man regretted it and quickly asked the Taoist priest if there was a solution.

The Taoist priest said it was difficult to solve, because he calculated that if he could take all the daughters back to make up for his mistakes, then he would have a son in two years.

The man was a little puzzled when he heard this. Isn’t this solved, why did the Taoist priest say it was difficult to solve.

Then, the Taoist priest explained that he had calculated that almost all of his four daughters had met good families, and that his abuse of his wife and children had spread throughout the city, so it was impossible for him to take his four daughters back.

The man was furious when he heard this, and even drove the kind Taoist priest out. After all, he thought that the Taoist priest came just to talk nonsense to him.

The Taoist priest finally wanted to advise him that if he encountered evil things in the future, he must not listen to them, otherwise he would definitely get into trouble.

However, he ignored these, and later the man really tried to take his daughters back, but found that it was really as the Taoist priest said, the daughters he sent away had a good life, and their adoptive parents loved them very much, and none of his daughters were willing to go back with him.

Since then, the man was like crazy. After returning home, he not only did not change, but even abused his wife and children even more severely.

Under such a heavy anger, it is said that when the man went crazy in the wild, he met a hideous monster, which frightened the man and he ran to the city immediately after sobering up.

However, the monster stopped him and told him that the man wanted a son, and claimed that he could help him realize his wish.

The man couldn't stand it, so he turned around and asked, "Can you really have a boy?"

"Yes. Just do it according to my instructions!"

"How to do it?"

"It's very simple, just put..."


The man was already possessed by the devil, and really listened to the monster's words, without any concern about how outrageous the monster's words were.

So he hurried back home, boiled a large pot of water, and held his young daughter in his hands, ready to throw it into the boiling water according to the monster's flower.

Fortunately, the woman found out in time and rushed up immediately, cursing and hitting the man constantly, but the woman was kicked aside by the crazy man, and the woman was pushed to the waist by the table, and was seriously injured immediately?

Then, under the daughter's painful cry, the woman saw with her own eyes that her woman was thrown into the water by the man.

The woman's eyes were full of despair and powerlessness, and then she tore off a long strip from her clothes while enduring the severe pain, and tried to crawl in front of the man.

Then she seized the opportunity to tie the strip around the man's neck. The man pulled the strip hard, and his face turned pale in an instant. He stared at the pot with bulging eyes, and then used his last strength to pick up the woman behind him and threw her into the boiling pot.

Because of her waist injury and the previous forced standing and movement, the woman lost any ability to struggle at this moment, but she didn't let go in the end.

The man was also dragged to the edge of the pot by him, his face was pale, his eyes were bulging, and he slowly lost his vitality.

The woman finally sent her daughter out of the boiling water with her only movable hands, but the hands that caught her daughter were the hands of a monster.

Under the desperate and lifeless eyes of the woman, the monster opened its bloody mouth...

In the end, after the woman died, her eyes were still open. She died with her eyes open. She clearly thought that she had saved her daughter...


"Since then, it has been said that there is a boiling ghost in this water, a female boiling ghost who can boil water. When we were young, adults told us not to fall into the water, because the boiling ghost in the water will boil you and eat you!"

Lao Zhang finally finished all the stories, and Meng Fei and the others finally got some useful information.

"But this thing is just a legend, and no one cares about it. After all, it happened a hundred years ago, and no one can confirm it now. Moreover, many people have lived nearby since then, and there have never been any problems. What? Is there something wrong with that guy? So many people in the city say that someone is using the legend to kill people and try to scare people!"

Lao Zhangtou continued to add.

What he meant by this was to ask whether someone wanted to kill people in a legendary way so as to deceive the people in the city.

"In this world full of monsters and monsters, if something like this happened, it would be reasonable for the murderer to use legends to kill people. But what about the motive? This is the most important problem that needs to be solved at the moment."

Meng Fei analyzed extremely seriously.

Indeed, if the murder was committed by a human being, the motive for the murder is one thing that must be known.

"What about his daughters? Where are they?"

Gu Liu thought of this important question.

Lao Zhang scratched his head and said helplessly: "Legend has it that they moved away a long time ago. It is said that they all left Lake City after that incident. I don't know where they are now."

"Then the only way is to find this family and ask."

Meng Fei turned around and looked at the abandoned house.

Find the family's current location and ask them about the deceased, and you may get better information.

"Old Zhang, do you know where this family moved?"

"I know this. I'm still in this city. Just feel free to get on the boat!"

Hearing Lao Zhang's affirmation, the two of them boarded the boat with great relief.

Taking the boat, they were heading towards the family's new home.

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