After continuing to enjoy the comfort of one night in Peach Blossom Valley.

Then everyone continued on their way.

The Mountain Demon Master came to see them off, and the main thing was to visit Xu Zhengyi.

He touched Xu Zhengyi's head and said gently: "Child, can you smile?"

Xu Zhengyi had a strange expression on his face and looked at him with confusion.

Although he didn't smile, the puzzled expression on his face made the Mountain Demon Master smile happily.

Then he patted his head gently and said, "Okay, that's enough."

Meng Fei and the others also noticed the changes in Xu Zhengyi. His face was finally no longer as motionless as before. Xu Zhengyi's face finally had an expression.

"Thank you, Valley Master."

Seeing this scene, Meng Fei couldn't help but say thank you for Xu Zhengyi.

The Mountain Demon Master didn't say much, he just waved goodbye with a gentle smile.

The figures of the group disappeared into the distance.

The group of people on the road were still thinking about everything in Peach Blossom Valley.

I have to say, it was a very memorable day and night.

I never imagined that such beauty could exist in this world filled with evil spirits.

"It's true! I have an expression on my face!"

After Xu Zhengyi peed on the roadside, the big yellow dog reminded him to take a look.

Then he found that his face was no longer as stiff as a wooden board, but had a real expression.

When you smile, you can grin, and you can even make faces without any trouble.

He was so happy that he even jumped up and down along the way.

This made the big yellow dog extremely happy. After all, looking at Xu Zhengyi's condition, he probably wouldn't need to carry him on his back any more, so he could finally relax for a while.

Go all the way.

Another full day passed.

They came to a village.

This village is quite large, and the residents live very sparsely. It is almost a long way from one house to another. Judging from the number of houses located, it is estimated that there are not too many villagers living here.

So, they went to the nearest one.

Knock on the door.

There was no response from the room for a long time.

So Meng Fei continued to knock.

Finally someone came.

I saw a dark burly man with one hand behind his back, leaning slightly to his side, and only opening a crack in the door, revealing only half of his body in front of everyone.

The first person to enter the big man's eyes was naturally Meng Fei who knocked on the door.

Seeing Meng Fei's unfamiliar face, the big man hesitated for a moment, then immediately became wary and asked, "What do you do?"

"I'm... just looking for saliva..."

Meng Fei seemed a little nervous when he saw the big man, so he answered very kindly.

"Begging for water? I'm sorry, I can't believe you..." The big man still remained vigilant.

Then, the big man's eyes glanced at the others.

Three more guys appeared in his eyes.

A Taoist priest with a kind face.

A child carrying a sword.

A huge yellow dog.

What kind of magical combination is this?

The big man was a little confused for a moment, but when he saw Gu Liu and Meng Fei with friendly faces, he felt a little more relaxed.

"If you are just asking for water, then wait for me here and I will fetch water for you." Even so, he was still very cautious.

"Uh... Okay, let's wait at the door..." Meng Fei said helplessly.

Afterwards, a few people just sat at the door in a daze.

Finally, the big yellow dog couldn't help but said: "Why don't you let us go in and sit here?"

Maybe the big yellow dog thinks that they have such a good attitude and such a friendly behavior that they don't look like bad people.

"Don't say that. We are strangers after all, and it is normal for people to behave like this." Gu Liu could only say this.

As for Meng Fei, he thought the family might have some difficulties, or something that was hard to tell.

So, Meng Fei guessed: "If he is not too cautious, then it can only mean that there is something wrong here."

"The water is coming!"

While several people were talking, the big man had already brought the water.

They took the water very politely and drank heavily. There were no people or ponds along the way, and they didn't even take two sips of water. They were indeed thirsty, so they came here to ask for water.

Seeing their appearance, the big man actually felt a little soft-hearted. Perhaps it was because he had never believed in them before. Seeing this scene, the big man really started to relax towards them.

"A few of them look like they're on the road. They're probably tired. If you don't mind, come in and sit down!"

When they heard that the big man finally took the initiative to invite them, the group did not refuse. After bowing, they entered the house under his leadership.

However, after entering the house, Meng Fei and the others discovered that the big man was still on guard.

They are all in a separate room, and there are some hidden weapons arranged in the room. I am afraid that as long as they make any move, the big man will take action immediately.

As for the big man's family, when they came in, they found that there seemed to be lights flickering in a tightly locked hut.

"Hero, what happened in this village? Why are you so cautious about outsiders?"

Regarding his various behaviors, Meng Fei finally couldn't help but ask questions.

The big man heard him ask this question and saw Meng Fei's confused expression at the same time. He said a little ashamedly: "Young master, you don't know something. There have been several bandits near our village recently. I only found out after asking about it." , those bandits are all down-and-out guys from the next mountain. Bandits from other mountains occupied the top of the mountain and drove them down. Now that the down-and-out guys came here, they started to set up a village. Women and children often disappear these days. There are even cases of property being lost at home, so now almost every family is on guard, and some of the better-off families have just moved away, so how can the rest of us not be careful."

"I just feel sorry for my helpless wife and children. In order to protect them, I have to lock them in a strong hut..."

Having said this, the big man's eyes couldn't help but turn red.

"Why don't you beg the thief?" As a Taoist priest, Gu Liu asked this question.

Meng Fei also glared at him angrily and said: "Stop thinking about the problem with your unworldly mind. First of all, the bandit is still a cruel and violent person no matter how miserable he is. How can the villagers who usually do farm work fight against the murderer? Besides, even if the bandit is in trouble, there will still be some connections behind it, there are too many involved.”

"I didn't expect you to know this?" Gu Liu looked at Meng Fei in surprise.

"Fuck you, you know too little." Meng Fei said angrily.

"Yes, this Young Master is right. We don't want to beg for thieves, but in this rural place, the news can't spread, and we don't dare to fight directly, but what should we do?" The big man's eyes were filled with confusion. In despair, he would look at the hut where his wife and children were locked from time to time, and he would inevitably feel pain in his heart.

"As the saying goes, a drop of water should repay you with a spring of water. Don't worry, let us deal with this bandit."

Meng Fei's words were full of confidence, and the big man reacted a little guilty.

Then, he said anxiously: "Farewell, young master, I can't harm you with a mouthful of water!"

"Hahaha!" Meng Fei laughed, and then said with confidence: "Don't worry, we also have to pass through this section of the road. It is only a matter of time that we encounter them, so we might as well solve them together!"

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