"Really? You guys?"

The big man still couldn't believe it.

But this was normal, after all, he had never seen Meng Fei and his men take action, let alone heard of their names, so naturally he didn't know their abilities.

"Don't worry, now you just need to tell us when the bandits will come to cause trouble, or if you know where they are hiding, just tell us directly."

Meng Fei said with great confidence.

The big man hesitated, and Meng Fei told him not to be afraid.

Then Meng Fei made a few simple moves, and with just a few simple kicks, he destroyed the traps that the big man had set up to deal with the bandits.

The big man was immediately shocked by him, and then he believed that they had some abilities. After all, Meng Fei looked like an old man playing with a naughty boy, and seemed to have easily seen through these traps and dealt with them very easily.

So, he finally stopped hesitating and analyzed to Meng Fei and the others: "These bandits always come and go at random, they come when they want, and leave when they want, but one thing is certain, that is, they don't seem to want to make a big deal and don't want the news to spread."

"What does this mean?" Meng Fei was puzzled.

"That is to say, they regard us as a place to live, relying on us for everything, even for enjoyment..." The big man said helplessly.

Meng Fei understood a little bit.

These bandits probably regard this place as the source of all resources, whether it is food or women, they are all solved here, and they don't want the news to spread.

This is probably because they seem to be afraid of something, not afraid that someone will know what bad things they have done, but afraid that someone will know that they are still alive!

As for who they are afraid of knowing that they are still alive, Meng Fei can probably understand it. After all, they are poor guys who have been occupied by the mountain, and they are naturally afraid that those who occupy their mountain will know.

"I see." Meng Fei nodded and continued to ask: "That means you don't know where they are?"

The big man shook his head and said: "I don't know, but we have guessed where they are."

"Do you mean near the foot of the next mountain?"

Remembering what the big man said before, Meng Fei guessed so.

"This raises a question." Meng Fei seemed to have thought of something, so he said so.

"What question?" Gu Liu on the side was a little puzzled.

Then Meng Fei said.

If the bandits on the next mountain have not troubled them now, it means that the next mountain should be in a very special position from this village.

It can be boldly guessed that it is a mountain with a peculiar shape.

Meng Fei guessed that the two sides of the mountain might be like an upright turtle. The direction facing the turtle's head can see everything in front, but the back of the turtle shell is invisible.

The old bandits on the mountain probably took advantage of this, so they were able to escape.

And the fact that the new bandits had not found them and had never appeared in the village shows that they did not understand the special terrain here, so they could not find them.

After Meng Fei said this, the big man became excited and said that Meng Fei was right. He also said something to confirm Meng Fei's guess. He said, "This young master's analysis is reasonable. I remember when I went up the mountain to chop wood, I thought that the mountain was half a cliff. Later, bandits came out from the other side. Everyone still felt incredible. Now that the young master said this, it has solved our confusion."

This is also the reason why there are bandits here but they still live here. After all, neither side knew that there was such a mountain.

The new bandits on the other side also thought that they threw people off the cliff, but they did not expect such a scene.

"That's it, let me deal with the bandits. Gu Liu, you guys take a rest here. I'm afraid that if I go, the bandits will come here. You should protect the villagers." Meng Fei told them.

Gu Liu and the others nodded. There was nothing wrong with this arrangement. It took both ends into consideration. Moreover, with Meng Fei's ability, there was nothing to worry about if he went alone.

"Then I'll take you there."

The big man immediately stood up and led Meng Fei to the mountain.

Maybe it was because it was getting close to night, Meng Fei looked up and saw that the mountain looked like a cliff with a slope, but Meng Fei imagined it in his mind.

The whole mountain should be like a trapezoid, and it was a trapezoid with a relatively small angle, so there would be a strange scene of standing on the top and feeling that there were cliffs on both sides.

And looking at this, Meng Fei was probably sure of this idea.

So he waved to the big man, indicating that he could go back, and the next thing would be left to him.

The big man nodded. If he was not at home for a while, he would worry about his wife and children, so he left here without staying and walked towards his home.

Meng Fei watched him for a while, then quickly retracted his gaze and turned his attention to the mountain in front of him.

"The Shuangya Mountain looks like a cliff on both sides. Where would the people inside hide?"

Unexpectedly, Meng Fei walked deeper into the hillside with some curiosity.

It is not easy to find someone in this forest.

Luckily, Meng Fei had learned earlier that there were probably quite a few bandits who had fled here, which was good. After all, if there were too few people, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, and it would be difficult to find anyone.

If there were many people, it would be different. When there were many people, they would move around and do various activities, which would always leave some traces.

Meng Fei walked in the woods, and unknowingly had walked one-third of the distance of the mountain, but he still had no harvest.

But this did not affect him at all, and he still searched around very calmly.

He thought that the bandit should be halfway up the mountain, because this position was about the same distance from both sides, which was obviously the best.

Meng Fei soon arrived at this position.

Halfway up the mountain.

There were finally obvious traces of human activity here.

The leaves under his feet were very sparse, and almost all of them were attached to the ground, and there were traces that could be followed, which obviously meant that someone had walked.

He walked along the traces and finally found a cave that was narrow but barely big enough for people to live in.

The cave entrance was only half a person's height.

But this did not affect him. Meng Fei crawled to the side and quietly observed the movements inside.


Seeing the scene inside, he quietly uttered these two words.

Then, he slowly stood up, blew a breath of hot air into his fist, and then aimed at the cave entrance in front of him.

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