
A huge sound was like thunder.

This was Meng Fei punching the cave entrance wider.

He didn't want to force himself to go into the "dog hole", and he also wanted to give the people inside a warning.

"Who! Who is not afraid of death?!"

The people inside naturally couldn't feel this kind of movement, so angry voices broke out instantly.

Meng Fei was walking in with a swagger at this time.

Those bandits finally saw Meng Fei's true face.

And seeing the big hole behind Meng Fei and the dust and gravel on his hands, they seemed to realize that something was wrong.

So they became cautious and didn't move forward rashly.

Who knows who this guy who looks so careless in front of him is?

In his spare time, Meng Fei couldn't help but look them up and down.

"One, two, three, four, five, six!"

Six in total!

Now standing in front of Meng Fei are six bandits.

Then, Meng Fei raised three thumbs to them and moved his mouth slowly, which looked more like an order.

"One, return all the things that were robbed from the villagers; two, tell me all the information about the bandit; three, after doing these things, you are still dead!"

After saying all the words, Meng Fei also winked at them, which seemed to mean asking them if they had any opinions or questions.

But Meng Fei naturally did not intend to give them an explanation or a chance. As long as they had any stubbornness or resistance, he would immediately kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

At this time.

The scarred face who seemed to be the leader walked in front of him, tilted his head, and asked with disdain: "Who do you think you are? Dare to give orders to us?!"


However, just after Scarface finished speaking, he felt the heart-wrenching pain of broken bones in his arm.

"Asshole! Let go! Brother, are you okay?"

The bandits behind him panicked when they saw this scene and shouted at Meng Fei.

Meng Fei loosened his hand and then released the force. Scarface immediately retreated and fell into the arms of several brothers.

Seeing their big brother injured, several younger brothers instantly became angry and gnashed their teeth at Meng Fei, showing a vicious look, as if they wanted to eat Meng Fei alive.

However, the scarface who was the leader twitched painfully, and then raised his uninjured hand in front of them, signaling them not to be impulsive.

"I'm fine, you must not be impulsive, do everything he says!"


"No buts, go!"

"Yes, yes!"

Seeing that the big brother was like this and said this, several younger brothers did not dare to disobey.

So, you can see that they went to take the things they looted. Although almost all of them were used, they brought the rest.

Then, they put the things in a pile, waiting for Meng Fei or Scarface to give instructions.

At this time, Scarface, who was lying on the ground with a hideous and painful expression, was almost wet with sweat on his forehead. He struggled to say to Meng Fei:

"My brothers are the ones who ran away with me in the end, and the brothers who really went through the mountains of swords and the sea of ​​fire with me are all dead. You can deal with them as you like. Can you... uh... let me go?"

Meng Fei really didn't expect that he could say these words with such effort.

But it is understandable. After all, bandits are bandits. If they are upright people, how could they do such dishonorable things as bandits.

"Don't worry, the work is not done yet?" However, Meng Fei said to them very gently with a "kind" smile on his face.

"Understood! You guys, go and deliver all the things! Hurry up! You are a bunch of rubbish!"

"Uh... yes..."

Perhaps because they were a little disappointed by what Scarface said before, their answers at this time seemed extremely reluctant.

So much so that their subsequent actions seemed a little reluctant, but they picked up the things and did what Scarface said.

When they passed by Meng Fei, they felt an extremely huge pressure, and the huge oppression even made them a little breathless.

Next to Meng Fei, every step forward seemed so torturous.

They withstood the pressure, and after completely passing by Meng Fei, they actually took a deep breath.

It was at this moment that they understood why their boss had such a big change.

They even imagined in their hearts that if they passed Meng Fei, this terrible man would disappear behind them, then could they escape like this?

Is this the last sacrifice made by the boss for them?

"Do you think the boss did it on purpose?"

"Who knows? Do you still believe him? After all, he said that?"

"Why don't you believe the boss? Look, aren't we free now? Don't we have the final say on where to go?"

"You make sense. What should we do now?"

"Since he still wants to ask about the other side of the mountain, it will take some time. Why don't we go to the village to loot it during this time? Then we can escape with peace of mind!"

"Yes! That's it! The boss must think so!"

"Boss! We will remember you!"

After that, their figures gradually drifted away, and finally disappeared into the mountains and went to the village.

However, they didn't know that someone was waiting for them there.

And in the darkness where they were talking, a man with a scarred face looked helplessly at the sky.

"Desperate, right?"

Meng Fei stood beside him, and saw that Scarface was actually being held in Meng Fei's hand.

And they also listened to all the conversations of his men before.

Scarface saw them going to the village, but Meng Fei didn't follow them to stop them, so he understood that this guy must have set up defenses in the village.

"What a bunch of idiots!" he couldn't help but yell.

"Hahaha!" Meng Fei laughed again, and even said jokingly: "It seems that your subordinates still don't understand your good intentions."

Then, Meng Fei showed a puzzled expression and said as if he was thinking: "But I don't understand, do you want to let them go? Or do you want to use them to attract my attention and escape by yourself? You know, the village If I hadn’t been prepared, I would have followed directly!”

"Whatever you think, I don't have any say now anyway." Scarface was also very aware of his situation.

A person who can come to find bandits alone is naturally not a strong enemy that he can face no matter how furious or angry he is. In this case, he has no choice but to compromise.

However, at this moment, Scarface seemed to remember something, and the corner of his mouth twitched:

"Wait, you said you wanted to go to the other side of the mountain?"

"Yes." Meng Fei confirmed.

"Haha..." Unexpectedly, Scarface smiled, and then said with disdain: "Should we go alone?"

"Of course." Meng Fei said still very calmly.

At this time, Scarface pretended to be mysterious and said:

"Then you have to be careful. If you can deal with a human, you may not be able to deal with a monster!"

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