Not long after Meng Fei left.

The patrolling bandit walking around the village found the man who was thrown aside by Meng Fei.

The patrolling bandit was usually careless. After all, he was not needed to do anything, so he had just woken up from his sleep after dozing for a long time.

But he never thought that the village seemed a little different today.

He hurried to the injured man, only to see him holding his body up with both hands. Seeing the familiar face, his expression was panicked.

"Isn't this Lao Ma who is specially guarding near the Zhiniang Cave? Hey, Lao Ma! Are you still alive?!"

The patrolling bandit kept shaking Lao Ma's motionless body. He put his fingers close to Lao Ma's nostrils, and the breathing movement from his nostrils made him feel relieved.

He pinched Lao Ma's philtrum with his hands again, as if this would really work.

However, Lao Ma did open his eyes very weakly.

But even with his efforts, he could only reveal half of his eyeballs. After seeing the person in front of him, his lips kept trembling, trying to make a sound.

"Laoma, you talk, I'm listening." The patrolling bandit put his ear close to Lao Ma's mouth and tried to listen to him.

"Danger... Danger. The... guy broke in... Come in..." These few short words were uttered with great difficulty in Lao Ma's mouth at this moment.

After roughly hearing his words, the patrolling bandit immediately responded: "I understand, I'll go and inform the boss!"


Seeing that the patrolling bandit turned around and was about to leave, Lao Ma grabbed him with one hand with great effort.

Then, Lao Ma stretched out his other hand and pointed unsteadily in the direction of the Weaver Cave.

"That guy... cough cough... is not... an ordinary... person... uh... don't look for... cough! His troubles... he is now... going to find the Weaver...! Uh! You... go!"

After saying this, Lao Ma's face turned pale directly. Obviously, these words took him a lot of effort and effort.

Even so, he still had to tell the patrolling bandits about the news, and the patrolling bandits also understood his good intentions.

"I understand."

Seeing Lao Ma's appearance, he understood that the intruder was not an opponent they could match, and he must remember not to get entangled with him.

Now he went to Zhiniang, and he had a chance to escape.

Finally, he wanted to take the dying Lao Ma with him, but found that Lao Ma had stopped breathing. He sighed for a long time. The situation was urgent, and he could only leave Lao Ma here.

So, he went to the location of the leader alone, and he must deliver this news in time.


And on Meng Fei's side.

Following the instructions of the previous smell and the current torch channel, he found himself in a cave.

This cave was full of weeds and various wild plants.

Even the entire cave entrance was surrounded. If Meng Fei hadn't used the power of smell to confirm it again, he would probably have been deceived and lost his way.

Meng Fei reached out and gently pushed away the thick weeds that were covering the cave. He really couldn't figure out why this place was so tightly covered. Didn't they go in and out?

Or were there other entrances and exits here?

"Let's take a look first?"

With this idea in mind, Meng Fei began to observe nearby to see if there was anything wrong.

After all, if there was, and the guy inside ran away because of this, then he would suffer a big loss.

"Strange, it seems nothing."

However, after a search, there didn't seem to be anything strange around.

"Could it be?"

Meng Fei returned to the cave entrance blocked by weeds again, and he had some ideas.

Maybe the weeds blocking the cave entrance were a door.

So he went up the mountain, and this time he didn't choose to push it open little by little with his hands, but put his whole palm on it, and then gently pushed it inside.

Sure enough, it opened!

In front of him, the thick weeds were really pushed open by him like a door.

Meng Fei was overjoyed, but soon calmed down. He didn't know if there was any reaction inside, but he had to go slowly anyway, because he didn't know what was ahead. There was no light in the cave, and it was just black.

But Meng Fei, standing at the entrance of the cave, could easily walk in along the stone wall.

Fire starter.

This was also the item he prepared in advance.

After lighting the fire starter, he could see a little bit more clearly in the cave. Although this little bit was only in front of Meng Fei, it was enough for him to move forward.


Not long after entering, this was an ordinary cave ground, nothing unusual.

The passageway at the entrance of the cave was about three or four people wide. The strange thing was that in general caves, the deeper you go, the damper and colder it should be.

But the depths of this cave were only cold and gloomy, not damp.

Of course, this could also be because there was something inside.

Soon, Meng Fei found himself at an end, and in front of him turned into a cold stone wall.

The stone wall he leaned against when he came in was still a stone wall, unchanged.

However, a chilling wind came from the empty side of his body.

He couldn't help but shudder, then turned his body to that side, trying to continue to see the things in front of him clearly. There seemed to be a half-crouching figure in front of him, but the fire starter in his hand went out at this time.

Meng Fei wanted to light it again, but due to the air problem here, the fire stick could not be lit.

But the figure in front of him who seemed to be half-crouching looked for a moment, and Meng Fei was still not sure what it was.

He subconsciously waved his hand, as if hoping that the thing in front of him could give him a response.

This was obviously a foolish dream. He couldn't see the other person clearly, so how could the other person see him clearly.

So Meng Fei had to bite the bullet and take two steps forward.

At this time, he felt a touch from his feet first, which made him stop instantly, and then he found that there seemed to be something like hair rubbing against the back of his hand.

He was tickled, so he immediately raised his hand and rubbed his hands against each other.

"What the hell?"

Faced with all kinds of strange phenomena, Meng Fei was a little confused.

At this time, Meng Fei, who just wanted to try it out, suddenly lit the fire stick again. He was a little excited.

However, when he saw the thing in front of him, his face immediately turned ashen.

A woman's head with long hair!

Only half a person's height, except for the head, the rest of the body was wrapped in a thick white silk thread. The woman's hair was long enough to almost reach the ground, her face was pale and bloodless, her eyes were tightly closed, her face was still wrinkled, and there were several white hairs in her dark hair.

Meng Fei came here to find Zhi Niang, and the guy in front of him was obviously not his target.

Of course, thinking of the words of the bandit before, Meng Fei guessed that this should be the victim woman mentioned by the man.

So Meng Fei also put his fingers close to the woman's nostrils to feel her breath.

Although it was very weak, it could still be felt, which meant that this person was still alive, but was made like this, and it was unknown whether he could turn back to normal.

Now Meng Fei was too lazy to think about those things. At most, he would care about life and death. He could not care about other things, and he didn't want to care.

Now that the fire stick was also lit, it would be much more convenient to move forward.

So he continued to walk, but found that the road was so narrow.

Meng Fei was shocked to find that the area in front of him seemed to be filled with human pupae like the first woman he met.

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