"There are actually so many."

Meng Fei was speechless for a moment, and he didn't know how long this monster had been doing this heartless thing.

Therefore, Meng Fei also planned to pay close attention to the characteristics of these human pupae.

He carefully examined each pupa and found that they almost had the same feature, just different in severity.

Some people have white hair, while others have just a little. Some people have wrinkles all over their faces, while some have only a little. Some people have even lost their lives...

"The vitality must have been sucked away by this thing. What does Zhi Niang want to do?"

After saying that, Meng Fei came to a person who caught his attention.

There was only one thing about this human chrysalis that caught his attention.

That is, this woman looks very energetic and very young. She looks like a young woman of sixteen or seventeen years old, and it seems that she has just been transformed into a human pupa.

"Hey, wake up."

Meng Fei tried to wake her up, but everyone here felt like they were in a coma and looked ugly.

But looking at the girl's state, he thought that maybe he could really wake her up.

At Meng Fei's call, the girl's eyes actually twitched slightly.

"Very good."

Meng Fei was a little excited, and then continued to call her.

The girl's eyelids moved again, and finally opened a crack very slowly and weakly.

Her head seemed heavy, and her neck seemed unable to support her head. Her head drooped and she could not lift it up.

When Meng Fei saw this, he immediately squatted down so that the girl could see him directly.

The girl also saw Meng Fei's appearance. He looked like a young man. He looked extremely energetic and capable, with a pair of bright eyes that attracted people's attention. His face didn't look evil. In short, he should It has nothing to do with those bandits.

"Who are you?" The girl seemed to be in better condition, so she asked Meng Fei.

Meng Fei also explained the reason why he came here without any concealment, and hoped that she could believe and cooperate with him.

The girl looked at him. There was a fleeting hope in her eyes. The despair in her heart was like a hole. Now the arrival of the man in front of her didn't know if she could fill it with hope. But for so long, she saw the people around her. After what happened to the pupa, she had long since given up any hope.

However, instead of doing this, it is better to give it a try. Although it may not succeed, you will definitely die if you wait like this.

So, she nodded and told Meng Fei that if there was anything he needed her to say or do, just tell her.

Meng Fei nodded with satisfaction, and then asked her: "Were you all made like this by that Zhi Niang?"

She nodded and followed Meng Fei's words and added: "And almost every one of us who is caught like this is a young girl. Without exception, she does this to suck away our vitality and vitality. vitality.”

"Yes." Meng Fei understood this, and then asked: "Then where is it usually hidden?"

The girl thought about it carefully, and then said to Meng Fei: "If I remember correctly and guess correctly, she shouldn't be here, because this is just her 'dining table'."

Meng Fei was a little surprised. Since he was not here, what was that smell like? Could it be that it was the smell coming from these human chrysalis? This was also inconsistent with what the bandits said.

Just when Meng Fei was about to activate his spirit-sniffing power again to make sure, he saw that the girl was continuing to think, and her two brows were even more tangled together.

Then, the girl suddenly understood something and said excitedly: "It's a secret passage! That's where it is!"

The girl frowned hard and blinked behind Meng Fei, as if she wanted to tell him something.

Meng Fei immediately turned around, which was the direction he came from, "Is there anything there?"

He didn't understand. After all, there was nothing else there except the stone wall when he came.

Then, the girl turned her attention to the huozhezi in Meng Fei's hand. Seeing that Meng Fei didn't understand what she meant, she continued to say to him: "When you came in there, did the huozhezi not light up?"

Meng Fei picked up the fire seal and took a look at it. He remembered that it was indeed like this when he was there. He nodded.

"That's right, because there are things there that you don't want people to see!" the girl said excitedly.

"In other words, there is a hidden mechanism there that will lead to another place?!" Meng Fei suddenly realized.

"Yes!" The girl also became excited.

"I understand." Meng Fei's eyes were firm, and then he came back to his senses and asked the girl, "Do you know how to save you?"

The girl shook her head helplessly. She couldn't say anything about this issue.

"Then there's nothing we can do. When I find Zhi Niang, there should be something I can do!"

After saying that, Meng Fei's figure disappeared from the spot, and only the light of Huo Zhezi could be seen getting farther and farther, and finally the fire disappeared at one location.

"Damn it, I can't see it again." Although he knew this would happen, Meng Fei couldn't help but cursed.

There was no other way, Meng Fei could only keep touching the surrounding area with his hands.

But this stone wall is inherently uneven. Who can know which depression or bulge is where the mechanism button is?

This was obviously not what the touch on his hands could tell him.


At this time, Meng Fei suddenly became wise and directly activated his spirit-sniffing power again.

It turned out to be a trap that only Zhi Niang could pass through, so she must have pressed this button a lot, and similarly, her scent must have been left on the button.

So, from touching with the palm of my hand, I changed directly to smelling it with my face close to the stone wall.

After sniffing here and there, Meng Fei finally stopped after some effort.

"right here!"

After a lot of tossing, Huangtian finally paid off, and Meng Fei finally found the finger-sized button.

So he stretched out his finger and pressed it. Sure enough, the stone wall in front of him suddenly trembled violently, and dust and gravel fell continuously.

After a while, a passage with faint light appeared in front of Meng Fei.

This passage is not small, actually bigger than when we came here before.

Although the passage is also a stone wall, it is covered with various spider webs.

This is not surprising, after all, the so-called Zhi Niang is nothing more than a spider spirit. Meng Fei had already expected this.

As for such a large passage, Meng Fei thought it was a hiding place.

The further you go inside, the wider it becomes. It feels like you are passing through a passage and then directly entering a large room.

Moreover, the number of spider webs nearby was also increasing, and Meng Fei understood that he was extremely close to Zhi Niang.

"This is?"

At this time, Meng Fei, who had been walking for a long time, suddenly stopped.

A huge white curtain appeared in front of him, and the material of this curtain was similar to the white silk thread of a human chrysalis that he had seen before. Even the smell was almost the same.

Presumably, behind this curtain is Zhi Niang.

So, Meng Fei stretched out a finger and quickly poked at the curtain, and a hole immediately appeared in the curtain.

Meng Fei looked inside along the hole.

Inside what was covered by the curtain, white heat was constantly steaming, making it somewhat obstructed.

But it can be vaguely seen that wrapped in white hot air, the limbs with extremely white and tender skin are constantly squirming inside. Sometimes the entire body is even directly exposed. Under the outline of the white air, the lines of the figure appear even more... Graceful.

However, Meng Fei only had murderous intentions in his head, because he knew clearly that it was Zhi Niang!

That's a spider spirit!

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