Beautiful mushrooms are poisonous, and beautiful flowers should be treated with caution.

Even though Meng Fei saw a "beautiful scene" now, it was not the case in his eyes.

To others, it was a tall and graceful woman who was bathing and taking care of her body.

But to Meng Fei, it was a huge spider with six legs that kept wriggling inside, which was extremely disgusting.


Without saying a word, Meng Fei kicked open the curtain in front of him, and the steaming hot air poured out like a gusher at this moment.

The weaver inside was startled, and then she saw Meng Fei who had broken in at some point. She immediately stood up and stood naked in front of Meng Fei.

"Who are you?" She asked without any scruples.

Even standing in front of Meng Fei like this, Meng Fei was indifferent. Under the blessing of the spiritual eye, the spring scenery was nothing but a disgusting and evil posture.

"I'm here to kill you." Meng Fei said directly, and his aura suddenly burst out.

"What a big tone!"

Let alone the weaver girl, anyone who comes here and hears this sentence "I'm here to kill you" will definitely be furious.

The weaver girl was erect, but still did not show her true form, but attacked Meng Fei in the form of a human, and she was still naked.

Meng Fei was not curious about such a habit, after all, monsters don't wear clothes, so it's nothing.

At this time, the weaver girl stretched out her hands, and then countless spider threads appeared from her palms and attacked Meng Fei continuously.

Meng Fei was a little confused for a while, looking at those spider threads, he thought he was fighting with Spider-Man.

But let's put aside the idea of ​​​​joking for now, and see that the spider threads are like knives, fiercely cutting everything around.

Whether it is a stone wall or something, it almost breaks at a touch! You can see its power!

Meng Fei is naturally not to be underestimated, dodging here at a very fast speed.

At first he said this place was very big, but now it seems very small, and Meng Fei's dodge seems a little powerless.

"A very strong monster!"

Meng Fei stopped and glanced at the horrifying scar on his shoulder, and sighed.

But a big monster may not be his opponent. Even at this time, Meng Fei carefully recalled the monsters and ghosts he had encountered recently.

He found that their strength was getting stronger and stronger, from the small monsters at the beginning to the big monsters now, and they were still chasing the yellow paper. Does this mean that they are approaching the next yellow paper?


Another dangerous blow suddenly passed by Meng Fei's face, and Meng Fei even held his breath at that moment.

He immediately came to his senses and realized that he was still in the battle.

So, Meng Fei stopped dodging blindly, but changed his posture and pretended to attack.

At this time, Meng Fei also glanced at the arm that was injured before, and found that his recovery ability had become stronger again. He sighed slightly, and then he exerted force, and his muscles immediately swelled.

Meng Fei exerted force on his feet, and almost in the blink of an eye, he came to Zhi Niang.


Seeing that Meng Fei's face was already in front of her, Zhi Niang was immediately shocked. She originally thought that she had always had the upper hand and prevented Meng Fei from moving forward, but she found that she was overthinking.

"I'm fine after eating you, but I don't know if you can withstand my blow!"

Meng Fei shouted loudly, and then punched directly with a residual image.

At that moment, Zhi Niang only saw that the man in front of her actually had three hands, and then he was violently knocked to the stone wall behind, and even embedded directly into the stone wall.


However, this blow did not kill her. She screamed in pain and anger, and her long hair was flying wildly like a witch.

Then, her body also expanded little by little, and even her skin was changing, from white and delicate skin to a black shell with coarse hair. More limbs emerged from her body, and the limbs were also covered with black hair.

Although the blow did not directly kill it, it showed its true form.

At this time, a huge spider fell off the stone wall and roared violently at Meng Fei.

The roar also rolled up huge dust and wind. Meng Fei couldn't help but tilt his head and let his hair stand up.

"It's really annoying."

However, facing the spider spirit's demonstration, Meng Fei just complained impatiently.

Seeing his reaction, the spider spirit was even more furious.

But she knew Meng Fei was not an ordinary person after learning from the previous experience, so she became more careful.

First, she spit out a large net on Meng Fei's head.

Then she spit out a mouthful of mucus at Meng Fei.

Meng Fei didn't even have to think about it, it must be poisonous.

So in a dilemma, Meng Fei dodged to the side and chose to avoid the slime.

But if he avoided the slime, he would face the problem that the big net could not be avoided, so the big net fell.

Meng Fei was completely covered by the big net. Meng Fei wanted to tear the big net with great force, but found that the net was actually soft.

The strong are afraid of the soft.

In this situation, Meng Fei couldn't help but laugh at himself.

But this does not mean that there is no way. Meng Fei grabbed two similar silk threads in the big net and then stretched them open with force.

Until one person could pass through, Meng Fei exerted force on his feet and rushed out when the opportunity arose.

"It's useless!" Meng Fei shouted at the spider spirit with great sarcasm.

The spider spirit naturally did not give up, but she had used up all her tricks, and now she could only fight with it in hand-to-hand combat.

However, when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, although she is a monster, she is completely incomparable to the human in front of her. The human's body is simply too terrible.

So, without a doubt, Meng Fei subdued it in two moves.

But he did not kill it immediately. Meng Fei had one last thing to tell her, "Let the person go!"

"Go if you have the ability!"

Hearing Meng Fei's words, she suddenly became excited, and then her body began to swell again.

"Not good!"

Meng Fei realized that this guy wanted to die with him, and he didn't know whether the explosion would affect the entire cave.

So, Meng Fei forcibly hugged the spider spirit's body with his body.


The huge explosion shook the entire cave.

Debris also fell from the stone wall.

"Damn! She was blown to death!"

Meng Fei, who had just resurrected, seemed not very satisfied with his physical strength, and he could not resist the self-explosion of the spider spirit.

But now is not the time to talk about these things. Seeing that the cave was still greatly affected, Meng Fei rushed to the place where the human pupae were placed.

However, when Meng Fei was worrying about how to take them out, he found that the human pupae were almost free again, but the essence and vitality that were sucked away could never come back.

Meng Fei realized that the spider spirit exploded because she heard Meng Fei suddenly mention the human pupae, and as long as she died, the human pupae would be released from control, so she simply wanted to die with Meng Fei!


Meng Fei hurriedly shouted at them who were released from control.

However, some people chose to give up because they lost too much vitality and planned to die here.

Meng Fei did not stop such behavior. He gave them a chance. As for life or death, it was left to them to decide for themselves.

"Big brother! You really succeeded! Thank you!"

Suddenly, a girl who was still energetic shook Meng Fei's arm excitedly.

"It's you!"

Meng Fei recognized her. It was the girl who provided him with clues before. Meng Fei touched her head and urged: "Hurry up and go!"

"Then can we meet again?" The girl kept looking back and asking Meng Fei while running, her face full of anxiety.

Meng Fei was stunned for a moment, and then shouted to her: "What's your name?"

The girl was overjoyed and said: "My name is Yu Xixi, I live in Jiangbei! What about you?!"

"Meng Fei! The world is my home!"

Finally, Meng Fei waved his arms at her.

Finally, after everyone escaped, Meng Fei came out to clean up the bandits.

However, it was not as he foresaw in advance. These guys really ran away a long time ago.

But it's okay. Meng Fei plans to let Gu Liu set up a formation here. Once they dare to come back, they will die!

The matter here was finally resolved.

Meng Fei returned to the village soon.

Here, Gu Liu and his companions also easily dealt with several bandits who wanted to cause trouble earlier.

Afterwards, as the villagers came to see them off after hearing the news, they finally left here.

On the tall plaque, the words "Xucheng" were written.

This is also where the group is currently.

The few people who were eating heard the discussion on the nearby table.

"Have you heard? It is said that a hero who punishes evil appeared from Shuangya Mountain! It is said that his name is Meng Fei!"

"Shuangya Mountain? Isn't that a place where bandits are rampant? Hey? It seems that I haven't heard about it for a long time?"

"Yes, I heard that it was directly pacified by that hero!"

"Then how did this spread?"

"It is said that the women who were abducted by the bandits were rescued by the hero, so they began to spread the news."


Hearing this, Meng Fei couldn't help but choked on the white water.

"Haha, Meng Fei, now you are famous!" Gu Liu laughed on the side.

"Fortunately, few people know what you look like! Otherwise, it would be terrible!" The big yellow dog echoed.

"Come on, stop talking nonsense. I'm in a big trouble now." Meng Fei looked helpless.


Everyone in the group laughed.

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