The game bell has rung, but Meng Fei is alone at this time.

There is no strange situation in front of him.

Meng Fei sighed helplessly. Perhaps his situation is really a bit special, so now he may really have to sit here and wait for the arrival of the so-called "heart demon".

In short, waiting is also tormenting. Meng Fei adjusted his mentality and did not let himself get upset.

After all, he was worried about the situation of others now, but he believed Gu Liu's words that as long as no one died, everything would be fine.

Obviously, he had nothing to do here at the moment, and Meng Fei even began to guess what the other people would face.


"Where is this?"

On the other side, Xu Zhengyi, who was dragged away by an unknown strange force, was looking at his vicinity with a confused face.

However, he should have been in the red mountain full of red stones, but at this moment he found that the surroundings were not like this.

There was no red stone, nor any figure of Meng Fei and others, only him alone, and a farmhouse in front of him.

Although he was still young, Xu Zhengyi was extremely calm at this moment because he had experienced a lot of ups and downs.

He stared blankly at the farmhouse in front of him, a little absent-minded.

At this moment, a boy appeared.

He pushed open the door of the hut, his face was covered with dust, and he looked very embarrassed. At this time, he rolled out of the house in a panic.

"You useless! You can't even do this!"

Then came out a woman with an extremely fierce look. She was holding a bent bramble in her hand, and even her hand was trembling slightly as she cursed the boy.

"It's my fault, I'm useless, I will definitely steal money to treat my father's illness this time!" The dejected boy answered while she was crying and trembling.


There was a sound of a bramble hitting the ground, and the boy was shaken violently, and then he heard the woman's scolding again: "Go! You useless!"

"Yes, yes!" The boy answered quickly.

Then, the boy seemed to be injured, and he staggered and fell to the ground.

"You're going to die, you useless bastard!" Unexpectedly, the woman became even more irritable when she saw this, and kicked the boy directly.

The boy screamed in pain, and the woman didn't seem to want to toss him around, and she scolded and urged him while returning to the house.

But the boy still couldn't get up, and he really needed someone to pull him up at this time.

Seeing these scenes, Xu Zhengyi couldn't help but feel a little confused, but the only thing that kept him clear in his mind was the words of Brother Meng Fei and Gu Liu, which kept reminding him in his mind that he must not get angry. Although the scene just now touched him a little, he always remained rational.

But relying on his body's instinct, he stepped forward and helped the poor boy up.

However, this help made Xu Zhengyi stunned.

"What is this face?!"

Xu Zhengyi's eyes suddenly became wet.

Maybe it was because he was far away from the boy, and because of the thick dust on the boy's face, he didn't realize that the boy looked exactly like his brother!

His eyes were stunned for a moment.

"Thank you, what's wrong with you?"

The boy who was helped up thanked Xu Zhengyi, and at the same time, he was a little puzzled when he saw Xu Zhengyi's strange behavior.

"Brother... no, you..." Xu Zhengyi was a little speechless for a while, he didn't know what to say now.

"What's your name?" After a little entanglement, Xu Zhengyi finally asked such a question.

The boy showed a far-fetched smile, and while hurriedly getting up, he said to him: "My name is Li Zhengxin, I won't say anything, I have to go to work, otherwise I will be beaten again."

The boy named Li Zhengxin showed an ugly look on his face, and then hurriedly told Xu Zhengyi his name, subconsciously looked back, and then immediately got up and walked towards the place near the hut.


But Xu Zhengyi was stunned again when he heard this name. Although the surnames were different, the names were the same and the appearance was the same.

Is this his test?

So, Xu Zhengyi looked at Li Zhengxin's leaving figure and immediately followed him.

He followed him quietly without disturbing Li Zhengxin's every move. Even though he knew that all this was a false illusion of Hongshan, Xu Zhengyi still wanted to see it. He wanted to stay for a while and take another look at that face, as if his brother really came back.

I saw Li Zhengxin secretly came to a family. The family seemed to have something and just came out of the house.

Li Zhengxin hid aside. After they left here completely, he sneaked into the house like a mouse. However, after searching for a while, he did not find many valuable things.

He was a little disappointed, and there was even some fear in his eyes. It seemed that every household was very cautious because of his existence, and things were naturally not so easy to steal.

"Damn you little brat! Here we go again!"

However, what was even more unfortunate was that someone in the family suddenly came back as if they had forgotten to bring something, and was caught by Li Zhengxin.

Later, Li Zhengxin couldn't escape because of his original injuries. He was caught by the owner of the house, who picked up a wooden stick and hit Li Zhengxin with random blows.

Li Zhengxin's expression was extremely painful and fearful. At the same time, he clenched his teeth tightly and clenched the stolen things tightly with his hands.

Seeing this scene, Xu Zhengyi could no longer suppress his anger.

Seeing his hands holding things tightly, Xu Zhengyi was a little confused.

Could it be that for Li Zhengxin, the fear brought by his family is more severe than the blow at this time?

"The power of earth - tremor!"

As Xu Zhengyi danced with his sword, the surrounding ground began to tremble.

The man who was beating Li Zhengxin with a wooden stick was also unsteady, and because he was worried that the tremor would affect his family, he put down the stick and ran out.

Xu Zhengyi then came to Li Zhengxin.

When Li Zhengxin saw him, he forced a forced smile on his bruised face, and said in a vague voice with trembling lips: "It's you again, did you save me this time? Thank you, why did you help me like this? Just brothers..."

After saying this, he completely passed out.

The corners of Xu Zhengyi's eyes were completely wet. He failed.

He was so angry now that he even wanted to go back to Li Zhengxin's house right away, and then tear down that damn hut with a sword!

But in this case, in reality, he will not continue to move forward. He cannot pass the red mountain. This is his most important thing.

Looking in front of him, Xu Zhengyi was filled with dismay.

He was obviously angry, but the game was not over. On the contrary, everything was still going on.

Is Hongshan still waiting? Are you still waiting for his final decision?

But which choice is the right one?

He doesn't understand.

At this moment, he felt a grip on his arm.

It was Li Zhengxin, he woke up again.

"Can you help me? Thank you."

However, these were the first words he said when he woke up.

Xu Zhengyi did not refuse and gently helped him up.

"Did you do the earthquake just now?" he asked suddenly.

Xu Zhengyi was also stunned for a moment, and then nodded without denying.

Li Zhengxin suddenly became excited, grabbed Xu Zhengyi's hands and begged: "Then you must be no ordinary person. Can you take me out of here?!"


Xu Zhengyi was a little overwhelmed by this sudden request, and then he smiled in realization.

This is a choice, a choice given to him. There is often more than one way to solve a problem, and blindly punishing him will not end.

Just like back then, if the two brothers could escape from that extremely cold environment, there wouldn't be so many sad things happening.

"I see."

At this moment, the anger in Xu Zhengyi's heart subsided, and he stood up and carried Li Zhengxin, who was unable to move forward due to his injury.

He carried Li Zhengxin on his back and kept moving forward.

On the way, a small breeze blew, which was very cool and pleasant. Xu Zhengyi, bathing in the wind, thought of many memories about his brother.

It was an icy and snowy night, and I still remember lying on the wooden board, with only a hunched figure in my eyes, dragging him forward...

Slowly, the pictures in the memory disappeared bit by bit, and all the surrounding scenes were also disappearing.

Waiting for the world to change, another figure appeared in front of Xu Zhengyi.

Although he was also alone, he was mostly lying there bored.

"Brother Meng Fei!"

This call made Meng Fei, who was bored, finally excited.

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