Hear Xu Zhengyi's call.

Meng Fei immediately stood up excitedly.

“I didn’t expect that justice would pass first.”

Meng Fei was a little surprised, and at the same time he also noticed the tears in the corners of Xu Zhengyi's eyes.

So, he came to Xu Zhengyi, gently stroked his head and said softly: "Thank you for your hard work, Zhengyi."

"Nothing." Xu Zhengyi tried his best to smile.

"His grandma's kiss, I am so strong? What kind of inner demons can I have?!"

And on the other side.

The big yellow dog, which seemed to be a little bigger, was wandering aimlessly in a plain-like place with a look of disbelief.

It kept looking around, and really didn't know what could be around here.

I walked around for more than half a circle and didn't notice anything.

As a result, there was nothing but confusion in its head.

"What inner demons can this uncle have?!"

Regarding this phenomenon, Big Yellow Dog could only comfort himself in this way.

However, the more peaceful it is, the more it makes the dog uneasy.

It also understands the calm before the storm.

"Damn! If nothing happens, I will go to bed first!"

Unexpectedly, the big yellow dog couldn't bear it anymore and acted rogue, lying on its back on the ground.

Not to mention, on this small plain, the sun is not too strong, and there is also a slight breeze. It is really enjoyable to lie like this.

This even made the big yellow dog forget what he was supposed to do for a while, and his face showed an unabashed expression of comfort and joy.

"what sound?"

However, not long after it lay there, there was the sound of someone moving nearby.

The sound of feet stepping on the grass kept getting closer to it.

The big yellow dog immediately stood up. After lying down for a while, it couldn't help but feel a little dizzy, but it quickly adjusted itself.

Looking at the black figure approaching slowly not far away.

It sniffed subconsciously.

It turned out that the figure had no smell at all.

It's like, it's really just a figure.

However, the clearly visible body outline and normal walking movements were approaching it step by step.

Naturally, the big yellow dog would not regard it as some weird creature that came with good intentions. This should be its test. Thinking of this, it even breathed a sigh of relief.

"His grandma's is finally here!"

Like a stone blocking his chest, he said this sentence with great relief.

"But what the hell is this?"

The big yellow dog looked at the figure that could be seen clearly, and it couldn't help but be confused.

The man was completely black and had no facial features, just like a human figure drawn based on the outline of a normal person.

But he actually stood in front of it.

"However, something feels a bit familiar?"

It wasn't that he didn't feel anything at all. The big yellow dog couldn't help but feel a little familiar when he looked at the shadow man.

But there are no facial features, a black body, and even no smell. So what other characteristics can give it a sense of familiarity in this situation?

So, the big yellow dog also walked in front of him. Since it was supported by four legs, even though its body was longer, it still had to look up at the head of the shadow man.

And it was this feeling that the big yellow dog looked from the soles of its feet to the top of the man's head. This distance was the real reason for its familiarity!

"Meng Fei?"

It said in disbelief.

Because although there are no other features, the height is still impressive.

The height of this shadow man is exactly the same as Meng Fei.

"Is it possible that my inner demon is related to that guy?" Even the big yellow dog himself was a little skeptical.

Although it is true that I have always been afraid of Meng Fei, since we have been together for so long, we are like companions, so we should not have such a problem, right?

The big yellow dog was really confused, but the next moment it understood again.

Just when it was thinking, the shadow man made a fist that it was all too familiar with and suddenly hit its chin.

"You actually attacked me secretly!"

The big yellow dog, which was knocked away by the unprepared punch, started to curse loudly in the air.


After the big yellow dog made several moves in the air and landed smoothly, it spit out a ball of bloody saliva from its mouth.

Then, it said with a look of disdain: "I'm sure this is what Meng Fei did, and this sneak attack with dirty tricks is clearly his own!"


Somewhere, a person sneezed, and then had a look of confusion on his face.

The big yellow dog was immediately ready to attack. Since it was Meng Fei, he really had the ability to fight.

But that attack just now did seem to irritate it a little bit. After all, he punched it in the chin with a fist.

This reminded the big yellow dog of what happened in Wugong City. At that time, it used the special skill of Tengu, but Meng Fei took advantage of his strength and punched it from the chin. It was hit so hard that it can no longer transform into a human form.

That punch still hurts even now when I think about it.

"Come on, I am not a vegetarian either!"

The big yellow dog got more and more angry as he thought about it, so he kept yelling at the shadow man. However, the person opposite seemed to have no emotions and just looked at it coldly.

Then, the man stood up again, very fast, and the wind of his fists directly brought waves of terrible air-breaking sounds.

However, what made the big yellow dog even more worried was that the target of this punch was actually its chin.

The big yellow dog subconsciously protected its chin, and then dodged to the side.

"Is it over yet?!"

The big yellow dog was a little bit overwhelmed, and then moved two steps to a safe position.

At this time, it opened its ferocious mouth, and a small vortex instantly formed in front of its mouth.

"Heavenly dog!"

The big yellow dog used this move again, wanting to use this move to deal with Meng Fei, who had defeated him before.

Not far in front of him, the black shadow man also made the same move as Meng Fei did at the beginning.

He was preparing to use the force to fight the force!

The big yellow dog's eyes froze, and he really felt fear in his heart, and even extremely violent turbulence.

Seeing the black shadow man getting closer and closer to him, the big yellow dog couldn't help but panic, and even rushed to attack his heart, which was gradually turning into anger.

"Calm down!"

Suddenly, these two words sounded like drums in its heart, shaking its soul and calming it down at the same time.

"There must be a way!"

Suppressing the ups and downs in its heart, the big yellow dog seemed to have awakened. It was usually irritable, but it finally learned to calm down at this moment.

Because the reason why the two words "calm down" came to its mind was because of Meng Fei.

It recalled in an instant that when he first used this move of the Tengu, Meng Fei was also helpless for a while.

In the end, it was also with its strong psychological quality that it realized to use the force to fight the force, and finally solved itself.

What about itself?

Why not calm down too?

At this time, the big yellow dog seemed to have entered another realm.

"Since you want to use my power to hit me, let you bite back!"

"Secret Technique - Tengu Heart!"

With two powerful calls, the vortex in the big yellow dog's mouth suddenly reversed direction.

The power originally inhaled became a pouring out.

This also disrupted the rhythm of the shadow man's use of force, and even caused his body to fly to the side due to the imbalance of power.

Of course, the burden on the big yellow dog from such a forced change of power cannot be underestimated.

However, after seeing the shadow man flying away, the exhausted dog showed a very satisfied smile on his face.

This is enough.


At this moment, the surrounding scenery began to change.

Two figures, one large and one small, appeared in front of it.

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