"Isn't this Xu Zhengyi?"

Seeing two figures, the big yellow dog only uttered Xu Zhengyi's name.

"What's wrong? Am I not a person?" Meng Fei seemed to have noticed something was wrong, so he asked.

"Ahem... Nothing, nothing..." The big yellow dog's voice was a little awkward, perhaps it had not recovered from the state just now.

So it was still a little difficult for it to accept Meng Fei now...


"Where is this?"

The scene came to Gu Liu.

He came to a strange place, but after walking for a while, it was not so strange to him.

"Is it the back door of Xuanzhen?"

He looked at the front with an incredible face, but soon understood that these must be illusions created by Hongshan for him.

This is naturally beyond doubt.

And it is certain that since the matter is in Xuanzhen, it should be related to his cultivation, which has indeed been bothering him for a long time and is a problem he cares about very much.

And when he thought he understood what he would face, Gu Liu felt confident.

He thought he should be able to pass this level easily.

However, when he walked into the room, everything seemed different, and the story did not seem to be what he thought.

"Xiaowu! Come here!"

In the room, a majestic voice ordered him to enter the room.

And that familiar voice made Gu Liu's heart tremble. It was none other than his master's voice.

Unexpectedly, he could still meet his master at this time. Although he knew it was not true, Gu Liu still entered the room with a trace of curiosity and excitement.

This room is a school, and the lectures on weekdays are almost all here.

And on the high platform in the school is the person that several of their brothers and sisters have to respect, that is, their master.


Gu Liu walked forward and saw the master. Naturally, his body moved habitually and knelt down to him.

As the saying goes, meeting is like meeting a person. Although this is not the real master, the master's appearance is in front of him, and he still has to respect him very much.

"Get up."

The master looked like an immortal, wearing a white robe and a long wool beard, giving people a sense of transcendence.

But in fact, the strength under this body is not so strong that it is unbelievable, and it is even not as strong as those powerful disciples. However, the master does not have to be stronger than the disciple, and the disciple does not have to be weaker than the master. This principle is clear.

His lectures and teachings rely on his rich experience.

"Xiao Wu, Master did something wrong in this life. Do you know what it is?"

Who knew that this master called Gu Liu, but did not talk about the problem of his not being very advanced in cultivation, but instead chatted with him. He couldn't help but feel a little confused.

This seems to be different from what he had imagined before.

But since he came, he would make the best of it. Gu Liu would naturally answer his questions.

The embarrassing thing is that Gu Liu didn't seem to have any idea about this question, so he could only shake his head helplessly and said, "Master, I don't know."

"Haha..." Hearing his extremely honest answer, the master also laughed, while holding his beard, his eyes immediately turned into melancholy, and he said to Gu Liu leisurely: "The master's fault is that I told Changfeng too many things that shouldn't be told to him."

"You mean..." Hearing the name of the eldest brother, Gu Liu instantly understood what the master meant.

The reason why the master blamed himself was most likely that he told the eldest brother too much, which led to his unique ideas about the world, and thus led to his fall.

No matter what, the master always treated his apprentice as his own child. How could an elder not feel pain when his beloved child died?

"Master, I believe that everyone is born with a mission. The mission of the eldest brother is like this. No one can change it. Just like each of us, we have an inescapable fate. In fact, everything is destined. We don't need to worry too much." Gu Liu comforted his master. At that moment, it seemed as if he was the elder one.

After listening to his words, the master showed a very gratified expression, "I didn't expect it, Xiaowu, you have understood so many truths."

"No, no." Gu Liu was a little embarrassed. Those words suddenly came out, like water poured out, and they couldn't be taken back, which made Gu Liu a little embarrassed.

"Yes, everything is destined, but is it really meaningful?" The light in the master's eyes suddenly disappeared, as if the world was dim.

"Master?" Gu Liu didn't know what to say.

"What confuses you?" Faced with such a scene, Gu Liu had to ask his master like this.

After hearing his question, the master closed his eyes and thought quietly for a while. Finally, his lips moved slightly and he said, "Since Changfeng died, I have been wondering if his existence has any meaning. And I am thinking, if even the existence of a person like him has no meaning, then what is the meaning of our existence?"

Hearing the master's words, to be honest, Gu Liu suddenly felt a little annoyed.

Is such a statement denying everything that the eldest brother has done? Even including his death? Even including the efforts made by every living person.

But Gu Liu calmed down and remembered an important question, that is, there was a reason why the master said such words.

After all, from the beginning to the end, he did not understand what the senior brother Li Changfeng was pursuing, so the master naturally did not understand Li Changfeng's greatness.

"Master, what you don't know is that just like wanting to build a protective wall that can protect the human race for thousands of years, to achieve such a great feat, it is naturally not something that can be accomplished by one person, or even more than one generation. Obviously, this requires the joint efforts of multiple generations, and even forever unity, to achieve a great feat. We, the Taoist priests who exorcise evil spirits, and even those exorcists, are the same people. We are working together and looking forward to one day, someone can ignore all dangers and laugh loudly on the hillside, and that doesn't have to be us."

After thinking for a long time, Gu Liu spit out all his inner thoughts. This is also a passage full of determination, and Gu Liu's sincere emotions are all in it.

"It's not necessarily us who are laughing loudly on the hillside! Good, well said!" The master laughed, a very relieved laugh, as if a stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

"Is this your enlightenment? Xiaowu, I really underestimated you."

The master finally stroked Gu Liu's head with his palm.

At the same time, all the surrounding scenes were constantly collapsing.

Finally, what appeared in front of Gu Liu was, needless to say.

One big, one small and one dog.

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