"Great, you're all here!"

Seeing everyone gathered together, Gu Liu couldn't hide his excitement.

"Everyone has passed. It's great. You can move on!" Gu Liu quickly packed up his things and looked like he was about to move on.

"Don't get excited, this guy hasn't even reacted yet!"

I saw the big yellow dog lying lazily on the ground, and pointed in the direction of Meng Fei with its paw.

Gu Liu's face immediately showed the word "disbelief" and said: "You haven't responded yet?"

Meng Fei looked even more helpless, and Gu Liu turned around and saw the big yellow dog lying leisurely, knowing that it was also bored and panicked.

It seemed that they had no idea, so Fa was the only one waiting for him silently here.

“Are there really people who don’t have inner demons?”

Gu Liudu was a little stunned and said, to be honest, he really didn't expect why Meng Fei didn't react at all.

"have no idea."

Meng Fei shook his head helplessly. He had thought a lot about this issue during this period of time.

If we really want to talk about whether he has inner demons, Meng Fei thinks that there should be more or less, after all, he has come to this strange world, although here because of the existence of the resurrection system, there is really nothing to be afraid of.

However, this does not mean that he is not concerned, looking at the people in front of him.

Gu Liu.

Xu Zhengyi.

And the big yellow dog.

To put it bluntly, since they have been together for so long, they already have extremely deep emotions.

However, even though Meng Fei is now very powerful, he still worries from time to time about what will happen to his friends around him.

The sky has unforeseen circumstances, and people have misfortunes and blessings.

Many things are simply beyond his control. All he can control is the enemy in front of him and his own tenacious life.

But what about the people around him?

This is an issue worthy of his attention. Meng Fei even thinks that sooner or later, he should separate from these companions, because the road ahead is becoming increasingly difficult, full of thorns and unknowns, as well as dangers that are difficult to predict or even prevent.

Meng Fei is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of implicating the people around him.

So during this period, Meng Fei was also thinking about whether it was time to make a firm decision.

Should they separate? Maybe he should face this long journey alone.

Perhaps Gu Liu would insist on joining him. After all, what Meng Fei did was almost the same as Gu Liu's pursuit. But for others, there was no need to wade into this muddy water.

And this will involve another question, that is, whether their safety can be guaranteed after leaving Meng Fei, which will always affect Meng Fei's heart.

This seems to have become a deadlock, yes and no, Meng Fei's current situation is extremely difficult.

If you really want to say that he has inner demons, then it should be like this.

This was indeed troubling his soul, but if he narrowed his gaze a little and looked more in front of him, Meng Fei knew that now was also extremely important.

But anyway, let’s live well now.

Meng Fei glanced at several people quietly, and was very quiet, so he was not noticed by them.

If it was just because he thought clearly that he did not encounter the test of inner demons, Meng Fei still felt that this did not seem to make sense.

"Why don't we try walking first?" Gu Liu suggested.

Maybe Meng Fei really ignored everything here, that's certainly possible.

"Well... you can try it."

Meng Fei nodded in agreement.

Everyone stood up immediately, especially the big yellow dog, who seemed to be impatient. Now when he heard that he was leaving, he immediately became restless as if he had been shot.

"Let's go!" The big yellow dog was extremely excited.

Then, a few people really started to march.

Just like in the past, there is nothing special, just keep taking steps in the forward direction.

However, the strange thing is that Meng Fei was still not affected in any way.

So they didn't bother to care anymore and kept walking.

"Ha, I seem to have remembered something?!"

At this moment, Meng Fei's eyes suddenly lit up as he kept reminiscing in his head while walking, as if he remembered something very important.


Gu Liu and the others looked at each other in disbelief almost at the same time, and at the same time, there was infinite expectation in their eyes.

It was obvious that they also wanted to get a definite answer.

But Meng Fei blinked his eyes, then showed a joking smile and said: "It's nothing...hehe!"

"Are you making trouble?!"

Everyone immediately looked at him with disgust, hitting him like cold arrows.

And Meng Fei's expression suddenly became serious, it was definitely not what he said.

How could there be nothing? He remembered something extremely important.

And that incident was the main reason that affected him now.

It was when he was at the fox demon's place that Meng Fei gave his body the ability to ignore control.

If people want to enter its territory on the Red Mountain, they must be controlled and pulled into it, but unfortunately, Meng Fei ignores these controls.

Therefore, this is the real reason why he did not react. It is not that he really has no inner demons to speak of, but that he will not be affected by Hongshan at all.

It's a pity that he had been thinking about what happened before, and it turned out to be this reason.

Thinking of this, Meng Fei couldn't help but laugh at himself. Everyone looked at him in confusion again, but he still didn't explain anything, just asked everyone to keep going.

No one cared much, after all, Meng Fei had been trustworthy for so long, and anyone could have some problems, but he was unlikely to do so.

At the same time, since nothing happened, it was naturally the best.

Everyone understood this truth, so they all kept it tacitly.

Even the young Xu Zhengyi understood these truths and walked honestly.

Time passed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, they were not far from going down the mountain, and it was getting late, so they thought about resting here for a night.

After observing the surroundings, they found that this red mountain, the red stone mountain, was not bad, and it was a good place to rest.

So they all agreed to stop here and continue tomorrow.


However, just when everyone had almost packed up and were ready to rest, the big yellow dog suddenly barked restlessly.

"What are you barking for?"

Meng Fei hurried forward and kicked its butt.

The big yellow dog was a little angry, but perhaps because what it found was too weird, it ignored it directly, and then said to Meng Fei very seriously:

"I just accidentally smelled a very strong smell approaching!"

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