Looking at the serious look of the big yellow dog, it doesn't seem like he's joking.

Meng Fei and the others became nervous.

He hurried forward and immediately released his olfactory power, observing the situation with his nose like the big yellow dog to determine the details of the visitor.

However, this sniff made Meng Fei's two eyebrows twist together.

Everyone saw this scene and understood that the visitor was definitely not someone who could be underestimated.

"What is it?"

Gu Liu asked with great concern behind him. Seeing their actions, he couldn't help but panic.

He didn't know what it was that made the two strongest people so nervous. How could he not worry?

Meng Fei's face suddenly became uglier. He seemed to have just confirmed some facts, and it was extremely serious. Meng Fei's eyes were immediately full of panic.

He ordered several people at the same time: "Gu Liu, no, Huang Gou! Take them away! The farther the better!"

"I know without you telling me!"

The big yellow dog seemed to know the seriousness of the matter, so it immediately doubled its size again, and then rushed to Gu Liu and the others, and threw Gu Liu and Xu Zhengyi on its back.

"Wait, what's going on?"

Gu Liu, who was thrown on the dog's back, was even more confused, while Xu Zhengyi was obedient, because he thought that he just needed to listen to Meng Fei.

As for Gu Liu's question, Meng Fei also said seriously: "This is the real 'heart demon', a guy who is stronger than me!"

"What?" Gu Liu's face was full of disbelief, and then he thought of the previous Fenggui Village.

"Is it that guy?! The Earth Yaksha is here!"

Gu Liu suddenly realized, and at the same time he understood everything in an instant. He no longer doubted and grabbed Xu Zhengyi's hand, and then supported the huge dog hair on the big yellow dog's back.

Before leaving, the big yellow dog looked back at Meng Fei, and everything was self-explanatory.

"Don't worry, it should be coming for me. Even if it's not, I will stop it!"

Meng Fei patted his chest and showed a confident smile on his face.


The big yellow dog nodded to him, then lay down, and then suddenly kicked back, carrying a huge dust, the big yellow dog and several people disappeared in an instant.

Watching them disappear from his sight, Meng Fei was relieved.

Turning his head.

Wherever he looked, a hideous monster suddenly appeared.

The monster was weird all over, as if transparent but clearly visible everywhere, with a head like a human, but no clear facial features, and only a few holes flashing with strange light on the head.

The whole body is three meters long, and it floats about one meter above the ground. The whole body is like a seaweed that keeps swaying in the water, piled up and overlapping, and it is hard to tell which is the hand and which is the foot, or in other words, these are all its tentacles.

"What kind of despicable look is this?"

Seeing this scene, Meng Fei couldn't help but complain.

However, it must be said that for people who have not seen ghosts, such a look is still very oppressive.

But for Meng Fei, one is that he has seen a lot, and the other is that he is not afraid of death, so there is no sense of oppression.

Hearing Meng Fei's words, its body moved slightly, and Meng Fei subconsciously raised his eyebrows, but seeing that it did not continue to move, it seemed that it was not too angry about his evaluation.

On the contrary, it began to look at Meng Fei, and then it actually spoke.

It was facing Meng Fei, and it was unclear which part of its head was moving. It only heard a voice, "It's you, kid. You are really strong and should not be underestimated."

"Speaking?" Perhaps because of its exaggerated appearance, Meng Fei even thought that it should be the kind of person with explosive combat power but could not speak.

Of course, this was all a joke, so Meng Fei naturally became very serious and replied, "So you still want to kill me?"

"Hahaha!" Who knew that after hearing Meng Fei's words, the guy actually laughed, and the laughter was extremely strange, but the strangest thing was the head that could not find the source of the sound.

After a burst of laughter, the seaweed-like tentacles on its body began to dance wildly, spinning in the air with gusts of wind and dust.

Then, it said presumptuously: "No matter how strong it is, how can a mere human be my opponent?!"

After this sound, it finally started to move, took the initiative to attack, and vowed to catch Meng Fei off guard!

However, Meng Fei was not a vegetarian.

Although there is indeed a gap in strength between Meng Fei and it, it does not have much impact. As long as Meng Fei can be killed, Meng Fei can beat it.

This is really something that anyone who hears it will be stunned, but the fact is that the more he wants to kill Meng Fei, the more excited Meng Fei is.


However, a move fell, but was directly dodged by Meng Fei.

"The previous move was just a test!"

"I know!"

Meng Fei confronted it.

And they both understood each other that the previous move was just a test, and Meng Fei also understood that even if he was hit, he would not die, but would end up half crippled.

For him, no matter what kind of injury he suffered, it was not as good as direct death, so such an injury had no meaning for him. It was more reasonable to dodge it, after all, it was more conducive to the subsequent battle.


The kelp body of the monster danced wildly again, and this time the attack became more violent.

I saw those kelp tentacles, directly attacking indiscriminately everywhere like long swords, madly attacking almost all areas where Meng Fei could move.

This left Meng Fei no room to dodge, and he could only resist!

So he had to use his fists to hard-block every kelp tentacle that came in front of him.

The impact of the gap in strength was huge. The kelp tentacles scraped his arms like sharp knives, making him scream in pain.

Even the movement of his body was slowing down little by little.

Being on the top of the Red Mountain, the surrounding red stone walls were scraped by the kelp tentacles, and red gravel fell everywhere.

The broken stones also kept hitting Meng Fei's body. Although the power was relatively small, it was like countless ants crawling on his body, torturing Meng Fei's skin beyond measure.

At this moment, under the extremely fast and powerful attacks, the self-healing ability seemed so pale and powerless.

However, for Meng Fei, what was even more desperate was that under such injuries, he had not died yet with his tenacious vitality.

This was undoubtedly the real torture for him!

"Damn it! You, damn it, dare you kill me directly!"

Meng Fei used all his strength just to shout out this heartfelt words that relieved his anger.

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