
At this time, the guy's movements slowed down for several beats.

After hearing Meng Fei's words, to be honest, it was a little confused.

Then, it laughed strangely, even laughed wildly, and mocked Meng Fei: "In all these years, I have never seen such an unreasonable request!"

It was like listening to a joke. After all, in the past, every enemy who was suppressed by him would kneel down and beg for mercy, or even pray to God, just to survive.

However, today, what was in front of me was a completely different scene.

There are actually people who want to die in front of me?

How can I not satisfy such a request?

"Stop talking nonsense! Don't you dare?!"

Seeing its hesitation, Meng Fei couldn't help but feel a little bit angry, so he kept irritating him and urging him.

And the monster really fell into the trap. Of course, it was just a trick for Meng Fei, but from its own point of view, Meng Fei was just playing a funny joke on it.

It could crush a person like him at any time, so it did it decisively without any worries or doubts.

This time, the kelp tentacles were no longer attacking randomly, but all stopped.

Finally, only one of them stretched out, and it rushed towards Meng Fei like a sharp arrow, like a brush drawing a beautiful trace in the air, and the tentacle came to Meng Fei's heart in an instant.

Then it penetrated his entire heart.

The monster immediately showed a smug look on his face, but soon calmed down. After all, killing such a person did not cause much psychological change for it.

Just like eating, how can you remember how many pieces of meat you have eaten so far?

For the kelp ghost, it is also the same. It has seen a lot of killing and slaughtering, so there is nothing strange about it.

At this time, Meng Fei also completely lost his life in front of it, and it saw everything.


"Strange? Where's the person?!"

As if in the blink of an eye, it was shocked to find that Meng Fei's body, which was just in its field of vision, disappeared at this moment as if it had evaporated from the face of the earth.

This was too weird, even he had never seen such a weird thing happen.

It was a good body, it just pierced its heart, but why did the whole person disappear in a blink of an eye?

"Did I just kill him?"

Even he couldn't help but doubt himself. Although it was a bit unreal, everything he saw now was real.

The guy who was confronting him before disappeared now!

"Where is he? Get out!"

It was a little angry. Perhaps it was because of the confusion and unwillingness in its heart that it was so angry. It wanted to find Meng Fei immediately and cut him into pieces again with its own hands, otherwise even its own heart would find it difficult to forgive itself.

"Your grandfather is here!"

Who knows, the familiar voice, that is exactly the voice it wants to hear, finally sounded again at this moment, and its face also burst into undisguised excitement.

But soon its face changed, because it found that the source of the voice seemed a little wrong.

"Damn it!"

It reacted immediately.

The voice came from behind it!

There is no doubt that it will even be attacked by this enemy that it does not take seriously.

Meng Fei immediately appeared behind it, and at this time he had already jumped high to the height where the monster floated.

That punch was right at its head!

The earth-shaking punch was like a bamboo breaking, carrying a terrifying explosion to the monster's head.

But this ghost is not a vegetarian. Although it only reacted at the last moment, its strong adaptability still allowed it to complete the action of retracting its head into the whole body in almost the blink of an eye.

Meng Fei's terrifying punch barely grazed its surface, and did not cause any substantial damage to it.

"Damn, there are still three more!"

This also made Meng Fei roughly estimate the gap in strength between him and the ghost at this time, that is, he needs to be resurrected at least three times before he has the strength to kill the earth yaksha in front of him.

Maybe, it's just barely enough.

"Become stronger?"

The monster that just dodged the attack immediately dodged to the side, and his mood was very complicated.

Just now, it clearly sensed that the person in front of it seemed to be a little stronger?

It didn't seem to be its illusion. The overall momentum and strength fluctuations of the human in front of it were obviously stronger than before.

So, when Meng Fei launched the next attack, it did not choose to resist, but directly chose to resist forcefully to verify whether his judgment was wrong.

However, under wave after wave of extremely powerful attacks, it was very sure that this was completely different from the person who could only be beaten just now.

This person has indeed become stronger!

And this difference does not occur at other times, but before and after it pierces the heart!

"Damn, is this an illusion? Or does this person have some ability that I don't know about?"

It was extremely puzzled. It had seen the man being killed with its own eyes, but he "came back from the dead" and even became stronger.

Could it be that the previous piercing of the heart was just an illusion?

Was the real situation that it had been fooled by this person?

It was right and wrong to think so.

After all, if it really had the ability to fool it, why didn't it just destroy it? Could it be that he still had any concerns?

So, it silently judged in its heart, of course, this was also an extremely bold and imaginative conclusion.

That is, the man in front of it had the invincible ability to be resurrected and become stronger!

And in order to verify this conclusion, it decided to take risks.

It knew that even if Meng Fei became stronger, the gap between the two was still there.

So it immediately took action, no longer passively taking the beating, but a desperate counterattack.

After dodging Meng Fei's attack with a turn, the kelp tentacles suddenly grew and instantly wrapped Meng Fei up, making him unable to move.

"Come on, kill me!" Meng Fei still shouted.

Its face suddenly turned ugly, and it hesitated before attacking, but it gritted its teeth and killed Meng Fei again with its kelp tentacles.

If there was anything different this time, it should be that it chose to tear Meng Fei's entire body clean!

Not even a piece was left.

Such a brutal method was only to verify whether the terrible view was true.

After a burst of tearing, Meng Fei's body instantly turned into a pile of debris in front of it, and it kept scattering with the wind.

However, the monster's face was extremely nervous at this time.

It seemed to be afraid of something happening.

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