I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 311: 擒 black robe!

At this moment, Yun Yang and Dong Qitian are far away from the nine-story house.

All the way up, the two are not very busy.

With the footsteps of the two people, tens of thousands of miles, basically one day can be reached; but Yun Yang is not in a hurry, Dong Qitian is even more anxious.

On this road, it is actually a tour of the mountains.

"The Xuanhuangjie... has changed a lot."

Dong Qitian stood shoulder-to-hand and walked over the clouds. The mountains and rivers swept past the foot; however, the earth's style was already at a glance.

“Is it different from more than four thousand years ago?”

Yun Yang is joking on one side.

"It’s different." Dong Qitian’s eyes are wide and inhaled: “It’s turned upside down!”

"Dong Lao, this time, more than a year, and did not go out many times." Yun Yang considered the words, faintly said: "I am afraid that this thing is human?"

Dong Qitian smiled and said: "Yes, for thousands of years, family, friends, friends, children, family...have not been there."

"When people are older, the more they are, the more likely they are to be hurt; every time they find a familiar place, they never have a familiar person... the kind of injury is the most lonely..."

Dong Qitian smiled lightly, and there seemed to be wind and frost in the eyebrows: "Yun Yang, you know, why are people old?"

"Why are people old?"

Yun Yang frowned.

"Including ordinary people who do not have martial arts, including the Holy Emperor of the Holy Emperor..." Dong Qitian voice is indifferent: "Man, why old?"

Yun Yang frowned, if he wanted to pick up the words, countless words can be said, but he knows that Dong Qitian said this, it is useful.

Dong Qitian Mei Yu, the wind and frost is getting thicker.

"The sky is ruthless, the sky is not old."

"People have love, so old."

"People's aging is for love."

Dong Qitian said faintly: "It is white, it is this time of tempering, all kinds of things hurt, there will be aging. If you do not experience anything, do not experience life and death, do not experience anything..."

“The heart of the child has remained the same since childhood, so this person, no matter what, can age more slowly than others.”

Yun Yang slowly nodded.

This sentence makes sense.

"And I... is also afraid." Dong Qitian looked at the distant mountains: "I don't want to go to the scene again and again... then, I will not stand it sooner or later."

"Not for longevity, but for... don't want to bear it."

Yun Yang nodded silently.

Dong Qitian has never been out at the Nine Houses. It turns out that.

"In fact, I think it is; people's aging is related to this, but it is not very big. Even if you keep your heart for a lifetime... like a fool who doesn't understand anything, it will be a lifetime, but it will be old and die. ""

Yun Yang slowly said: "In this life, you have to go through everything... you can see this red dust, you can reach the peak of your heart... Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many heroes are heroes, no matter how they pursue longevity, but they are great. Most people are also buried in the loess."

"A lot of them are the way to go." Yun Yang said slowly: "The same way as Dong’s predecessors are now, but their way, walking and walking, they will be gone."

Dong Qitian was silent, frowned, and his eyes were contemplative, slowly saying: "What do you mean?"

Yun Yang bluntly said: "I mean, your predecessor, this road, is wrong. The more you escape, the more you block in your heart. In this world, we should cherish, cherish, do not want to lose, to Desperately guarding, this is all right, it must be! But for what has already been lost... but it must be put down!"

"The cherished treasure, do not want to lose the desperate guardian ... have lost, must be put down..."

Dong Qitian was shocked.

"The path of the predecessors is already above heaven."

Yun Yang said in a word: "Now I will be self-styled, I am afraid I will delay myself."

"As the predecessors said, the word of love is everything. We can't be ruthless, but we can't hinder our own path in order to fear ourselves."

"If the predecessors go on like this, I am afraid... this realm is the end. But if you look at this, you can't wait for the road, but it's just around the corner!"

Dong Qitian was silent.

This way, he never said anything.

However, Yun Yang’s words have always echoed in his heart over and over again.

I have already seen the Lei Family’s compound...

Dong Qitian suddenly took a long breath and spit it out. There was a faint dark gray gas. At this moment, Yun Yang clearly felt that there was endless sadness, pain, nostalgia, regret, oh...

Countless emotions that can make people crazy, it is so wonderful to spit out from Dong Qitian's mouth.

Dong Qitian spit out this tone and silenced for a long time, but Yun Yang was able to feel the momentum of Dong Qitian around him, constantly rising!

For a long time, I only heard Dong Qitian whispered: "Yun Yang, you are not very old, why do you have such feelings?"

He laughed and laughed at himself: "These things are often fans of the authorities, and the observers are clear. But you... are too young."

Yun Yang was silent, and there was a pain in his eyes. He said: "Because... I have lost... more than you... If I can’t learn to let go... then, at the moment I already It’s a catastrophe.”

He fixedly said: "Predecessors, love will last forever; but, don't always have to hang on to remind yourself."

Dong Qitian was moved and said: "Not bad!"

He can feel that in these few days, his own soul has been sublimated step by step.

The mood is also a lot easier.

Looking at the mountains and rivers around, it seems to be full of Mingxiu; the pleasing glamor that can't be said is no longer the deadness that I saw before.

Smiled: "Is it here?"

Yun Yang is also a relaxed heart, Dong Qitian's tone is very brisk, and even has a smile. Although this does not mean that he has all solved the happy knot, but it is much better than before!

"Yes, it is here." Yun Yang nodded: "It is here, met the white ice, oh, a cat demon."

Dong Qitian smiled faintly: "Not necessarily small... cat demon. Well, you first find them and say."

"it is good."

Yun Yang followed the original arrangement, but after a little investigation, he knew the direction: "Unexpectedly, it is where I arranged it..."

"Let's go."

Dong Qitian fainted, a sleeve of a roll, a bang, Yun Yang only felt a flash in front of his eyes, the foot has already crossed the mountains and rivers, directly to the hills seven thousand miles away.


Yun Yang’s eyes are green.

Dong Qitian’s hand is directly out of Yun Yang’s expectation. This is the real fairy means!

Between the sound and the sound, instantly move seven thousand miles!

It’s simply shocking!

"Is it almost here?"

Yun Yang felt a bit, and some said nothing: "I have to go back some..."

"How many?"

"About eight hundred miles."

The voice has not fallen, and there is a flower in front of me.

Already in a jungle.

Even Yun Yang used the knowledge of the gods to find out, and he has already discovered the traces of several people such as Bai Bingzhen!

"When I go out on the road, if Dong Lao cooperates with all the help... Then, isn’t it just a matter of time?" Yun Yang is infinitely thinking.

"This time just let you see and see... As for the future, you don't even think about it!" Dong Qitian snorted and rolled his eyes.


Bai Bingyu and others are waiting for the night and night, waiting for the sudden appearance of the "soul!"

For more than a month in a row, the "soul soul" appeared three or four times, but each time it was only a little bit to catch!

Even though the black robes were there twice, but the awkwardness of the sorrowful soul, the squatting is faster! Even the black robe shot, there is no effect!

I have already caught it, but Zhang opened his hand and saw nothing.

I don't know when I am, I have no trace!

Four times in succession, two times were caught in one empty space; the black robe people were somewhat suspicious of life.

Bai Bingyan can easily grasp, this seat is all out, all have confined the space, imprisoned the heavens and the earth, and blocked the mountains and rivers, but still not?

Now, Bai Bingyu has more confidence in Yun Yang.

The layout of the cloud head is really amazing!

This cooperation should not be lost.

Now, the black robe is afraid that he will not be able to come by, and he will hide far away from a large tree that is shining in the sun.

Below, the white ice shovel and other scattered, squatting in the dark jungle, motionless.

In the middle, the darkest position, there are a few white bones, scattered soul power, chaos in the headless flies; but always can not go out of the dozens of squares.

In order to seduce the soul, the black robes came out one day and one night, slaughtered two or three sects around, and dozens of robbers who gathered in the mountains; the souls of thousands of people were detained by him and shattered. Throw it here!

The entire forest, has long been a ghost, sullen.

If you have such a strong soul, if you really have a soul around you, you will definitely come!

This is the best way to capture the souls that have been passed down from the Xuanhuangjie! It can be said that it is foolproof!

A sneaky.

Bai Bing did not dare to move.

Although it is known to be a fake, but ... can not reveal a little bit of a foot.

Once you are suspected by the black robe, you will be completely finished!

Don't say freedom, revenge, even life... will be lost in an instant!

A shadow, drifting, the speed is coming to an extreme.


The black robe is in the distance, and suddenly hides the whole body again; the first two times, because of their breath, they disturbed the soul, and when they did not arrive, they went away instantly, almost repenting of the intestines.

This time, you can never make the same mistake again!

Bai Bingyu also found out.

She also sweats with her hands.

Don't let me catch it, grab it... but it's exposed.

But at this time, the erratic soul suddenly suddenly speeded up, and suddenly broke into the sinister place.

A thunder in the ear of Bai Bing’s ear sounded: "Catch!"

Subconsciously, he rushed out, and the white clothes flashed and grabbed the past.

And the soul seems to have no time to escape, or Bai Bingzhen does have something to attract it; there is no resistance, but when it is about to be caught, there is a tendency to rush toward the white ice.

The next moment, a black smoke, has been caught in the hands of Bai Bing.

The black robe people looked far away, and the only remaining doubts in their hearts disappeared suddenly: it seems that the dead air on this white hail is indeed the favorite thing of the soul...

The black robe flashed across the distance of several thousand feet and appeared in front of Bai Bingyu. He reached out and said, "Let me see."

Bai Bingyan only felt a blank in his mind.

How can I catch it?

How to catch it!

This is the end of the day...

His face was pale, and he reached out.

The white and tender palms unfolded, and suddenly a solid black smoke had formed in her palms. The black robes smiled and reached out and grabbed the past. The mouth still admired: "Good things... ”

It’s here, suddenly a radiant glow!

From the black smoke, suddenly burst into a group of knives!

There is no hesitation in the slightest, and a knife is cut down to the black robe!

Between the black robes and the rush, the hand that stretched out was free to block; when the sound was heard, the black robes’ hands only showed a thin blood mark, and then a mist transpiration, even the blood scars disappeared.

The opposite side of the black smoke was suddenly trembled, and then slammed back ten feet, trembling, then actually yelled out: "Quick shot!"

It is the voice of Yun Yang.

This time, it was Dong Qitian’s arrangement; let Yun Yang come and try. But when Yun Yang shot, he knew that this person was not able to deal with it now.

Intentionally and unintentionally, when the other party is really completely unprepared, with his own body repair, with the unparalleled sharp edge of the blade of God, a knife cut in the other hand, actually only a thin blood mark appeared!

This person's cultivation is already at its peak!

Yun Yang can't really measure the other party's order!

The black smoke disappeared instantly, and a breeze drifted out.

The black robe eyes are gloomy and cold and cold: "Come, still want to go?"

Grab a hand!

A bang.

Yun Yang suddenly felt that all around it was a fine gold secret silver. The space was completely made into a metal with a very high density, and his own situation was simply impossible to maintain.

The air was squeezed out with a bang, and a wow of blood spurted out the body.

"It turned out to be a stubborn person!" The black robe snorted and looked at Yun Yang: "Primary, who are you?"

Although Yun Yang sees his eyes, he is completely empty and empty, but he only feels that it is all indestructible density space; don't say that if you escape, you can't do it with a move.

When you are down, you can only move your mouth. That is what the other person deliberately left to let them talk back.

"I am your uncle!" Yun Yang opened his mouth.

The black people’s eyes blinked, and suddenly a black mist burst out in their eyes, faintly said: “Don’t say, then die!”

A black mist brush rushed toward Yun Yang's eyes!

At this time, the air brushed, Dong Qitian’s voice was ridiculous and said: “It’s really overbearing; now the Yaozu’s people are so overbearing?”

As the sound began to sound, Yun Yang suddenly felt that the air around him had resumed flow!

A black sleeve suddenly waved in front of him. Dong Qitian’s figure appeared slowly in front of Yun Yang, and his eyes shone with a fierce light. He said: “Who are the Yaozu?”

Yun Yang looked at it, but he saw the black robes who were still in the past, but now they can't move.

One hand, like a hoop, was firmly on his throat.

It is the hand of Dong Qitian.

Although the black robe was caught, his face was not flustered at all. The sinister nephew looked at Dong Qitian, and he smiled sullenly. He said with great interest: "Dong Qitian?"

Dong Qitian glanced at his eyes: "Do you recognize me?"

The black robe screamed and said: "I recognize you, are you very strange? Then, do you know this trick?"


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