I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 312: Soul demon!

Hearing the black robe in front of him actually recognized himself, Dong Qitian frowned. M.x.

This matter is really unexpected. For those of them who are deeply cultivated, the four thousand years are still not too long, but this is not too long, only for the top level of the Xuanhuang world. The practitioners only apply, and for the rest of the world, this time limit has been long enough to change the sea; the world dynasty does not know how many, how many rounds...

Originally, I only thought that the cause of the event would be a slap in the face of a prosperous one. I didn’t want to know what I was trying to do. I didn’t know whether it was a chance or a fate!

Dong Qitian’s thoughts were floating, and there was a slight doubt. Only the black robe was screaming, and his body blew up and blew it up, turning it into nine black lines, which escaped from the hands of Dong Qitian’s hands. In the meantime, they gathered again and stood between the voids. The power did not decrease and the gains increased. Even with only a fist, they rushed out with a punch.

"Dong Qitian, you still don't recognize me?!"

This boxing is played out, the boxing is over, the opposites are connected, the first cash dragon rolls, and the tiger roars!

That one dragon and one tiger, shaking their heads in the air, circling and reciprocating, powerful, can not be a lifetime;

Dong Qitian fixed his eyes and looked at it. He was shocked to see that there was a round of hot sun on the faucet. The tiger was also arched with a crooked moon. It was a dragon and a leap, the same day and the moon!

Dong Qitian’s thoughts and thoughts have finally turned a bit of a strange look. Since he re-emerged, he has never retreated a step by step. He has stepped back two steps for the first time, and the two sides rushed to the top and hit each other. However, there is not much movement, and even the most significant fist punches are not!

Yun Yang, who was out of the black robe, was a big change. He knew that Dong Qitian’s strength was leveled, far beyond his own cognition, and the black robe in front of him was actually a perfect match with Dong Qitian. Strong, if this is the case, isn’t it a joke? !

Just before Yun Yang’s thoughts, the two men’s punches seemed to have no powerful power, and the real power showed up. The aftermath of the boxing, even the mountains and rivers around the mountains, all for them. Trembling.

After a few moments in the distant mountains, the explosion of the endless roar, but a large piece of cliff gravel fell, apparently caused a considerable range of landslides!

The strength of the two men has already gone to the imperfections, the fronts are not exposed, the targeted upper realms, the end of the shocking, terrible, shocking!

Yun Yang is the first time I have seen two masters of this level!

It is also after this fight, Dong Qitian's face has become ugly, and he has a big drink: "Dragon Tiger Soul! Sun and Moon Seal! Soul Monster, have you not died yet?!"

This moment, it is confirmed that Dong Qitian, who thought in his heart, directly scared a cold sweat.

But this cold sweat is not for himself, but for Yun Yang.

Before the action, Dong Qitian asked Yun Yang to test it first. Only then did Yang Yang’s surprise attack. This move was a good intention. Let Yun Yang have a little more experience and more chances to play against the superpower.

After all, when Dong Qitian wants to come, Yun Yang’s predecessors are almost the same as playing the applause. Although it is unintentional, the real strength of the other party is not too strong, but it is not too disparate. There is no room for one or two.

In particular, I am on my own, even if the other party's strength is stronger than expected, I can help myself, and will not let the cloud raise a little accident!

But the fact is that it is so instinct, the other party is actually an old monster that is not out of the world, Dong Qitian can not be afraid of fear!

This soul demon king is the ancient demon, the demon world has a number of top powers; the original human and the demon peak battle, both sides are fully active, intending to accomplish the battle, is the master of all the two sides, all attending, die Forgetting to live, to fight a deadly battle.

Both sides have the heart of destroying each other, each with their own ideas, and they are all right!

At the crucial moment, seeing the Yaozu must break through the human defense and rush into the Xuanhuangjie. Once it enters, it must be a catastrophe!

A Terran predecessor succumbed to the heart and gathered ninety-nine sacred emperors. With the body repair of these ninety-nine sacred emperors and the blood of life, at the expense of the demon family entering the Xuanhuangjie, they arranged the ninety-nine Demon Array!

This nine-ninth demon squad is an extreme method that does not hurt the enemy and hurts himself first, because the cornerstone of this law is the heroic sacrifice of the ninety-nine sacred emperors, killing themselves and making all the souls and souls Investing in a large array can form the basis of lore.

Then, other warriors will introduce the demon people into a wave of tens of thousands of miles in the range of the demon squad; one after another wave of serial killing!

Facts have proved that the sacrifice of the ninety-nine Kings of the Holy Emperor was not in vain. The Yaozu was killed in this big-name master, more than a million giants, and the results were brilliant!

What's more, this large array also has the increasing number of demon hunters, and the horror attribute of the power of the tactics, and with the continual killing of more and more genius masters, even with the sacred At the peak of the Yaozu, entering the big battle, there is also a situation of death and no life. After killing several sacred demon lords, the tactics can be increased again, and it is already possible to faintly threaten the life and death of the sage!

In view of this, at that time, the demon emperor did not dare to neglect, the Communist Party sent a total of eight old kings of the realm of the Holy King; the same with the 500,000 demon army rushed into the big battle, and the battle of this battle is, 500,000 demon army, The death of 430,000, eight Saints, one person killed in battle, two serious injuries permanently lost cultivation, this will break the ninety-nine demon!

The predecessors of the Terran who fought in the demon squad did not survive.

But even if the ninety-nine demon squad is broken, the result of the devil's vitality is irreversible!

Humans have built up the Blood Soul Mountain through this opportunity of time; it is extremely targeted to isolate the two circles of the shemale.

However, the impermanence of the world, the extinction of the demon scene of the demon, has become the only channel that can communicate between the two worlds.

At the same time, in the already-destroyed nine-nine demon squad, a peerless demon was born!

Because of the fall of countless demon people, because of the power of the soul, the power of the soul can not be dissipated after the bursting of the power, accumulating infinite grievances and metamorphosis of the special demon!

That is the soul demon!

The so-called soul demon, as the name suggests, is naturally a specific form of life that engulfs the soul as an advanced path.

On the day of the birth of the demon, the heavens and the earth are discolored; but in a short period of time, they will become the demon king, become the demon king, become the demon lord, enter the country, regardless of the Terran demon, few people can reach...

It is also because of this demon, the human side has fully dispatched eight saints to encircle it, and this will kill it!

That is when Dong Qitian is still outside, between the human and the Yaozu, except for the most violent battles of the enchanting peaks; countless human masters, encircling the soul demon!

At the time, the eight Saint Zun Gao’s hands, Dong Qitian was the one who was the leader!

In other words, Dong Qitian saw the soul of the soul demon who was beaten by himself and others in the same year, and the smoke and the smoke were extinguished, and the soul was extinct, never surpassing.

But now, this old monster actually did not die, not only did not die, but lived in front of himself, with his own enemy, against himself!


Big and tricky!

Think again about the move that you first let Yun Yang take the first shot. It’s really dangerous and dangerous. If the soul demon does not exist, it’s a matter of asking questions, and if you directly kill it, even if Dong Qitian tries his best, he may not have time to save the cloud. Yang!

After a blow, the soul demon eyes stared at Dong Qitian, suddenly a strange smile, the black robe of the hood slowly fell, and a face, slender eyes, seemed to contain endless evil.

"Old friend, you are not dead, how can I die?"

The soulful demon's slender eyes looked at Dong Qitian: "At that time, you were one of the seven swords in the same day, breaking my chest, breaking my heart, breaking my dirty, connecting eighteen feet, kicking my head, this affectionate Hou Yi, the old man has not returned to you in full, how can he be willing to die?"

Dong Qitian heard the words of the soul demon and hatred, but he replied indifferently. Hehe smiled: "The soul demon, you are not dead, but now reappear, it really surprised me, but through the fight just now... your cultivation is better than At the beginning, it was a lot of retrogression. You were not my opponent, and now, you will not be my opponent!"

The soul demon eyes flashed, and after a pause, he retorted his lips: "The old man has only been alive for a few years, and it is far from your opponent. If the old man has done it, what is it with you now, but even if it is How can you cultivate a far better victory, just because you Dong Qitian one, can you kill me?"

Dong Qitian was silent.

The soul demon itself is unique in nature, and it is metamorphosed by resentment and demon spirit. It has the power of demon and gasification. It is almost pervasive and has no gap. Before Dong Qitian clearly took it, he was still easily taken away by the other party. This has already proved this point.

At that time, the eight sacred sacred sects, with the trap of heaven and earth, completely closed the four squares and four dimensions, and countless spaces, which completely suffocated the soul sorcerer, and only locked in its true body, which was able to hit it. Killing; now I have to be myself, it is one thing to cultivate strength, but it is another thing to completely block the way of escape.

Knowing each other's strengths at the bottom of each other, there is no need to talk about each other, and add words!

In other words, even if the soul demon is only one breath now, but Dong Qitian alone, still can not leave each other!

"If you can't kill you, you are not what you said. I have to do a show before. After all, it is an old friend who will meet again in the world. It is not the same reason." Dong Qitian shook his head, hehe laughed. .

The soul demon is cold and cold: "It turns out that all of this is your layout, but it is very clever!"

Dong Qitian did not deny it. He said indifferently: "My original intention was nothing but a demon king, but I did not expect that the fishing caught a big shark. It was actually the old acquaintance of the year. The old man is good. I really don't know if it is a coincidence or not. Clever."

Soul demon: "Do you want this kitten?"

Dong Qitian raised his eyes: "What do you mean?"

The soul demon laughed: "What do you pretend? You have so many means, isn't it just to catch this cat demon?"

Dong Qitian was indulged in his heart, his face was not moving, and he said indifferently: "This cat demon, the old man naturally wants to stay, but if you don't leave the soul demon, this cat demon can't live for a long time."

The soul demon frowned and warned: "How are you going?"

Dong Qitian said: "You and I are strong, know each other, although I can't kill you, but it is not difficult for you to re-create it again."

He blinked his eyes and said faintly: "The soul demon, you last hit hard and nursed for thousands of years; if this will be hit hard by me, but I don't know how long you have to nurse again? Thousands of years? Or tens of thousands of years? ”

Dong Qitian said this, the soul demon picked up.

After a long time, the soul demon bite his teeth: "Look at the old friendship, I will let you take a step in the sky. Just say your conditions?"

Dong Qitian said: "Two requests, the first one, will ban the cat demon body; the second one, I ask you a question, you have to answer the truth."

The soul snorted and said: "The first one is no problem, the second one, you ask, I have to consider."

"What is the relationship between you and Lei Qianli?"

Dong Qitian asked.

The soul of the demon eyes reveals the color of the embarrassment, whispered: "This question, I can answer you positively. I am with Lei Qianli... also old acquaintance, this is the truth!"

Even if it was a big laugh, between the two hands and one shot, Bai Bing and several other cat demons had a few black lines rising up, and they fell into the hands of the soul demon, and then they rose up: "Dong Qitian, you have to be good. Living, the accounts between us, and the rest!"

In the big laughter, the whole person is ruptured like a soap bubble in the air.

This hand is inexplicable, but in reality it is wonderful and stunned!

"Dong Lao, what is this? Soul demon?" On the other side, Yun Yang is still frightened, and his heart has a lot of horror: "It's amazing!"

The situation just now can be regarded as one of the great dangers experienced by Yun Yang in this life. It is infinitely close to annihilation; under the unstoppable force of the soul demon, even though Yun Yang has ever-changing ability, all the magical powers The blessings are still no room for change, only the ones that are waiting for you!

And this is just a trick for the other party!

What's more... Listening to the dialogue between Dong Qitian and the big demon, it is explaining that the state of the big demon has slipped to the lowest point of his life, and the big demon is especially inferior to Dong Qitian of the year, now Dong Qitian It must be strong in the past, then, what is Dong Qitian’s tyranny? !

In the past, Yun Yang’s understanding of Dong Qitian’s level of cultivation was beyond cognition. Now he wants to come and know that he is underestimated. Dong Qitian’s cultivation is far beyond his own cognitive understanding, or it is directly in this world. Extreme!

"The genus of the soul, the unique form of life that is rare to see in the ancient times, is probably the power of too many souls gathered in a certain place, because the specific terrain of the place, or the large array of protection is difficult to float, and then the metaphor, and the demon, It goes further than the ordinary soul, because the power of the soul that is born of the spirit is the demon spirit, the attribute will be born and close to the demon, and the two characteristics."

Dong Qitian's face is dignified: "Although the soul demon has no innate qi, no bone of the father's soul, no flesh of the mother's blood; at the end of his life, he can't cultivate to the peak level, but the soul demon comes from the characteristics of life forms, and many means of ghosts, It's almost the same as the undead body... it's extremely difficult to deal with."

"Take the soul of the old demon as an example, although he can never practice to the level of the Holy King even if he has exhausted his life, but as long as he is on the peak of the Holy Spirit, even the general St. Jun strong, it is still very difficult to get him!"

"There is another layer. As long as it is a living person, including the peak of the Holy Jun, even the semi-Sheng Xingqiang, the control of the power of the soul is absolutely inferior to the spirit of the demon."

Dong Qitian sighed softly: "This is a peerless scourge! I can't think of it. When we were eight people, we had already beaten him. Every inch of the soul's power was crushed into dregs. After repeated confirmation, there was no missing, and it was still resurrected. And start again!"

"How can we kill him?" Yun Yang asked cautiously.

"The soul demon has no shadow to go without a trace, thousands of miles away, breathing can be reached; ever-changing, difficult to be true; knife and gun are not hurt, water and fire is difficult to invade, if there is danger, the end of the world; heaven and earth, white clouds breeze, but let him contact When you get to the world, you will be able to disappear and it will be harder!"

Dong Qitian said, Yun Yang thought, waiting for Dong Qitian to finish, Yun Yang's face became very subtle, very good looks.


Well, thousands of miles away, breathing can be reached; ever-changing, difficult to be true; knife and gun are not hurt, water and fire are difficult to invade; if there is danger, instant horizons; heaven and earth, white clouds and breeze, heaven and earth...

This is the soul demon... or is it my Yun Yang?


Wash a day's clothes... crying>

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