I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 338: Hard work!

At the beginning, everyone didn’t even think about Yun Yang. They also made a clever way to find a circle. Is there another person who just broke through at this time, but after searching for a circle, I suddenly found out that Yun Yang was promoted to the Three Emperors. !

The level of the Three Emperors is still far from the focus, and it only stays for a while, and then once again changed into a straight line, breaking through the four products!

Just because everyone is thinking hard and thinking hard, even Yun Yang is actually because it consumes a lot of vitality. The current breakthrough is only the illusion of returning to the light. Whenever possible, the person who is suspected of being killed will be imposing. Once again, it has been steadily moving forward, and has been promoted to the peak of the Holy Emperor. Then... since ancient times, it has been regarded as a bottleneck of the sacred order of the great hindrance in cultivation. With the slamming sound, it does not exist.

It was also after this moment that Yun Yang’s breath was thoroughly integrated into the world!

With the cultivation of the beastmasters in the field, they are no longer able to detect the level of his repair!

A limit overdraft, unconscious person... How can it break through?

This is a blind spot in the cultivation mode, or a misunderstanding of personal practice. This is really worth discussing!

This kind of strange thing, the Beastmasters have not heard of this life, it is simply a strange thing that has not been lost in ancient times.

Everyone is stunned and overwhelmed.

However, after seeing Yun Yang has already returned to the ruddy complexion, it is obvious that all the injuries of this monarch have been restored, or greatly improved, and now it is just because of fatigue and sleepy state, the body is definitely not a problem, and will not return to the light. .

"It’s weird!" The Lion King grasped his two bright silver hammers. From beginning to end, the Lion King did not have any chance to perform the lion roll hydrangea.

I have to say that this is a great regret for the onlookers.

"It's really weird." Xiong Wang grinned.

"Patience and wait. Take care of it." He Wang sighed and said: "Let's punish the Holy Land, this time, but owe the people who are bigger than the sky! This kind of kindness, even if we are the next generation in this life, Still unclear..."

Even so, the Beastmasters are long and relieved.

Finally, I kept it.

Three days later...

Yun Yang woke up.

Just woke up and restored the moment of the mind, but immediately felt that the head was like an explosion, and the headache was splitting.

This is not a general discomfort like an explosion, but the mind is filled with too much information, the kind of new influx, the news that has not been able to organize it is too much too messy, even Yun Yang The head is difficult to load, naturally feels uncomfortable, and the other is a headache.

"Well... what is going on here?"

For a time, Yun Yang couldn't help but feel awkward, but then he found his own differences.

An indescribable ecstasy hit, it is hard to imagine, such as the subtle feeling that the world is mastering, Yun Yang can not wait to scream loudly to vent the endless joy at the moment, but he immediately put all the emotions down Going down, I stood up and stood up. Now, it is not the time to consider these.

"The demon portal, have you saved?" Yun Yang opened his eyes and asked quickly.

"Saved and saved!"

When Xiong Wang heard this sentence, the tears almost fell.

The next moment, He Wang gave a command, facing Yun Yang, who just sat up: "All the sacred beasts of the Holy Land are ordered! Gifts!"

The twelve beastmasters are headed, and there are countless mysterious beasts with scars behind them. They all caress the chest and bends down!

"Thank you for the cloud sky high-handedness of the cloud head, help each other! Thank you cloud head, critical moments, a sword shocked, turn the tide! The victory of this battle, the cloud head is a great success! Heaven punishment holy land, never light promise; but Today we have to say one."

The crane king straightened his body, and all the mysterious beasts screamed at the same time: "In the future, the cloud head will have a life, and the heavens will be punished, and the death will not die!"

Yun Yang gently sighed and said: "Hey! He Wang and you are not necessary! Our goal is the same; to resist the invasion of the Yaozu, not to make it into the land of Xuanhuang, to protect the peace and tranquility of the Xuanhuang area! The war, I have contributed a little bit of power, but it’s a good thing, of course!"

"If you really say thank you, it should be my representative of the Xuanhuangjie human beings. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the beastmasters of the past. If you have not been stuck on this land for many years, you have blocked the demon forever. The portal; I am afraid that the Xuanhuangjie has long been indulged and become a paradise for the Yaozu! For the entire Xuanhuangjie, you are the greatest hero!"

Yun Yang’s voice was loud and deafening, and every word was clearly and clearly passed to the ears of the thousands of mysterious beasts!

Each of these mysterious beasts stood quietly, their eyes were hot, and many of them were directly red.

Regarding the blockade of the Tianguan portal, it is really a long experience spanning countless years. The mysterious beast of the Holy Land has quietly paid for a long time, and no one knows it; they have no regrets. For millions of years, more than tens of millions of mysterious animals have been buried here!

But almost no one knows what they are paying!

Now, one day, there is such a human being, speaking on behalf of all mankind: You are the greatest hero!

This short sentence, a total of a few words, but let thousands of mysterious hearts in the heart of the hot consolation, self-satisfaction pays!

"Thank you!"

Yun Yang deeply screamed at the beasts: "Although we have different races, one is human and the other is a mysterious beast, but the mysterious beast and human beings will be the closest companions to the demon!"

"Thank you for the punishment of the Holy Land, so many years of effort! You have worked hard!"

The crane king stood quietly, countless mysterious beasts. At this moment, the majestic chest was unconsciously taller. Many of the waists that could not stand straight because of injuries were already unknown. It’s quite straight!

After a while, He Wang finally opened his mouth and said softly: "Not hard!"

"We don't work hard!"

Numerous mysterious beasts screamed at the same time, and the sounds rushed to the sky. There were many clouds in the sky, and there were many tears on their faces.


After a great war, the heavenly punishment of the Holy Land will have another hundred years, but it will also fall into the bad situation of being abandoned.

It has become a common practice in the past 100 years, and there are many countermeasures for the punishment of the Holy Land. But this time, there was too much change in the sudden war, and no matter what resources are available, no matter the resources of manpower and resources. Loss is a hundred times more than the battle of the past, after a hundred years of recuperation, but it may not be able to reply!

It is precisely because of this that Yun Yang has stayed for another month. In the whole month, there are countless precious herbs in the holy land, endless treasures of heaven and earth, and they are ordered by the Beastmasters to collect them all; Yang here.

"Cloud head, we also know that these are good things. But in our hands, the use is not big. We only have to eat raw and hard to chew, it is difficult to play the role of medicine, and many times it will be poisoned."

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