I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 339: Great harvest

"The heavenly sanctuary is not suitable for alchemy refining. Our spiritual system is fundamentally different from the mysterious existence of human practice. So... although the cloud head is taking it all away."

"Of course, if the head of the cloud is convenient and can separate me from some wound medicine, we will be grateful."

In the face of such a request, Yun Yang is naturally obligated and promises.

"The Beastmaster rest assured that the healing problems of the mysterious brothers are all wrapped in Yun Yang."

These heavenly treasures supplied by the Holy Land are all rare and difficult to find in the outside world; even for green and green,

It is also a rare thing. As the source of the mother, it is natural that the longer the year, the better. The natural treasures from the heavenly punishments are hundreds of thousands of years, not a few!

With these high-quality resources, the green and green can be used as a natural medicine for instant application!

Not only the healing drugs, but also the other additions to increase the knowledge, increase the knowledge of the gods, increase the spirit of the soul, break through the barriers, break through the realm, enhance the realm, improve the roots ... can be made!

The end is how much!

As for Yun Yang, this time, a total of the elixir from the sacred sanctuary...not to mention the quantity, just to say the type, there are 3,900 kinds of things that have not been done before!

That is three thousand and nine hundred kinds!

From then on, it can be said that as long as it is a heavenly treasure, as long as it is a heavenly spirit, there is something in this Xuanhuang world. Yun Yang has everything on hand, rare or lacking.

Of course, there are all the special species that must be removed in order to grow in the specific realm, such as those that grow only in the coldest places, only those that grow in the most poisonous places and can only be found in the underworld.

Therefore, the problem of rehabilitating the drug for the whole day of punishment for the Holy Land is in a sudden advancement and the cause and effect of the gas is advanced, and there is still a large surplus of green and green; for Yun Yang’s request, a rare one Promise, without hesitation.

In the next month, the green and green Yi Yunyang ordered the production of a large amount of medicinal herbs.

It’s just that Yun Yang takes all of it out and only gives a part. This is not awkward. It’s really because if you take out so many healing herbs, I’m afraid it will cause the Beastmasters to doubt: because, no matter how powerful the alchemy The teacher, however, was unable to refine so many of the best medicines in a month.

In addition to harvesting a large amount of drugs, Yun Yang has another gain, that is, a lot of strange gold!

The source of many of these strange golds is very simple, that is, from weapons and fragments!

The weapons of the mysterious beasts have been handed over to the Yunyang recast in the battle of the sacred beasts. Even though there are occasional omissions, there are few, insignificant, but there are many weapons and wreckage of the beasts; a small hill with a hundred feet high;

The beast weapon has its own application properties, so it is already incomplete, even if it is still intact, the mysterious beast is difficult to directly transport, just like the spirit of the mysterious beast, the more advanced the weapon, the more restrictive,

But regardless of the demon soldiers, the fragments or the good, it is still made of various colors.

And these are all Yun Yang needs!

As long as it is the best, green and green have a way to separate it into the most primitive state. Then extract the essence of it.

Similar to the state of refining, except for a small number of weapons rebuilt for the Heavenly Skulls; the vast majority of the rest are all owned by Yunyang.

This is undoubtedly a windfall!

In addition to the above two items, Yun Yang is in this campaign, and there is a bigger windfall: the demon of the monsters.

For this thing, the mysterious beasts of the Holy Land can be described as abhorrent, not only to see it is uncomfortable, even to smell the breath can not stand.

Therefore, the demon dan, which was left behind by the demon of this comrade, is all gone.

In addition to the broken, self-destructive, Yun Yang acquired a variety of monsters inside the Dan, there are more than 130,000!

This huge number is a huge fortune!

Yun Yang originally asked: You hate the demon, so where did the demon who got the monsters go before?

Xiong Wang said: "Where can I go, if we don't use it, we will hand it over to the five-seven-seven-seat guys, and they will all blow up..."

For this answer, Yun Yang only feels the thunder.

Then the massive wealth, you all handed it to the low-order mysterious beasts... Can you waste more?

In addition to the above three items, there are actually other things; for example, the skin of the beast, the bones, and even the body of some high-order monsters, the value is extraordinary.

But this one was directly abandoned by Yun Yang. The battle was so fierce. The loss of the mysterious beasts was heavy. The beasts could be better. The monsters that were annihilated were basically not physically intact. A group of bolognese is almost everywhere, and naturally there is no complete fur; some of the monsters that can be collected occasionally are mostly the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred The level is slightly lower, basically there is no bones.

Yun Yang had already known that the damage of the penalty was very heavy, but during the one month of his stay in the holy land of alchemy, when he accidentally heard the loss of the people, he felt shocked!

Yun Yang clearly saw that every beastmaster was shaking when he heard the report; his eyes were full of tears.

The mysterious eagle family, self-exploding nine more than the mysterious beast more than seven thousand; self-exploding king-order mysterious beast also has more than six hundred.

The number of people lost in other flying groups is basically the same as that of the Xuan Ying family.

The warriors of different ethnic groups, including the bears, died more than 20,000.

Lions and so on are almost all of this number.

Overall calculations, the punishment of the holy land in this three-day battle, the total number of dead and dead beasts exceeds 200,000!

After confirming this huge number, all the kings of the kings are heart-cutting and painful!

This is still the beginning of Yun Yang’s participation in the battle from the next day, participating in the treatment of the wounded, giving weapons, and eventually replacing the kings and attacking the Tian Yao portal, and turning the tide of arrogance... Otherwise, this number will be more than doubled. !

At least the least, the kings of all races are bound to be among the last moments!

"Tragic victory!"

The bear king saw the huge number of casualties. The majestic body trembled like the grass in the wind, and the trembling, low, roaring whimper in the throat...

"The punishment of the Holy Land... After this war, the backbone is lost!"

The crane king is also desolate: "After a hundred years, or after seven or eighty years... when the gate of the demon is opened again... then, uh..."

A long sigh.

The other Beastmaster faces are also obviously stunned.

It is clear.

This campaign made it impossible for the backbone of the sacred sacred land to be lost, and the succession was not followed. In the eyes of the power fault, in the next few decades, it was too late to grow up. When the war began again, it could only rely on the top force to go up; Add extra risk of almost no rest.

I can only stay on top until I can't stand it... But at this moment, I am desperately trying to fight. In the battlefield of death, who can always fight for three days and three nights?

If no one replaces it, and does not take over the buffer, just rely on the high-level power of the Holy Land to go to the hard top, I am afraid that even one day will not be able to stand up!

In the battle of the next hundred years, the fall of the gate of the demon has almost become a foregone conclusion!


Today is the birthday of Lingmo's brothers, let us wish our brothers a happy birthday! Thanks to the brothers for their support in the past few years, the brothers have worked hard. >

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