I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 458: Good people, not for good news!


Yun Yang was speechless for a while.

If you say this, you might as well say it!

People are open-minded people, do we have a law?

Also, the power to the stars is almost omnipotent. Of course, you have to do it before the starry sky. Do you not say that he did it at my age? !

Yun Yang sighed and could only accept his life.

In fact, it doesn't matter. Fighting and tempering will be tempered. When I am tempered to green and green, I will let it think of it in the first time. Even if I can't reply to the Quenching Spring, I will give it to the East Pole Palace. I will leave this unreasonable. The place is serious!

I can't afford it, I can't afford it...

I hope that this world will not be the pure land of this world, the sacred place of the repairers!

Yun Yang is completely speechless to the owner of the East Pole Palace, and even more helpless!

After about twenty days, Green Green finally woke up.

When the green and green woke up, Yun Yang was already in tears, and he was very embarrassed.

These twenty days of actual combat, Yun Yang said that they are not afraid of purely screaming. The people in these days are not acquaintances before, but completely strangers, and still do not know the roots of the cloud, only when the cloud Yang is a half-step sacred sect of the sacred monarch, and he is not merciless to the nature, really kills the killer, leaving no room!

While Yang Yang is actively responding, he should be careful about his counterattack efforts. If the people who have been defeated are really ruined, it is not a cure, but if you really kill, Yun Yang can imagine how the East will be. Say yourself, how to marry yourself, how... how to be yourself!

Moreover, Yun Yang has tempered all of his various methods of warfare innumerable times, but only the blade of God's will, only to turn over and over with the first three strokes.

Under such an extremely negative negative state, Yun Yang clearly felt his cultivation, and further refined, the realm, has gradually become the point of breaking the boundary.

The combat power is more than doubled than it was twenty days ago.

In addition, the first three strokes of the Tianyi knife method have also arrived at the hands of the people, as they please, familiar with the flow, such as the super-reality of the arm.

This kind of hard work has been difficult, but what is even more difficult is that the Eastern Haoran’s dozens of times a day’s questioning has made Yunyang unable to bear it!

If you can play this jun, you can do it. In fact, Yun Yang was asked to be anxious at a certain time, and he attacked it. One shot is his strongest stroke, and this move is also positively greeted. This is a trick. With the super power of killing the two sacred princes, even the daring hood of the East has not been shaken, and the only result achieved is to avoid it three steps!

Such a gap, the fight is definitely not beaten, and then naturally there is only more suffering...

"Green and green, think about it." Yun Yang suddenly smashed the past: "You used to **** the people's quenching springs, and now people are holding them, let's not let go... you can see it." ”

"Oh?" Green and green.

What about the matter?

I slept and actually caused such a big trouble?

But look at the lotus roots that have been picked up below, and the green and green is also excited: "Oh!"

Well, when you wake up, everything is not a problem!

Isn't it a quenching spring...

I didn't touch the Quenching Spring, or I didn't know it with my feet, but... Since I have already touched it, I have absorbed all the energy... Then I know what energy is this... What is the difficulty of copying it again? !

Yun Yang is not willing to drag on for a moment.

At this moment, he was in a fighting atmosphere, and suddenly he jumped out of the circle and said loudly: "I sensed the cemetery of the spirit!"

The two-faced holy princes in the face are full of stunned faces. Is this genie crazy, and the battle of the **** is the end of your sentence? !

The East Haoran, who has always been invisible, is very happy and jumps up: "Where?"

Yun Yang said with one hand: "It's there!"

戟 refers to the sky above the head of the East Haoran.

The Eastern Haoran immediately launched his own limit of knowledge and began to detect.

After a long time: "There is no such thing..."

Yun Yang grinning: "Can you not feel the adult master? I thought you were busy for a long time, is it any sense?"

The face of the East Haoran was red, and he did not think that this so-called spiritual cemetery could not even feel it for himself... Is it true that there is such a hidden power in this world?

But then I thought that the mighty person has the means to open up the space at will and become a self-contained world... that is better than himself. It seems that this is not unacceptable?

"That... let's start?" The East Haoran was very curious to look at Yunyang. I couldn't feel it. This kid could feel it, and he could go in. The fate of this kid is really unique.

I really want to follow him in and take a look at the superb power!

The sounds of the East Haoran are falling, just in the eyes of the public, Yun Yang rises up, and the sudden and strange disappearance in the air disappears into the horizons of all people. At this moment, although everyone is not all-inductive, it is only Feeling a huge and unimaginable mental power, a sudden flash of a flash, the rest is no trace of traces.

Then, Yun Yang returned again in a sudden and unexpected way, and once again surprised everyone. I just didn't know how it disappeared. Now I don't know why it happened again.

However, watching the fatigue of Yun Yang’s face is still a bit of joy. This represents the recovery of the Quenching Spring. !

Immediately, when everyone saw Yun Yang waving, a group of dark souls fell into the Quenching Spring.

And as the dark soul of the soul fell into the Quenching Spring, the original smoldering of the Quenching Springs, the gray smoke rising, actually began to recover!

The vastness of the East, which has witnessed this process, has always been calm and calm, but in the depths of the eyes, the flashes are all invincible. I don’t care if there is such a power in the world, beyond the cognitive power. Can, can make the quenching of the soul of this world of magical creations can also be turned to life, and then resurrected! ?

It’s not just the ones in the East, but everyone in the room. Everyone saw this mysterious scene, but they were pondering a problem. Now the quenching spring sees the beginning of recovery... but that is a gray What is the breath? How is it so effective? !

Well, although this is the focus, it is not the current focus. The most important thing is that the cloud head enters the mysterious spiritual cemetery, and then brings out the baby that can recover the quenching spring. Finished things!

This subtle feeling of ruining and ruthlessness makes the strong people in the room want to marry each other!

So many people don’t want to say anything, recognize what they are, and feel almost nothing to feel...

However, when they faced Yun Yang, they still had to remain calm and calm, and the face of the "original" emotion proved that the strong people of our East Pole Palace are very arrogant and understand everything!

But what is clear in the bones is nothing to understand!

Don't look at the main character of the palace, like a spring breeze, everything in the face is in control, he will not be better than us!

Therefore, when I heard someone insisting on saying that, I wouldn’t feel good about all the strong people in the East Pole.

"The cemetery of the spirit, the name is well-deserved!"

The adult master said.

Yun Yangpi smiled and smiled and said: "Where, where are you laughing?"

All the strong guys were silent for a while.

According to the understanding of the palace master over the years, now the heart of the palace is definitely in the heart of the mother, certainly like himself, is a piece of force.

Even, it is estimated that the adult master can now pretend to be so confident, I know very well, but he is loaded.

He installed it... What do we do?

We can't show it, he wants to be a big man, and we are shameless one by one? !

So one by one, the windy bones, the chest has a good foundation, and the praise of the praise: "The cemetery of the spirit, the name is not dead, hahaha..."


Yun Yang can finally leave the East Pole Palace justifiably.

The conditions proposed by Dongfang Haoran, he has already completed, and still completed in the maximum and highest specifications!

Quenching Spring is not only intact, but according to the green and green, this spring has changed, and it is not broken, but it is broken, and then the nourishment of Hongmeng energy, the efficiency is stronger than the original, no matter what the quenching spring is Not being ruined by Yun Yang or Green Green itself, it is more than compensation, causal! However, it still takes hundreds of years to nourish and restore...

For the people of the East Pole Palace, is it a time for hundreds of years?

So everyone is very happy.

Based on this major premise, Yun Yang did not say anything, and immediately made a statement.

Dongfang Haoran is still very unhappy about this snack, but he has no position to retain Yunyang.

His rare face is like being desperate.

"If you leave this time, you must be extra careful, tens of millions!" Dongfang Haoran sighed: "I never thought that you would leave so early, make people go... oh!"

On this point, Yun Yang has long felt that, from the three conditions proposed by the East Haoran, it is not difficult to see that the other party has never thought of letting them leave.

Moreover, Dongfang Haoran thinks that there is absolutely no malice. It is really just to cultivate himself, so that he can take it to the next level, what is the two-story building, and he has the power of self-protection.

Looking at the face of the East, the unhappy face, Yun Yang, although he couldn’t bear it, insisted: "How can I not know that my predecessors are taking care of me forever, but I have to leave, if I am always protected by you... I am afraid in the future. It is also rare to have any achievements."

"Nonsense, how can there be no achievements here? Are those people who have been practicing here for a lifetime only have no achievements?"

The East is very angry: "With your current progress, at most another month, I can let you enter the level of the Holy King; within a year, it is expected to reach the Three Kings! As long as you arrive, you want to Where to go, where to go!"

"Now, I just pushed you to the cusp of the cusp. It’s the eyes of the public. When you are gathered, you will go out and go out at this festival. You know, you are now a mainland hero, but for Your name is not convinced but there are too many... not to mention..."

Dongfang Haoran seems to want to say something, but after thinking about it, he still swallowed and changed the topic.

"The mysterious yellows have always seen the genius of the world, the heroes are also the generations, but the mottled villains who are despicable and shameless, but they have always been inexhaustible, the vests of the vests are forgotten, it is not uncommon... you think this world Are all good people? Are you all goodwill?"

Dongfang Haoran hates iron and does not become steel: "Even if you cultivate a big step, it seems to be more self-sufficient, but if you go out with a fox head, you can't change it freely. If you are killed, the other party just has to be confused. Not only do you die, but I want to avenge you and get back to justice. It’s hard to have a position!"

The East is very angry: "These things, have you not considered it at all?"

Yun Yang said: "The predecessors said that they are self-sufficient. However, the cultivation of the Xuanhuangjie is more and more focused on the mood of the mind, as well as the cause and effect method. If there is a high-ranking power, it is willing to fight against the dangers of the devil. Is it something? Is it not afraid that the road will be cut off, is the road difficult?"

The East Hao Ran smiled and said: "Your thoughts... Although it seems reasonable, but in fact it is biased... I ask, what is the premise of the devil's rebellion? At least you have to have a conscience in your heart. Will it be like this? If a person has already done countless devastating people, how can he think that killing you is wrong, he will only think that he is doing the right thing, not killing you is the heart... ...then, where does the so-called demons come from?"

"As another person in the Yaozu, or a vest forgetting to succumb to the genius of the demon family, in terms of position, they are the most correct, the most appropriate way, how not?! How can the road be difficult! ”

"Your identity is important, but don't think too much about yourself. Can't you touch it?!"

"As long as you stand out, no one, no one, no reason to kill you!"

Dongfang Haoran took a deep breath: "If you want to decide, then I will finally tell you a word: people with bottom line, only have shame, only morality, only cause and effect, but if there is no bottom line... then Anyone must be careful!"

Yun Yang said: "If this is said, isn't it a good person who suffers a lot? If the wicked have no bad news, why do so many people keep the rules and do good people?"

The East Hao faintly asked: "The wicked may not have no bad news, but good people, the starting point is just to have a good report?"

A faint sentence, Yun Yang’s heart is a shock!

Good person, the starting point is to have a good report?

Yun Yang fell into an unprecedented silence, half a word.

"If it is not, then why bother?"

"Don't you give up good people for good people without good news? Can you not be a good person for the bad guys? If you are a human being, is there still a price?"

The East Haoran slowly walked forward, and the sound was full of awe-inspiring meaning.

Yun Yang is still silent, silently following him, only feeling the road in his heart, suddenly infinitely broad.

Not bad!

It is indeed good!

I am not a good person for any purpose! I am just, simple, want to be a conscience person!


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