I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 459: Kill!

"The world of man-made industry, and thus bear the cause and effect, there is no good or evil, there will be causal entanglement, but a good cause, a bad result!" East Haoran asked again, a faint smile: "causality, never for the day It is only because people are also involved in the cause of the disease.

"Yun Yang, for people to be too extreme, thinking can not be too extreme; but when you start, you have to hesitate, this extreme must always be extreme."

"I was going to let you break through the holy three products before you get to the red dust. After all, at that time... even if you have encountered any accidents, you can easily crush them, sweeping the evil spirits of the Xuanhuangjie, the net one. Net cause and effect dust mites... But you are going out now... the good fortune is not good, the road ahead is even more unpredictable."

Yun Yang only feels that his heart is full of pride: "Even if I go out now, I can also sway the demon!"

"Ha ha……"

Dongfang Haoran indulged a little and threw a space ring and said: "Do not delay cultivation. This is the cultivation material that I sent you. It should be enough for you to practice dozens of times..."

Is it enough to cultivate dozens of supplies?

Yun Yang heard the words shine.

I have just entered the so-called spiritual cemetery, but I have got a lot of resources. Even with Yun Yang’s vision, it can be described as massive. Nowadays, there are enough supplies for dozens of luxury cultivation methods, which means that And there are dozens of thousands of elixir medicines, ten bottles of Ling Dan, one thousand of the best spirits, which are accounted for!

made money!

Earn another vote!

And that's not all.

The Eastern Haoran once again threw a green space bracelet to Yun Yang, saying: "This is a spiritual bracelet. The inner one is the 100,000 elixir elves. This is the unique spirit of the East Pole. There may be a big robbery after the Heavenly Palace... Under the nest, it’s hard to have an egg, but I’m afraid I won’t care about them. I will hand it over to you, I hope you can take care of them for me.”

Ten thousand spirit medicine elves!

Yun Yang only felt that the whole body was shaking.

This huge Jinshan, which suddenly came down from the sky, was on top of his head without any warning.

These 100,000 elixir elves are unparalleled in their role in the space of their own knowledge.

Synchronizing the green and green of the information is also a burst of excitement, calling it non-stop.


The East Haoran turned back, leisurely like a white cloud, disappeared into the misty gate of the East Pole Palace, the next moment the entire East Pole Palace is covered by clouds, and immediately, no longer half-track.

"If you are in danger, you can come to Heaven Palace to avoid it."

"If someone is going to kill you, you must not be merciless..."

It is a surprise, and I am overjoyed. I am so happy that I have successfully left the Tiangong’s Yunyang. I have intentionally or unintentionally ignored a keyword in the last paragraph of the Eastern Haoran, but I don’t know, if I see you again, will it be completely unfamiliar!


Yun Yang still wears a black coat, and also adds a complete mask, floating down the Tianshan Mountains.

And to the foot of the mountain, look up, see the clouds, not see the palace.

"Thank you!"

Yun Yang earnestly spit out two words.

This trip to the East Pole Palace, Yun Yang’s harvest is also extremely huge. The total value of wealth alone is not as good as that of the Yaozu, but the quality is indeed greatly improved. However, Yun Yang’s most concerned harvest is the bottom of his heart. a peace of mind.

Although in the East Pole Palace, the East Haoran even the same old guys in a row, **** for tat, seemingly do not give each other.

But Yun Yang’s heart is clear, it’s these people, these seemingly boring deaths, no formal old guys, guarding the human family for hundreds of thousands of years!

They are the backbone of the well-deserved human being and the group that deserves the most respect.

Their spoofs, ruins, no formalities... just because they are lonely, they are lonely; and, they don’t care what image.

Image... can it be heavier than human safety?

I did what I could, I kept what I could hold; the image... Why care? Does it still care about the world? What about secular vision?

Those in the eyes of these strong people are simply not mentioning things worth mentioning!


After hundreds of miles of land, Yun Yang found a remote place, and moved to the space of the gods to open the green space bracelet.

It’s really green and green, and the spur of the ring is urging that there is almost no stopping, so that Yun Yang’s bracelet is opened so soon.

In an instant, the elixir elves in droves, like a group of locusts, flew out.

At a glance, the elixir elves are all small-sized dolls, and some are animal figures; such as small faces with small faces, small butterflies, and little bees... and the greatest commonality of this creature Mao is too full of cockroaches to fill the aura that almost overflows.

And this group of small dolls saw the spiritual medicine field almost in the space of the gods, and the submerged aura that was almost confined to the essence. The looming avenue of the avenue was filled with the humour of the whole space...

There were still some surprises that the little guys who were afraid of being timid and timid were seen by the eyes, filled the whole heart, cheered neatly, and rushed in!

“Is it heaven here??”

It is undeniable that this is the most favorite environment for the elves. It is more suitable than the East Pole Palace, and they are more suitable for them to grow.

For the arrival of the elves, the happiest thing is green!

The arrival of these gangs will bring unprecedented life to the space of God!

Compared with the original life gas, the mainstream in space is the breath of life; it is a concept in which the two essences are similar, but the expressions are completely different.

If it is to say, for example, it is all plants here, and the thriving life can be seen everywhere.

But now, because of the pure life form, and the special life body like the elixir, it makes the meaning of life more precious and more perfect!

This is already a higher level concept, almost at the moment of the arrival of the elixir elves, the transition is complete!

Green and happy waving vines, and they are eager to direct these little guys to find the best medicine for their own habitation; when these little guys are stable, those ones are natural craftsmen who manage this kind of medicine medicine field. !

With these little guys, the growth of the elixir will rise again, and there will be no accidents.

The ensuing change is that the aura concentration and activity of the space will be at least twice as high as before the arrival of this group of elves.

The green and green are still handing over Yun Yang just to himself, and the best of the East is given to the medicine field.

The scale of the drug field is so rapidly expanding over ten acres and more than ten acres!

All the little guys looked at the scene with surprise and danced. Although they do not understand, they do not prevent them from cheering for such changes.

The more elixir, the more suitable for their growth.


Yun Yang once again saw the sky, and the black trails walked out of the three thousand miles. The speed was like the wind, and the half-step sacred priest’s cultivation was done. The subtle feeling of "jumping", the degree of comfort in the whole, can not be described by pen and ink.

The feeling of being light and refreshing is simply too cool... no, there is a bad place... Naturally this fox head.

I want to be like Yun Yang, people can be exceptionally outstanding, the little white face in Xiaobai's face... Hey, is a natural turbidity, a beautiful boy, handsome and handsome, but now it has become a demon look, a demon look, no help. With a mask, even if I harvest a lot, I am rich in the world, but I have no face to see anyone...

However, the old guys seem to be deliberate...

In the past few days, Yun Yang thought carefully and gradually returned to God. The West Gate of the West Heavenly Palace was overturned. Although it was helpful to lift the prohibition, it was by no means the main cause; otherwise, it was in its status, especially in its position. The minimum necessary for his position, even if he accidentally offended him, the guy will never leave.

I would like to say that I am also a great hero of the Xuanhuangjie Terran. The great hero is just a face-to-face thing. I should also help myself to solve the problem. I am afraid that there is nothing wrong with it...


During the time of the East Pole Palace, Yun Yang was not white mixed. Although he couldn’t repair it, he couldn’t help it. But if Ximen’s overturning can solve this embarrassment, it’s like the Eastern Haoran. There is no way to make no sense. In addition, in the East Pole Palace, the old guy who has been trained as a sage is at least three. If he is really interested, he can lift the ban for himself.

I have secretly asked for help, but a few old guys are confused and pretending to be dumb.

This is quite fascinating, even if it is 10,000 steps back, it is very difficult to lift the cockroaches on his body. Non-Ximen has to cover the secrets of the unique law, but the relationship between the East Pole and the Western Heavenly Palace is at the most. That is to say, the East Haoran’s mouth is moving, why not refuse it?

Even if the West Gate is overturned, it is a careful eye. If you don’t give the East Pole Palace a face, relying on this chip of your own cemetery, you don’t believe that the West Gate is overwhelming, but the other party is a little bit of audio!

"That's it...there's more than just that Simon can't solve it, but that old guy wants to get it all..."

Yun Yang is naturally sullen, even though she is now in a good mood, she still has a lot of depression and hidden heart.

Yun Yang, who is at high altitude, looks into the distance. The front is an endless forest wave, as if it has spread all the way to the horizon, but it is not far from the penalty land.

On the day of the punishment of the Holy Land, Yun Yang established friendship with many kings of the mysterious beasts. This time, he could not help but give birth to the mind of the visit. Of course, there is also a top-ranking beast that hopes to pass the past and seek help from the heavenly land. Lift this **** seal.

Heavenly punishment of the Holy Land, the Xuanhuangjie Terran and the demon world, in the strict sense, it is the three major groups of the world, the top-ranking mysterious beast of the Holy Land, should also have the same strength as the demon, the East Haoran ? Asking for help, but Yun Yang is currently the fastest or best option to lift himself!

Seeing that the destination is not far from it, Yun Yang will speed up the body three more points, and at this moment, a voice behind him passed down: "The front fox fox, stop!"

Fox demon?


Yun Yang’s face reveals a strange expression of sigh.

I am blindfolded now, and my head is blindfolded. No one can see my face in the first place, but the followers actually know that my appearance is a head fox! Not bad, the ability of this perspective is really amazing, I want to learn...

Yun Yang stopped and looked back. He saw four people falling in front of him, watching him show his unintentional yin smile, and the intention of not being good was obvious.

The one who came is the four monarchs!

Seeing the enemy at present, Yun Yang did not even say a scene, and he took the knife out of his own. When the knife flashed, the sky was full of haze, and the knife walked freely, walking with the knife and breaking through the knife. Zhang space, a strong mad attack!

In the moment of the shot, Yun Yang remembered the words of the East Haoran when he was separated from the East Haoran.

"If someone is shooting at you, don't be polite, don't even be merciful, be sure to make a quick decision and kill!"

The Eastern Haoran look at this time is very complicated, but it is always paying attention to Yun Yang’s eyes. The word says: “No matter what identity the other party is, whether you know each other or not, but when your reputation is now in full swing, For those of you who are shot, you will never be a good person! At the very least, you are also skeptical."

"We humans don't need this kind of dregs!"

"For this kind of person, you must kill and kill the roots! The cleaner you are, the better!"

Yun Yang’s current practice is precisely implementing this sentence.

The four people on the opposite side said nothing, Yun Yang actually said nothing, directly hands-on, and a shot is a tyrannical killing, full of death.

The knife is shining, and the moment has come to the front. The middle-aged man who is headed by the instinct of the repairer is almost the subconscious sword. The moment the sword collides, the whole person is directly shaken out; the look on his face is astonishing!

In the instant of swords and swords, he was keenly aware that although Yunyang’s swordsmanship was powerful, his strength was not unmatchable, but it was slightly inconsistent with what he knew. It seems that Yunyang should be stronger than this. !

Between the mind and the electric turn, the first one sneaked into the other three, and he wanted to come at the beginning. I took the shot and took the lead, and the other three were in the fight against it. However, at first glance, it was even more shocking and heartbreaking!

The original Yun Yang’s knife was actually attacking four people. The knife was rolling, like the wind and the wind, and the four people were involved in it. The four people were both at the same time, all of them were shocked and gave birth to the same mind. I thought that I had blocked the main force of Yun Yang and expected the other three to counterattack!

The fact is that everyone is only loaded with up to a quarter of the power of Yun Yang, and all of them are caught in the glory of the clouds, no one has a slightly cheaper phase!

The knives of Yun Yang came suddenly. The four men were both in the parry, and they were dodging. They only felt that a deadly crisis came to an end. They found that the other three could not help themselves, and their lives were intimidating. Invariably, the real effort was made.

For a time, the four people made all the big moves, each with their own style, and under the counterattack, they swallowed up the Yunyang knife, and they had more anti-phasing, and they could not be extraordinary.

Yun Yang screamed, turned and jumped out of the circle, the first words, but the tone is even more cold: "It turned out to be you!"

The other side's rush to respond under the elbow, in addition to its own strongest means to protect life; Yun Yang has already understood the identity of the other side.

The two people headed by them, even if they changed their appearance, even their body shape is slightly different from the body. However, when they tried their best, they immediately exposed their true identity, but at the time of the East Pole, they fought and discussed with Yunyang. The second product is holy!

The Yun Yang who came to this conclusion, the shock at the bottom of my heart is also incomprehensible, long time and hard.

The words of the East Haoran’s parting are still in the ear, and sure enough someone will kill themselves.

But why do you want to deal with yourself when you are the holy prince of the East Pole?


Lt; updated yesterday to sleep, today was asked by the moderator: Did you update? I am also confused... I didn’t see it at all, so I had to go it again. I don't understand what went wrong. Gt;

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