I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 491: Are you starting or I am starting?

However, the Oriental Star immediately saw that his father’s face was very ugly, and Ximen’s overturned palace owner looked at his own eyes, which was more complicated and even mixed with a strange and inexplicable look...

How is this going?

"Father, Uncle Simon." The Eastern Star’s tribute to the ceremony has returned to normal, but he clearly feels his head creaking, his teeth seem to have fallen off, and his mouth is full of Bloody smell...

Who is stunned by me?

It must be Yun Yang!

Yun Yang, you are so **** waiting for me, now I have the West Gate predecessors to gather here, you will die!

The East Haoran face is gloomy: "Talk about what you are doing during this time, come together!"

The Eastern Star thought of a move and said: "Yes."

The Oriental Stars had a good draft in an instant. In fact, he had already done a good job of killing Yun Yang, and then responded to his father’s and even the other two Tiangong Palace’s abdomen cases, or that Yun Yang was blamed for his hatred and died of the enemy’s hand. Or Yun Yang is young and frivolous, causing jealousy, being jealous of people to set up a bureau to calculate, or to say that the beautiful color of the eyes, there are coveted spirits, Shangguan Lingxiu beauty, know that Yunyang actually has two beautiful, want to kill Then quickly, even the move to Ning Fengxue has a saying, Yunyang murderous is too strong, no one in the eyes, Ning predecessors intended to punish the big shackles to take the lesson, but Yun Yun Yang is not tamed, Ning seniors can not stop...

Although every reason is only a scene, but for a dead person who has no value, it is absolutely true, at least for the Eastern Stars, it is absolutely enough!

At this moment, what the Oriental Stars have to do is to magnify Yun Yang’s self-important self-important heart and mind, and at least let him have a considerable handle on Yun Yang’s position...

However, with the two shocking weather slamming down, the heart of the Eastern Stars will be shocked in an instant! The Eastern Haoran and Ximen looked at him with four eyes, and the voice was sensational: "There must be no concealment!"

The Oriental Star only feels that the mind is blurred, and it seems to be lost in the innocent starry sky. For a time, the heart is full of ambiguity, and it seems that even the brain can't turn, all in the heart: "We have come to this city since..."

His expression is succinct, and the general statement of the water is nothing but a matter of fact, and all of them are described in truth. There are no mistakes and no more false statements.

How to arrange themselves, how to assassinate Yun Yang, how others discuss with themselves, how to lay down traps, how to make a name for themselves, and how to destroy the nine prefectures, the ninth house... and so on...

Once it is extinguished, how is the power distributed, how is the wealth divided, and the beauty of the spirits and other colors are intended to belong to everyone...

What Yu Zhenyu said, what Ximen Yuyu said, Beigong has no choice but to say... How do you discuss the saints... How do you fight from the beginning, and then all the saints decide to unite together? Yun Yang...

And to this day, Beigong Musou did not know why to test Yunyang, but instead was chased by Yunyang... Then, Beigong Wushuang was killed by Yun Yang in front of himself and others, and he pointed his finger at himself and others. People are naturally unwilling to sit still and fight back...

Then there is how Yunyang broke out, how to open the killing ring... In the end, how do you escape with Yu Zhenyu, how to be chased by Yunyang, how do you do it...

The most unrecognizable thing for the Eastern Stars is that they have clearly asked Ning Fengxue to personally deal with Yun Yang, and how Yun Yang escaped from birth, how is this possible...

The more the East is listening, the more ugly the face is, the more and more the breathing is, and it has been like pulling the bellows.

Ximen overturned when he heard his son Ximen Yuyu said, "Yun Zun is a mainland hero, but as long as we remove his identity, it is natural to kill it, leaving no room for trouble... There are so many people here. Testimony, it is not everything that allows us to say that history books have always been written by the winners. Who will be a dead person, at most, create an illusion, point the finger at the Yaozu, and believe that the Yaozu is very I am willing to take this pot down..." After this sentence, the face that had already been defeated was more and more difficult to see.

Then I heard how to divide the wealth of beauty, how to... How do the two palace owners feel a heartache? How did we educate such a group of things?

What is special about this group of groceries...

As the Oriental Stars became more and more in-depth, Ximen overturned and looked at the eyes of the East, and was filled with sympathy and full of sympathy...

As for the gaze of the Oriental Star, no more complicated than before, only full of pity...

Silly boy!

You see, he definitely doesn't want to kill you...

But every time you say a word, you are on the way to the Nether, more step by step!

You are still lingering until now, but you haven’t finished it yet...

Poor old East... You have to face the pain of losing your child!

Fortunately, Laozi’s people are already dead... Otherwise... I think that Ximen’s inexplicable feeling has met a kind of luck!

He is fascinated by this feeling: I wipe, my son's apprentice is dead, I am still lucky... This reaction is not normal.

Finally, listening to the Eastern Stars finished the whole thing, the original Haoran’s bleak face was pale, desperate, and the body swayed twice. Shen Sheng asked: “You are a saint, you have the right to balance, but you face the mainland hero, except Is it faster than that, is there no other feeling?"

The oriental star face is calm and calm: "Hero, but a famous name, the so-called merits, is just a legend of the population. He is the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, no matter how many heroes he wants to create, but it is a matter of words. Heroes ... It has always been the tool of the upper class to stir up the hearts of the people and stimulate the world. Why do you need more feelings?!"


These words are not only the East Haoran, but even the West Gate overturned at the same time.

That is for the sake of mankind, for the ethnic group, the **** sacrifice to the hero who went to the hard! The backbone of the entire Terran!

This kind of goods, for the human race hero, is holding this attitude...

No, not only him, the fallen Son, it is generally such an attitude, otherwise how can we merge one place and work together! ?

Simon turned over and suddenly said: "The hero in your mouth is only one person in Yunyang, or all heroes?!"

His voice is very amazing.

The Eastern Star replied without thinking: "Heroes, dead talents are worthy of the heroes, Yun Yang is the hero of the living beings, how can you not die, only the dead people without value can win the praise of the hero..."

"Moreover, the hero, in fact, is left with a lot of wealth, waiting for others to divide it. Anyway, his descendants are absolutely unable to keep the family business. Only cheaper, I wait for the superior. Even if it is a hero, but as long as It’s dead, what is the value, and who else is willing to be in their heads. This is too safe.”

Ximen turned over and sneered, saying: "It’s really the emperor's heart... East, you teach well."

The oriental Haoran face is dark.

The Oriental Star is faint: "Ximen Haoyu is in line with my thoughts."

When Simon turned over, his face was dark.

Now that the Eastern Stars are completely shocked, what they think and think is the most real reaction. He said that the heart of Ximen’s overturning is cold.

The face of the East Haoran changed again. His mind was filled with an extremely ominous thought, and his eyes closed. His heart was ashamed and asked: "Listen to you, what have you done to the former human race hero?"

The Eastern Stars are still under extreme shock, and Muran responded: "These benefits, don't take it. 50 years ago, Yang Shengjun, who died in the Blood Soul Mountain, has a female in his blood family. I have a good look, I want to be a waiter, Yang family is not willing, the end of the ignorance of the lift, the door is destroyed; the woman, Yang Xiner was played by me for more than a year, but also wants the eucalyptus Assassinated me, I was directly pinched to death... And seventy years ago, the cattle family was old and weak, and they were still obsessed with the promise of the treasure. They all let me kill..."

"I am waiting for the superiors, the backbone leaders of the Terran, the Terran has a good thing, and of course should let us enjoy it first. What kind of treasure, it should be contributed in the first time... This is the contribution and credit of my generation for so many years. The rewards we deserve, we are comfortable, we can do things better for human beings... They are the family of heroes, the name of a dead person, actually refused to pay, but also plausible words, and there is no need to die."

"The hero's descendants enjoy too many heroes, and I don't know how to advance or retreat. Isn't it a deadly way? I am going to go to the underworld to be a hero family... After all, they are all complete and complete..."

"There are two hundred years ago...three hundred years ago..."

If the oriental star mouth hangs over the river, it will come. A pile, a piece... It’s been said that it’s been more than half an hour, and time is only a few hundred years ago...

The East Haoran face is as gray as it is, and it trembles.

For a long while, when the Eastern Stars finally finished, the East Haoran was already on the verge of collapse. He was gasping with a big mouth and a big mouth, but his eyes were as if they were uncontrolled. Eyes.


There is no meaning in the East Haoran throat.

He felt that his heart seemed to stop jumping at this moment, and it seemed to jump too vigorously. It seemed that he would jump out of his throat the next moment...

The entire universe, the Milky Way, is exploding in its own mind and smashing the general colors...

Suddenly, Ximen’s overturned heartache, and it hurts his brother who has been dating for tens of thousands of years.

There are so many things, even if I listened to it, I feel that my hair is horrified, my anger is so fierce, and the East is awesome... All of the above are all made by his own son!

This makes life all the time for the people to work hard to make the most of their own life, proud of their own life, and how can the oriental stars of the moon shine?

After the Oriental Stars finished, the mind is still awkward.

The Eastern Haoran was so distorted for a long time, and suddenly the tears flowed like a spring, and the choking of the face could not be heard!

"It turns out that this is the truth... I... I can't help those fallen brothers..." The East Hao Hao whimpered and looked sad: "The brothers who died... You sacrificed freedom for humanity, dedication Life, dedicating all that is... but the blood of your children is trampled by my son..."

"I can't help you... I can't help it!"

The East is so painful that it only feels that the internal organs are broken!

Another one has never thought of it!

I couldn’t ask if I had asked about this, but I’m asking for a reason, I want to find a reason for my son. I haven’t done bad things before. It’s just this time, the moment’s greed, the moment’s ambiguity ......

Even the sentence of his own help is also the intention to promote the idea of ​​the East.

When I want to get this question, I actually ask a painful heart, and I don’t want to live!

The Eastern Haoran was burned in the five places, but the inside of the customs was deep, but the imbalance of the mind became more and more serious. When I thought about it, I didn’t hear the family of many old brothers disappeared, not in the old place, even I even received it. The letter handed over by the son said that they were in love with the scenery, and they all rushed back to their hometowns, and never heard of the mundane things...

So many times, I am amazed every time, I don’t understand why there are some brothers’ families moving away after a while?

Obviously staying in the near right, no matter the resources, it is convenient for your own care, how to be very beneficial to the growth of future generations, how to move away?

Don't understand...

I only know now that I understand that where people want to move away, it is simply that their son has taken care of others instead of taking care of them.

If you really move away, then it is really lucky, at least not to die, full of death!

"That is the blood of a hero, the family of brothers!"

The East is so horrible: "I am the most **** person... I am damn... I am damn... I am damn..."

I screamed and screamed to the world.

In the voice, the pain of the cone-shaped bones is even more lingering with the pain and despair... indescribable!

Nothing to say!

A lot of things, no, should be the vast majority of things. I can find out the truth with a little attention, but I don’t know anything about it. When did I start, so I believe my son? ! ?

It’s not to be a godfather, I am an oriental star, and there is no sin!

He screamed insanely, then bowed his head and looked at his son with a gray eyes.

"With so many blood debts owed, you have only one life, how can you make up?"

The East Haoran looked sadly at his son, blood and sorrow. Trembling!

At this time, the Eastern Stars finally woke up and was completely awake.

After replying to his eyes after clearing, he saw his father's ugly face, and he calmly said: "Oh, what happened, the father was worried, so please tell the father to let your son worry about you?" ”

Yes, yes, it is this tone, let yourself believe that your son will not let himself down, Laozi hero is a hero, but he does not want to, the reality is... Laozi stupid bear bastard!

The Eastern Hao Ran took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Not only did the body tremble, but even his fists trembled.

He said in a hoarse voice: "Yun Yang, are you doing it, or am I doing it?"

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