I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 492: But go

When the Oriental Star heard the name of Yunyang, he was shocked: "Yun Yang?" Turning his head and looking at it, Yun Yang’s mask with a mask reflected his eyes and stood not far from his side.

At this moment, a pair of scorpions behind the mask, flashing cold murder, locked himself.

Yun Yang’s heart beats the iron, but at the moment he can’t help but sigh.

The words of Dongfang Haoran are very clear.

Who is going to do it? !

No matter who does it, the Eastern Stars must die, and they are dead!

However, some of Yun Yang’s rare ideas can’t be decided. “I never thought about letting you do it. If you say... Tiger poison does not eat, kill your own son, for you, Not only a heartache, but also a devil. Therefore, I intended to kill me from the very beginning!"

"But now it's different from before. You have asked so many things, so many heroes and descendants are bloody... so dead, if this is not the case, you can't help but vent your heart and become a demon. Latent, it’s even harder to give to countless souls to explain..."

Yun Yangton said after a pause and said: "The dilemma is both dilemma, both ends. It is difficult to do it. I don't know what the Ximen Gongzhu can do?"

Simon’s eyes were overturned and the color of appreciation was revealed.

Although his son died in the hands of Yun Yang earlier, he expressed his appreciation for the exquisiteness of Yun Yang at the moment.

The two points mentioned by Yun Yang are all mentioned in the key points.

Whether you let the East Haoran start, it is a big problem!

With regard to this treatment opinion, it is the best way to solve the problem by the indirect party and the hatchback.

When I think of it, I have to wait to speak, but it is cold and sweaty.

Because Ximen overturned a thought suddenly rising, the act of the Eastern Star, the heart is sick, the evil is not evil, and there is a lingering death, and the ones he did, the East Haoran obviously does not know, otherwise the situation will be out of control.

So what about yourself? How about your own son, Ximen overturned? !

The Eastern Stars did not die, and they were asked by the Eastern Haoran...

This has led to the infinite ambiguity in the heart, the advance and retreat, and no way!

If the West Gate is overturned, is it not dead? Do you want to ask yourself?

I am afraid I have to ask...

And the answer to the question will be optimistic? !

Ximen has no illusions when it is overturned, because he has already remembered that his own Xitianjing Palace seems to have some heroes and descendants who choose to move away from home and look beyond the dust. From then on, there is no news, just like human evaporation...

Just now, Dongfang Xingchen also said: Ximen Haoyu is the same as mine. Doesn't that mean...

The mind turned, the west door turned over the cold sweat, and the sweat was heavy, but it was self-defeating: "Yun Yang, it’s up to you to start!"

The embarrassment of the heart, the East Haoran can also be used to make up for the enemy to kill, but if you really made a personal killing of your son, such things, the wounds of their souls, will be eternal life will never make up for!

Oriental Stars squinted, forced to look at this, look at that, and then look at his father, the mind is again trapped in chaotic atmosphere.

What is the situation... Is this about discussing who is going to kill me?

Why? !

Suddenly a huge sense of absurdity rushed into my heart.

who am I? I am there? What am I doing?

How can this happen?

My relatives discuss with others who will kill me?

"Oh..." The Eastern Stars looked at their fathers with enthusiasm and help.

The Eastern Haoran bites his teeth and cuts his teeth, and he wants to split: "Stop! I don’t have a son like you!"


Yun Yang pulled the knife out of the sheath, and Sensen murdered the upper level.

"Hey! Save me..." I have already realized what I am, and I am not willing to scream at the screams of the Eastern Stars.

However, the last cry for help is only half-squeaked, and Yun Yang’s knife is as good as a practice.

He can't wait to see this shameless face again!

The knife light falls!

Bloody splashes!

The green light rises.

Soul, direct annihilation!

The body of the Oriental Star is divided into two sections, and the dragonfly falls to the ground. The skull slammed on the ground, rolled a few rolls, and looked up to the sky, and the eyes were still puzzled.


The East Haoran looked up to the sky, his body trembled even more, his lips closed tightly, and his eyes closed tightly.

He still didn't want to see his son's final death.

But he finally turned his head and glanced.

Then, there was no change in the tall and straight posture, but the feeling of giving people seemed to have been directly old for decades at that moment!


From a small meat group, I was teased in my arms, grew up a little, taught a little, and experienced it for so many years...

Nowadays, at this moment, all of them have become nothingness!

He died, but the sin of the day he made... How to redeem?

He closed his eyes and faintly saw countless figures, one by one in front of him. It was his own brother, and all of them were asking themselves in anger.

"The East is awe-inspiring. I am fighting for the sake of humanity. I am dead and dead. What are the future generations that you promised to take care of me?"

"Orientation, what is your promise?"

"Orientation, my family is good?"

"Eastern, you take care of it too much, do you want to thank you?"

"Oriental, do you treat the family of your dead brother?"


The East Haoran closed his eyes and suddenly said: "No!............Brothers, I..."

The phantom in front suddenly suddenly disappeared.

Simon turned over and looked at it, sighing gently: "Oriental!"

"...ah?" The East is a bit stunned.

"Let's go back."

"go back?"

"Go back to the Heavenly Palace. Called the North Palace, back to the Heavenly Palace. This thing is over."

"Back... Tiangong... ah..." The sound of the East Haoran is a little far away.

For a long time, I finally said in a nightmare: "Yes, we have to go back and clean up the mess... give an account to the brothers who sacrificed that year... I want to go to their graves... I want to sin... I don’t care, it’s all Laozi. The fault... even if this apology is meaningless..."

On one side, Yun Yang is silent.

At this moment, even though he is as intelligent as he is, he does not know what he should say.

It doesn't make sense to say anything.

He firmly believes that he has done nothing wrong, he has to kill himself, and he is very happy!

However, in the face of these two fathers who have just lost their biological sons, they can’t do anything completely justifiable!

After all, their son... is killing themselves.

Family, once was the biggest shortcoming and hunger of Yun Yang. Even now, with the goal now, Yun Yang still cherishes every affection. He can’t even imagine what it would be if he happened to himself. !

The two palace owners stepped forward, turned and walked, and their backs were infinitely desolate.

"Oriental Palace Lord..." Yun Yang hesitated, or cried.

The East Haoran’s body stopped, but did not look back: “What?”

"You... don't take the body of Ling Lang?" Yun Yang asked.

Once the impermanence is over, the Eastern Stars will be destroyed, and the remains will not exist, but the corpse will still exist. If it is buried in the earth, it will only cover the ears, but for a father, it is always a little comfort.

The East Haoran body trembled, stiff in place, for a long time, just biting his teeth and hoarse voice said: "Take him... feed the dog!"

Suddenly a long shout, rising into the sky, the whole body instantly turned into a streamer, a flash has disappeared.

Ximen overturned and sighed, and the sleeves of the robe were rolled up. The two pieces of the Eastern Stars were rolled up and the space ring was received. The voice was empty and said: "This seat should also go back... Go back and investigate... these In the years, have these people committed the same sin..."

His voice is full of trembling, and apparently he is not confident in his own findings.

In fact, Ximen is very clear in his heart, like a mirror.

His son is similar to the identity of the Oriental Star, and his status is similar. No matter the eyesight experience, he is all in the middle of the game. Even the strategy of treating Yun Yang, the hero of Xuan Huang, is generally the same. So similar to the temper, almost The same love power of the stack, and will be different in the treatment of heroes and heroes... I believe that the things that the Oriental Stars have done, even if Ximen Yuyu does not say all done, I am afraid that most of them have been done!

Ximen overturned his son, but he still had a lot of thoughts, especially at a close distance to hear the confession of the Oriental Star.

This point, or not to check it out, can still be a little confused.

But this is a rare confusion, but I can't do it. I am very confused, then what about those heroes who died in battle? What about those who are dying? !

Check, it is necessary to check!

"Ximen Palace Lord!" Yun Yang Su Rong, said seriously: "The deceased has been paralyzed, but also please mourn one or two. But Yun Yang still has a saying to say: Today's hot hands have removed so many people, for the three heavenly palaces In the future, if you develop... or temporarily lose your strength, your combat power will drop sharply, but in the coming days, there will be many benefits, and the benefits will outweigh the disadvantages!"

Does the advantage outweigh the disadvantages? !

On this point, I will not see it when I read it through Ximen.


What you said is the vision after all, and the reality now is... my son is dead, I am sad... my subordinate is dead, and I am sad...

My condition is even worse than that of the East Haoran!

I have reached the point where I am in a dilemma... How do I face my wife after I go back?

Was the son killed in front of himself?

And who knows who the murderer is, but can't take revenge?

Wife wants to avenge myself and can't let her come? !

These are not a big deal for a man who really has the final say in his own family, but for the Lord, it is the sky...

Oh, oh.

Shaking his head in sorrow, Simon shouted and sighed softly: "Go, go, too..."

Brushed all of a sudden, turned into a long sky, and went away.

The three main palace owners did not even go to the main battlefield of the fallen of the saints to take a look, so they went straight.

Yun Yang stood in the place for a long time.

After a long time, he went all the way back and packed up the scattered space equipment along the way.

At this moment, the present city, the vast city of today, is like a dead city, no one has any movement.

From the fall of the Eastern Stars to the position of the main battlefield, the personal belongings of the Holy King and the Sons are almost everywhere. Even if they only have fragments of the soldiers, they are also full of brilliance, no one, but no one dares to pick them up. !

Yun Yang all the way back and clean up, no one omissions, the end of the Yan is not the name of the hair.

After collecting all kinds of space equipment and debris, Yun Yang waved his hand and swept all the broken bodies of the war dead. He punched a big hole in the ground and threw all the flesh and blood. Go in.

Followed by another hand, the ground is flat again.

However, the return of the sacred monarchs, even a tombstone logo is not, destined to be ignorant of this, no longer heard.

"After today, perhaps this city will become a new spiritual sanctuary in the Xuanhuangjie... The ordinary people living here, even if they don't go to the road, but only rely on the nourishment of the heavens and the earth, will also improve the physical quality and reduce The injury is possible."

Yun Yang muttered to himself.

The many repairers who have fallen into this battle have been repaired to the lowest level, and there are also the peaks of the four saints. The more are the saints, the body and flesh and bones are full of heaven and earth, buried in the underground. , slowly evaporating, and a lot of spiritual connotation to feed the world...

And this process can last for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Therefore, Yun Yang has this kind of cognition: "When you die, make a contribution to the ordinary people of this city, you can redeem some of your sins..."

He turned and looked in the other direction, and then he walked away and walked over.

The other side of that direction is where the people of the Sacred Heart Temple live.

"I hope I haven't escape yet!"

Yun Yang walked over step by step.

What he said before with the East Haoran, but they are all in the heart, do not hide the slightest holiday, naturally want to pay for the foreword.

"You don't have to pass." A clear voice sounded: "The people in the Sacred Heart Temple have all gone."

Yun Yang turned to look at the sound, only to see the white fluttering, white gauze cover, exquisite, like a fairy Lingbo.

It is the Shangguan Lingxiu.

"You haven't you gone?"

"Hey..." Shangguan Lingxiu said: "If I am gone... Where can I see the great power of Yun Zun adults?"

Yun Yang only felt that the tidal wave of the whole body was scattered, and the surging was calm and warm. He smiled and said: "I know that the two of you agreed so surely have ghosts!"

Shangguan Lingxiu’s eyes are smiling, and the spring water is generally gentle. He said: “It’s said that I’m going back to Jiuzhengfu from here, is it quite far?”

Yun Yang’s heart was a moment of heart and soul, and he politely bent down and performed a noble etiquette. He said: “I don’t know if Xiaosheng can have the chance to invite Shangguan girls to walk side by side and walk back together?”

Shangguan Lingxiu thought about it and said with a reserved attitude: "Looking at you is still polite and thoughtful, this lady will reward you with this opportunity."


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