I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 502: Going to the battle, nine changes in the government

Everyone who said the vice-president said that they were all flushed and full of silence.

Half a moment of silence, Xiao Wuyi is not interested in the sky, blinking, sinking: "Lang Xiaomeng, what do you mean?"

The sky turned up and looked up at his boss. The muscles in his mouth twitched and twitched.

I mean? I didn't mean anything!

What do you want me to say?

Give me a hint in advance... I don’t even know it, especially if you don’t know what you think, can I say?

Xiao Wuyi looked at the sky and continued to ask: "The wave of the vice league, there is something to say, it is free to talk, what can be said."

The sky turned to see Xiao’s eyes seem to have flashed a glimpse... encourage?

Well, what is the situation, I am not mistaken?

The heart of the sky is getting more and more up.

If this is wrong, maybe you can be killed on the spot...

Coughing, the waves sneaked out and looked at Xiao’s unintentional look. I saw Xiao’s solemn face and seriousness.

He swallowed his mouth and tried to ask: "Boss... dare to ask you now... what is the realm of repairing?"

Xiao Wuyi is serious: "Only at the peak of the four saints, it is a step ahead, and you can promote a holy prince."

The waves nodded and looked at it, and the eyes sneaked a sneak scan of Xiao’s unintentional face. “The boss’s cultivation is always the highest in our business alliance... Others, including Li Lao, are not as good as you... ”

Xiao has no intention of narrowing his eyes.

"...but as far as I know... Yun Zun adults are now the peaks of the four kings of the Holy King... and there is no history of dust, etc., and it has reached the level of the four saints... Oh, the nine prefectures now have the holy Respect for the four products... There are more than a dozen..."

Xiao Wuyi took a look at the waves and said, "What do you want to say?"

The waves coughed and said: "What I want to say is that the ninth house is said to have to be merged into the Nine Houses. As a result, the sacred monks of the Nine Houses must have more than 20 ... It seems that the two heads of the Ninth House are not only beautiful, but also a stunning one. The record of killing the Holy Power is in the front, and it is a level, at least it must be a holy king... ..."

Xiao Wuyi blackened his face: "Is there anything to say?"

The sky is straight through the passage: "I actually want to say that even if we really hit us, we can’t beat the nine houses..."

"Is this still used by you?!" everyone rolled their eyes together.

If you play too early, you will fight it, right? As for the current grievances?

"The second road is sitting on the mountain, and it’s really not such a thing..." The waves looked at the faces of everyone, and finally sneaked a sneak peek at Xiao’s unintentional face, and said in a heart, “In fact, it seems to me that There are not only two roads, but also a third option."

"The third choice, what choice?" All the people asked.

The waves are deep and take a deep breath: "This third road... The nine villages have been through this grass since the creation of the grass. The growth process is in our eyes. At least I think that the development of the nine prefectures is extremely rapid. Suppression, but in just three or five years, it has been promoted from a small shrimp with no Tianyun flag to a martial art. In particular, the tops of the nine prefectures are now gathered by the saints, and far beyond the ones. The standard of the door... I believe that the next step for the Nine Houses is to plan nine temples..."

The crowd nodded.

Xiao Wuyi’s eyes are a little bit stunned.

"And now we are just struggling even if we only want to survive..."

The crowd nodded again.

Xiao’s unintentional gaze continued.

The waves turned to heaven: "Well... I think the nine houses will continue to develop... Even if they go to the height of the Temple, it is not impossible... Of course, this is just my guess."

The people nodded again.

Xiao has no intention of wrinkling his brows.

The waves turned to heaven: "I just want to... is it that the nine prefectures have not yet fully developed, and we have a very good relationship with us. We are all going to the nine prefectures. The development momentum of the nine prefects is unstoppable, but its The foundation is still insufficient, and it can be said that it is a waste of time. We are now in the midst of a real snow. In other words, wait a year and a half, and wait until the nine prefectures are upgraded. I’m afraid that even the icing on the cake is not enough... everyone knows people, and naturally knows that it’s two different meanings.”

Everyone was full of meditation and nodded slowly.

When I was in the sky, I felt that I was in the same city. My heart was eternal, and I was more and more vocal: "Although our business road was taken away; it is difficult to operate without the goods, and the Nine Houses are blooming everywhere, expanding the Quartet, but always Lack of foundation, lack of co-ordination, it is difficult to make a ban, it is like a mess. We have been able to take charge of this aspect in the past, and help the staff to operate the business of the nine occupants in the business, let them do their best, and wait until they are themselves By the way, then we have no meaning in the past... The money of the Nine Houses is certainly a rare business genius, but only one person, who wants to obey everything, still needs considerable time, and our participation is positive. It can make up for its shortcomings. On the other hand, people are really wonderful people. Even if they don’t have them, they can cope, but it takes a long time..."

Everyone nodded and acknowledged that the words of the sky were justified.

For the world of business alliances, the nine powers are higher, the threat is not fatal, but the money is a deadly threat! The guy in the commercial side is a stranger who can't be out of the world. He is going around the camp and seeing the needles. If the spiritual talent of this child can have half of his business talent, I am afraid that another Saint can't run!

"So oh..." When you see the sky, everyone has no objection, and you just have to make a final note: "In fact, it seems to me that we have a good relationship with Yunzun, and it’s only a long time since the rise of Yunzun. When you go to the past, you will be delegated to reuse... If you wait a while, the status of the Nine Houses is stable, the number of masters is increasing, the business road is smooth, and the operation is unimpeded. Let’s think about it again, that’s the real destination. Even if it is eaten, it is just the leftovers of people’s charity..."

Everyone was silent for a long while, and they nodded their heads. They all felt that it was not good to hear the words, but they were all honest, and the starting point was to consider the prospects of the business alliance.

Only Xiao has no intention of looking at the waves.

This product is what is put in the fart! ?

Did I let you say this?

Am I letting you say this?

Is this not a jerk?

I will let you express your opinion. What is your opinion about this? Are you so clearly going to make the world's business alliance handy? Actually, I still have to be brazen and red-mouthed to tell everyone that if I go late, nothing will happen. I have to go early...

The vice-president nodded and nodded and said: "The wave of the vice-presidents is not rough, we are going to the past, not only the cultivation of resource spirit is bound to be greater than today, only the nine villages have become nine temples, nine heavenly palaces... Our business alliance may not be a prince."

Song Changgong said: "Well, there are many disciples of the nine disciples, but when it comes to the top, there are really a few people...etc. We really became the people of the Nine Houses. It’s the mysterious and mysterious spirit. In the cemetery, everyone has a good guarantee regardless of safety or longevity. I agree to rely on the past."

Another one said: "Yes, the wave of the Deputy League can be said to have found an excellent way for us. As the Lang Xiaomeng said, we will still be valued in the past, but not necessarily in the past It is."

There is another person: "Not bad, this idea is really excellent."

After that, everyone said together: "If you don't want this, you will be so sure..."

Next, everyone discussed it in full swing.

No one noticed that the face of the lord Xiao’s unintentional eyes was too dark to watch.

Forty-five people in the entire hall, except for the unintentional, the other forty-four people all voted for the vote in the nine houses.

And one by one, they are all excited and flushed, and the eyes are full of light. Most people have already started to squat after going to the Nine Houses. What should they do?

"To play to your strengths..."

"To show my unique ability..."


"However, the relationship is good or the relationship between the vice league and the Yunzun adults is good... When is the time..."

"Not bad, hehe..."

"This thing really makes me feel good... oh..."

The waves squinted and the eyes said, "What do you think? Hehe..."

Everyone praised together: "The wave of the vice-presidents is far-sighted and can be called the great hero of the business alliance. I am not as good as myself, oh..."

"How do you feel about the boss?" It was only when I waved over the sky that I thought of Xiao’s innocence and turned my head and looked shocked. I saw Xiao’s unintentional black face, as ugly as he ate!

"Old... boss..." The waves stuttered.

You... don't you mean this? Then you just gave me a hint to me... give it to me...

Xiao did not want to take a heavy breath, and now he felt a little suffocated, and he breathed a sigh of relief. The eyes of the bronze bell looked at the sky, but he still couldn’t speak for a while.

There is only one idea: kill him? Kill him...

Song Changgong laughed happily: "The boss is feeling pleasantly surprised, more gratified, and he is too happy to say anything..."

"Yes, yes, the good things about the business alliance, the boss must agree..." everyone.

"Boss..." The sky was white, and cautiously: "How do you mean?"

Xiao did not intend to breathe a heavy breath, swallowed and said: "Everyone agrees, how can I disagree, this is a good suggestion for the business alliance, how can I not adopt?!"

Everyone cheered.

Xiao did not want to stand up: "This matter, for the time being, it’s fixed. Everyone is gone. The sky is going over, you come, I will discuss the follow-up with you..."

The latter sentence is said by biting the back molar.

The waves turned cold and the buttocks sat tightly on the chair and said dryly: "Boss...this...just..."


Xiao did not want to grab the waves from the chair, and the brush did not have a shadow.

In the secret room.

The screams of the waves are not like the screams of human voices, and they are endless, and they are one after another.


Xiao Wuyi punches and kicks, punches the flesh, feet and feet to the bones.

"I told you this is this? Are you a bastard?!"

"Have you seen my mouth in the end? I told you about cooperation! What do you mean by cooperation? You have a special mouth, it is to directly send the world business alliance to the nine villages, do you know? !"

"The most annoying thing is that those people are actually agreeing one by one, passed..." Speaking here, Xiao has no intention of sighing.

"I never blame those who have nothing, deep and shallow, when you do not directly tell me the cooperation, you let me say, let me speak freely, straightforward, I certainly want to say the truth! "The waves are not convinced, and they are blind."

"Do you dare to retort? Lao Tzu lets you say, isn't it afraid of shame? Laozi is the general ally of the world's business alliances. What is the point of keeping the shackles? Isn't the point of the face okay? It is up to you to talk to others to cooperate. I gave the right side and kept my face. Isn't that the best of both worlds?" Xiao has no intention of roaring.

"When the predicament is in the front, how can we only do the two roads to do the work and do it? Can we not cooperate except to go to the other side! Cooperation does not understand?? Do not understand?!"

Xiao unintentionally became more and more resentful, punching and kicking more, and the screams of the waves hitting the sky, the ball generally flies and flies, from the sound of the one to the other, to the flesh of the one after another, patchwork.

For a long time, Xiao Wuyi finally vented.

"Boss, I am wrong, I understand your intentions wrong..." The waves turned dark and swollen, and looked regretful: "But it is not too late now. The only way to go is to know from the family, and then I will go with them. Say... my previous proposal is not counted. We can't go to work. We have to cooperate. Don't worry, your face can still be preserved. I have a second face, nothing to be done."

However, listening to the waves and turning the sky, Xiao said that he suddenly silenced, and he was speechless.

After a long time, he stood up, turned around, looked at the wall, and retired, finally sighed: "No need..."

The sky is full of doubts: "..."

Xiao has no intention to sigh: "Our business alliance, you are a fool, everyone else is smart!"

"We are among the people in the world, because of the financial strength of the business alliance, to gather together, to work together, or in the martial arts training, compared with the orthodox Shangpin Tianyun Qimen, but when it comes to dexterity, Nothing is second to anyone, any power. If you don’t have considerable knowledge in business for a lifetime, you can see the extraordinary eyesight... Why can you achieve the high achievement of today and today?!"

"Now, in this situation, it is really the only way out. The so-called cooperation must be based on the fact that the two sides can reach a consensus, and each has their own jealousy, each needs and benefits. The board is obvious, but it is not necessary to let the human resources of the business alliance not be able to, but our business alliance is struggling to survive, and it is difficult to balance the needs of both sides. The so-called cooperation, but the bubble, even if the nine people read the old feelings, promised Cooperation, the business alliance is still inevitable. If the friction is more and more, the business alliance will inevitably be swallowed up by it. Instead of this, it is better to lower the attitude at the beginning, and the whole effect will be more favorable, but it will be more favorable. The middle level of the degree is not bad."

"Those people have already seen the reasons for this. It is only for us that this law is only once and for all. Not only can everyone’s interests be guaranteed, but there is even hope that they can go further. With the trend of the nine prefectures, everyone's future status will rise and the ship can be foreseen!"

"There is such a simple truth, you don't think they just figured out the two roads!"

Xiao has no intention to sigh: "The hearts of the people in the world are scattered, what is the remark?"

The waves are stagnation; "This..."

Xiao did not want to look at him, faintly said: "Do you understand? Going to the nine prefectures, everyone in the business alliance will be the winners, the only loss, it is only me. Because since then, I am no longer Boss... It is for this reason that they dare not mention it, and they are embarrassed to mention it. After all, all the brothers have been working together for so many years... I always leave a little face to me."

"Oh, I am not a good person, so I hope that there will be a way for the individual to propose cooperation. I will continue my ruthless status as a savvy lord. I know that it is an idiot to dream, and I hope that I can drink and quench my thirst and linger."

"But this thing is fermented after all; I waited with them, and waited until I got a shovel, and jumped out like a fool, and then everyone pushed it, and it became, and the case was finalized..."

Xiao did not want to look at the waves.

The waves turned to the sky, and suddenly I felt that my heart was not a taste. I muttered: "Who is the one who expects so much, and the stupidity is the same as the iron head..."

Xiao Wuyi sighed and turned and left a sentence: "...I just slammed...that is the stupid iron shovel..."

When the waves crashed into the secret room, he whispered for a while: "I... silly?"


the next day.

The world's business alliance leader Xiao Wuyi, led the deputy leader to wave the sky, Zhao Wuji; five elders, three major offerings; plus a wind across the sea, left the world business alliance, and went to the nine prefectures.

"Since the decision is to be embarrassed, it will be more thorough and more sincere." Xiao Wuyi said.

"This is also the last thing that Xiao Xiao has not done for the brethren of the World Trade Union... for so many years."


Nine Houses.

The present nine prefectures, and Yun Yang left the meeting, has long been very different, can be said to have become a complete paradise on earth, blessed earth.

Looking far away, the peaks are full of peaks and clouds, and the clouds are winding.

There are countless rare birds and poultry that are looming in midair; they do not have to be inside the nine prefectures, but they are only within a radius of the nine prefectures, and they feel full of aura and are incomprehensible.

The trees are shaded and covered with the sky; the roads are all inexhaustible.

Yun Yang and Shangguan Lingxiu are still about 3,000 miles away from Jiu Zun, and they turn to walk, because the two found that starting from here, the road ahead has become extraordinarily spacious and bright, starting from this position, the road two The side began to plant a variety of flowers and plants of various colors, orderly and pleasing to the eye.

Going forward, every time a certain distance from the roadside will be placed some strange stone ornaments, and occasionally there are some self-contained flower beds, small gardens, and even some flat and large stones, to provide visitors with a rest...

After a while, some gazebos began to appear, and there was no interest in the wild.

So many miles away, the roadside began to appear in the inn, the restaurant, the various businesses are endless, the sale is very prosperous...

After all, the nine prefectures at this time have long been stunned by the past. Today, there are too many people going to the Nine Houses. There are countless teenagers, all of them are in the eyes, and there are many old people who come to their homes and squatting in the mountains. Zunfu apprentice...

Occasionally, walking through a disciple wearing a costume of nine prefects will always arouse the fascinating gaze. After all, the present nine prefectures have already represented a glory and a scenery.

Along the way, Shangguan Lingxiu was amazed.

"The weather here is really good." Shangguan Lingxiu praised sincerely: "Compared with the ninth house that we have been operating for several years... It is actually a lot of difference... This is still a few thousand miles away, full of scenery Picturesque, crowds surge..."

Yun Yang, as always, has a purple coat and a mask. Although it is not seen, it is still a casual way to walk, and it can't be said that it is dusty.

These two people have come along the way. There have been too many people who have been curious and paying attention to them. They are naturally surprised. These two people clearly want to go to the Nine Houses. How can they go to the site of the Nine Houses? Both with a mask, want to dry up?

Provocative? !

Now the nine deities of the Nine Houses are Xuanhuang Yunzun Yunyang, which is an amazing record. First of all, he escaped from the death of the Yaozu, and he did not make a great contribution to the human race. He enjoyed the reputation of Xuan Huangyun, and then killed himself by himself. The high-level sage of the St. Jun, the strength of the strong, shocking and popular, the world is amazing.

And the head of the shocking battle seems to be caused by the mask. Therefore, the recent visit to the Nine Houses has directly become a taboo word. This man and a woman can be good. One or two are wearing masks. This is a demonstration. Still provocative? ! At least there is too much personality!

At this time, Yun Yang and Shangguan Lingxiu's appearance did not reveal the strong atmosphere, just like two ordinary warriors; but on this road, they did not encounter any trouble early.

And continue to move forward, the scenery that is seen along the way is more picturesque, the flowers and trees on both sides of the road are hidden in the cluster, the restaurant is everywhere; just staying here or resting on the tip, everyone is quiet, Even the words whispered quietly, and no one dared to speak loudly.

It is because of this that the atmosphere is quiet.

Such a special atmosphere makes Yunyang two people see the hunter, although it is not far from the nine prefectures, but the two of them go to a restaurant in the restaurant for a short walk, take a look at the customs. Looking at the scenery around, I see that every inn is quite desirable. Although it is not to say that it is lingering, but staying for a few days is a pleasure, a lot of beautiful scenery, the store is clean and tidy, and there are countless excellent ingredients. No matter the accommodation tour, each is wonderful...

"The store, I heard that it is not far from the newly-recruited Nine Houses. Can you open a shop at will?" Yun Yang asked a family to inquire: "If it is, we want to..."

“Right to open a shop?” The store is a middle-aged person, but also a practitioner. However, he only has to repair the level of the honorable person. He smiled and said: “The guest official also said that this is the site of the Nine Houses. How can I open a shop at will and want to open a store? It must be strictly examined by the nine prefectures. Only if the Nine Houses determine that you have this qualification, you can enter the heart, and you must prepay one year of land use in advance... that is not a small amount. ”

"Then, can you earn back?"

"It’s just that you can earn it back..." The store looked surprised: "We are naturally profitable here to enter the store. In this land, there is no claim to lose money, little brother, you have to do If you don’t, you have to pay attention to convulsing your own anger and being more resistant to temper. As far as I know, there are more than 10,000 merchants waiting to line up for the store. Yes, I have also heard about the management of Jiufu. The layer has already planned to close this threshold. After all, it is a land of insufficiency. This is a matter of reason. I was desperate, and I moved to this place. I have done everything and bought the right to use this land. It can be said that it is me. The most far-sighted investment in this life..."

Yun Yang seven feelings shrug above.

The little fat man has a lot of money in business. He is really rich in money... It’s just a few thousand miles from the roadside of these restaurants, and the amount of gold used in the first year’s land is estimated to be enough for the nine houses to eat for a while...

And look at this way, I'm afraid this amount also surged.

It’s just those who are later, but have a lot of money to get a hand, get a place at a high price; maybe it’s 10 times and 20 times the normal price! How can we not let the bosses who have opened the store have a crisis, and sighs are precarious.

Opening a shop in this area can not only make money, but also improve the environment. The children grew up here, even if they are not qualified, they have no chance to go under the nine gates, but the spiritual baptism will still make the children benefit. It is not comparable to the disciples of the nine prefectures, but it is not necessarily comparable to the disciples of other factions.

This is already the opportunity to buy a bankruptcy.

Not to mention the most critical point, safety!

Who dares to do it here? !

Here is the land of the nine neighbors, and the nine prefectures have also collected land use funds, which naturally protects the renters!

Just this is enough to recover the fare. Therefore, now there are hundreds of thousands of people staring at a random place. It is not quite financial, human, and patient. It is hard to get it. It is not a joke...

"The nine prefectures are really...have a good fortune." Shangguan Lingxiu is amazed at this. She is a good soldier and naturally knows the importance of logistics. For the people who are the logistics chief of the nine government, they can count this. Clearly, the use of subtlety, such a martial art, do not want to fire!

Between the conversations, suddenly the sky is raging.

However, countless nine disciples flew from the air, and all the disciples had the same style of robes; only the colors were different, and they rushed toward the direction of the Nine House.

The wind whizzed past.

The treasurer looked up and looked at it. All eyes were envious. Some of them were puzzled. They muttered: "What is this? How is this big battle, starting from the day before yesterday, it will come over every other time... ...the evening is also a hurried return... From the early morning of this morning, it is already the seventh wave, and there will be no change..."

The voice did not fall, and another wave of nine disciples returned from all directions and flew in the sky.

Another wave...

Next to a shopkeeper came over: "Wang Lao Ge, this battle... is not unusual... Today, this situation is more urgent than a few days ago..."

"Yeah yeah... is it a big event? When the nine prefectures are in full swing, who, what forces dare to smash their fronts?!"

Wang Zhang muttered to himself.

At the right time, the distant hurried footsteps came and passed; a group of bottom-level disciples wearing nine gray gray soap costumes ran all the way from the intersection. These little guys were all too shallow to be empty. Flying, this time can only rely on two legs, to rush the way with light work, but also run fast, many of them are already full of sweat, but their expression is full of excitement.

"This... This is what the Nine Houses are calling back all the disciples. What are they going to do?"

"Yes, watching this situation is definitely a big deal, and there must be big news."

"But what exactly needs to call all the disciples back?"

Everyone is talking about it, everyone is very curious.

In the sky, there are also a group of nine disciples who are in a wave or a group of three or two alone, all flying back in general.

On the ground, there are also people running in the direction of the nine gates in each direction...


Yun Yang shook his head, smiled, and took the Shangguan Lingxiu slowly moving forward, as if he did not take it for granted.

"The actions of the nine disciples' disciples are mostly in preparation for your ceremonies..." Shangguan Lingxiu said: "How can you not go back soon, you are rude, it is your business, don't be involved in me."

Yun Yang smiled and said: "The peace of mind is good, these little guys are outside the minority... It is estimated that there are still a lot of people running very far. I don’t know their minds clearly; if it is not returned within the prescribed time limit, Or haven’t caught up with the ceremony... It’s definitely going to be a bit of a hardship. The so-called urgent matter is slow, and we can go all the way slowly and give them more time.”

Shangguan Lingxiu laughed and said: "I don't know the magnanimity of your deputy."

The Shangguan Lingxiu discourse is ridiculous, but the bottom of my heart is full of admiration. Yun Yang is indeed thoughtful.

Yun Yang smiled faintly: "I have no intention of ignoring their practices. The commandments and the peaks of the peaks must be strictly adhered to the rules and regulations... and my house, but it is necessary to show more time. The magnanimity, otherwise the Nine Houses are too uninspired."

"Always you are reasonable, how far is it from the nine prefectures?"

"There are still about one hundred and two hundred miles."

And these twelve hundred in the road, they went a full two days before they finally came to the position from Kowloon Zunfu ten miles.

If you say that the previous encounter is like a fairyland on earth, then here is directly a paradise on earth!

Or delete the first two words, only retain the word "fairyland"!

The closer to the land of the nine prefectures, the more magnificent the scenery, the clouds are lingering, the thousand colors, the weather, the roadside grass, there are already some elixir breeding, Shangguan Lingxiu even saw a clump of ginseng actually blooming Up...


A melodious bell sounds, circling between the three mountains and five mountains, full of endless solemn atmosphere.

Here, there are already tens of thousands of people gathering, all waiting quietly in the surrounding mountains. Here, the gatherers worship the mountain, and the agents have it, um... and some are coming to go...

However, since a few days ago, Tianjiu Zunfu closed the door and thanked the guests. Only the disciples were allowed to enter the house, and no one else was allowed to enter the nine prefectures. Even the disciples of this class are not allowed to go out, so the outsiders are waiting outside.

Everyone is naturally puzzled about this. I don’t know why?

And this mystery seems to be revealed today.

The town hall bells of the Nine Houses have spurred ninety-nine rings, and this number has already shown that the magnitude of this change is paramount!

At the right time, the sound of a thousand mountains and waters suddenly sounded, and it rushed to the Han Dynasty and echoed for nine days.

"Open... mountain... door!"

With this screaming drink, the nine prefectures of the Fushan Gate slowly opened.

A pure refinement to the almost suffocating aura, from the open mountain gate, the bombing suddenly poured out.

Everyone around you was in contact with this moment of peculiarity, only feeling comfortable, just like a fierce drink of a sap of pure jade, from top to bottom, revealing the irons that can not be said.

"The aura of the Nine Houses...what is terrible!" The savvy people sighed: "I used to go to the Sacred Heart Temple, but even the aura of the Sacred Heart Temple is compared to the Nine Houses. ... still have to be at least a little worse!"

Xiao, who is also waiting on the mountain, sighs softly and sighs: "The same is the top-grade Tianyun flagship, but... the aura of the nine-storey palace is more than ten times better than the commercial alliance!"

On the one hand, everyone in the world of business alliances nodded in a row, and their faces were full of sighs, and there were still surprises in their eyes.

With the opening of the government gate, a hundred of the nine disciples of the Jinzhuang, a gentleman, slowly stepped out and made two columns. They stood on both sides of the road and stood in two groups. The faces were respectful and polite. Wenliang is thick.

However, Xiao Wuyi waited to see Hu Xiaofan, who was ranked second in the queue, but he was twitching in one corner of his mouth.

This kind of goods puts out so well-behaved, is there anyone who believes?

The two people in the front, Yun Xiuxin is on the left, and White Night is on the right; Hu Xiaofan and Sun Mingxiu are in second place respectively.

This is the first generation of disciples of the nine prefectures; that is, the best of the first generation of disciples.

The original disciples originally had a hundred people. In the past few years, they have fallen more than 30 because of various reasons. However, when they recruited their disciples again, they have already selected the number of 100 people.

The hundred disciples stood up, and countless defenders who watched in the distance all took a sigh of relief and were full of horror.

The teenagers you see in front of you are each one of the best in the world, and the roots are extraordinary. The other ones are not old, the youngest or the 13-year-old, but among these young disciples, The weakest is also the repair of the Holy Emperor!

In the forefront of the cloud show, the heart of the night, Hu Xiaofan and others, each of them has the level of the Emperor's peak, and the distance from the Holy Order, but half a step away, only the first edge of the journey, but the breakthrough thing.

"The strength of the nine generations of the future generations is so horrible..."

Numerous rivers and lakes twitched at the corners of their mouths, and the heart was almost shocked to burst.


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