I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 503: Return and send!

Seeing, the two disciples were separated by geese.

After them, another team of silver-clad disciples came out slowly, behind the first column, these silver-colored disciples, a full five hundred people. Then there was another team of white disciples, dressed in snow, and the tides rushed out, behind the silver cloth disciples.

These white disciples are no less than five thousand!

The disciples of other costumes have not come out, perhaps because the qualifications are not enough... But the Zongmen strength that has been displayed so far has already been shocking and shocking.

Because most of these young disciples are still boys, but each person's own cultivation is not low; the roots of one day's capital are undoubted!

How can you gather so many talents in one place? !

"Why? Why are each of the nine prefects' gates a highly qualified person! The more than 6,000 disciples who came out in front of them... Any one of them can be cultivated as a seed disciple in the second or even the sect. Most of them can even be directly listed as disciples, inheritors..."

An old man with white hair is almost shocked and suffocated: "Where did the Nine Houses find so many genius disciples? Even if there is a name of Yunzun, the Nine Houses have always been created, even if there are people coming, It’s impossible to include so many moments of choice, how did they do it?”

In fact, this question is the common doubt of some people at the place.

Anyone who comes here to observe the ceremony will not be repaired to be slightly weaker; at the moment, every eye is green!

It is not an easy task for a disciple who is talented and talented to find a famous teacher. However, the same master, a master of cultivation is trying to find a talented person who inherits his own clothes, and the same difficulty!

As the saying goes, there are a lot of horses in the beginning, but if there is no Maxima, how about Bole?

And this truth, in turn, is also established, it is for the sake of reason!

However, Jiu Zunfu is like this... It’s too illegal to put a lot of talented disciples on the table. It’s too shocking!

More... it’s too unreasonable!

Everyone squinted and was speechless.

Fortunately, they have not yet entered the nine prefectures. If they go in, they will see more qualifications. The disciples who are the ones at the moment will probably have to faint on the spot, because now the number of disciples of the Nine Houses is It has already exceeded 20,000, and... the top one is a talented talent!

"This kind of high-quality disciple doorman lineup, the myth that the end of the past can not be copied!"

An old man sighed, groaning, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Is the nine-strong house posing such a huge and solemn battle, is it that Yun Zun adults are back?"

As soon as this statement came out, some people in the place were stunned and fascinated!

This new legend of the mainland, the young human race hero, the world's first master of the public... are you coming back?

In the clouds.

The hidden spirit in the head shook his head and sighed: "The nine villages are actually slightly better than ours... This is an unimaginable miracle..."

All the top leaders of the ninth government have turned their heads to some past, but they have to succumb to the slogan: "The head is saying."

In my heart, I was mad at the spit.

Is this slightly better?

How is it a miracle that is hard to imagine?

Even if we are in the ninth house, we can also be included in the practice of the Holy Land series, but it is much worse than the nine people in this house. It is also possible to say that it is a difference of one hundred and eighty thousand miles!

People here is a fairyland... Let's be there... Well, before we came here, we felt that we were a fairyland, but now it seems that we are at most a personal fairyland... although it is a poor word, but it is Already in the sky, people are different!

At the gate of the Nine Houses, there were more than a dozen people coming out of the queue. It was the arrival of the nine noble houses.

At the forefront is the nine prefectures and the history of the two dynasties and Dong Qitian, and then after the money and Luo Dajiang, Tie Qing Cang, Ren frivolous, Wu dream, Lan Ruojun, Shi Pojia, Kong Lunyue, Guo Yangyang, Ping Xiaoyi is arranged in turn.

This time, the money was pushed to the top by everyone. In the case of the Nine Houses in the absence of the head, the development is particularly like flying. The little fat man is very good and unparalleled. This reality cannot be denied by anyone, so the Ten Thousand Shows let him go to the forefront;

Dong Dongtian, Master Dong Da, did not intend to come out this time because Lao Dong felt that he was really a shameful person. When he was not in Yunyang, he spontaneously joined the nine times that Yun Yang had repeatedly invited him to join. Honor.

Lao Dong feels that he is a shackle, pulling and not rushing backwards, but also some guilty.

But Shi Wuchen still pulled him out.

"Dong Lao, this is the big day of our nine prefectures. If you are missing, you can't miss you!"

Dong Qitian is helpless.

What big day, isn't that guy coming back? Before he left, the old man beat him like a bird in the crotch, and now he is not able to beat him... This is more depressing than being forced to join the Nine Houses...

There are many people talking about it.

"Well, those few people are famous for their disappointing demeanor... The names of these ten people are loud, but in fact, some people can afford them, and they are the disabled of cultivation, the repairers who abandoned them, but they I have never been defeated, and I have never been to be self-improving. It is basically that they will never accept their fate, and they will struggle to survive step by step. Finally, they have jointly established the Nine Houses with Yunzun adults. Now, with such achievements, everyone has jumped. The big guys above the clouds... Seeing them is the highest embodiment of the famous saying. No matter what setbacks you encounter, don’t give up hope, give up hope, and be a complete abandonment of life...”

Someone with a strong heart and a long-term education.

It has been almost ignored in the past, and it has only become the enemies of the shards of the younger generations. Now it has become the envy of everyone, and the objects that look up are the standard model of rebellion!

Really too inspirational!

In the midst of different opinions, the sky is rolling, like a piece of film integration, the mysterious and mysterious construction becomes a variety of strokes, and then combined into a large character, presented in the air.

"Nine retreats welcome the return of the head!"

History has no sound and shouts: "Congratulations to the government to return to the government!"

Everyone shouted together: "Congratulations to the government to return to the government!"

The sound of the waves skyrocketed, and thousands of mountains and rivers roared.

Yun Yang, who was in the near left, was full of smiles.

He saw that Shi Wuchen looked at himself from the side, and thought that it was this cargo that had already found himself back, and this came out.

The so-called smell of the sound and know the elegance, everyone sees the history of dust-free movements, can not help but turn around and look.

I saw the other side of the road, and the cash light flashed.

Yun Yang took Shangguan Lingxiu with one hand, and did not let her break free. She was struggling with Shangguan Lingxiu, and she was shocked that Yunyang actually used her power. When she was busy, she was waiting for her strength, but she felt that the two were full of strangeness. The meaning of the eyes fell on himself.

Shangguan Lingxiu followed the feelings, but he saw the clouds and his eyes widened.

Suddenly in the heart of a move, snoring, revealing a matching smile, no longer struggle, a group of softly follow Yun Yang forward.

The sky's rhythm and red lips are creeping, I don't know what is going on, at least the face is not very good looking.

Hey, let's say that this guy is not going to take advantage of it... What do you mean?

Is this the first step?

Besides, it’s the same as saying that this is equal to the declaration of sovereignty... I should also be... mad at death!

This is the first step, and it’s done!

Naturally, I don’t know, the Shangguan Lingxiu really has a kind of pleasure that I "have taken a step ahead". I am full of enthusiasm and follow the clouds and move forward slowly. With the move forward, Yun Yang and Shangguan Lingxiu Two people, shrouded by a splendid radiant glow, step by step, seemingly slow and easy, come calmly; every step, a colorful lotus flower will be born at the foot.

This is... Saint Jun travels, step by step lotus! ?

Everyone who saw this miracle was shocked and full of vibration!

It is probably the legendary sacred prince, who walks step by step, and the lotus that is born only ends between walking and walking. As the Yunyang moves through, the colorful lotuses that have disappeared from the air have not dissipated. And become like a physical existence.

And when Yun Yang went to the front of Shi Wuchen and others, there were not many more than nine steps.

Nine is the best!

With the last step of Yunyang, a total of nine lotuses have been formed in the underground. The next moment, the colorful lotus suddenly becomes bigger, forming the phase of the lotus platform, flying up and falling on the side of the road.

Five on one side and four on the other, although asymmetrical, it is patchy and self-contained!

In the blink of an eye, the rich aura has already emerged from the lotus platform.

This is equivalent to giving an extra gift to all the rivers and lakes in the nine cultivation places! Suddenly, everyone looked at the nine lotus stands and they were green!

But this... is bound to be strong. How to use it in the future, we have to say a lot... But this is a peerless opportunity!

"Imperial." Yun Yang haha ​​smiled: "All the people in the rivers and lakes are polite. Today, the hospitality is slow, Yun Yang is very embarrassed, looking forward to the next day, can be happy with the wine, not drunk."

Everyone in the room heard the feeling that there was light on the face, and they all said: "Yun Zun adults are too polite, you are going to travel on the road, or take a break."

Seeing the clouds and coming, all the disciples are respectful and respectful on the ground, and Yun Yang Shen Sheng said: "All come up, just go home, why bother to make such a big battle, relying on the red tape."

Then he and the nine people in the house were transferred back to the nine gates of Fushan.


"Dong Lao, how old are you?" Yun Yang coughed and smiled at someone.

Dong Qitian couldn't help but face red and red.

Shi Wuchen explained on the one hand: "Dong Lao has now joined our nine prefectures, and the boss is not there. The younger brother will temporarily appoint Dong Lao as the chief elder of the government..."

Yun Yang nodded again and again, saying: "Dong Lao finally wants to open, it is the lost way to return, to change the evil spirits, to wash the heart, and to be grateful. The chief of the government is dedicated to the post, which is suitable for Dong Lao."

Dong Qitian looked black and angered: "How can the old man get lost? How can he change his evil spirits? When do you need to wash your heart? Where is the lost? Where is the evil? When you are a big man, you have no one?" ”

Yun Yang squinted: "I said Dong Lao, although you are the chief of the government, but you should have a minimum respect for the government, what is your attitude? Do not give the disciples under the nine prefectures A bad role model."

Dong Qi weathered his beard and blinked.

Everyone laughed at them. I knew that Yun Yang refused to join the nine prefectures before revenge for Dong Qitian. Now there is no revenge and resentment.

Dong Qitian hated in his heart, this mixed account, before the departure of the attitude is full of respect, full of humility ... At that time, a bit of a Dong Lao, now, become an old Dong.

And this guy is now very polite, who can't hear the ridicule inside... This attitude has changed too fast, it is clear that it is crazy!

"This time outside, all the way to see the wind and frost... but it is not a good time to play a frame..." Yun Yang said: "Wait for tomorrow, I will discuss with you and Dong Lao, you don't have to keep your hands and try your best. For, I will be more careful."

The crowd screamed harder and harder.

Dong Qitian was stunned and black-faced: "The old man has something to go out tomorrow, and this matter cannot be delayed... This time, I will not accompany the government."

Just kidding, I used to play with you like a grandson... Now you have to retaliate against me? When the old man is stupid!

The old man is not going to be the evil of your boy!

History has no doubts: "Dong Lao, how can I remember that you will have to watch the disciples play the martial arts tomorrow, and the winners will not be able to show the dim sum... I think you are affected, and the boss has to learn from the disciples, just right. Let the disciples see the world more and see the contest between the top performers."

In the laughter of everyone, Dong Qitian was furious: "Nonsense... The old man didn't have the time!"

He snorted and turned away. The call disappeared and disappeared without a trace.

Everyone laughed.

The first big thorn head that no one can cure in Jiu Zun, finally ushered in the nemesis today!

Yun Yang but sighed under the heart, finally can clearly see the true level of this old Dong Tau is a series, it is a sacred king of the three peaks!

This old goods, hidden deep!


Shi Wuchen and Yun Yang entered the mountain gate. Many disciples went to the martial arts collection after the ceremony was finished. There are nine senior members left here. The money is squinting and squinting: "Boss... this is home." You don't take the hood down and let us open our eyes..."


call out!

More than a lot of money, the whole person screamed and flew out, and there was no trace in the blink of an eye.

Far away, there was an exclamation from the small yard where I lived in a lot of money: "I actually flew to my bed, and this means too much..."

Everyone was smirking again, laughing and seeing their eyes.

"Boss, this is..." History is blind.

Yun Yang looked helpless: "You have not seen it? What questions are you asking?"

Shi Wuchen smiled: "I have seen it, but the rest of the brothers have never seen it..."

The voice has not fallen, and the Tianshou Ten Show together.

After Shangguan Lingxiu veil, the face was suddenly shy and red, and the hands and feet were also helpless.

I used to go hand in hand with Yun Yang in the public. Although Shangguan Lingxiu is happy, it is still inevitable and shameless. Now, facing everyone, it is even deeper.

"This is my ... fiancee." Yun Yang haha ​​smiled, and he said: "The ninth housekeeper... Well, the ninth house, will soon merge into our nine houses."

"Boss is mighty!"

In the distance, Gan Tianyan and Ping’s traces, which have just come to be celebrated, are discolored in the face and are full of bitterness.

We haven't discussed the final result here... The ninth house that is also the Zhongpin Tianyun Qimen School has decided to merge.

This... It’s not a step ahead, it’s got the top spot.

Gan Tianyan sighed and whispered: "This is a thing that can't be done. It's better than nothing. The sects of other women's wives have their own advantages, the crimes of non-war, and nothing special..."

Ping traced his face with a black face and said: "Hurry back to the matter and decide early."

"it is good."

Next, Fengmingmen’s last high-ranking seniors came to congratulate and said a few words and hurried away.

Playing the battlefield.

It was the 20,000 disciples of the White House, which were arranged in neat rows. Yun Yang, who wore a black cover, said a few words, still provoked a good mountain and tsunami; The hearts of the little guys excited are almost bursting, and they are not disappointed by the failure to see the legendary peerless beauty.

After all, this is our master, and finally we see the living!

After encouraging the group of small guys in front of me to talk to Shi Wuchen and others for a recent period of time, I realized that there were several masters who came to attack the nine prefectures. Fortunately, Dong Qitian was in the martial art. In the future, people will kill some and capture more than a dozen.

The attackers are all masters of the saints who belong to the East Pole Palace. It is far from enough to see Dong Qitian.

It is really worthwhile to say that Dong Qitian has never exposed the true strength. The Oriental Star thinks of course that the strongest fighting power of the Nine Houses is not the sacred, negligent, and the Nine Houses are intact!

If it is true that a group of St. Junqiangs attacked the nine prefectures, Dong Qitian even had the ranks of the holy monarchs. After all, it was not Yunyang, and it was incompetent to be an enemy. The nine palaces were inevitably overcrowded!

Yun Yang’s face sank, and then he snorted, didn’t say anything, left and right, there was no loss in the nine palaces. Things happened in the past. After all, the people who sent them now have been killed by themselves, and the three heavenly palaces are like The plowing land is generally searched for, and it is already dead seven or eighty-eight. It is no longer necessary to be angry with this.

"Put those prisoners directly, don't have to keep them."

Yun Yang faintly ordered.

"it is good!"

Shi Wuchen and others are secretly swearing, and they are not the boss, and they don’t give the East Pole.

Then Yun Yang called for a lot of money: "Incorporate all of these things into the martial arts warehouse, and supply the resources of the door."

Yun Yang gave more money to the four space rings.

“What are you talking about?”

Since the recent eyes, there has been too much money and a lot of money. I just opened one of them and looked at it. Then I was exclaimed. The body trembled like a swaying face, and my face was flushed. My eyes almost burst into my eyes: "I, I, I Oh, oh..."

Actually, I didn’t come up in one breath, and I almost didn’t go over.

Ping Xiaoyi was shocked. The continuous shooting and finally hit the money manager to reluctantly take a breath, continue to check the other rings, and finally: "嘎" sighed on the spot!

But it was directly stunned by the amazing wealth in several rings.

"It’s still a bit of a good..."

Yun Yang sighed.

This is where it is, this is not bad, it is less than one percent of all my harvest... Is this fainting? If you take it out, don’t you have to sleep here?


The next day is early in the morning.

“The ninth government came to worship the mountain and discuss the merger!”

The combination of the two sects of the Nine Houses and the Ninth House is different from the ones that have been agreed upon by the World Trade Union. It is also different from Fengmingmen’s moves. It’s really just a walkthrough. It can even be said that they have already done it. Ready.

If you have to say something different, it is only limited to job assignments.

Well, the differences in job assignments here are not uneven distribution, but there are people who are not willing to work!

Yes, you are not mistaken, that is, there are people who are not willing to work!

The veteran of the ninth house, the main backbone Ling drunk and the solitary Gu Gu tea cool is the original is still 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥.

The dignitaries who are not willing to work are the spirits and the Shangguan Lingxiu; both of them want to be the shopkeepers, and they don’t want to work harder!

Yun Yang and Shi Wuchen have a headache for the decision of the two women.

"You want to be loose and fast, this is definitely ok, but it is not appropriate to simply let go of it. How do you both have a leadership position... Otherwise, the first one is the peace of mind of your disciples." Even if you have passed this time, wait until everything is done, and then let go."

Yun Yang’s persuasive persuasion, but the spirit of the rhythm is shaking his head again and again.

"Before you were not in the near world, you have to work hard to spend the ninth government affairs, but now we have come to you, if we still need to work hard ourselves... We are looking for you to do it? We want What are you doing?" The reason for the rhythm of the rhythm is very strong, saying that Yunyang is speechless and refuted.

Shi Wuchen and others are almost not sprayed out.

In the end, Shangguan Lingxiu hangs the name of a deputy head of the nine deputies, but it is also very serious to say: "Just give you only half a year, then I said that I will not do it!"

Yun Yang is even more helpless, holding his nose and agreeing. He is really a reluctant to have the generals of the generals, but the spirit of the rhythm is to add a head, a guy who is no longer a little white face from the beginning is the Shangguan Lingxiu, If the spirits can also pull down the water, it is a lot of helpers, and it doesn't work.

"There is a lot of money, the disciples of the ninth house are placed by you, can you have any problems?"

"No, it's fine."

More money pats the chest to ensure that the ninth house is the shackles of the head of the house, is a family in the true sense, compared to the attitude of the family, add a little more generous, a polite, everything is done.

"Guangfa hero posts, invited the three heavenly palaces, the main halls, the major Tianyun flag sects, came to participate in the merger of the Nine Houses and the Ninth House; it is scheduled to be twenty days later, on the second day of September, the matter is a foregone conclusion, No need to slow down, just complete as soon as possible."

Yun Yang said calmly.

Shi Wuchen was shocked: "There is no problem in merging the ceremony after 20 days, but can the invitee come?"

Actually invite the three main palaces directly?

Let's have nine big houses... have such a big face?

"It’s a matter of people who come or not. It’s our business to send it out.” Yun Yang laughed and seemed to be full of confidence.

Luo Dajiang scratched his head and said: "Why is it the second day of September?"

Yun Yang gently sighed and said: "In the legend, the second day of September is the birthday of the greatest and most handsome creation **** recognized in heaven and earth... The merger ceremony will be set on that day, and we will also be exposed. Happy, sweeping the haze."

"The boss is far-sighted!"


Everything was agreed, and some people came to report when they were about to leave.

"The world's business alliance Xiao is not interested in the lord, and the same wave of the United States and other vice-ministers came to visit the head."

"Come please."

In a short while, the waves turned into the sky and Xiao did not want to go side by side.

Yun Yang personally greeted, and there was no such thing as Yun Zun, who was condescending. However, I just had a few words but I was shocked: "The wave of the League of Nations... How is this?"

I saw that the eyes were like pandas, and there were signs that the nose and face were not completely dissipated.

This is clearly the situation caused by the old fist!

In this regard, Yun Yang is very familiar. In the same year, he was a shackled scorpion, but Yun Yang has always loved beautiful, and there are green and green helpers. When he is beaten again, he can quickly recover, no matter what outsiders see, this One section, the sky is definitely not comparable!

"Cough... It’s hard to say a word." The wave whispered and said: "I broke my mouth and talked indiscriminately, offending a person I can't afford to sin... oh..."

Xiao Wuyi is righteous: "Who is the one who hit you, don't you ask me, I will take revenge for you, bully our brothers, you can be good!"

When the waves turned over, I said, "The **** is too powerful. You can't beat him at the boss. It hurts a thousand, at least 999."

Xiao Wuyi faintly said: "Even if the enemy is not allowed to hurt, the self-damage is more, this hatred is not guaranteed, and after waiting for the nine ancestral homes, I will take you to find the bastard, and break the cause and effect."

The waves rushed to the sky and made a sigh, and hurriedly said: "No need to use it, I am a small thing, let's talk about the right thing first is serious..."

Yun Yang observes the color, hears the sound of the string and knows the elegance. Naturally, he guessed that the **** is Xiao Wuyi himself. During the mind-turning, he laughed and said: "You are coming to the door, but you are talking at the door. It is really me." The host family is not thoughtful, please ask inside. Tea!"


"Xiao Meng has come here this time, I don't know what instructions, Yunmou is listening to it here, I want to hear the teachings."

After three tea tours, Yun Yang Trail opened the topic.

Xiao Wuyi took a deep breath and looked at the waves and wanted him to speak, so that the atmosphere would be more soothing, but if he thought about it, he would sigh and open the door: "Yun Zun adults, really do not contradict, Xiaomou It is here to come."

Hearing the singularity of such a strange peak, Yun Yang’s mistakes are stunned: “Where? What do you say about Xiao Meng’s words?”

Xiao has no intention of bitterly laughing: "Xiao has been responsible for the lord of the world's business alliances in these years. He has been exhausted and unsustainable. Now, the nine ancestral homes have sprung up like the Japanese and Chinese rises. It is conceivable that future achievements will never stop. Yipin Tianyun Qizongmen, so... Xiaomou and the brothers thought about it, and the nine prefectures have already been rolled out and blossomed on all sides. This is in common with the profession of our world business alliance; Therefore, we want to integrate the World Business Alliance into the Nine Houses, join forces and develop together... Also, please ask Yun Zun adults to accept and accept the business alliance!"

Yun Yang’s son is completely stunned.

For Yun Yang, the loyalty of the business alliance is that the pie is falling from the sky, and it is simply that the nine days of peaches are delivered to the lips.

It should be noted that in addition to the strong strength of the financial elite, the World Trade Union is also the top-grade Tianyun Qimen School; it has the same status as the Nine Houses, even more famous than the Nine Houses. After all, people are on the top of the product with real strength. The flag is in the ranks, and the Nine Houses are just because of the strength of Yun Yang’s own strength, and they have their own differences.

And such a behemoth, how can you think of the initiative to merge into the nine prefectures?

Is this... would it be too much fun? !

Or... Do you have any intentions in the world? !

Yun Yang raised his eyes and cautiously said: "Xiao Mengzhu, I have not understood the words of the Lord, and I also ask Xiao Meng to express one or two again, okay?"

Next to the spirit of the rhythm on the official spirit show history of dust and other people in Yun Yang's remarks, Qi Qi looked up, there is already a sense of glory in the eyes.

The so-called people with this heart, the same heart, the crowds in a moment of horror, at the same time thought of the world's business alliance's intentions or misbehavior, mouth to say how beautiful and how, if the real purpose wants to come to the nine villages to pick peaches What if you want to in turn swallow the nine prefectures? If you think so, then the world of business alliances can think a little bit more...

When I saw everyone's look, Xiao Xiao, who was full of the world, did not know how to understand the misunderstanding.

With a wry smile, I explained: "Don't misunderstand you... The merger we said is not a joint rule between the two sides, but the business alliance has never been the only one. The world business alliance has only ended under the nine prefectures. One branch, that's all. Of course, if necessary, it would be impossible to break up the business alliance's original affiliation and belong to the nine-dominant business road system..."

Yun Yang frowning fox suspicion: "The world business alliance is a number of business leaders in the Xuanhuang world, but also the new top grade Tianyun flag sect gate, with the identity of the main ally of Xiao Meng, what is wrong with this... Is there something wrong?"

Xiao Wuyi immediately made a glimpse of the Ming Dynasty, judging that Yun Yang was only able to return to Jiu Zun, but he did not know much about the scale of the business of the Shangri-La's subordinates, and the fear of the impact of the Shangmeng. Tired, I’ve got a meal: “The heroes of the times make heroes, the heroes are more important to the world, and I’m fine with the cloud.”

"Things are like this..."

After the long story, Xiao Wuyi said that he almost cried out, and this is completely a history of blood and tears.

"...the reality is the case. The business alliance has now dealt with difficulties and is unsustainable. In contrast, the business roads belonging to the nine prefectures are just getting started... Once they have developed for a long time, they will rise to the temple and build palaces... We are only more helpless..."

"I am afraid that after a while, hundreds of thousands of people will go up and down the business alliance, I am afraid that even the rice can not afford to eat..."

"So... after we negotiated, since we couldn’t match it, we didn’t want the Nine Houses to be enemies, and we’re just like two people and we are a family... The main survival of the left and right business alliances is also based on business, and is integrated into the Nine Houses. The business system is the right one. Even if the business alliance is gone, it can be a bad thing for us, even a big good thing..."

Xiao has no intention to say it, but his tone is rather ambiguous.

As he said before the wave of the sky, the merger is a good thing for everyone in the world. It is not a good thing for him to be unscrupulous.

Because he is no longer a singer, the boss above the 10,000, but ... even the top 20 are not allowed to enter the small role.

Listening to the unintentional words, Yun Yang is so silent for a while.

"...Is there such a thing?!"

A frown, he looked at the money a lot, and screamed at the table: "There is a lot of money! Are you doing this?"

Money is a lot of white: "This... that..."

Xiao has no intention to rush: "In fact, this thing has made us uncomfortable. However, in the business talks, we can’t say whether it’s not the money manager. Let us recognize our own shortcomings... The fundamental operating system of the business alliance. It is always based on commerce. It is the best for the weak meat.

"It’s like the old man’s efforts to improve the martial art class, although he is lucky enough to advance; but when he goes to the top grade, it is already the limit of the business alliance. It’s nowhere to go, let alone the number of people in the world, and the people’s heart is inevitably responsible... like the business alliance. The organization is destined to not exist for a long time. Even if we don't attach to the nine prefectures, we will inevitably be annexed by other sects in the future. Wealth must always match our own strength... Now, we make this decision, but we are only planning ahead. , not off other."

Xiao Wuyi said more and more sincerely: "Once the merger, the old man will withdraw from the management, no longer involved in a related business affairs, and devote himself to cultivation... After the business alliance, it should be handed over to the general manager of the money."

Yun Yang indulged, and the corners of his eyes swept over the souls and other people; seeing everyone is also full of unexpected expressions.

How can there be such a thing?

Due to the sharp increase in the power of the dispatching forces, the money has greatly expanded the business behavior of the nine prefectures. Actually, it has intentionally or unintentionally put a top-grade Tianyun flag martial art, and when the world’s business leaders lead the way to desperate circumstances?

If this matter is not heard by the head of the non-commercial alliance, who believes? !

Yun Yang swept the eyes of Shi Wuchen and others, his fingers tapped on the armrests, and finally faintly said: "What do you think?"

"The boss of this matter is that we have nothing to say."

Shi Wuchen and others are unanimous.

There is a madman in the Ten Desires of the Days. For those secular chores outside of these cultivations, they are interested in them, and even have no interest in thinking about them.


What the **** is that? !

"Since the Xiaomeng master is so sincere, the nine prefectures and the business alliances are indeed mutually beneficial." Yun Yang just considered it a little, and simply agreed: "Then I will take a big hand, I promised. The business alliance is merged into the nine prefectures!"

"But there is a saying that I need to say that it is in front. There are too many people in the world. The two sides are merging. It is imperative for the nine people to carry out a certain degree of cleaning and cleaning of the original members of the trade association. It is impossible to discriminate. The whole staff is receiving; and the nine prefectures are now the first priority, but they are preparing for the war. Once the merger is completed, all the masters above the Holy Emperor level will be included in the unified pre-war assault cultivation. These personnel will Can't intervene in the business alliance."

"This is supposed to be." Xiao nodded nodded.

No matter which one they belong to, they are all bound to be seized. In fact, it is not their masters of practice who control the business of the business alliance; but those who have business minds...

"Nine Houses are taking over the original business roads of the Shangmeng, and they need to conduct some audits after the store... and then reschedule the disposal..." Yun Yang looked at the money: "This matter is handed over to you."

Money is a lot of fighting spirits, and all of them are almost shining: "The boss is assured, I will definitely be the best in the world, and who will fight for it!"

"Well. Do not do the best in the world, who is in the doldrums, that is the future; now the most important thing is to integrate, to confirm their own situation! This thing must be completed as soon as possible, we are not so much Time is wasted."

"Yes, understand."

Yun Yang was silent for a moment, saying: "Everyone is doing his job, immediately start to work. And... the merger ceremony after twenty days, let's take a business alliance."

At this time, Yun Yang’s heart suddenly has a wonderful feeling.

I originally... actually just want to slowly swallow Fengmingmen...

Now, Feng Mingmen hasn’t said anything about it... The Ninth House and the more powerful World Business Alliance have come in first...

What do you say in this matter? !

After reading more than enough, suddenly someone at the door said loudly: "Since you can add a business alliance, please add our Fengmingmen!"

Gan Tianyan and Ping trace stepped in step by step.

Sisters and two people discussed for a long time, the original is still a bit of uncertainty in the heart of the month, after all, it is related to the system, did not intend to come to the nine halls after the first sentence to hear that the world business alliance actually took the initiative to merge into the nine palace!

Ping trace month suddenly rushed.

People's World Business Alliance is the top grade Zongmen, and its position is on the present Fengmingmen. It has only been promoted to the top of the Tianyun Banner. It should be the limelight, why should we take the initiative to be merged? ......

But in any case, after such a thing, the location of Fengmingmen can be embarrassed, and then ask for a merger. If people don’t see what to do, even if people don’t mind, there is a business alliance in front of Zhuyu, Fengmingmen’s status. It’s bound to be lower...

Ping traces the moon and regrets infinite. Step by step, slow pace... If you can’t insert it in this section, you really have to fall forever.

Yun Yang’s mouth is bright and smiling: “Good!”


The policy is set at this end.

Other things, but do not need to worry about Yun Yang.

"I only have three points, that is, while it is fast, there is stability, and there is no trouble."

Yun Yang’s requirements are simple.

But these are the words, but they represent the merger of the four major sects!

The affairs involved, the item said, it is not exaggerated to say that it can be piled up higher than the mountains!

It’s not too annoying to spend a lot of money. On the contrary, it’s also a high-spirited, full-bodied and impassioned.

Yun Yang arranged a few people to help the matter, the general commander: Shangguan Lingxiu. Well, it is the chief commander. In fact, it is a pickpocket, and it is only responsible for listening to the report every few days.

Shangguan Lingxiu is the leader of the marshal, only the most significant final resolution requires labor to her, other small things chores, if he wants to deal with him, it is a strange thing.

Deputy Chief Commander: Lots of money, Gu tea cool!

All the matters, big things, small things, by the two of you, the whole person, what kind of manpower, what support is needed, directly. The only requirement: complete this thing.

When I heard the appointment, the adult almost didn't cry.

I have just merged here, right? The ceremony is still clear. I haven’t done it for a long time. I want to die.

How many times did you learn so much in the first place? Just to do chores? !

If you were just like a singer and a solitary singer, you would only be able to practice your martial arts and practice your head into a raft. If you can’t find yourself today? ?

Regarding the merger check, in addition to the above-mentioned official spirit show Gu tea cool and more than three people headed, Jiu Zunfu dispatched another 500 people, and hundreds of people from the World Business Alliance participated in it; More than a dozen people and more than a dozen people in Fengmingmen can be said that there are many participants and they are very powerful.

It’s a pity that these people, for the things to be dealt with, are just a drop in the bucket and how can they take care of them.

Just when many old people were worried, they saw that there was a lot of excitement and a sigh of relief. They directly stunned Gu Gu’s coolness in the near future: “Enough! These people help me to do things, and everything is enough!”

Gu Chaliang really wants to die.

Do you know how many things need to be dealt with in several mergers?

Your other mouth is shouting enough... The old man wants to kill you this fat pier now, you know? !

But no matter what, the three sects merged into the nine sects, and this was a great start.

The power of the three major sects entered the nine prefectures one step ahead.

The rest, of course, is extremely numerous and arduous, but in the end it is really trivial.

For the time being, no matter how much money they took care of, they started the hot action. The nine prefectures also sent three peaks, one with several disciples sitting on the side of the town.

The main task of these people is to kill.

Incorporating such a big thing, there must be those who are drowning in the water and making waves, and there are some things that have long been fattened and are not willing to give up; there are also people who want to gain profits from jumping up and down...

For this type of person, Yun Yang only said one sentence.

"In this chaos, when the heavy code is used; the thirty-six rules of the commercial alliance will be changed to thirty-six kills! Those who violated the law have no living punishment, and only one crime of death, don't be afraid!"

This hot decision made Xiao Xiaoyi’s glimpse of the moon and so on, but he was full of admiration!

At this moment, the application of Huairou means only delays the opportunity. Only by exerting the most extreme means of pressure can we complete the integration in the shortest time.

It’s not good to say a word. If you make a soft move, you have already compromised the general. Even if you are arguing, you can pull it for ten years. And now, thirty-six kills are here, do you dare to blow a thorn to try? !

This is undoubtedly the most direct, the most complete and the most effective guarantee.


Hero Post, Jiu Zun Fu This time, the heroic post is the real sprinkling of the Xuanhuangjie.

The whole world, with the spread of hero posts, once again shakes, boiling!

All Tianyun Qizongmen, the top grades of the products, received the hero posts; all the temples were also received.

The same is true of the three heavenly palaces located at the most position on the Xuanhuang continent.

The rest are also eligible to receive hero posts, and there are only a few of the most famous families.

Such as the commercial family money home, the weapon family Li Jia, the Dan medicine family Sikong family, also received the hero posts!

After that, there will be no more, and no more power is enough to qualify for the heroic posts of the Nine Houses.

However, the action of the Nine Houses is enough to make the whole world shake!

A total of three sects of the brain merged into the nine prefectures, two of which were Zhongzong Zongmen, and one Shangpin Zongmen, which was merged into another faction. This kind of thing is worthy of the world’s shock.

Throughout the millions of years in the Xuanhuang world, I have never heard of such things, but today, it has actually happened!

Yun Zun adults from the Yaozu all the way back to kill, wherever they passed, countless demon, countless achievements, merits in Xuan Huang; and the first thing after returning to this door is that this merged three major sects!

These big-handed, people are all stunned, shocking and incomparable, no more!

This is the cloud lord!

This is the mysterious hero!

Countless people are sighing to the extreme, listening to the scorpion that has been completely broken: a cow batch! !


Many trivial matters have been arranged, and even the training of soldiers, but also the practice of madness and other cultivators and Dong Qitian, the top-level big brother to cooperate, Fu Zun Yun Yang this time instead of doing nothing.

Every day, accompanying his two unmarried wives to visit the mountains and play around here, it’s just a matter of not thinking about it, and winning the fairy.

With the passage of time, the world's business alliance, the ninth house, and Fengmingmen's high-end combat power, all of the land has been gathered in the nine villages, especially the core disciples, it is the first time to come; However, the Tianyun flag of the four families has not yet been merged. Therefore, the cultivation of these latecomers is naturally inferior to the nine disciples.

However, under such a strong aura, the progress of the practice is still much faster than the original.

The most joyful nature of the children is the children who were originally picked up by Fengmingmen. When they return to the Nine Houses, many children are excited to cry. Shi Wuchen and others can't bear to see the heart, and between the thoughts and the rotation, with Yun Yang raised, whether to open small stoves for these children, after all, because of the strategic intention of the martial art, only how many children have been delayed, now far Far behind their peers in the same period.

When Yun Yang heard this question, he said nothing, and he didn’t have any attitude. He just looked at Shi Wuchen and others for a long while, and then turned away if nothing happened.

Did not say anything, did not say no.

Shi Wushui Luo Dajiang is silent and confused for a long time.

What do you mean?

If you can't make it, you can give it a word.

"Stupid!" Luo Dajiang went back to mention the matter at night, and was immediately scorned by the river. "This kind of thing, you two idiots actually go to the face to ask the head? How do you let the head say? What can he say?! There is definitely a certain, compensation is also certain, but how can this compensation be put on the bright side, you will not secretly do it? In short, it is a sentence, the head does not know things, everything you operate in the black box, understand Do not?"

Luo Dajiang is arguing for "the black box operation? Then we are not overpowering?"

The river sighed weakly: "Are you not reporting it?"

"Yeah, but the boss didn't say anything..." Luo Dajiang became more and more confused.

"...hey!" Jiang fell only feeling that he wanted to vomit blood.

"The boss doesn't talk. It is already an attitude. Do you know? Do you know how to swear by scream?" Jiang was so tired that he said: "You are going to do it... Of course, it is best not to do it yourself, to direct yourself. Disciples to do, you want to open a small stove disciple, in this door should have friends of the same age at the same time friends ... even if the East window incident, everything is just a self-proclaimed disciple, and other disciples who come over even feel what ...and I didn’t say anything...do you understand?"

Luo Dajiang frowned, and with his fingers counted for a long time, finally realized suddenly, and he danced up and said: "It turns out that I understand hahahaha... This thing has to be done secretly. Well, I am going to find history without dust..."

"Everyone has a clear understanding of people..." Jiang has not yet had time to say a word, and Luo Dajiang has already lost its shadow.

I couldn't help but sigh my forehead and sigh deeply.

"The man I saw was so stupid..."


Sacred Heart Temple.

The battle was nothing more than holding a hero post that was just arrived, and sighed in his hand. After a long while, he sighed heavily.

"The lord, since we have invited the invitation, let's go and swear..." The deputy priest is very puzzled by the madness of the war. Why do you sigh for an invitation?

"Yun Yang, this guy... is not very kind."

The battle is nothing more than a sigh: "When we go, I am afraid it will be embarrassing..."

"If this time I guess it is correct, the three heavenly palaces must have high-level attendees, and once the high-rises of the Tiangong are present, Yunyang is likely to come up with the trend, and the nine nobles are promoted. With the manpower, material resources and financial resources of the nine prefectures, Fighting power, it is understandable that he has the opportunity to attack the heavenly heavenly banner. And as a result, we can be passive... can you resist it?"

The deputy coalition advocates: "This..."

"Would you like not to go?"

"Don't go? This hero post has been sent, where can I hide?"

The war was nothing but squinting at the deputy.

"I really can't hide." The deputy master sighed.

This is really impossible to escape!

Yun Zun made up his mind to challenge the object, who can hide? Who dares to hide?

What is this?


These chapters are quite trivial. When you open them, there is nothing more, but you can't omit them. The update is late, everyone will forgive me? >

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