I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 134 The Anchor Is Bargaining Again! (5Th Update, Please Vote For Me)

In fact, most of the famous wines in auction houses come from some wineries.

If some wineries cannot continue to operate, they will pawn some of their stored wines at auction houses in exchange for working capital.

There is a rule in the pawn industry, which is generally seven or three lines. Red wine is a highly profitable product, and you can only get a 30% discount at most at the auction house.

Therefore, even if Tang Chen sells all the red wines at a 30% discount today, the auction house will not lose money.

On the contrary, the fans in the live broadcast room were immediately infected when they saw Tang Chen's bargaining style just now, and they all posted crazy comments in the live broadcast room.

"The anchor is so handsome, can you bargain again?"

"Yeah, I really want to see the anchor bargaining. It's the first time I've seen such a cool bargaining!"

"Although other live broadcast rooms are also bargaining, they are not as real as the anchor's place..."

"We can't even grab one in our live broadcast room. There is no need for the anchor to perform. This is obviously the most "740" real bargain!"

"Anyway, I'm a fan of this anchor!"

"I've been a fan for a long time, a big fan!"

For a time, the barrage was full of discussions about this.

Yuan Yu on the side also noticed this and walked over quickly.

"Mr. Tang, what happened?" Yuan Yu asked curiously.

Tang Chen glanced at her and put the list in her hand: "Mr. Yuan, you can read it yourself!"

Yuan Yu took the list and looked at it, her pretty face turned pale instantly.

After a long while, she turned to look at the manager next to her: "Who made this list?"

When the manager heard this, he trembled with fear: "Mr. Yuan, Manager Chen and I made the list together. However, we also considered it for the auction house. After all, our performance last quarter was TRÆ..."

"Get out!"

Yuan Yu's expression changed, she pointed to the door and said, "You're fired!"

"Ah?" After hearing Yuan Yu's words, the manager was dumbfounded and knelt on the ground with a thud: "Mr. Yuan, I was wrong. Please give me another chance!"

Yuan Yu looked at him with sharp eyes and said coldly: "The company doesn't need a brainless person like you!"

After saying that, she paused and said, "Do you know how much effort I put in to invite Mr. Tang? He is our distinguished guest!"

Seeing that Yuan Yu had no intention of forgiving him, the manager immediately crawled to Tang Chen's side on his knees: "Mr. Tang, I was wrong. Please give me a chance!"

Tang Chen looked down at him, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, did you find the wrong person? Your boss is next to you!"

"Someone, drag him out!"

Yuan Yu glanced at him, turned around and shouted behind him.

As soon as she finished speaking, four security guards immediately ran up behind her and dragged the manager out on all fours.

Obviously, this was a clever trick played by the two managers. The purpose was to get Tang Chen to sell the adulterated red wine at the original price. In this case, their performance would improve quickly.

However, from the perspective of the company's CEO, the two of them deliberately took advantage of the loophole and destroyed the company's interests.

"Mr. Tang, I'm sorry, it's my fault in management!"

After watching the manager being dragged out, Yuan Yucai turned to look at Tang Chen and said apologetically.

Tang Chen looked at her and sighed, "Mr. Yuan, your list is like this, I can't help you!"

Yuan Yuqiao blushed and said quickly: "How about I ask my subordinates to make a new one?"

"Forget it, it's too troublesome!" Tang Chen glanced at the list and chuckled: "How about this, how about bargaining based on this list? Just treat it as a benefit to the fans!"

"Ah? This..."

Hearing Tang Chen's words, Yuan Yu was stunned.

There are many things on the list that are mixed together, and not all products are at the original price. It would be too dangerous if Tang Chen haggled them casually.

However, who allowed himself to raise such a bunch of pustular subordinates?

Thinking of this, Yuan Yu had no choice but to nod.

Although if this continues, the profit margin will be lower, but as long as the performance for the next quarter can be improved, it will be worth it.

Although Yuan Yu felt a little distressed, it did no harm to Tang Chen's interests.

After all, he charges a commission based on the price. Whether it is an auction or a direct sale, the commission is 10%.

Therefore, there is no other way to help fans negotiate prices under appropriate circumstances.

Who told the auction house to break the rules in the first place?

Thinking of this, Tang Chen pointed to the other two red wines on the list and asked: "Mr. Yuan, the original price of these two red wines is also one thousand, and they are all discounted by 30%. How about that?"


Yuan Yu nodded directly without thinking.

Anyway, the list is already like this, so it is better to satisfy this man. Maybe he is satisfied and can help me sell more goods.

Seeing Yuan Yu so happy, Tang Chen smiled with satisfaction.

"Brothers, here comes another 30,000 pieces of red wine!"

"The red wines this time are of three brands: Riley Manor, Monidon, and Slolanka. The market prices are around one thousand yuan. Now, Mr. Yuan has given them to us at a 30% discount. What do you think? "

“The anchor is awesome!”

"666, just do it and that's it. I want as much red wine with such high cost performance as I want!"

"The anchor doesn't say much, but I got a 30% discount when I went up. This is a must buy!"

"Buy, buy, buy, I have to get it this time!"

"Poor Mr. Yuan, we have tricked you into selling the red wine from Riley Manor at 30% off!"

"Why don't we support such a doting anchor? Brothers, buy it for me!"

As soon as Tang Chen finished speaking, the screen was flooded with barrages...

Maybe it's the bargaining that makes everyone excited, and everyone is waiting to snap up.

Seeing how enthusiastic everyone was, Tang Chen didn't waste any time and hung up the red wine directly: "Brothers, all three types of red wine have been hung up on the truck. A total of 30,000 orders, all with a 30% discount, go and grab a bowl!"

As soon as he finished speaking, fans immediately poured into their shopping carts.

"Ding, you have a new order..."


The phone just rang and the screen instantly went black.

Obviously, fans placed orders so fiercely that their phones froze in less than two seconds.

Yuan Yu had never seen such a scene before. He was instantly frightened and felt as if he was in a dream.

This is a total of 30,000 pieces of red wine, which empties 1.0's warehouse in an instant.

If Tang Chen hadn't taken action this time, even if she used these red wines as souvenirs, they would have to be delivered in the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

"Sorry, your inventory is out of stock..."

When Tang Chen turned on his phone again, the shopping cart already heard an out-of-stock notification.

In just a few seconds, all 30,000 orders of red wine were empty.

"Is this...is it sold out?"

Yuan Yu looked at the empty shopping cart and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, sold out!"

Tang Chen laughed and grabbed the list on the side.

Seeing Tang Chen's actions, the fans in the live broadcast room were excited again.

Obviously, the anchor is going to start bargaining again!

PS: [Brothers, in the past two days, there have suddenly been more than 100,000 flowers and a bunch of reminder tickets, and the results are getting better and better. I would like to thank everyone for your support, and I will work hard to update!].

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