I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 135 Buy, Buy, Buy, Everything Is Gone In Seconds! (1St Update)

This bargaining has touched the hearts of tens of millions of people, and everyone is waiting for Tang Chen to make a big announcement.

Although this was an auction, it gave them so many surprises that it was simply more exciting than previous forms.

When seeing Tang Chen pick up the list, Yuan Yu's heart also lifted.

She prayed silently in her heart, praying that Tang Chen would not cut too hard. What if he cut too hard and made herself cry?

For a moment, everyone's attention was on Tang Chen.

Including the auction house employees and the dancing girl on the side, they were also paying attention to him.

Tang Chen glanced at the auction list, turned to the live broadcast room and asked: "Friends, there are many things on the list, what do you want?"

After hearing Tang Chen's inquiry, one word was drawn across the barrage: "Wine!"

"Want more wine?" Seeing the answer on the barrage, Tang Chen laughed and said, "Do you really want to empty Mr. Yuan's warehouse?"


Hearing Tang Chen's words, Yuan Yu couldn't help laughing.

This was the first time she heard such funny words, and fans actually wanted to empty their wine warehouses.

However, with the strength of Tang Chen's live broadcast room, this is really possible.

"Anchor, we still want some wine, but we didn't get it just now!"

"Anchor, do you believe it? I tried three times but failed to get it. I have to buy wine this time."

"Haha, let's work together to empty out all the warehouses here.

"This amount of wine is obviously not enough. There are so many of us, and grabbing an order is like winning a lottery!"

“So, let’s keep buying bars!”

"Buy, buy, buy, I must buy it this time!"

While the two were chatting, a series of voices immediately appeared on the barrage, and fans were clamoring to buy drinks.

However, to put it bluntly, there are only tens of thousands of red wines in total, which will definitely not satisfy everyone.

Tang Chen glanced at Yuan Yu, then at the list, and smiled at the fans: "Friends, we can't just buy red wine. If we just buy red wine, even if Mr. Yuan has a wine cellar, we won't be able to sell it!"

After saying that, he paused and said: "I think this cocktail is not bad. Drink it when you have nothing to do. It can also adjust the atmosphere!"

After hearing Tang Chen's words, the fans reacted.

"That's right, the cocktail seems to be good too, and you won't get drunk easily after drinking it!"

"Okay, we will buy whatever the anchor says we should buy. There is nothing to say!"

"Anchor, do you have any delicious cocktails?"

“Although I don’t know much about cocktails, I really want to buy some to try!”

Seeing these barrages, Yuan Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In this distribution, they did not focus entirely on red wine, so they did not have specific statistics on how much red wine was in warehouses across the country.

If fans want to continue buying red wine, they will probably be able to empty out her wine cellar.

Now that the focus has turned to cocktails, she is not so worried. She just moved a lot of cocktails from the winery last time and has enough inventory.

However, she still underestimated Tang Chen's strength, because her so-called multiple inventories were actually not worth mentioning here.

Just when Yuan Yu was thinking, Tang Chen suddenly took action: "Brothers, Lanno cocktail, a French brand, one of the best-selling series in the world, are you interested?"

Barrage 1: Okay, that’s it!

Barrage 2: I drank this cocktail at a cocktail party and it was very delicious!

Barrage 3: Anchor and wallet are all ready, ready to start!

Seeing the comments from fans, Tang Chen nodded and turned to look at Yuan Yu who was standing aside.

Yuan Yu and Tang Chen looked at each other and immediately understood what Tang Chen meant.

She stood there and thought for a while, then stretched out her sapphire hand and said: "50% off, is it 50% off?"

"50% off?"

Tang Chen smiled meaningfully: "I'm afraid it won't work, right? The fans probably won't agree!"

Yuan Yu is a veteran in shopping malls, and the price she directly gave would definitely not be the lowest, so Tang Chen continued to test her.


Hearing Tang Chen's words, Yuan Yu was stunned.

After a long while, she gritted her teeth and said, "40% off, it can't be any lower. "If it's any lower, I'll really lose money!"

For the auction house, a 40% discount is already the lowest benefit, but fortunately it is small profits but quick turnover, which can at least help the auction house regain a lot of performance.

"Okay, Mr. Yuan is happy!" Seeing her concession, Tang Chen laughed, turned to the live broadcast room and shouted: "Brothers, Mr. Yuan has given us a 40% discount on Lanno cocktails. This is a once-in-a-lifetime treat. Are you ready for the opportunity?"

"It has been prepared for a long time, just waiting to place the order!"

"40% off? Isn't this too delicious?"

"The anchor is awesome, don't say anything anymore, get ready to start!"

"He must be beaten quickly!"

"Anchor, I'm not going to brag or be slanderous. If you kill them all in this wave, we can empty her warehouse in seconds!"

"This is definitely the lowest price ever, buy, buy, buy!"

“Just buy it and that’s it, what else is there to say?!”

As soon as Tang Chen finished speaking, the barrage instantly filled the screen.

"Okay, now that everyone is ready, let's get started!" Tang Chen laughed and said, "There are 50,000 orders in total, and each order is 40% off, so go and shoot!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Chen directly put the cocktail on the shopping cart.

"Ding, you have a new order..."

"Ding, you have a new order..."

"Ding, you have a new order...

Listening to this familiar voice, Yuan Yu197 felt extremely happy.

Although these cocktails are 40% off, she can't afford small profits but quick turnover. If all 50,000 orders are sold out, she can not only clear out the inventory, but also improve her performance.

This is a win-win situation for both Yuan Yu and the fans.

Yuan Yu achieved success by making small profits but quick turnover, and fans bought affordable products at the lowest prices.

Just when Yuan Yu was secretly happy, she suddenly heard Tang Chen next to her ask her a question.

"Mr. Yuan, do we have any other inventory?"

"Ah?" Yuan Yu was stunned and looked at him in surprise: "Have the cocktails just been sold out?!"

"Sold out!" Tang Chen nodded noncommittally.


Yuan Yu was completely dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.

Even if the price is 40% off, it won't sell so fast, right?

You know, this is not 3,000 orders, not 5,000 orders, but a full 50,000 orders!

What is the concept of 50,000 orders being sold out within tens of seconds? Even if his auction house works hard for another ten years, it will not be able to match this performance.

Thinking of this, she quickly looked back at the warehouse managers and shouted to them: "Quickly, go check out the warehouses across the country and see how much wine is still in stock!"

"Yes, Mr. Yuan!"

When the warehouse managers heard Yuan Yu's words, they quickly ran to the office. .

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