I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 174 Why Am I So Popular Again? ! (1St Update)

private plane?!

Liu Dachui and everyone were dumbfounded.

He originally wanted to show off his first-class status in front of Tang Chen after hearing Xie Lin's words, but he didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly.

You know, the price of a private jet is not ordinary. Even the boss of the live broadcast platform may not be able to afford it.

However, the young man in front of him, who is also an anchor like himself, actually has his own private jet?

Just when he looked shocked, Tang Chen suddenly saw Tang Chen walking towards him.

Liu Dachui was startled and subconsciously hid his first-class ticket.

Just now he was showing off triumphantly, but now he couldn't wait to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Tang Chen looked him up and down and asked with a smile: "By the way, will you also go to the anchor awards ceremony in a few days?"

"Ah?" Hearing Tang Chen's words, Liu Dachui nodded quickly: "877" "I just received the invitation, I will definitely go..."

After standing there and hesitating for a while, Liu Dachui asked, "Mr. Tang, are you going too?"

He began to feel a little uneasy. Before meeting Tang Chen, he always felt that the 80 million was in his pocket.

But now, he is confused.

Standing in front of him is a man who can sell hundreds of millions of live broadcasts. Can he do better than others?

Just when Liu Dachui was filled with anxiety, he suddenly heard Tang Chen speak: "Yes, I will go too..."

Tang Chen laughed and said to him: "See you at the awards ceremony! I really want to hear that you are a big anchor with a large number of fans. This time I can finally open my eyes!


Hearing Tang Chen's words, Liu Dachui was completely dumbfounded.


Can you please stop hurting me? Are my fans enough for you?

He was about to say something when he saw Tang Chen and Xie Lin, surrounded by flight attendants, already heading to the boarding area.

Through the fully transparent glass window, he could clearly see the outstanding private jet.

It was also the first time for Xie Lin to see a private jet, and he was no less surprised than Liu Dachui.

He was so frightened that he even stammered: "Tang Tang Tang, Brother Tang, this..."

Tang Chen looked back at him, saw the surprise on his face, and smiled at him: "I was leaving in a hurry just now, so I forgot to tell you that no matter where we go on business trips from now on, we can just take my private plane!"

With that said, he picked up the ticket in Xie Lin's hand and said to the stewardess on the side: "Please refund the ticket for him!"

"Yes, Mr. Tang!"

Xie Lin originally wanted to say something, but before he could say anything, another flight attendant next to him came over.

"Welcome Mr. Tang on board. I am your full-time flight attendant Shirley. If you have any needs or questions during the trip, please feel free to come to me!"

"Okay, let's get this gentleman some food first!" Tang Chen glanced at her and said to her.

"Yes, sir!"

The flight attendant smiled and nodded, twisting her slender waist and walking forward.

Looking at the flight attendant's back, Xie Lin was completely dumbfounded.

It was his first time to fly on a private jet. Looking at the luxurious sofa seats and surrounding equipment, he felt as if he was in a dream.

After sitting there for a long time, Xie Lin asked tentatively: "Brother Tang, what is your identity? I have been listening to many people on the Internet discussing your identity and background, but I didn't expect that after a long time, it turned out to be true... .”

"What's the background?" Tang Chen said nonchalantly: "There are all rumors on the Internet, you can't believe it!"

"But you can't believe it!" Xie Lin said with a wry smile: "You fly in a Rolls-Royce for travel and a private jet for business trips. What kind of status do you have to have such luxurious equipment?"

As he said that, he suddenly seemed to remember something: "Yes, yes, there is also that big cruise ship. It shows up when you say it appears, and draws a lottery when you say it will be drawn. Such a big cruise ship must be worth at least several hundred million, right?"

"Almost!" Tang Chen laughed and said noncommittally: "If you want to sit, I will give you a package ticket another day, and you can ask your best friend to sit with you..."

"How can I have any good friends?" Xie Lin blushed and smiled, and said to Tang Chen: "Brother Tang, I am lucky to know you in this life!"

As he said that, he looked around and said with a smile: "If I hadn't met Mr. Tang, I might never be able to get on a private jet in my life!"

"It's just a plane. Is there any need to make such a fuss?" Tang Chen said with a smile.

In fact, if it weren't for Xie Lin's help, I'm afraid Tang Chen wouldn't have been able to complete three system rewards so quickly.

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard the cell phone in Tang Chen's pocket ring.

He picked it up and took a look. Unexpectedly, it was a WeChat message from Lin Xiaoman.

"Tang Chen, look at the headlines, you're dead again!"

Am I on fire again?!

After seeing Lin Xiaoman's WeChat, Tang Chen opened Toutiao and Weibo with hesitation...

Sure enough, the headlines on the front page were all about myself.

Today's headlines: "Yesterday, the preferred platform of well-known anchor Tang Chen went online and opened on the same day as the offline mall, setting a sales record of nearly 1.7 billion in one day!"

Weibo Hot Topic 1: "#The most popular seller on the Internet, setting multiple records in a single day [gift revenue and sales are the highest on the Internet!#"

Hot Topic on Weibo 2: "#The most popular anchor selection platform is online, the opening scene is full of stars, what is it like for business leaders to come to congratulate you?#"

Weibo hot topic 3: "#四小花女gathered at the opening ceremony, and the national goddess Yuan Yu parachuted into the scene!#"

NetEase News: "The King of Delivery launched a broadcast, and fans sent more than 200 million gifts in a single day, breaking the highest record on the entire network!"

Moments: I heard that the Tang Chen preferred platform, which is very popular recently, has opened. The offline mall is next to Zhenhua. Have any friends made an appointment to go shopping together?

For a time, he occupied all the hot news in Europe.

Especially the Tang Chen preferred platform, which was launched yesterday, has more than one million topics, and all fans are staring at this offline platform.

What is different from other shopping malls is that the prices on this offline platform are comparable to those in live broadcast rooms, and there are often special offers on products.

Seeing these news, Tang Chen randomly clicked on a hot topic on Weibo.

I saw a dense mass of comments below, with the number of comments already exceeding 200,000. 3.8

A food blogger: Yesterday I watched the live broadcast room and grabbed two snack gift packages. It was so worth it because Tang Chen preferred to like it!

Boss of a certain company: Sales of more than 1 billion a day? Oh my God, our factory’s sales in ten years can’t compare with his sales in one day!

A well-known anchor: He is so powerful. I wonder if Mr. Tang will accept his apprentices. I really want to become his disciple!

A well-known shopping guide: Yesterday I went to the offline mall to experience it, and I have made a detailed planting plan. Friends can refer to my purchasing steps!

A certain little star: I had the honor to meet him last time at Lufthansa Night. He was really handsome. I really want to have a boyfriend like him.

A female netizen: I watch the anchor’s live broadcast every day and see him every day. Suddenly I feel happier than these celebrities!

Seeing this series of comments, Tang Chen felt a little helpless. Why did it become more and more outrageous? Am I that exaggerated?

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