I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 175 Suppress Men In The Entertainment Industry! (2Nd Update)

Just when Tang Chen was reading the comments, Lin Xiaoman suddenly sent another WeChat message.

"How's it going? Did you see the headlines?"

Tang Chen replied: "Look, the media wrote it is very exaggerated!"

Lin Xiaoman: "Is this an exaggeration? It's very realistic, okay? Sales reached 1.7 billion in one day, and all the stars helped. Everything is realistic..."

Tang Chen laughed and responded: "I hope they will be more realistic in the future. In this case, we can become even more popular!"

Lin Xiaoman: "Haha, you have occupied the headlines again. The entertainment industry has been suppressed by you for a long time!"

"It's okay, I will continue to suppress them!" Tang Chen responded with a smile.

The two chatted for a while, and then the plane suddenly trembled.

Under stewardess Shirley's gentle reminder, the plane had arrived at Tushi's airport.

Xie Lin lay on the sofa receiving a massage and almost fell asleep. It was not until the plane started to descend that he opened his eyes: "Brother Tang, are we here now?"

"We're here!" Tang Chen nodded.

Xie Lin laughed twice and sighed: "This private plane is so comfortable, I arrived at the station in a daze!"

Tang Chen nodded and said to him: "Let's go and see the unsaleable raisins!"

Xie Lin responded and quickly followed Tang Chen outside.

When the two of them walked out of the airport, the person in charge of the Tushi agricultural assistance operation was already waiting there.

After seeing Xie Lin and Tang Chen, she quickly ran over with her ID: "Director Xie, Mr. Tang, hello [I am Xiao Yong, the person in charge of the Tushi Farming Assistance Action..."

Tang Chen raised his head and took a look, only to see a young girl about twenty years old standing in front of him. The girl was wearing ethnic minority clothes and looked fresh.

"Hello, I'm Tang Chen!" Tang Chen smiled at her.

"Mr. Tang, I finally see you in person!" Xiaoyue saw Tang Chen's sunny smile, and her heart suddenly jumped: "I am your fan and have been following your live broadcast!"

"Really?" Tang Chen smiled and nodded: "Thank you..."

"Haha..." Seeing Xiaoyue's adoring look on her face, Xie Lin turned to Tang Chen and smiled: "This girl is your fan. When she contacted me yesterday, she has been looking forward to meeting you. Now Back, her dream finally came true.

With that said, he turned to Xiaoyue and asked: "Are you happy this time?"

"Well, I'm so happy!" Xiaoyue was so excited that she didn't know what to say.

"Since you are happy, then hurry up and lead the way!" Xie Lin said with a smile: "You have one day to accompany Mr. Tang today, so there is no need to be so excited!"

"Yes, Director Xie!"

Xiaoyue nodded happily and quickly took Xie Lin and Tang Chen to the special area of ​​​​the Agricultural Assistance Action.

It was very close from the airport to the destination. It only took about three hours. The car stopped in front of a housing area.

Tang Chen got out of the car and took a look, and saw a group of enthusiastic people standing in front of him, roasting a whole lamb around a bonfire.

"Folks, Mr. Tang is here!"

When Xiaoyue saw the people in front of her, she quickly shouted at the top of her lungs.

It was okay if he didn't shout. As soon as he shouted, everyone immediately ran towards Tang Chen, and in just a moment, they surrounded him.

"Welcome Mr. Tang!"

Someone in the crowd shouted something, and everyone immediately started singing enthusiastically, dancing and singing around Tang Chen. The scene was extremely joyful.

Shelin lay next to Tang Chen's ear and reminded: "This is a welcome dance of ethnic minorities. Only distinguished guests will be treated like this!"

As he spoke, he pointed to the roasted whole lamb in front of him and said, "Have you seen those roasted whole lambs in front of you? That is the highest courtesy from the villagers. They use the best roasted whole lamb to welcome their most respected friends.


"I see....…"

Tang Chen nodded thoughtfully.

It's a pity that there was no live broadcast just now, otherwise it would have been a good time for fans to appreciate the enthusiasm of the folks.

"Mr. Tang, welcome to our local market!"

At this time, a man in the lead walked up to Tang Chen and saluted: "I am Guli Amon, the person in charge of agricultural products in Tushi. Raisins are unsaleable this year. Life is very difficult for the folks. Thank you for your willingness to help us!" "

"Uncle, you are too polite!"

Tang Chen helped him up and said a few polite words to him. Then everyone pulled Tang Chen and walked towards the bonfire.

Tang Chen looked around. The scenery here was unique, with three roasted whole lambs shining attractively beside the bonfire.

If you don't start a live broadcast at this time, how can it be called poisoning?

Thinking of this, Tang Chen directly opened the live broadcast room: "Friends, today I came to the beautiful Tushita City. Here there is roasted whole lamb, kumiss, raisins, and everything you want!"

As the live broadcast room opened, the number of people online suddenly started to soar from 0, and within a short time the barrage filled the screen.

"Damn it, the anchor is so happy, isn't he? He actually came to Tushi..."

“I’m so envious of the anchor, he’s seen scenery all over the country!”

"Am I the only one who saw the roasted whole lamb? It's so delicious and delicious, I'm going to drool!"

"When I saw this roasted whole lamb and the freshly made instant noodles in my hand, it suddenly lost its flavor..."

"The anchor has come to Tushi. Does this mean we have raisins today?"

"The guy upstairs is so smart. The anchor is here to benefit everyone, so wait for the rush!"

“If you don’t say anything else, just support and that’s it!”

Fans saw the scene in the live broadcast room and immediately started discussing wildly.

Not only that, many fans also shared the live broadcast room on Weibo and Moments.

For a time, Weibo and WeChat Moments also stirred up waves.

Hot topic on Weibo: "#大狗一哥是什么意思#"

"Hey, a popular Weibo anchor actually hit the screen? Who is this anchor?"

"I heard that the anchor is selling raisins this time, hurry up and grab it!"

"Although I don't know who the first brother is, it sounds interesting. I'm going to check it out!"

"Brothers, the anchor is going to Tushi. There must be big moves. Go to the live broadcast room to support!"

After being forwarded to Weibo, Tang Chen accidentally became a hot topic on Weibo again.

In just a short while, the topic’s popularity exceeded hundreds of thousands.

At this time, Tang Chen didn't know that he was so hot and was chatting with Guli Amon in a relaxed manner.

"Mr. Tang, the roasted whole lamb here is the most delicious. You must eat more later!" Guli Amon looked at Tang Chen and said with enthusiasm.

Tang Chen nodded and said, "I've heard for a long time that our roasted whole lamb is the most authentic. When I saw it today, it turned out to be really good!"

Guli Amon heard this and said with a smile: "Even the big stars from our local market like this kind of roasted whole lamb very much!"


After hearing Guli Amon's words, Tang Chen suddenly remembered something.

Yes, the female stars from the Western Regions are all beautiful. The saying that the Western Regions produce beauties is not nonsense. .

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