All the materials needed to build a house, such as cement, bamboo strips, beams, and pillars, have been prepared.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing.

East wind is Mufeng's method, and he has to do everything himself.

Originally, Mufeng planned to build a large earth building directly, but considering the floor area and construction difficulty, he had to change one to four.

And building a small one first can prevent waste of materials if there is any error in the middle.

The construction of earth building requires "solidity". In addition to the foundation being rammed very tightly, the wall foundation must also be strong and thick enough.

In order to achieve this effect, Mufeng reduced the conventional adobe wall from 60 cm to 80 cm.

In this way, the difficulty of ramming the earth into a wall has increased.

Fortunately, he did not simply borrow the ramming method of his previous life, but made an empty mold with bamboo strips, and put mixed hay, clay, sand and gravel in the middle for ramming.

After the earth wall was formed and the bamboo strips were removed, he asked the tribesmen to find stones, and then put another circle of stones against the earth wall, and glued them in the middle with grass and mud.

All this sounds simple, but it took the entire Jiang family's young and strong two days!

However, these are simpler than the inner layer.

Because the inner layer needs to be bonded with pure stones and cement.

This requires that the size of the stones to be found should not be too different, and the demand for cement is also large.

Fortunately, the tribe lacks other things, but not stones and plant ash.

No matter how much stone is needed, it is not more than the stones surrounded by mountains on three sides.

As for plant ash, even if the tribe's storage is not enough, they can also use local materials and cut down some dry trees and hay.

Stones and plant ash are the least scarce things in primitive society.

As the two outer layers of the wall have been formed, the construction workers in the tribe have roughly seen what Mu Feng is going to do.

What they couldn't understand was what Mu Feng could do with such a "house" that was not much different from a cave.

Li Hu and Ming Guang wanted to ask Mu Feng, but they were worried that they wouldn't understand even if Mu Feng told them, so they had to give up.

The "Mu's Three-layer Wall", which combines the three exterior wall features of Hakka earthen buildings, rural old adobe houses, and stone attics in southern Yunnan that Mu Feng had seen in his previous life, was finally completed five days later.

The "Mu's Earthen Building" that Mu Feng wanted to build has begun to take shape.

The next step is to build the roof.

Considering the actual situation, Mu Feng plans not to live on the second floor, but to store some important materials and defend against foreign enemies.

This saves the amount of work.

The earthen building covers an area of ​​about 200 square meters and is roughly circular.

To build the roof, you need to build a room on the inner layer first, and then cover the walls of the house with black bamboo.

In order to maximize the windproof, waterproof and fireproof properties of the earth building, he did not hesitate to let the clan members work overtime to burn cement, and then put it between the house and the stone wall.

The three-story earth building already has fireproof and waterproof properties.

But Mu Feng wanted the inner layer to have such functions as well.

Using cement mixed with stone to build walls, even if one or two houses have problems or catch fire, it will not affect other rooms, and it is also convenient to repair later.

The Jiang clan members were still unfamiliar when building the outer wall, but when they were building the inner wall, the speed had become faster.

This time, it took less than two days, and the prototypes of the houses, which were more than three meters high and almost the same height as the outer wall, were built.

Now, as long as the roof is sealed, people can live inside.

However, Mu Feng did not want to cap the roof, but to ask the tribesmen to line up a circle of walls with black bamboo as the roof, tie a layer of hay on the bamboo, and then paste a layer of mud on it, compact and spread it evenly.

Then he asked the tribesmen to build a wall upwards using the outer wall of the roof, and build a wall about two meters high, and use black bamboo to support a circle of pillars on the bamboo roof.

The bamboo wall pillars are connected to the outer wall, and finally the roof is capped.

The roof naturally slopes down from the inside to the outside along a certain slope, and extends outward for more than one meter. It is all paved with bamboo branches, still covered with hay, mud, and the outermost layer of dense large leaf straw.

Finally, the "Mu's Earth Building" which took about ten days to build was finally completed.

From the outside, the whole earth building is like a stone bunker with small windows on the upper and lower floors.

If you look from the air, the ground looks like a circular stone hill with vaguely square partitions inside, and people are coming in and out from the middle.

Once you are inside, you will find that it is very bright, especially the roof that gradually closes from bottom to top and forms a spire, giving people a thick, warm and solid feeling.

The ground is paved with stone mixed with cement.The cement floor had been evenly paved with square wooden boards, making it solid and comfortable.

Except for Mu Feng, all the tribesmen were so excited that they were speechless.

Even if they had never seen a house again, they now knew what the earth building was used for.

Li Hu even said excitedly: "Great Chief, is this the house you are talking about? With such a house, we don't have to worry even if the rain lasts for a long time!"

Mu Feng smiled and nodded, but he felt a little regretful in his heart, not because the earth building had flaws, but because Li Hu didn't know the goods.

"What's the big deal about rain protection!" Mu Feng smiled, "As long as all of us live in the earth building, the people of the Manglong tribe will come again, and they can't do anything to us!

Not only that, with this earth building, we can make them retreat when they see difficulties!"

"Really?" Li Hu said excitedly.

Although he would not doubt Mu Feng's words, he didn't know that this was just a house for living, so how could he defeat the enemy?

Mu Feng saw Li Hu's doubts and wanted to take this opportunity to teach the tribesmen how to use the earth building in the future. He turned around and said, "Han Shu, take a few people to the earth building and let you see the benefits of the earth building!"

"Yes!" Han Shu then took a few people to climb up the building from the simple stairs that had been built inside the building.

Mu Feng took Li Hu and the others directly to the outside of the building. He shouted to the inside, "Han Shu, do you see the tree next to me? Shoot it with an arrow!"

"Chief!" Li Hu was puzzled, "They are in the house, how can the arrow..."

Before he finished speaking, with a "whoosh", a bamboo arrow flew straight from the window to the tree trunk!

"This..." Li Hu was excited, and he also understood what Mu Feng said.

"Such a house!" Li Hu was so excited that his face flushed, "If our Jiang clan members live in it, what do we have to worry about!"

Other tribesmen also understood, and looked at Mu Feng with fanatical eyes. They knelt on one knee and saluted with one hand.

"Great Chief!"

"Great Chief, Great Sage!"

"God bless Da Jiang!"

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