After the first earth building was built, the whole tribe was excited.

Especially after Mufeng showed them how to live in it. Everyone was full of fanatical worship for Mufeng again.

But the cement on the ground was not completely dry, otherwise Mufeng would have arranged for everyone to live in it.

After the first earth building was built, the Jiang clan members became more skilled in building earth buildings. The following earth buildings did not require Mufeng to demonstrate in person, but he chose the site and the tribe members were responsible for the construction.

Not only that, the following earth buildings were built at the same time.

Two of them were distributed in a triangle with the first one, and the fourth one was located in the center of the three.

"Three stars surround the moon" - this is the "purpose" of Mufeng's choice of earth building layout.

The reason why Mufeng chose to build earth buildings in this way was that if the tribe was breached by the outer protective wall, the layout of the four earth buildings could protect each other.

Each earth building has no less than 30 windows, and each window can provide one or two archers with arrows.

The three earthen buildings are separated by an arrow's distance, ensuring that when one earthen building is attacked, people in other earthen buildings can shoot arrows to support it.

As for the earthen building in the middle, it is not only protected by the other three buildings, but can also provide close support to the other three buildings.

Mu Feng certainly does not want the tribe's protective wall to be broken, but he does not want people to be able to drive straight in and plunder the tribe after the gate is broken.

In this way, the entire Jiang clan is surrounded by three mountains, with a protective wall and a ring river in front of the gate, and earthen buildings in the tribe. This is the highest-level defense system that Mu Feng can build temporarily under the conditions of the tribe.

Because the construction of the earthen building took the Jiang clan nearly a month, until the rainy day approached.

During this period, the tribe would only send out a hunting team of less than 20 people every day to hunt outside, either wild sheep or horned deer, or go to Dalong Lake to cut ice and fish.

As the outside temperature rises, the ice on the surface of Dalong Lake finally begins to melt, and more and more wild animals are active in the wilderness.

Even outside the protective wall outside the Jiang clan, one or two ferocious beasts were occasionally seen.

During this period, Mu Feng was either supervising the construction of earthen buildings or taking time to train the little wolves.

The little wolves also changed from simply following at the beginning to following closely behind. Occasionally, Mu Feng took the five little wolves to stroll in the jungle outside the protective wall. When they saw one or two lone primitive chickens, the five of them worked together to catch the primitive chickens.

Mu Feng was relieved at this point and felt that his efforts over the past month were not in vain.

After all, for such a long time, the little wolves' meals were consistent with those of the tribe and they had never been hungry - this might not be the case for the wild wolf pack.

In addition, Mu Feng would also give the five little wolves "special training" at regular times and locations every day.

For example, he would throw them into a cave, put two primitive chickens in it, and let them practice running, pouncing and biting by themselves.

He would also pick a small wild boar and let it out for the five little wolves to besiege.

Of course, they would also get a wild sheep to run in the tribe and let the little wolf intercept it.

In general, the five wolves, who are about four or five months old, have already begun to show their prowess. Because of the food, they are bigger than wild wolves.

The average shoulder height of the wolves should be about 50 cm. The heaviest one is Damazi, who should be more than 50 kilograms, and the smallest one is Doudou, who is more than 40 kilograms.

Wolves of this size have not grown to their maximum size, but they can go out hunting.

Damazi has always been the most ferocious among the five wolves, but Maizi has been defeated repeatedly, but he has never given up challenging Damazi.

Huangmi and Xiaomi seem to be more "docile" and "obedient" in the team of five little wolves because of "girls". But when it comes to hunting, they are never vague.

Doudou, who has always been the smallest, is worthy of the name "Doudou" given by Mufeng. He is the smallest and seems to be the least courageous.

Whenever Mu Feng raised his hand to pick up the stick, it would definitely be the first to show weakness.

But it was also the most humane and smartest of the five wolves.

Every time the five wolves surrounded and hunted prey, Doudou was not the fastest runner, nor the most fierce, but he could always appear at the key position at the critical moment, and then kill the prey with one fatal blow, directly biting the prey to death or knocking it down, and finally shaking his head and tail at Mu Feng as if to seek credit.

Mu Feng was thinking about taking a few little wolves out for a real hunt recently.

"There are always some captive wild boars and sheep in and out of the tribe, and it is hard to tell what their abilities are." Mu Feng thought, "Whether it is a mule or a horse, you have to take it out for a walk to know!"

"Especially since the rainy day is coming soon, the number of times the tribe goes out hunting will also be affected, and we must take advantage of it.Hunting and storing some food before the rain comes!"

Thinking of this, Mu Feng found Li Hu and Ming Guang and told them his plan.

The two naturally agreed, because this matter involves the question of how the tribe can survive in the long rainy days.

"Great Chief, now that the earth building has been built, what should we do with the caves? Let the mountain water flood them?" Li Hu asked.

"How could it be?" Mu Feng shook his head, "I have thought about it. Before, everyone was building earth buildings, so I didn't have time to arrange it. Now that the earth building is built, we should be able to move in before the rain comes."

"The original caves cannot be left empty. If there is water leaking in the caves, don't worry about it for the time being. If it is flooded from outside, then dig a diversion ditch near the cave, lead it to the side of the earth building, and dig a large reservoir in front of the middle earth building."

"Dig a reservoir in front of the earth building?" Li Hu was puzzled, "What if the reservoir is full? "

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Dig a small ditch on the other side of the pool and lead it to the other side of the protective wall. There is a drainage ditch in the corn field outside, which can be connected to it!"

Li Hu still didn't understand: "Why do we need to dig a pool in the earth building?"

Mu Feng explained helplessly: "The water flowing down from the mountain is washed and filtered by the grass and trees on the mountain. The water flowing down contains a lot of minerals. It is good for the tribesmen, wild sheep and wild boars to drink."

"If it really can't be used up, just let it flow to the corn field."

"Oh!" Li Hu finally understood and nodded heavily, "I'll do it right away!"

"Yes!" Mu Feng nodded, "Go and arrange it quickly, so that we can go out hunting, and we must be ready before the rain comes!"

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