"Three long and two short" refers to the marks carved on the bamboo arrows to mark who shot the arrows.

For example, Mingguang's arrows are "three long and three short", Hanshu's arrows are "nine long and one short", and so on.

Obviously, the owner of the three long and two short arrows was punished by Lihu on the spot as "not allowed to participate in hunting tomorrow" because he did not hit the target.

This is really shameful for the hunting team members.

Sure enough, the man sighed, but did not refute, and was dejected and annoyed.

Mu Feng was really a little surprised. He didn't expect that these people in the tribe were so talented in archery.

In his previous life, he remembered an old coach in the "Archery God Club" saying: "Archery requires a calm mind and unity of breath."

To put it bluntly, you must be calm and calm when shooting arrows, breathe slowly, and keep in line with the arrow.

At present, the Jiang clan is just a group of primitive people, struggling for survival every day. How can they understand the key to archery?

In fact, he thought it was complicated.

The reason is actually very simple. The Jiang clan members were hungry and cold. Now Mu Feng brought them enough food, saved them from extinction, and taught them archery skills.

In particular, all of them understood that practicing archery well could help the tribe get more food.

So what these hunting teams think about every day and every moment is almost how to practice archery well and how to shoot more accurately.

The most fearful thing about everything is seriousness, especially the things that practice makes perfect.

Just imagine, a person has practiced thousands of times in his mind and practiced thousands of times at the shooting range every day, how can his archery skills be bad?

This point was immediately realized by Mu Feng when he noticed the broken bows and broken arrows in the training ground.

Seeing that the hunting team members' archery was so accurate, Mu Feng's heart was more looking forward to the arrangement of going out hunting tomorrow.

More than 50 hunting team members, more than 50 bows and arrows, five domesticated wolves, plus more than 20 wild wolves that might be encountered in the wild, if they hunt together, the harvest will definitely be indispensable.

That night, Han Shu returned with about 20 people.

As expected, the ice in Dalong Lake melted again and was close to the shore.

Han Shu weaved the animal tendon rope into a net according to Mu Feng's request. Considering that the opening of the net was too large, he thought of a compromise and used a soft tree branch to circle the opening. He waited for the fish to show up at the previous ice opening and caught them in the net.

Mu Feng then realized that if he simply used a net to catch fish, the fish would not live long if the net rope strangled the fish scales.

Han Shu's simple change was a bit similar to the net bag in his previous life. In this way, the damage to the fish was reduced when catching fish, and the survival rate of the fish caught in the net was much higher.

What surprised Mu Feng even more was that Han Shu thought that the fish might not live long after leaving the water. This time, he went out to catch fish with a pottery jar made by Bai Ya to collect the lake water and fish.

Mu Feng felt relieved. He had spent so much time and effort, and finally saw that some tribesmen knew how to think and adapt.

The only flaw was that two of the pottery jars were broken on the way back.

But compared to bringing back live fish, this was nothing.

The fish release was done when Han Shu came back. The water was more than half a meter deep, which was enough for the fish to swim around.

Just in case, he personally crushed some corn kernels and put some pig manure in the water - in his previous life, many fish pond contractors in the countryside did this.

Build a pigpen next to the fish pond, feed the pigs with grass, straw and grains, and the pig manure flows into the fish pond to nourish the plankton in the water, and the plankton in the water nourishes the fish, forming a virtuous ecological cycle.

The moat has been dug for nearly a month, and a lot of water has accumulated, and there are more or less plankton in it.

Even if there are no plankton, because of the arrival of spring, a lot of flying insects and moths will gather on the water surface after dusk.

The presence of pig manure will undoubtedly make them gather more, thus becoming food for fish.

Early the next morning, all the hunting team members gathered at the training ground.

Mingguang selected twenty people on the spot to stay behind in the tribe, led by Lihu.

The rest of the people followed Mufeng out hunting.

Of course, this was also the first time Mufeng took five wolves out hunting.

The person leading the way had changed from Mingguang to Hanshu, and there was an additional Shufeng next to Hanshu.

The changes in this hunting team also confirmed the changes in the Jiang clan.

When the five little wolves first left the tribe, they ran around Mufeng happily, and from time to time they would jump into the bushes on the side to sniff east and west.

But as the journey got farther and farther, the five little wolves also noticed that this trip was unusual. They were vigilant around Mufeng, lowering their heads and tails, and keeping their mouths shut.The fight in the tribe.

"Yeah!" Mu Feng nodded, thinking that wolves are indeed wolves. Once they return to the wild, they still regain their instinctive reactions in the jungle.

"I just don't know what will happen when they see the wolf pack again. I don't know if there will be a conflict!" Mu Feng thought to himself.

This time he will take his tribe to find the wild wolf pack first, reunite with the wild wolves, and then both sides will work together to hunt.

Before setting off, he has repeatedly reminded the hunting team members not to act rashly after seeing the wolf pack, let alone shoot the wild wolves at will.

The hunting team members naturally heard that Mu Feng had an agreement with the wolf king of a group of more than 20 wolves, so they naturally had no objection.

They just didn't know whether the chief could summon the wolf king as Han Shu said.

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