Mu Feng led a group of more than 50 people from the tribe through the jungle and came to the vicinity where they encountered wild wolves twice.

Before he made any move, the five little wolves seemed to have noticed something and immediately lowered their heads to sniff around, finally smelling something in a place where there were relatively few plants.

Then the five wolves surrounded that area and sniffed carefully again, and finally raised their heads and cried "Awoo".

All the hunting team members were stunned and looked around vigilantly, not knowing what was going on.

Mu Feng shook his head and smiled softly, saying, "It's okay. The little wolf found the territory of the wolf pack and is demonstrating."

"Territory, whose territory?" Ming Guang asked, "The territory of the wolf pack?"

"Yes!" Mu Feng nodded, "Wolves determine their territory by urinating. If other wolves enter, they will be regarded as invaders. Of course, if other wolves do it on purpose, a fight is inevitable."

"But these five little wolves were captured from the wolf pack. Why would they demonstrate to their own people? What's more, they are still so young!" Ming Guang was puzzled.

Mu Feng smiled and shook his head: "Once the little wolf leaves the tribe and lives with us humans, it will be regarded as an alien by the original wolf pack. It will be difficult to integrate into the tribe again unless they can defeat the wolf king of the wolf pack and become the new king!"

At this point, Mu Feng's heart moved: "Is it possible for Damazi to become the wolf king of a group of wolves? In that case, wouldn't the Jiang clan have a wild wolf army in the wild?"

He looked at the five underage wolves, who were still roaring in the distance, and smiled and continued to explain: "No matter how big or small the wolf in the wolf pack is, once it reaches It feels that it has the ability to challenge the wolf king, so it will take the initiative to attack. This has little to do with the age of the wolf! "

"But these five little wolves are not yet adults!" Mingguang looked worried, "If they provoke the wild wolves like this, they will be bitten to death!"

Mufeng nodded: "It is indeed possible! But don't worry, as long as the wolf king brings his tribe, he will not dare to attack the five of them in front of so many of us!"

Mingguang was relieved. He naturally knew the purpose of Mufeng's taming of these five little wolves, so he was worried about the safety of the little wolves.

"But, with so many of us, will they appear?" Mingguang asked worriedly.

"Well, it is indeed possible!" Mufeng said with a smile, "But I have an agreement with it. If it doesn't appear, at most we will spend some time to kill these wolves!"

Mingguang was eager to try, and just as he was about to speak, he suddenly heard a "rustling" sound coming from a distance.

"Here it comes!" Mu Feng stood up, "It seems that this wolf king is smarter than the previous one, and knows what's happening!"

Before Mingguang asked him what "knowing what's happening" meant, a gray wolf with spots on its forehead had already passed through the grass and came near them.

But after this wolf approached them, it immediately showed a vigilant hunched posture-it was the wolf king.

To be honest, it couldn't help it, because there were too many people around, more than the number of wolves.

And the wolves behind it also took a vigilant posture in an instant, baring their teeth at the Jiang clan members.

Without waiting for Mu Feng to react, the five little wolves that were originally huddled together rushed to the wolf king with a "woop", baring their teeth and confronting it.

Damage lowered his body to the lowest position, obviously eager to try the wolf king in front of him, but he felt that there seemed to be a gap in strength, so he had to stay put.

As for Huangmi, Xiaomi and Maizi, they all came to Damazi and bared their teeth at the wolf pack with a common hatred.

Only Doudou sniffed back and forth between the two, neither barking nor showing fear, but looking back and forth, as if thinking about something.

The wolf king was obviously stunned, looking at the five wolves that looked very similar to him with a puzzled look.

And the wolves behind him were all stunned, looking at the five familiar wolves, and then roared in anger.

One is the smell on their bodies, and the other is that there are only five of them, and they dared to roar at a group of wolves.

If there were not more than 50 people around, I believe the two groups of wolves with different strengths would fight immediately.

Mufeng had a headache. Damazi's posture was obviously ready to fight at any time. Once he started, the other three wolves would surely follow suit.

But the one who gave him the most headache was Doudou. Although he looked listless, he was full of evil intentions. If he really wanted to fight, he might bite you hard, all of which were underhanded tricks.

As the saying goes, "a dog that bites doesn't bark." Although Doudou was a wolf, he completely followed the saying.

In his previous life, he had seen conflicts between dogs and wolves in the wild, but he didn't expect that within a month, two people from the same clan would...A wolf could be so hostile.

With no other choice, he could only snort coldly: "Ma Zi, come back!"

Ma Zi, who was baring his teeth, was stunned and looked back at Mu Feng, obviously unwilling to give up.

Mu Feng held the bamboo spear, slammed it heavily on the ground, and shouted: "Come back!"

It immediately trembled, roared at the wolf king, and retreated to Mu Feng's side with a posture of "wait for me".

The other four wolves also turned around and ran to Mu Feng at this time, and did not forget to roar at the wolf king with bared teeth.

Although a big battle did not break out, everyone could feel the tense atmosphere just now.

At this time, Mu Feng also walked to the front of the crowd, regardless of the dissuasion of all the Jiang clan members, and shouted to the wolf king who was waiting for battle, "Ah Wu Ao Wu" - "Little wolf king, we meet again!"

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