More than 40 wild boars!

When all the wild boars appeared, Mu Feng was surprised: "Why are there so many! These wild boars are not far from the tribe, why didn't Mingguang come here to hunt before?"

But he thought about it and understood. There are so many wild boars in this group, and they are very aggressive. In addition, there are only about 50 people in the hunting team of the tribe, and the weapons they use are nothing more than some sticks.

Even if they all come, they may not be the opponents of these wild boars!

This is the cruelty of primitive society. Humans are at a disadvantage in front of wild beasts and nature.

But Mu Feng believes that this only exists in the previous Jiang tribe. Now that he is the chief, this situation will change.

He not only wants to catch wild boars, but also raise wild boars!

But this group of wild boars looks like more than 40, which is beyond Mu Feng's expectations.

While observing the wild boars fighting for scattered mushroom fragments on the ground, he thought about how to catch wild boars.

Shuofeng, who was standing by, didn't dare to breathe, and looked at the wild boars nervously, fearing that they would suddenly discover the two people's tracks.

Fortunately, the wild boars just robbed the broken mushrooms and dug the ground for a while, and then walked away noisily.

The surrounding area was filled with the unique stench of pigs.

The two waited for the wild boars to go far away, and then walked out from their hiding place.

Shuofeng looked at Mufeng with lingering fear: "Great Chief, this, so many wild boars, it's not easy to catch! Even if the hunting team of the tribe came, they can't do anything about them!"

"Well, the number is indeed a bit too much!" Mufeng nodded.

If there were twenty or thirty wild boars, he would find a way to dig a bigger trap.

But for forty wild boars, the problem to consider is not catching, but raising.

You know, the destructive power and revenge of wild boars cannot be ignored. He had seen two wild boars before. They escaped after being caught and took revenge crazily. As a result, they overturned the sweet potato field in a mountain village.

If all these more than 40 wild boars were caught, who could guarantee that there would be no accidents?

The tribe now has only about 200 people, and it can't withstand such a toss.

But once so many wild boars are caught and domesticated successfully, the tribe's meat will be guaranteed.

After all, whether it is sheep or chickens, no matter the number of cubs or the amount of meat they will produce in the future, they cannot be compared with pigs.

"It seems that I have to go back and think about it!" Mu Feng looked at the sky. It was already evening. "Okay, let's go back! Let's see if there are any edible wild vegetables along the way and pick them together!"

"Okay!" Shuo Feng breathed a sigh of relief and was finally going back.

Although there was no danger during this trip with the chief, it was thrilling enough.

Especially the wild boar that was so big that it made him feel nervous, but it was so close to them.

On the way back, Shuofeng was very careful, no longer thinking about hunting, but following Mufeng closely.

Mufeng was very calm, and he returned along the way he had just come, thinking about how to catch the wild boar while looking around to see if there were any edible wild vegetables.

As a result, he actually found a small piece of wild onion!

Seeing the wild onion as thick as leeks, Mufeng was almost cheering.

This time he came out to find spices and wild vegetables, but he found shepherd's purse and mushrooms for wild vegetables, but only shallots for spices.

"Hahaha!" Mufeng laughed and dug out the small piece of wild onion with a shovel, and then put it in his bamboo basket.

He had already made up his mind to use wild onions and tree flowers, plus a primitive chicken to stew soup in the evening, and taste the long-lost chicken soup.

As for the other shallots, he had to plant them and save the seeds so that the whole tribe could have this seasoning spice.

To be honest, he couldn't even bear to look at the bowl of chicken soup he made for Shuofeng in the morning.

It was because Shuofeng had never tasted chicken soup that he thought it was so delicious.

Seeing Mufeng laughing happily, Shuofeng couldn't help but ask: "Chief, what good things have happened to you?"

"Yeah!" Mufeng raised the wild onion in his hand, "This thing is called wild onion. It can be added to the chicken soup. With the tree flowers, it tastes better than what you drank this morning!"

"Really?" Shuofeng was excited, "It can be better than what I drank this morning?"

"You haven't seen the world!" Mufeng couldn't help but blurt out, "You'll know when you drink it!"

"What is the world?" Shuofeng scratched his head, "Is it delicious?"

Mufeng waved his hand quickly: "It doesn't matter, you just need to know that this thing will taste good in the soup! In the future, when you see such things outside, dig them out with the roots and bring them back to the tribe to plant!"

"Yes!" Although Shuofeng was surprised, he nodded.

When Mufeng finished digging this small piece of wild onion, he continuedContinue to rush to the tribe.

On the way, they picked some mushrooms and dug some wild shepherd's purse.

As soon as he returned to the tribe, Mu Feng hurriedly carried a bamboo basket and found a piece of open space near his cave. He used a shovel to dig the soil, leaving a part for dinner, and planted the rest.

Shepherd's purse and wild onion were the first vegetables Mu Feng planted in primitive society.

After planting these wild vegetables, Mu Feng went to the well to fetch water.

If the newly planted seedlings are not watered, it will be difficult for the roots to take root in the new soil - this is the experience he gained from planting vegetables in his previous life.

Unexpectedly, it is now used again.

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