After planting shepherd's purse and shallots, Mu Feng watched the sunset, feeling a bit like "working from sunrise to sunset".

He clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Done, time to reward myself!"

"But before that, hand in the task first!"

"System, hand in the task!"

System prompt: "

Task 1: Discover edible shepherd's purse and get 200 achievement points.

Task 2: Discover edible wild onions and get 200 achievement points.

Task 3: Discover edible mushrooms and get 200 achievement points.

The current achievement points are: 1200 points!"

"Haha!" Mu Feng grinned, "I got 600 achievement points in one go, it seems that I can soon Exchange for Wood Dao Derivative Technique... Wait, that's not right, shepherd's purse, wild onion, tree flower and umbrella mushroom, four kinds of things should be 800 points of achievement! "

"Damn, system, are you bullying me for not being good at math?"

System: "Tree flower and umbrella mushroom are both mushrooms, so they are counted as one kind."

Mu Feng was dissatisfied, and played the spirit of being serious in academic research in his previous life: "But they are two kinds of things! There are also poisonous mushrooms that cannot be eaten. Don't we need to identify them when we find them?"

When Mu Feng complained like this, he actually felt a little guilty in his heart. Two kinds of mushrooms are also mushrooms.

It's just that the changes in the system next made his jaw drop to the ground.

System update prompt: "

Task 1: Discover edible shepherd's purse and get 200 achievement points.

Task 2: Discover edible wild onion and get 200 achievement points.

Task 3: Discover edible tree flower mushrooms and get 200 achievement points.

Task 4: Discover edible umbrella mushrooms and get 100 achievement points.

Your current achievement points are: 1300 points!"

At the end, the system added: "Although they are two kinds of food, they can be classified into one category, so the achievement points are halved."

"Oh my god!" Mu Feng was ecstatic and unbelievable, "This is also possible!?"

At the same time, another idea arose in his heart: This system seems to be very smart. Could it be that as long as he behaves a little more strongly and has a little more reason, he can get more achievement points?

Thinking of this, he grinned and laughed: "I'm so happy. I must eat three bowls of chicken soup tonight. Let's go stew soup... No, wait a little longer!"

With this, Mu Feng picked up the shovel and ran to the foot of the North Mountain.

In addition to the thornwood, there are also black bamboos - the bamboo spears in the tribe are made of black bamboos!

"Since there are bamboos, there must be bamboo shoots!" Mu Feng slapped his forehead, "It's really a good opportunity to find a donkey while riding a donkey, a ready-made opportunity to earn achievement points!"

Coming to the black bamboo forest, looking at the black bamboos that are more than 20 meters tall and as thick as arms, Mu Feng couldn't help grinning.

"With such thick bamboos, the shoots must be big too!"

"Finding bamboo shoots is still a delicate job..." Mu Feng muttered to himself. Just as he was about to find them, he heard a crisp shout: "Brother Mu Feng!"

Mu Feng looked up and saw that it was White Fang.

Just panting, her beautiful eyes were full of surprise: "You're back!"

"Yeah!" Mu Feng smiled, "How did you know?"

"I went to Uncle Mingguang first, and asked Brother Shuofeng, he said you were back. When I went to your cave just now, I saw you running here from a distance, and you didn't hear me calling you!"

Bai Ya's mouth was slightly upturned, puffed up, obviously complaining.

Mu Feng smiled and shook his head: "I'm in a hurry to find bamboo shoots here, so I didn't hear it!"

"Finding bamboo shoots?" Bai Ya was puzzled, "What are bamboo shoots?"

Mu Feng pointed to a bamboo that had obviously just grown: "It's something that just emerged from the ground before the bamboo grows into bamboo!"

"You are talking about Bamboo Teeth?" Bai Ya smiled, narrowed her eyes slightly, and pointed to her mouth, "Just like my White Teeth!"

"Your... White Teeth?" Mu Feng was slightly stunned.

"Yes, my father said that elephants have long, white, big, and long teeth, and they eat very quickly, so he named me Baiya!" Baiya looked serious, and his big, beautiful eyes blinked, which was indescribably cute.

"Uh..." Mu Feng never thought that talking about bamboo shoots would actually lead to names, especially the way Li Hu named his daughter was so refreshing!

"Then what is your brother's name..." Mu Feng couldn't help but ask.

"Brother Qingya was named after the teeth of a green-faced lion, and brother Hongya was named after the teeth of a spotted tiger." Baiya explained patiently.

"Puff!" Mu Feng couldn't help laughing any more.

"Lion, tiger, elephant..." It turned out that Li Hu named the animals to compete with their teeth, simply because he thought these animals had good teeth and were powerful.

"ButAt least it has a meaning, similar to modern people, but it's a bit too funny. "Mu Feng shook his head.

Originally, Mu Feng thought that the names Qing Ya, Hong Ya and Bai Ya were quite unique and fresh.

Now it seems that they are really "fresh"!

Mu Feng couldn't help laughing again.

"Brother Mu Feng, what are you laughing at?" Bai Ya looked puzzled.

"Nothing!" Mu Feng quickly returned to the topic, "Let's find bamboo shoots, um, the bamboo teeth you mentioned!"

"Find bamboo, what are bamboo shoots for, can they be eaten?" Bai Ya looked expectant.

"Yes!" Mu Feng smiled secretly in his heart, and then nodded seriously, "Yes, they can be eaten!"

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