Mingguang excitedly told Mufeng about the presence of wild boars.

"I took Shufeng to the place you mentioned, and there were indeed wild boars behind the bushes!" Mingguang was excited, "Not only big wild boars, but also small wild boars!"

"Small wild boars?" Mufeng's eyes lit up, and he began to calculate quickly in his heart, "It's just that it's more troublesome to tame big wild boars, but if there are small wild boars together, the process of wild boar taming will be greatly shortened!"

"How many small wild boars are there?" Mufeng asked.

Mingguang scratched his head awkwardly: "We sneaked through another bush and watched secretly. We didn't dare to get too close, so we didn't see it clearly."

Mufeng nodded: "Well, it's right, we can't expose it."

Mingguang said again: "But it looks like there are quite a lot, a black mass. The little cubs are shouting so happily!"

Mufeng thought for a while and asked: "How big is it?"

Lihu gestured and said hesitantly: "Such a large area, there must be at least forty or fifty!"

"Hiss!" Mufeng was startled.

In his previous life, he had seen herds of wild boars when he went into the mountains for archaeological excavations. Usually, there were only seven or eight of them, and sometimes there were more than ten or twenty.

Even if wild boars were rampant abroad, there were only forty or fifty of them in a herd!

He never thought that the herd of wild boars he encountered casually on the hillside of Dongshan Mountain was actually an oversized herd of wild boars!

The big wild boars he and Shufeng had seen outside the bushes before were conservatively estimated to be more than forty in number.

Now Mingguang told him that there were no less than forty or fifty small wild boars. If you count them all, there would be more than eighty wild boars!

Mufeng was excited: "So many wild boars are completely equivalent to a small pig farm in my previous life!"

But he immediately thought of another question and looked at Mingguang: "Wait, so many wild boars are active in one area, what do they eat?"

He knew that wild boars were omnivorous animals, but such a large group of wild boars gathered together could not be solved by simple omnivorous eating.

He thought of a possibility - that is, there may be food for wild boars to survive in Dongshan, and this food must exist in large quantities, otherwise the wild boars cannot be fed.

"Wild boars eat everything humans eat." Mu Feng's eyes lit up, "If there is such food, wouldn't it be possible to help the tribe find another kind of food?"

"And I can also earn achievements, it's really killing two birds with one stone!" Mu Feng made up his mind.

Hearing Mu Feng ask him what wild boars eat, Ming Guang scratched his head: "I don't know what wild boars eat, I just know that wild boar meat is very fragrant."

Speaking of this, Ming Guang actually drooled: "Great Chief, how about we go catch wild boars tomorrow?"

"No!" Mu Feng waved his hand, "The plan has to change!"

"Not catching wild boars?" Ming Guang was surprised.

"We must catch wild boars, but we need to take it slow." Mu Feng thought about it quickly in his mind, and then continued, "Whether it is a big wild boar or a small wild boar, we must raise them. Raising pigs requires a pigsty!"

Ming Guang was surprised: "Sheep have sheep pens, and pigs have pig pens?"

Mu Feng nodded: "Sheep pens only need fences, but pig pens are not! We need stones! Let's do this, you call all the young and strong people in the tribe to Grandpa's thatched house, I have something to say."

"By the way, call Bai Ya too!"

Ming Guang nodded: "Yes!"

Although it was a bit strange, he still did it, and soon gathered everyone in front of the thatched house.

Except for Bai Ya, they were all young and strong people in the tribe.

"Brother Mu Feng!" Bai Ya naturally noticed that today was different. She looked at Mu Feng with a bright look and her pretty face was full of expectations.

She was just a little girl, but now she was involved in a big event that only men in the tribe could do, so she was naturally very excited.

Mu Feng smiled and gestured to her, without saying anything else, but looked at everyone: "Now, assign ten people to follow Bai Ya to the back mountain to dig bamboo shoots! Let her teach you how to dig, I will use it later!"

"Bamboo shoots?" Many people heard this word for the first time.

Without waiting for Mu Feng to answer, Bai Ya said coquettishly: "Bamboo shoots are bamboos buried in the ground that have not grown yet, and they can be eaten!"

But she turned to look at Mu Feng again: "Brother Mu Feng, what do you want to dig bamboo shoots for?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "There is a large group of wild boars in Dongshan now, I want to use bamboo shoots to catch wild boars!"

"Wild boars!" There was a sensation in the crowd.

"Wild boar meat is delicious!"

"Wild boar meat is the most fragrant!"

"But wild boars are too fierce!"

Finally, everyone looked at Mu Feng again.

They all knew that since Mu Feng said he could catch wild boars, he would definitely catch them.

After all, before this, he had led his tribe to catch sheep and enough primitive chickens., and caught some fish that we haven't eaten yet!

Especially in the past two days, the tribe's hunting team didn't go out hunting, but those who went out always brought back six or seven wild sheep and a dozen primitive chickens.

All of this is thanks to Mu Feng!

Noticing everyone's gaze, Mu Feng smiled and said, "Wild boar meat is delicious and fragrant, but wild boars are also fierce. So before catching wild boars, we must make sufficient preparations!"

"Captain, tell me, what do you want us to do?" Someone began to respond.

"Build a pigpen!"

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