As soon as the three words "build a pig pen" came out, everyone was stunned, "Wild boars also need a place to live like sheep?"

Seeing that everyone was surprised, Mu Feng said again: "Wild boars are different from wild sheep. There must be a strong enough pig pen to ensure that they will not run out!"

"So, wild boar pens are different from sheep pens. They need stones! Now, hurry up and move the stones, and then build a wild boar pen on the west mountain!"

Everyone started to move.

Some people followed Bai Ya to the back mountain to dig bamboo shoots, and the rest moved stones to build a pig pen.

Mu Feng personally directed the construction of a pig pen by drawing a circle at the foot of the west mountain next to several big trees.

The reason why it chose the pig pen here is that it is in the downwind, the terrain is lower than the east and north, and it avoids the vicinity of the well water.

The circle he drew is large enough to raise more than a hundred wild boars!

Considering the destructive power of wild boars, Mu Feng set the thickness of the pig pen to 1.5 meters and the height to 2 meters.

This was actually his "dream" when he was a child - when he was a child, he raised pigs in a pigpen that was only about one meter high and 20 to 30 centimeters thick. Domestic pigs often jumped out of the pigpen, forcing him to chase them back to the pigpen.

At that time, he thought that if he raised pigs one day, he must build a "luxury version" pigpen that was high enough and thick enough so that the pigs would never run out again.

However, this "dream" was not realized in his previous life, but it was realized here now.

Because of the experience of casting the earth platform before, the tribe members were familiar with the construction of the wild boar pen this time.

After the stone wall was built, Mu Feng directed the tribe members to mix grass and mud and pour it into the gaps between the stones, and spread it evenly with flat stones, which looked like an adobe wall.

A gap was left in the pigpen for people to enter and exit, and he asked people to build a straw shed in the pigpen, and the surrounding area was also piled with stones, which looked even more solid and reliable than Grandpa's thatched house.

This made the tribesmen sigh: "This place prepared for wild boars is too good!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry, our tribe will live better than this in the future!"

Looking at the pig pen built before the sun set, Mu Feng thought about it and asked Ran Beishan to move some thorns to plant inside the pig pen.

"Wild boars have thick skin and flesh. If they really want to push the wall, it's probably a bit dangerous!" Mu Feng estimated in his heart, "Give them some more protection. If they really push the wall, they will be stabbed by the thorns!"

The person in charge of moving the thorns laughed secretly: "Our chief is really amazing. He used thorns to defeat the people of the Manglong tribe before they got close to us. Now he uses it to deal with wild boars!"

Another person laughed: "Yes, I think the wild boars are going to be unlucky!"

Early the next morning, Mu Feng went to Dongshan with only a dozen people.

Although there were few people, they were all good hunters in the tribe.

Lihu, Mingguang, Hanshu, Qingya, Hongya, Shuofeng...

"Chief!" Lihu asked in a low voice, "Since we are going to catch wild boars, why don't we take everyone with us?"

Mufeng shook his head: "Our main purpose today is not to catch wild boars, but to see if we can find a place where they eat!"

"Why do we look for a place where they eat?" Lihu was puzzled.

"Such a large group of wild boars, there must be something to feed them!" Mufeng expressed his thoughts, "If there is such food, and our tribe can eat it, it will be a good thing for the tribe!"

"Can we eat what wild boars eat?" Mingguang asked hesitantly.

Mufeng did not answer but asked: "Do wild boars eat mushrooms?"

Mingguang reacted all of a sudden, nodded and said: "I understand!"

"Yeah!" Mufeng said, "Don't do anything when you get there, find out where the wild boars go to eat first."

"As long as we figure this out, we will catch wild boars this evening or tomorrow morning!"

"Okay!" The people around roared excitedly.

Led by Mingguang, a dozen people headed straight for the bush where the wild boar was.

When they were close to the bush, Mingguang waved his hand, signaling everyone to hide, and then he quietly went into a bush.

After a while, Mingguang poked his head out of the bush and signaled Mufeng and the others to go over.

A dozen people rustled into the bush. Although there was some noise, the sound of leaves driven by the mountain wind just covered it.

The bush was two or three meters high, with dense branches and leaves, and the vision was not very good.

Mingguang led the way in front, followed by Mufeng and Lihu, and then others.

After walking for a long time, Mingguang finally stopped, and then turned around to signal everyone to be silent and lie down on the spot.

After everyone did so, Mingguang did notThey lay down beside Mu Feng and reached out to carefully push aside a bush.

The originally dim light suddenly became brighter, and almost everyone was surprised.

"So many!" Mu Feng was naturally surprised.

Through the bushes pushed aside by the bright light, less than 20 meters away from where they were, there was a piece of open space like a paradise, densely packed with wild boars!

These wild boars were black, white, brown and colorful, and of different sizes.

Some lay still, some dug the ground, and some rolled on the spot, looking so happy...

Mu Feng grinned silently, thinking in his heart: "Mine, mine, all mine!"

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