Mu Feng and a dozen people were hiding in the bushes, quietly waiting for the wild boars to finish eating and leave.

After the last wild boar grunted and left the corn stalk, Mu Feng finally couldn't hold back his excitement and rushed out with cheers.

Li Hu, Ming Guang and others were very puzzled and shouted, "Great Chief!"

Mu Feng turned around and waved at them, "Come and see!"

They were very confused and walked out of the bushes and came to Mu Feng.

Mu Feng broke off a corn cob from a corn stalk that had not been knocked down, stretched out his hand to peel off the husk, revealing a corn ear that was about ten centimeters long.

Because it was wild, the corn ear was very small, and it couldn't be compared with the ears that were as long as 20 to 30 centimeters long that Mu Feng had seen in his previous life.

Even the corn kernels were much smaller, and each one was round and plump. It took two or three to equal one modern one.

Even so, Mu Feng couldn't stop smiling.

"Look, this is what I'm looking for this time!" Mu Feng laughed.

"Chief, what is this?" Li Hu looked at Mu Feng, who was full of excitement, and didn't understand.

"This is called corn, it's edible!" Mu Feng explained patiently.

"Eat it?" After hearing this, Li Hu reached out and broke off a corn stalk, opened the husk, and started to eat it.

But he immediately spat out the corn kernels: "It's so hard, it's not delicious at all!"

Mingguang, Shuofeng and others on the side had also broken off the corn to try it, but after hearing what Li Hu said, they threw the corn on the ground again.

"Don't throw it away!" Mu Feng said anxiously, "This is fully mature corn, so you can't eat it like this! You can only eat it raw when the bracts are still green!"

"Ah?" Li Hu frowned, "So this thing can't be eaten now, or do you want to feed it to wild boars?"

Mu Feng smiled and shook his head: "This corn is already mature, and it can be eaten. But it can't be eaten directly, it needs to be ground into corn flour, and then steamed buns to eat!"

"Grind into flour, steamed buns?" Li Hu repeated, with a puzzled look on his face.

Others were also puzzled.

It was obvious that what Mu Feng said was beyond their cognition.

Mu Feng naturally saw their confusion, smiled and waved his hand: "Okay, you will understand later. Now what we have to do is to break as much corn as possible and bring it back to the tribe!"

"Captain, are you going to eat these corns after breaking them?" someone asked.

"Yes!" Mu Feng nodded, "Part of it is used to be ground into flour, and part of it is used to be kept as seeds to be planted! In the future, food for the tribe will no longer be a problem!"

"Ah?" the man exclaimed, "Will anyone eat such a disgusting thing?"

"Disgusting?" Mu Feng smiled mysteriously, "That's because you haven't eaten corn yet. You will know when you have eaten it!"

The man felt warm in his heart. He didn't expect that Mu Feng, as a great chief, would explain to him so kindly and patiently.

If it were the old chief in the past, he would definitely not bother to say a word more.

Hearing Mu Feng say that he would go back to plant corn and that corn could be used as food, everyone started to move.

They all carried bamboo cages that were originally used to catch piglets, but now they were used to hold corn.

Under Mu Feng's guidance, all the corn was peeled off the husks, leaving the smooth corn cobs in the pig cages.

Except for Mu Feng, each cage of the others was filled with no less than 100 kilograms of corn cobs.

Especially Li Hu and Ming Guang, although they were arguing that corn was not tasty, they were quite unambiguous when they heard that corn could be used as food, and each of them carried nearly 200 kilograms of corn cobs!

Mu Feng looked at a large field of corn stalks in the distance, with corn cobs hanging on them, and felt that they had brought too few people.

Fortunately, the corn brought by the ten or so people was enough for a few meals, in addition to sifting out the seeds.

The ten or so people carefully avoided the bushes where the wild boar was and returned to the road up the mountain smoothly.

Mu Feng held a corn cob in his hand, broke off a large corn kernel and put it in his mouth to chew for a few times. It felt a little hard, obviously the starch content was not high.

He knew in his heart that this was because corn was wild, and if he wanted a high starch content, he could only cultivate it through continuous cultivation.

But he was still very happy in his heart.

Because the appearance of corn made him realize that the environment he was in seemed to have fewer limitations. Even corn could be found, so what about other crops?

Once the tribe grows corn on a large scale and domesticates various livestock, they will no longer have to worry about food and clothing.

Only when the tribe has a full stomach can they think about other things.

Right now, he has to think about where to plant corn and how to grind corn kernels into flour.Flour.

"Corn can only be planted in the flat area at the foot of the mountain west of the tribe, where the terrain is open and the soil looks fertile."

"As for grinding corn flour... it seems that I have to make a stone mill!" Mu Feng thought.

"System, hand in the task!"

The system immediately prompted: "Obtain edible corn, get 300 achievement points!"

"Huh?" Mu Feng was surprised, "Isn't it 200 points for edible corn?"

"Corn is an agricultural crop, which has a profound impact in history, so the achievement points should be higher!"

"Hahaha!" Mu Feng laughed, "What a pleasant surprise!"

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