After Mu Feng brought these people back to the tribe, he peeled all the corn kernels directly.

In the past, corn threshing was a simple job. Just put the dried corn cobs into the thresher.

But now there are no such conditions around, so Mu Feng can only choose to thresh by hand - this is a delicate job that consumes energy.

Fortunately, there are many people in the tribe, and manual corn peeling is not too physically demanding. At Li Hu's call, everyone who could come came, and it took less than half an hour. All the corn cobs turned into corn kernels.

All the corn kernels and corn cobs were separated.

After threshing the corn kernels, the Jiang clan members did not leave. They all looked at Mu Feng curiously to see how he would deal with these corns they had never seen before.

After all, Li Hu had told them before they came that corn would be the main food of the tribe in the future.

But when threshing just now, almost everyone pinched a corn in their mouths, and then spit it out without exception.

As the leader, Li Hu asked everyone's question: "Chief, now that the corn cobs have been separated from the corn kernels, what should we do next?"

"Next, we need to separate the corn kernels by size. The small ones will be ground into powder for us to eat, and the large ones will be planted as seeds, so that we can grow bigger corn in the future!"

Mu Feng squatted down, reached out and grabbed a handful of corn kernels, and began to demonstrate: "Put all the big ones here as seeds, and put the others here!"

Li Hu followed Mu Feng's example and reached out and grabbed a handful to start screening. He picked and picked but couldn't find many of the size that Mu Feng picked.

"Chief!" Li Hu couldn't help but say, "If we really want to pick the big ones you said, there won't be many here!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "You don't need many corn seeds. One seed can grow a corn in the future!"

"I understand!" Li Hu waved his hand, "Everyone, start screening the seeds now!"

So the Jiang clan members started screening the seeds with corn kernels in their hands again. In less than half an hour, all the corn kernels were screened again.

"What are we doing now?" Li Hu asked again.

Everyone looked at Mu Feng with strange eyes, and it was obvious that they still didn't understand what they were doing.

Mu Feng thought about it, and an idea came to him, saying: "It's almost noon, let's light the fire and cook, go kill 20 chickens, and then take all the mushrooms from me, wash them, and stew them!"

Li Hu's eyes lit up: "Chief, are you going to stew soup?"

"Yes!" Mu Feng nodded, "Pick some wild onions, and ask Bai Ya to bring some bamboo shoots, wash them and stew them."

The people in the tribe looked at each other, and except for knowing what "chicken" was, they didn't know what the other "mushrooms", "wild onions" and "bamboo shoots" were.

Li Hu laughed and said, "Don't worry, Chief, I know how to make soup!"

He then shouted to the tribe members, "Go, get the biggest stone jars in the tribe. I will use the method you taught me to make the most fragrant and delicious chicken soup!"

Ming Guang on the side couldn't help but lean over to Mu Feng and whispered, "Chief, you are going to raise chickens, why are you killing so many now?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "You see, no one knows what the purpose of screening corn seeds is, so I will let everyone know that there are many things that can be eaten."

Li Hu's eyes lit up, "Yes, the tribe members don't know that bamboo shoots and mushrooms are edible!"

Mu Feng nodded, "After they drink chicken soup and eat mushrooms and bamboo shoots, they will naturally understand that corn can also be made into delicious food! Everyone will know what to do next!"

Ming Guang suddenly realized, "I understand!"

After a pause, he asked carefully, "But, Chief, How can I eat corn kernels that are so hard? "

Mu Feng said with a smile: "Didn't I say it before? Now it can only be ground into flour and steamed buns. If you plant it again, you can eat it raw or boiled before the bracts turn yellow. It is sweet and soft, very delicious!"

Ming Guang couldn't help swallowing his saliva: "Then plant it now, can you eat it tomorrow?"

Mu Feng smiled and shook his head: "How is it possible? At least two or three months... seventy or eighty days?"

Suddenly, the system in Mu Feng's mind suddenly said: "Based on the environment around you, the corn maturity period is two months!"

"Hmm?" Mu Feng's heart moved, "Can you judge this?"

System: "The system can make a comprehensive judgment based on the host's environment and issue tasks based on this. Naturally, it can also judge the ecological environment around the host!"

"Oh my! So advanced!" Mu Feng thought to himself, "The maturity period is two months, doesn't it mean that it can be harvested in forty or fifty days?Eat green corn?"

The system added: "If you combine the Wood Dao Derivative Technique with the Earth Thickness Technique, this growth period can be shortened by half!"

"Oh my god!" Mu Feng exclaimed again, not only because of the power of the two techniques, but also because he thought of the achievement points required to exchange for the "Earth Thickness Technique" - 5,000 points!

"Sixty days shortened to thirty days!" Mu Feng couldn't help but sighed, "It seems that the skill CD in the game has become shorter!"

Here, Ming Guang heard Mu Feng say "seventy or eighty days" and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: "Such a long time?"

But he immediately laughed happily again: "If these corns can really fill your stomach and are delicious, it's okay to wait so long. After all, you don't have to risk going out hunting... Oh, this chicken soup is too fragrant!"

As he said, Ming Guang hurriedly approached Li Hu and shouted: "I say Li Hu, the taste of your soup is almost as good as the stew of the chief! "

The rest of the tribe also stretched their necks around the stone jars, looking intoxicated...

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