Chapter 10


As Kirill put Nina down on the examination table that was wiped with strong alcohol, the medical room door opened and a person entered.

“Ah, Young Master.”

Nina smiled awkwardly.

Adrian’s shady eyes and long, slender fingers conveyed his delicate and sensitive personality, he always had a soft smile on his face, but today it was different.

When he saw Nina’s condition, he clenched his teeth and exhaled.

“What did I say?”

His voice was low and quiet. Nina cowered and replied.

“Don’t go around alone.”

“You’re really…….”

He touched his forehead.

It’s been ten years since he knew Nina.

This sudden act, even though he thought he knew enough, still makes him feel flabbergasted.

“But I’m–.”

Nina opened her mouth and screamed.

“A crybaby”

Kirill, the doctor who pressed the affected area, said vaguely. Nina trembled in pain.

She couldn’t even speak.

It hurt so much that only the sound of the puffed air out of her lungs came out.

“This won’t do. Tie her up.”

Kirill chinks and pulls out the scissors and knife.

The examination table was fitted with a fastener, but Jean pressed her arms with his own hands.

Jean sighed as Nina looked at him with tearful eyes.

Deputy General Louis, who followed Adrian’s back, tried to grab Nina’s leg, but Adrian grabbed Nina’s leg first instead.

As Kirill cut her pants and boots neatly, she saw a swollen ankle. Jean frowned on the open wound.

“This is bad. The ankle bone must be crushed inside. It will be very painful. Best to gag her.”

At Kirill’s words, Jean took a wooden gag covered with leather and gave it to Nina.

“Oh, I don’t like this.”

“Then do you plan to bite your tongue?”

As Jean rolled his eyes, Nina bit her lips and closed her eyes tightly.

Calmly, Kirill said.

“A broken bone is a broken bone, there’s nothing more we can do about that. The problem is the poison…… Let’s see……. Hold her tight.”

While Kirill was doing the treatment silently, Nina’s body bounced like fish a few times and then drooped. “She fainted.”

Vice-Commander Louis said in a lowly voice.

The vice leader was among the older members of the Knights. Now in his early thirties, he had his light brown hair neatly tied and his eyes always closed.

Even with his eyes closed, he still moves like a person with their eyes open.

No one in the Dark Knights doesn’t have a past, so they do not ask about each other, but Nina once asked Louis.

Isn’t it uncomfortable to go around with your eyes closed?

Louis replied, ‘I can see so well, that I can see well even with my eyes closed.’

“It’s better to be out cold.”

Kirill said and clicked her tongue.

Vice-Commander Louis looked at Adrian and then at Nina.

Everyone knew that when young Adrian became the commander of the Knights, he was thrown away by the Duke.

The illegitimate child was sent here to die.

And above all, Adrian himself knew it.

‘It was a subtle and awkward atmosphere.

The Duchess’s words were to let him die openly or to cooperate in killing him if need be.

But when Nina, who suddenly joined the Order, cheerfully called him, “Young Master!” his facial expression started to change.

‘Why are you here?’

It was such a funny facial expression.

It was the first time he saw such a stupid face from the boy in almost half a year after he became the leader of the knights.

Since then, Adrian made major changes and reorganized the Dark Knights.

As the death rate drastically decreased and everything went smoothly, the gazes toward him changed.

Even if the duchess promised wealth, it was not as important as their lives.

Since then, many knights have died but Nina and Adrian have survived.

It’s been 3 years since that time.

Now the 19-year-old leader of the Order of the Dark Knights had the strength and dignity to be respected anywhere he went.

Nina surely was strong, but her way of speaking and behavior – Louis still couldn’t forget the shock when Nina introduced herself as, “I’m Nina, the cutest in the whole wide world.” – compared to Adrian’s personality was a lot different.

If Adrian won the loyalty of the people, Nina won the affection.

Her cheerfulness and tenderness, chattering with a bright voice, attracted people.

Her bright character penetrated deeply into the body and mind of those tired people around her.

There was something in Nina that made her attractive despite her spontaneous spirit.

So, everyone knew that Nina was very precious to Adrian.

Of course, she was precious even to the Knights.

If you are in a place like this, it’ll be hard to be happy, but Nina tried not to forget it and cherished the little things.

Her ‘pure and uncorrupted nature’ made her very precious.

People who met her for the first time ignored Nina and cursed her. Then, as time goes by, they always realize how wonderful and marvelous Nina is.

A bunch of wildflowers in a glass bottle every time the season changes.

A pure white sheet fluttering in the wind.

Jam made by collecting a bunch of tree fruits.

Tea time with cracked teacups and nameless tea,

A warm meal together.

Those small things made them a family.

She made them into a family.

“It’s done.”

Kirill said, finishing her last dressing of the bandage.

“How is she?”

At Adrian’s question, Kirill lit her pipe and nodded.

“There’s no need to amputate anywhere.”

“What about the poison?”

“I have no choice but to leave this to Nina’s strength. I removed it as much as possible, but…….”

Kirill shrugged at Adrian.

“Still, a spirit contractor has a strong resistance to poison. Besides, she’s contracted a spirit related to cold, it will help her prevent it.”

Kirill added.

“Just like that time.”

That time.

Adrian tried to refute the remark but soon bowed his head.

Jean asked anxiously.

“Anyway, she won’t be disabled, right?”


After being assured, Jean released her arms and pulled out the gag while exhaling a deep breath.

Adrian also let go of his hand holding Nina’sleg.

“….. It really hurts. Kirill is a devil…..”

Kirill laughed at the murmuring voice.

“Are you awake already? Seeing you say that, looks like you’re just fine.”

Resilient like a monster, Kirill clicked her tongue.

Nina looked at Jean with a tearful face.

Jean is wearing a sad face, but at the same time, he was angry and said in a sharp tone.

“You know that this will happen if you went inside the forest alone. You keep lecturing the new recruits to follow the rules, but the first one to always break them is you!”

“I’m sick, why are you still nagging me?”

“Nagging? Did you even once listen to my nagging? You really…..!”

But before Jean could even yell, Nina quickly raised her voice.

“Young Master, I have something to say!”

With his anger-bearing voice, Adrian said slowly.

“What is it?”

Adrian’s voice still sounded like it came underwater, so Nina swallowed.

“Someone drew a magic circle near the barrier.”

Momentary, silence pressed down the room and Louis the Vice-commander asked.

“Magic circle? Can you elaborate?”


When Nina tried to get up, Jean raised her torso.

Her head was dizzy and hot as if she was getting a fever. Nina swallowed and briefly explained.

“There is a magic circle drawn on the ground right next to the barrier. I don’t know if it’s made by a sage, a magician, or a priest.“

“I have to report this to the duke.”

Louis’ face hardened.

Jean laughed.

“What can the duke even do? What else is he good at other than producing more children? Oh, he can’t do even that now. It’s obvious.”

“”Then we have to tell the temple……. Huh?”

Nina, who was talking, wiped the blood off as her nosebleed poured out.

“Why is the blood black?”

Nina blacked out.

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