Chapter 09


Since then, Nina carefully inspected the plants whenever she walked in and out of the forest.

When the original heroine found the plant, she brought it and planted it separately in a field.

“Someday, when you become the duke, let’s revive the province with this.”

When Nina smiled and said, Adrian, looked at her.

“When I became the Duke?”


“What if I don’t become the Duke?”

“If you don’t, let’s use it here.”

Nina shrugged and brushed lightly the remark. Adrian asked as she looked at her little garden.



“You want me to become the Duke?”


Nina frowned for a moment, then whispered.

“Not really.”

Adrian’s rose-colored eyes looked at Nina.

At that enchanting beautiful color, she swallowed her breath for a moment and then added.

“I want to see Adrian smile.”

Adrian opened his eyes wide and laughed.

“Nina only wants things that are too difficult.”

“What’s difficult? You have me.”

As Nina spoke with her hand on her waist, Adrian looked at her as if he had realized something.

“Yes, I have you.”


While Nina chatted about the future of the garden, Adrian listened earnestly to Nina’s plans.

Nina’s garden grew every year, and the Dark Knights got used to Nina’s garden plants.

The limpid fruits gathered from Nina’s garden and oils from oil trees could be used to light high-energy lanterns.

This light was brighter than other common oil lamps, and the burnt smell was like the pleasant scent of wood.

In the meantime, Nina grew so tall that her long coat was just the right size.

Adrian, unquestionably, was still a lot bigger than her.

Supplies from outside became less day by day, but a self-sufficiency system became possible to some extent, making life more abundant than before.

Nina was happy.

This isn’t bad. Good work, Nina.’

Tused to think for myself.

Until today.

Nina squatted on the floor.

”Damn, I’m fucked up.’

Nina heaved a deep sigh. Her comrade, Jean’s coarse language somehow shows through her every time she’s in an irritable mood.

‘It was Purple everywhere.

She was now in the familiar Violet Forest.

However, in the middle of it, there was a white cube building with jewels on each side.

The Barrier.

Originally, fallen leaves were piled up around the building. But before she knew it, the leaves had disappeared on one side and a clear magic circle was drawn on it.

Nina looked around like a hunting dog tracking its prey, but there was no other trace.

It was just a magic circle.

No one will come to this cursed forest, nor will anyone touch this barrier except for some crazy socialite.

“What a sucker!!”

Even if she shouts out loud, the forest stays silent.

In the forest without any people, Nina squatted and squeezed her brown hair.

Nina straightened her back and groaned.

“But of all mistakes, why does this have to happen, Nina. Now of all times. Like this.” She sighed.

This problem must be avoided.

[4. The Knights were annihilated because of the villain’s plan. + He suffered an irreparable wound in his heart.)

‘I have to stop this.’

Nina groaned and frowned.

”Why does it have to be a magic circle?”

Nina looked at the magic circle drawn by the barrier. It is so complicated that it cannot be dismissed as a mere coincidence.

When did someone come and draw that?

No, wait, it hasn’t even started yet.

She still has time to go back and report it.

On the bright side, she discovered it in advance. They found it just at the right time to stop it.

Nina, who is 18 this year, is tall and fits well with her long coat.

The brown hair is now quite long and reaches her shoulders.

As her sister did for her, she tied her hair in pigtails, but it didn’t look as good as when she had long hair.

Still, she didn’t abandon her pigtails. It reminded her of the warm touch of her family doing her hair and their happy times.


At that time, she felt a gaze, Nina reflexively drew her sword and looked around.

There was no presence of another individual, there was only silence everywhere.

What is it?’

She watched her surroundings slowly, and carefully stepped back. But her vision suddenly got distorted and dizziness washed over her.


She got hit.

Suddenly, the bottom of the ground disappeared completely and she began to sink as if being stuck in a smooth mud.

The moment she reflexively applied force to her leg to get out, something grabbed her ankle.


Her vision blurred, and Nina clenched her teeth and swung her sword.

And as if caught in a trap, her body was lifted upside down, but her blade cut the rope accurately.

As the vines around her ankles were cut off, her body was flung by centrifugal force.

Nina balanced in the air like a cat and landed.


Pain, like stabbed by a knife, came to her ankle.

Nina, who blinked her eyes and shed tears, continued to swear.

“Kueek, huaack, ah, it hurts. Damn it, I can’t use this leg anymore.”

If Adrian had heard her, he would have said again, ‘Are you going to keep using Jean’s words?’ But there’s no Adrian here.

Besides, she couldn’t help it because she was sick by the poison, and the curse spontaneously came out from her mouth.

Fortunately (?), the opponent was not the human who drew the magic circle, but a plant-type Bellac.

It used to look like an ordinary plant, but now it is like a giant carnivorous plant.

No, is it a cannibal-plant?

The vine-plant Bellac, which boasts large leaves, quickly stretched out its stem again.

Bellac, a contaminated creature, was hostile and has always attacked humans.

“Are you going to take responsibility if I get nagged at by Jean?”

She was told not to go alone so many times, those words were nailed in her ear.

‘My ankle is out and my mobility is bad. Besides, breathed Poison.’

Whenever the large vine plant shook its leaves, it seemed to spread a colorless, odorless poison.

“North Wind! Blow everything with your godlike speed!”

As Nina said out loud, a cold wind began to blow hard. This will prevent poison to some extent, but she knew she should end this fight quickly.

“Frost! May your sharp breath freeze and cut everything that dwells here!”

After crying out, frost formed on her sword.

Nina clenched her teeth and, at a high speed, cut off the dumping vine, and flicked away the vines that popped out from under her feet.

When she reached the main body and cut it down at once, green smoke came out like blood flowing out of the wound, and the Bellac melted down.


Nina retreated from the terrible smell. The scent hurts her eyes and nose.

“Let’s go back quickly……’

Nina limped and blew North Wind. The cold wind wrapped around her and lightly floated her body.

She couldn’t use her leg properly, but thanks to North Wind, she was able to speed up.

There is a small fortress on the edge of the Violet Forest, and it was the job of the Knights to patrol it regularly.

By the time the sun went down, she barely arrived at the fortress, and somehow, Jean, an elite, who was acting as a gatekeeper found Nina.


Finding a figure in the dusk, Jean called Nina’s name skeptically. Nina, who suddenly felt relaxed, fell forward.

“I can’t walk anymore!”

As she screamed, Jean ran.

The red hair that flares like fire and a bear-like figure are easy to recognize from a distance.

“Nina?! Are you all right?!”

As he approached with a loud shout, he crouched down and was surprised to see Nina’s pale face, gasping for breath.

“My ankle hurts, and I think I’m poisoned.”

Jean reached out and she shook her head. The plant’s poison may still be on her clothes.

“My clothes could also be poi-, huh?”

Jean took off his long coat, wrapped it around her, and threw her around his shoulders. With the big difference in size, Nina curled inside the coat like she was rolled up in a large blanket.

“It hurts, walk gently.”

“I can see you’re fine since you still have the energy to shout. What did I say, huh?”

“Do not go alone.”

“Why didn’t you listen when you know? Why? Our principle is two people in a group. It’s the basic principle that even new recruits follow!”

Deeply sympathizing with Jean’s nagging, Nina gasped.

As she entered the medical room in the fortress, the doctor, Kirill frowned.

“Why are you the only one hurt?”

“That’s what I’m telling her.”

Nina laughed.

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