Chapter 33


“Karak? I think I’ve seen that word somewhere. What is


While Nina rolled the word in her head thinking, Pocco finished explaining.

“I am the legitimate successor to the Karak workshop, but for some reason, I was expelled from it.” Pocco bit her lips once and added.

“That’s why I came all the way here in search of the Sage Steel, who was brought by my ancestors in the past, to regain my succession.”

“Sage Steel?” When asked back, Pocco looked at her and answered.

“Yes, it’s brighter, clearer, and has more purifying power than pure silver. I’m not taking out a weapon, so I’ll just…..”

She took the necklace out of her arms. There was a piece of silver mineral attached to it, and it seemed to glow faintly.


A small sound came from Nina’s mouth.

The Sage Steel mine was found when the female protagonist Fiona was kidnapped by Bellacs. However, there was no blacksmith to handle it in the beginning, so she suffered greatly.

Then a blacksmith, who came from afar, said, ‘I heard the legend that the great Karak’s founder brought this iron……. That must be what this woman was talking about.

Karak’s rightful successor disappeared after they went to find the Sage Steel, and since then, the workshop

had lost many of its secretive techniques and has not been the same.

“They all died here. You were wiped out because of that bear, right?

“Why? Do you know anything?”

Jean asked, and Nina just shook her head.

“No, nothing. I understand your situation, but the matter of breaking into our territory without permission is a separate matter. How the hell did you get in here?”

“We came by boat.”


It was Jean who was shocked. The end of the Violet Forest touches the sea.

Although, it is only a sheer cliff without a space to dock about.

“There are a lot of reefs, so it’s hard to go by the sea…….”

“Yes, we lost a lot of people. We overcame the cliff crawling up with tools, but I didn’t think we would be beaten by Bellacs…….”

Pocco laughed bitterly, and Jean looked at her solid body and admired it. Climbing the cliff with only tools and strength.

“Let’s go back to the territory first and then we’re going to decide. There’s too much blood spilled here…….”

Nina laughed.

“Look, the next Bellac just arrived.”

Jean turned his shoulders and grabbed the halberd, Pocco received a spear from the person next to her and held it out to him.

“Use this. The iron in this spear is of much higher quality.” “Then let’s use it. What about the commander?” “Later.”

“All right. Step back over there and stick your back against the cliff.”

Jean beckoned to the people, and Nina spoke with her eyes narrowed.

“The endless burning sun, the dying heatwave, the blinding heat.”

As soon as her sword began to glow with white light, Nina burst out.

“Kyahhhhh!!” Nina cut through the herd of Leopard-like Bellacs, killing dozens of them, and Jean took care of the one’s that survived.

Jean, who was wielding a spear, became speechless as the spear he’s holding split the monsters without him realizing it.

“What is this?”

He can’t even feel the weight of the spear. The sharpness of the spear blade was so great that it feels like he’s cutting sausages instead of bellacs.

“It’s not a joke.”

It was only when Jean arrived at the bone and cut it, could feel the feedback of the attack.

When the two dealt with Bellacs, Pocco’s party quickly collected the bodies of their colleagues and recovered them.

Climbing up the rocky cliff, they were amazed at the unicorns. After passing through the Violet Forest at moderate speed, Nina let them stay in a small fortress that was not inside the gates.

“I’ll go ask the Duke for his opinion.”

“Thank you for your consideration.” “It’s not a consideration, I don’t plan to let strangers go inside our gates.” Nina shrugged her shoulders and Pocco made a unique greeting from the Kingdom of Lency, raising her clasped hands.

“I am grateful enough for bringing me here without leaving us in the Violet Forest.”

“It was nothing.”

Nina said so and lightly spurred on the unicorn, who started walking with a light step, and Jean followed Watching Nina go ahead without a word, Jean said.

“You don’t have to be so mean. Lency steel-making is highly confidential, so we could be able to get it if we handle this matter well.”




“…..You’re laughing, aren’t you?” “Ehehe, Jean! It’s the Karak workshop, that Karak workshop! We got it!”

“What’s that?”

“No, there’s something like that. Let’s make lots of weapons with Sage Steel. No, we’re going to tell them to pass the recipe. Even if we have to squeeze it out of them by applying the pressure that we saved them.”

“Yes, yes.” Jean nodded his head.

In fact, she was quite pleased with the group. Of course, it’s unpleasant to have someone invade their land, but who doesn’t have any greed for better weapons?

Their spears performed much better than Jean’s. This would have been a great help in dealing with the top rank Bellacs.

This is a matter of life and death.

“Sir Louis or His Grace will negotiate with them well. Sage steel……. I don’t believe such a thing exists.”

“There is.”

With a smile, Nina sped up. While walking through the woods, the speed of the unicorn, who was frustrated, to walk at the speed of humans, began to rise. Jean also raised his speed by sticking his body flat to the unicorn

“It is too late to relay the report.”

“I think we might not be able to go back today.”

Nina shook her head as she saw the sun tilting, Although in a hurry, the sun fell first, and the two were forced to camp.

“I want to have a proper meal.”

Nina sighed while chewing the dry food. Pocco and her party had little food, so Nina and Jean had to cross the forest to gather and hunt.

“Come to think of it.”

Nina opened the pouch containing the crystal seeds.

“Is this edible……. Or…….”

“How can you eat it, it’s a glass seed……. Eh? Why does it shine?”

Nina took a seed out of her pocket.

The crystal seed was shining brightly. It was as bright as two or three candles. All the seeds were gleaming with gold as she poured them out. Both opened their mouths wide.

“It’s so bright.”

Nina nodded at Jean’s words.

“How long will it shine?”

“We’ll have to experiment.”

Nina left only one seed out and put the rest in her pocket. It was to make sure if it could shine all night. And the seed shone all night long, but when the sun’s light touched it, the light faded out. The two returned to the castle after confirming their experiment,



“Karak Workshop…….” Adrian said while fiddling with a chess piece with one hand, lost in thought. Nina slapped him on the knee.

“Young Master, your hands stopped.”


With a sigh, Adrian began to stroke Nina’s head again, which was rolling over his thighs.

“I don’t know much about the Kingdom of Lency, but I’m sure it will be beneficial for us if we have the recipe. It’s not like they are going to eat the Sage Steel and run.”(Nina)

“Eat and run?” (Adrian)

“It’s like receiving, then running away without repaying the favor we gave them.” (Nina)

“It takes a lot of manpower, time and money to dig minerals.” (Adrian)

“But we need proof. They can just take one piece and disappear.”


Adrian’s tone was weird, so Nina asked. “Do you know anything?”

“The successor has risked her life so far. Will she be able to get the successor position back by taking only that one piece?”

“That make’s sense? Did they lie?” Did they cheat on me? Adrian asked when Nina was giggling.

“You said you left them at the fortress?”


“What if they run away?”

“I have a spirit attached to Miss Pocco. If she runs away, it will be the day when her neck and head are separated.”

Nina explained while letting out a satisfied sigh. Adrian’s stroking skills seemed to improve day by day.

“That’ll be a waste.” (Adrian)

It’s the confirmation that she wanted to hear.

“Let’s not separate her head from her body then. I’ll give you permission. Do as you please.” (Adrian)

Adrian circled the horse piece in his hand.

“Whatever I please……” (Nina)

Adrian grinned.

“Nevermind. I guess I need to go officially meet them myself first.” (Adrian)

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