Mao Xiaofang frowned, he could not believe what Zhong Bang said, but he could not believe what Jiang Lin said.

He believed in Yang Feiyun's character, that's because he regarded Yang Feiyun as a friend who had a fateful friendship.

But Jiang Lin had known him for more than [*] years, and he and Yang Feiyun had known each other for less than two years.

Although friendship cannot be measured by time, it is impossible for Mao Xiaofang to take the words of his old friend of more than [*] years as a lie.

Moreover, although he doesn't know anyone, he is not stupid. Just now, Jiang Lin teased him with the elders of the Beggar Gang, which means that he misbelieved about Lei Gang back then.

Now that Jiang Lin brought this matter out again, the implication was obvious.

After pondering for a moment, Mao Xiaofang asked, "Fellow Daoist, did Yang Feiyun do something that I don't know about?"

"Do you need to ask? Let me just say a few things. He used the flying dragon seven-star array to change his life. Do you know that? He used the spell you taught to separate the soul of the richest man Li Xihe, and then used the soul of others. You only got Li Xihe’s property by borrowing the body. I guess you don’t know it either? As for the Chen Guixiang case that Abang and Fang Tu were talking about, you probably don’t know about the secret possession of the magic knife. The younger you live, the younger you look like a child kidnapped by human traffickers.”

Jiang Lin looked at Mao Xiaofang with a funny look, and said, "I'm here to ask you how Yang Feiyun's seven-star array of flying dragons is arranged, what material he used instead, and how to activate it."

"Flying Dragon Seven Star Array, changing fate against the sky? Borrowing the soul from the body?"

Mao Xiaofang was stunned by what Jiang Lin said, and was speechless for a while.

At the beginning, Yang Feiyun mentioned the flying dragon seven-star array, saying that it was to predict the national fortune of Middle-earth, but the fact was that the seven-star array was used to change the fate.

"Uncle Shi, how did Yang Feiyun get Li Xihe's property by such means?"

"Damn it, I just said that Li Xi and Naoguazi got into the water, so they will transfer the family property to Yang Feiyun."

Zhong Bang and Fang Tu were also very surprised. They had never suspected that Yang Feiyun used means to obtain the assets of the richest man. Now, when they heard Jiang Lin's words, they realized that since Yang Feiyun was a bad guy, he would use It is not impossible for Li Xihe's family property to be plotted by trickery and sorcery.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly and said, "Li Xihe has been brought alive by me now, and tomorrow the court will try the dispute between them. Do you think I am joking with you?"

Mao Xiaofang lost his mind for a long time before he said: "At the beginning, he asked me to test the formation with the Bafang Wentian Formation, saying that it was for the purpose of fortune-telling for the country. Later, when he mentioned the Feilong Seven Star Formation, I gave him the Seven Star Formation in my hand and shared it with him. I have been enlightened. When the formation was launched, I was not there, and it was a coincidence. On my birthday, I went out for a walk. When I met Yang Feiyun, the formation had already been activated and was destroyed by me, so what materials did he use to arrange it, I don't know, and I don't know how he drives it."

After saying this, Mao Xiaofang let out a long sigh. Now, judging from the information provided by Jiang Lin, Yang Feiyun had other intentions when he contacted him from the very beginning.

The funny thing is that he has always regarded him as a confidant and friend, and has been kept in the dark.

"That's probably what physicist method he used. In physiognomy, there may be a way to change the fate."

Jiang Lin was a little disappointed, but since he didn't even know about Mao Xiaofang, he dismissed the idea.


At this moment, a corpse roar came from outside the Taoist Temple.

"This roar is Xuan Kui!"

Mao Xiaofang had been dealing with Xuan Kui for many years, so he immediately heard that the corpse roar was issued by Xuan Kui.

Xuan Kui's roar, why is it so miserable?

Jiang Lin raised his brows, but Mao Xiaofang and the others couldn't hear it, but he could hear the strong sadness in Xuan Kui's roar.

Everyone quickly walked out of the Taoist hall and found Xuan Kui crawling on the street.

At this time, Xuan Kui was extremely miserable, his whole body was burnt black, giving off a burnt smell, and there was a samurai sword stuck on his head.

It was the magic sword that Sakai had used and is now possessed by Yang Feiyun.

"Magic knife! It was made like this by Yang Feiyun."

"Don't go there, it seems to have something to say."

Jiang Lin held back Zhong Bang who wanted to pass, and he could understand Xuan Kui's low roar.

"The truth...the truth..."

Xuan Kui repeated these two sentences in corpse language.

After that, it gathered the little corpse energy it had left, and at the same time, a projection screen began to appear above its head, but it was extremely blurry.

I'm going!

Concrete thinking?

Jiang Lin raised his brows. He didn't expect Xuankui, the thousand-year-old zombie king, to have such powers despite being weak.

Fang Tu looked at the projection above and said, "What is it trying to tell us? The picture is too blurry."

"I'll try it."

Jiang Lin approached Xuan Kui, squatted down, put his palm on Xuan Kui's back, and delivered some corpse energy to him.

On the one hand, he also wanted to see what Xuan Kui wanted to tell, and on the other hand, he also planned to use the corpse qi to probe the flow of the meridians in Xuan Kui's body.

With the supply of corpse energy, the projection on Xuan Kui's head gradually became clearer, and the picture displayed was of him playing with his son before his death.

"Little Zun???"

Zhong Bang saw the boy in the projection screen and called out.

"It's not Xiaozun, it should be... It should be Xiaozun's previous life. It turns out that Xiaozun's previous life was Xuankui's son."

Mao Xiaofang was very surprised. For a long time, he didn't know why Xuan Kui had to stare at Xiao Zun, but now he realized that Xiao Zun was actually the reincarnation of Xuan Kui's son.

After that, the screen changed again, and it turned into a scene where Xiao Zun was rescued by Xuan Kui refining the original corpse poison in the air-raid shelter.

Then, it was like a movie in midair, showing Yang Feiyun to see Xuan Kui, letting him kill Mao Xiaofang, and bringing Xiao Zun to Xuan Kui.

The picture changed again, showing the scene where Xuan Kui rescued Zhong Bang and Fang Tu that day. In the picture, Xuan Kui restrained Yang Feiyun and read Yang Feiyun's memory.

read memory? ?

Jiang Lin was once again surprised. Xuan Kui had quite a few abilities.

In the end, the memory that Yang Feiyun was read was displayed in front of Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang. It was the scene when Mao Xiaofang was slaughtered by Xiao Zun, but this perspective belonged to Yang Feiyun.

In the video, the scene where Yang Feiyun controlled Xiao Zun to go mad and remotely controlled Mao Xiaofang's copper sword to kill Xiao Zun was completely displayed.


Mao Xiaofang, who had been suppressing his anger, saw this scene, and immediately burst into anger. The real murderer who killed Xiaozun was actually Yang Feiyun!

"It turned out that Yang Feiyun killed Xiao Zun, he killed Xiao Zun!"

Zhong Bang gritted his teeth with hatred, and after seeing these pictures, he realized that Xiao Zun was originally saved, but Yang Feiyun killed Xiao Zun in the end, and it was Yang Feiyun who killed Xiao Zun himself.

Fang Tu pointed at Mao Xiaofang angrily and said, "Master Mao, now you know what kind of person Yang Feiyun is. He has always wanted to kill you. Xiaozun killed him, and then he will blame you!"

"How did Yang Feiyun make you like this?"

When Mao Xiaofang and the others were very angry, Jiang Lin asked Xuan Kui in corpse language. Even if Yang Feiyun had a magic knife, he couldn't hurt a thousand-year-old zombie king like this, so he felt very strange.

Xuan Kui also roared in response: "The Western Zombie King, he used the weakness of the Western Zombie King to control him as a helper."

It turned out to be Yang Feiyun.

If it wasn't for Xuan Kui's arrival, Jiang Lin would have never imagined that the Western Zombie King and Corpse Calamity that appeared in Xugang this time were actually caused by Yang Feiyun.

The first thousand three hundred and seventy-four chapters meet me, you will have no luck


Xuankui yelled at Mao Xiaofang, and Jiang Lin relayed its meaning: "It asks you to avenge Xiaozun."

"Thank you."

Xuan Kui nodded to Jiang Lin, then climbed to the side and exploded into a cloud of flying ashes.

Even if it didn't self-destruct, it wouldn't be able to survive. It didn't have much life left, and it used the only source left to make its thinking manifest, and it was completely exhausted.

"If it weren't for my unknown person, Xiao Zun... Xiao Zun he..."

After Mao Xiaofang was angry, he fell into deep self-blame. If he listened to Jiang Lin's advice early in the morning and saw Yang Feiyun's true face, he would not have let Xiaozun die in vain.

"Master, it's useless for you to blame yourself. The real culprit is Yang Feiyun. Let's kill him now and avenge Xiao Zun!"

Now, knowing the whole truth, Zhong Bang no longer complains about Mao Xiaofang, and now he wants to kill Yang Feiyun and avenge Xiao Zun.

"Let's go together."

Jiang Lin put the magic knife into the ancient mirror in his arms, ready to go with Mao Xiaofang and the others.

"Uncle Shi, do you want to help us deal with Yang Feiyun?"

"Do I want to help you eat?"

Jiang Lin gave Zhong Bang a roll of eyes and explained: "I just learned from Xuan Kui that the Western Zombie King that appeared in Xugang this time was created by Yang Feiyun, and I came back this time because Bishop asked me to cook. The Western zombies and corpse disasters that have appeared here are just following your way."

Shoot people first, shoot horses, and capture thieves first.

Now that he knew the clues of the Western Zombie King, Jiang Lin was ready to go over and destroy the Zombie Chief, Earl Russ.

It would be better if Cruz was killed and the zombies under him turned into pus like Dracula did.

If not, destroying Crus can also prevent the corpse disaster from expanding again.

When Jiang Lin and the others went to Li's house, Yang Feiyun was still complacent. He put a lot of effort into eliminating Xuankui.

Xuan Kui accused Earl Ruth of being led into a trap filled with gasoline, and he set it on fire.

Even if Xuan Kui is the thousand-year-old zombie king, he can't stand such a fire.

"Brother Yang, what should we do next?"

"Don't worry, these rulers, even if they know about supernatural powers like Youdao, will not admit it on the stage. That is to say, if the court pronounces a verdict tomorrow, as long as we insist on believing in science, the judge will not sentence us. The receiving contract is invalid. As for Jiang Lin, if he wants to meddle in his own business, we will use ordinary people's methods to deal with it, find a police detective to protect us [*] hours a day, and then spend money to keep the reporter in the living room. , I don't fight him, he still can't do anything about me. Moreover, Li Xihe can't always follow him. Once the old man is alone, we will let Crus attack. As long as Li Xihe is gone, we will Victory is automatic."

After solving Xuankui, Yang Feiyun thought for a long time before thinking of such a solution.

The big deal is that he won't go out after tomorrow, and find a group of police detectives and reporters here. Even if Jiang Lin wants to deal with him, he has to come.

With so many eyes, he had the right to let Jiang Lin leave immediately under the watchful eyes of everyone.

His method is to delay. Once he gets the opportunity, he will let Cruss beat Li Xihe to pieces. At that time, the dispute over the assets of the Li family will end because Li Xihe is gone.

Haha laughing, Yang Feiyun continued: "If Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Bang cooperate to attack, we will deal with it the same way. Letting their Taoist priests meet soldiers is unreasonable. Anyway, Chen Guixiang died long ago, and their so-called evidence is even in the courtroom. I won't admit it. As long as we stand by the police detectives and the law, they can't do anything to us. It's not too late, Dazhong, let Ke Rong send someone to guard us. Tomorrow morning, you go to the trap and put The magic knife is taken back, and with the magic knife, although I am not Jiang Lin's opponent, I should have no major problem dealing with Mao Xiaofang."

"Brother Yang, your strategy is really high and wonderful."

Qian Dazhong gave Yang Feiyun a thumbs up, and immediately did as Yang Feiyun said.

Although the assets of the Li family have been frozen, they already have some savings, and it is appropriate to use them now to find police officers.

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