Yang Feiyun's tone of voice gradually became hard. When he didn't change his fate, he was always afraid of Jiang Lin. Now that he is rich and famous, and he has successfully changed his life, he feels that there is no need to be afraid of Jiang Lin anymore.

And now, he still has an ace card in his hand - the Western Zombie King Count Gaurus and a group of zombie guards.

He believed that as long as he didn't provoke Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin would not do anything to him.

Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "Although Li Xihe has an unfilial son, he is not confused enough to transfer the billions of his family property to outsiders. If he wants to transfer it, he won't transfer it to you."

"What's wrong with transferring it to me? I used to be a mediocre person, but now, I am destined to be rich and rich. Li Xihe handed over his family property to me, that is to obey the destiny."

"Is that so, now you really seem to be rich and wealthy, and have you transferred?"

"my life……"

When Yang Feiyun was complacent, he almost missed his mouth, but he still stopped in time.

Jiang Lin originally planned to cite Yang Feiyun as a leaker, but now it seems that there is no hope. He tried every means to contact Mao Xiaofang and follow him to learn Maoshan Taoism. He should have taken the flying dragon seven-star array out of his mouth. I am curious, how did you set up and activate the seven-star array when you changed your life against the sky, and those array materials , but it's hard to find."

"I have no idea what nonsense you're talking about. Come and see!"

Yang Feiyun's heart froze, and his face changed immediately. At this moment, his fear of Jiang Lin showed a geometrical increase.

Jiang Lin actually knew that he had used the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array to change his life against the sky, which was too terrifying.

"Seeing off a guest? Do you really think you are the master here?"

Li Xihe, who had been behind Jiang Lin, lifted the very low brim of his hat and stared at Yang Feiyun.

"Li... Li Xihe???"

After Yang Feiyun saw Li Xihe, his voice suddenly rose an octave. He had never been so rude before.

Li Xi and this person have been dead for an unknown time, and they died in front of him.

But at this moment, he was actually standing opposite him.

"Yang Feiyun, you despicable villain, sensible person, give me back all the property and assets of my Li family, otherwise, you will have nothing to do!"

Li Xi and Ji pointed angrily, their eyes seemed to be able to eat Yang Feiyun.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about. The assets of the Li family were signed by Li Xihe himself, and Li Xihe's death is a well-known thing. I don't know who you are."

Yang Feiyun settled down in his flustered mind, directly pretended not to know Li Xihe, and described Li Xihe in front of him as a stranger.

It was impossible for him to hand over this wealth and send it back after all.

"Yes, I have indeed died a long time ago. If Brother Jiang didn't calculate that I had a catastrophe early in the morning and avoided the catastrophe in advance, I'm afraid I would only end up in a dizzy and scattered end. You used crooked ways to target my Li family, but you don't know that I am Li Xihe. , I have long since invited the great god, Brother Jiang. What you did in the Li family has left iron-like evidence. If you want people to know it, you have to do it yourself. I didn't expect it, how did you hurt me and my family in the first place? The son of a beast, now the lawyers know it clearly."

Li Xihe became more and more excited as he talked, and finally pointed at Yang Feiyun's nose and issued a final warning to him: "Return the property of my Li family as soon as possible, you may still be imprisoned, otherwise, wait for you to die! You! Don't even think about transferring the assets of the Li family, after noon, you will receive a summons from the court, and the police will directly freeze all the property of the Li family."

Hearing this, Yang Feiyun's face gradually darkened. In order to seek Li Xihe's property, he did not know how detailed a plan he had made. As a result, he was a mantis chasing cicadas, but Li Xihe had already hired Jiang Lin. This oriole is, in particular, a sparrow fairy.

He did all the calculations, but Li Xihe knew that he would be doomed and hugged Jiang Lin's thigh.

When he was plotting against the Li family, Jiang Lin was not in Xugang, and all his efforts were all wasted by the means he left behind.

Absolutely not!I am now rich and rich!

Yang Feiyun's face was gloomy, even after hearing what Li Xihe said, he was unwilling to return the property he got.

Jiang Lin looked at Yang Feiyun with a sullen face, and said with a smile: "After learning some Taoist skills, you will do anything to harm others. Do you think you can sit back and relax? After living in Li's house for so long, you didn't find Li Xihe's room. There are some special enchantment formations and talismans in it? Friendship reminds you that those talismans and magic formations have a protective effect on the human body and soul. Li Xihe's corpse and soul have always been in good condition, but they were temporarily separated for a period of time. That's it."

"Jiang Lin! I have no grievances with you, and I have never provoke you. Why are you against me?"

Yang Feiyun clenched his teeth and stared at Jiang Lin. Now his inner anger is far more flaming than fear, so he showed a fierce look to Jiang Lin.

"Fight against you? What are you? You deserve me to fight against you? You didn't provoke me, and I looked at you in the right eye again?"

Jiang Lin sneered and continued: "When Li Xihe asked me for fortune-telling to avoid calamity, you still left Yu Dahai as a running dog. You Yang Feiyun can change your life against the sky and harm others, and I, Jiang, can also Help others to cross the sea and keep them safe. The blame is that you changed your life, but you didn't change your eyes, blinded your dog eyes and bumped into my client."

Chapter [*] The Truth Comes Out (Part [*])

"Brother Li, the words have been put on here. You can visit my father-in-law's house these few days."

Jiang Lin saw that Yang Feiyun was someone who didn't cry without seeing the coffin, so he didn't say much, leaving the rest to Li Xihe.

As long as he guarantees the personal safety of Li Xi and this period of time, things should not have any twists and turns.

In fact, Jiang Lin also told Yang Feiyun to listen to this. After the salted fish turned over, Yang Feiyun directly sent the former boss Yu Dahai to prison, and forced Yu Bixin to marry because of Yu Dahai's safety. 's color.

Now Yang Feiyun is jumping off the wall, and he will definitely attack Li Xihe.

But as long as Li Xihe went to stay at Shu's house temporarily, Yang Feiyun wouldn't have the courage to mess around.

"Then thank you brother Jiang."

Li Xihe bowed to Jiang Lin, snorted at Yang Feiyun, and left the Li family mansion with Jiang Lin.

"Brother Yang, what should we do now?"

After Jiang Lin and the others left, Qian Dazhong didn't know what to do.

These days, he also heard about Jiang Lin's ability from Yang Feiyun's mouth.

Don't talk about the two of them, even if there is another hundred and eighty, they can't do anything to Jiang Lin.

If you take the initiative to touch the tiger's fur, then they will die without knowing how miserable.

"Brother Yang, I heard that Mao Xiaofang is back. If they knew from Xuan Kui that you killed Xiao Zun, our situation would be even more unfavorable."

"What to do, what to do, what else can you do besides asking what to do?"

Yang Feiyun was so angry that he kicked over the table in the living room. Originally, Xuan Kui was enough to give him a headache. Finally, he got a Western Zombie King to temporarily solve the problem of Xuan Kui, so that he could deal with Zhong Bang and Fang. Figure these two brown sugar.

But now that Li Xihe was resurrected, and Jiang Lin was back, his status was not guaranteed, Mao Xiaofang might have known from Zhong Bang that Chen Guixiang was murdered by him and broke with him.

At that time, it was really beleaguered.

"Deal with Xuan Kui first, this is a problem related to our two lives."

After pondering for a while, Yang Feiyun made up his mind. Now, among all his problems, the one who can really put his life in danger is Xuan Kui. After taking care of the enemy of life and death, he can be distracted and deal with the current situation. .

Although Jiang Lin Daoxing is far superior to him, he knows that Jiang Lin is the kind of person who does not offend me or offenders. He has never provoke Jiang Lin, so he thinks that even if Jiang Lin will deal with him, he will not murdered his life.

As for Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Bang, if they join forces to attack, he will end up in jail.

Xugang is no better than the mainland. The rule of law here is better. Even if Mao Xiaofang and the others are his enemies, they will not go to prison and kill him.

But these are the worst plans. As long as the truth of his killing Xiaozun is buried forever, Zhong Bang and Mao Xiaofang will not be so quick to kill him.

In the afternoon, Yang Feiyun received a subpoena from the court. Tomorrow, the court will hear the case of Li Xihe's transfer of assets to him.

But Yang Feiyun didn't pay attention to it at all, he only planned how to set up an ambush, and planned to completely destroy Xuan Kui at night.

On the other hand, after Jiang Lin and Li Xihe arrived at Shu's house, Jiang Lin called King Panlan to come to Shu's house. As soon as he was about to go out, many people came.

The wealthy merchants of the Emperor Wang came here.

They were relatively well-informed. After hearing about Li Xihe's situation, they hurried to Jiang Lin to confirm.

When Li Xihe transferred all his family property to Yang Feiyun, they were still puzzled. Now that they heard some gossip, they immediately thought about it.

The richest man like Li Xihe has been used sorcery to calculate, not to mention death, and his huge family property has been picked by people.

It's so terrible.

Emperor Wang and others invited Jiang Lin and Li Xihe to the largest restaurant in Xugang. On the one hand, they were celebrating Li Xihe's resurrection from the dead. On the other hand, they wanted to ask Jiang Lin if he could help them avoid similar problems. Case.

Jiang Lin thought that Bishop should have passed by with Li Xihe before returning to Hong Kong.

At the banquet, Li Xihe was in a panic when he saw Emperor Wang, and worried that the protective barrier arranged by Jiang Lin would not be effective enough, so he could only tell them all about it.

If these people doubt Jiang Lin's methods because of him, then he is equivalent to causing trouble for Jiang Lin.

Now he still has to rely on Jiang Lin's blessing, how can this situation happen.

"Everyone, don't question Mr. Jiang's ability, he is really powerful. This time my Li family has an accident, and it is really a disaster for Xiao Qiang! My beastly son, beast..."

So, Li Xihe let out a snot and tears, and spread out his family's shame.

Day and night defense, home thieves are difficult to prevent.

The barrier that Jiang Lin arranged for them can prevent ghosts and zombies, and can prevent crooked doors and evil ways, but how can they prevent their own family members.

A group of wealthy businessmen listened to Li Xihe's story and learned the truth. They all shook their heads and sighed for Li Xihe. At the same time, they were relieved that such a situation would not happen to them, that is, Jiang The protective barrier that Lin had set up for them was enough.

After the banquet was over, Jiang Lin went to the Fragrant Island Taoist Church. He wanted to ask Mao Xiaofang if he knew about Yang Feiyun's use of the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Array. Based on Yang Feiyun's Taoism and knowledge, it was impossible to fully understand the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Array. possible.

Therefore, he guessed that most of them had the help of Mao Xiaofang, and in that case, Mao Xiaofang was very likely to know how Yang Feiyun arranged and activated the Seven Star Array.

If this method is obtained, he does not need to go to great lengths to collect the materials for the seven-star array.

When he arrived at Xiangdao Daotang, Jiang Lin found that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Bang were in a cold war.

"You are this?"

"Mr. Jiang, you are here, just in time, you are here to judge us."

When Fang Tu, who was beside Zhong Bang, saw Jiang Lin coming, he immediately greeted him and explained to him what was going on.

It turned out that after Zhong Bang cleared up the misunderstanding with Mao Xiaofang, he told Mao Xiaofang that Yang Feiyun was the man behind the instigation of the traitor Yu Dahai, and the murderer of Chen Guixiang, and he also hid the magic knife that Sakai used at the beginning, and did a lot behind his back. Bad thing, is a total badass.

Therefore, Zhong Bang asked Mao Xiaofang to help and deal with Yang Feiyun with him.

But Mao Xiaofang has always regarded Yang Feiyun as a good friend. How could he believe it, and the two of them had conflicts again.

"Uncle Jiang, what I did in the past was a jerk. I don't know what it means to respect the teacher and respect the Tao. Even if I get slapped again, I have no complaints at all. But now, it's not that I have no respect, it's that my master doesn't change his mind. ."

Zhong Bang knew that Jiang Lin and Yang Feiyun had basically had nothing to do with each other, and he also expected him to come forward and say two fair words.

Jiang Lin nodded, he already knew what was going on.

"I said, fellow Daoist, do you remember the last time you became a beggar gang elder in Gantian Town? What happened? This time, you are expected to be promoted. Maybe you can become a beggar gang leader."

Jiang Lin didn't say anything nice, Mao Xiaofang was sold as a pig by Yang Feiyun, and now he pays the number of people, saying that they are good.

"If I say that Yang Feiyun's guy is a scumbag, do you believe me or not?"

"Look, look, look! Even Uncle Jiang said that. If you don't believe it, let Uncle Jiang call up Chen Guixiang's soul. If I wronged him, I'll cut off my head and give it to you."

When Zhong Bang heard Jiang Lin's words, he immediately became more motivated. Just now Mao Xiaofang said that he did not distinguish between right and wrong, and he could not distinguish between loyal and wicked, but his stomach hurt from anger.

Chapter [*] The Truth Comes Out (Part [*])

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