"From now on, the Tiandao faction does not have you, nor do I have your junior brother."

Axiu stretched out her arm and pointed to the door, telling Zeng Cheng to go where he should go.

In fact, she did it for the reasons she said, but more, because Zeng Cheng used Jiang Lin's name to deceive gods and ghosts, deceive people and money, and Jiang Lin was laughed at by his colleagues.

As Jiang Lin's wife, she naturally had to deal with Zeng Cheng.

"Master, I... I was wrong. No matter how you punish me, or even expel me from the teacher's door, I have no complaints."

After Zeng Cheng left the Taoist church, Zhong Bang knelt down to admit his mistake to Mao Xiaofang.

He was repeatedly kicked and kicked by Jiang Lin. He knew his stupidity and absurdity, and he was both ashamed and remorseful for his previous actions.

Ma Fan also knelt down. If he hadn't thought of himself as wise, Zhong Bang wouldn't have been so angry that he sent their master to prison.

"Oh, I said Brother Mao, no one can be blamed unless he is a sage. The most important thing now is that the misunderstanding at the beginning has been resolved, and the plaque of Master Jiang is still hanging here. Yet?"

At this time, Zhong Jun, who had never spoken, spoke up. Now she has feelings for Mao Xiaofang, and she doesn't want her brother to cut off the teacher-disciple relationship with Mao Xiaofang in the future.

"Don't kneel."

Mao Xiaofang asked Zhong Bang and Ma Fan to get up. Even if he was still tired, Zhong Jun was right. The plaque sent by Jiang Lin was still hanging in the hall. The impact of the church's problem on Jiang Lin.

A wealthy person like Yu Haihai could not afford Jiang Lin, so he came to him for help basically because of the plaque that Jiang Lin sent him.

Now that Daotang has become like this, it is impossible to say that it has no influence on Jiang Lin.

Only by restoring the reputation of Xiangdao Taotang and making compensation to the deceived can the effect of eliminating the impact be achieved.

After that, Mao Xiaofang asked Zhong Bang and Ma Fan to take care of the Taoist temple again. He took out all the money that Zeng Cheng had cheated on himself, and planned to compensate those who were deceived. If someone bought magic charms or looked at Feng Shui, he had to clean up the mess.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin and Axiu didn't stay in the Fragrant Island Daotang. Axiu went back to Shu's house first, while Jiang Lin went to the law firm.

He has to take care of Li Xihe's affairs.

As for Yang Feiyun's ulterior motives, Jiang Lin didn't mention it to Mao Xiaofang, and it was useless to mention it. As long as Li Xihe was resurrected, Yang Feiyun's true face would naturally be known.

When he arrived at the law firm, Jiang Lin found the lawyer who Li Xihe had brought to make his will, and the lawyer took Jiang Lin to a secret refrigerator, where Li Xihe's body was hidden.

Jiang Lin gradually softened Li Xihe's body, which was frozen into a popsicle, with his own yin and yang flames. Before Li Xihe's accident, he had eaten a lot of material treasures to protect his body, plus he had a spiritual talisman to protect his body. After being frozen for so long, neither Li Xi nor any of the organs and tissues in his body were necrotic.

"Invite the soul, let the soul be attentive!"

Jiang Lin formed a magic formula with both hands and used his spiritual power to impact the Seven Star Treasure Clothes under Li Xihe's coat.

Gradually, the Seven Star Treasure Clothes burst into red light, and the soul qi hidden in it gradually condensed and converged, forming Li Xihe's soul.

At the beginning, Li Xihe's three souls and seven souls were scattered by Li Siwei's soul. In fact, they did not disappear, but turned into soul energy and were led into this Seven Star Treasure Clothes.

"My mother! Ghost!"

The lawyer, who had never understood what Jiang Lin was doing, almost fell out of his eyes when he saw this scene.

"Be quiet!"

Attorney Chong frowned, and then Jiang Lin pointed at Li Xihe's eyebrows and returned his three souls and seven souls to his body: "Soul and body are one!"

"Brother Li, are you still awake?"

After Li Xihe's body trembled a few times, Jiang Lin's shout suddenly made the confused Li Xihe open his eyes.

Chapter [*]: Heaven-defying tricks are no match for deceitful methods

"Jiang... Brother Jiang? I...I'm really alive again???"

After Li Xihe woke up from the daze, he really couldn't believe that he had really come back to life.

He only remembered that his soul was strangled to death by his son Li Siwei, and he lost consciousness after that.

When his soul was scattered, he even blamed Jiang Lin for failing to let him survive the catastrophe.

But now, he has miraculously resurrected.

"Cheat corpse! Cheat corpse!"

The lawyer beside him grabbed his hair and screamed, then rolled his eyes and fainted from fright.

Although there have been many supernatural incidents in Hong Kong, at present, there are still many people in the public who do not know the truth, and this lawyer is one of them.

"Since I, Jiang Mou, said to help Brother Li to get you through the doom, then I won't break my promise. Let's talk about what happened."

Jiang Lin ignored the frightened lawyer and asked Li Xihe what happened.

If it was a master who caused Li Xihe Jieqi, he might not be able to count the matter, but Yang Feiyun is just a physiognomist, even if he learns some Taoism, it is not enough to see, there is no reason why he can't be regarded as the master It is Yang Feiyun.

"The family is unfortunate, the family is really unfortunate!"

Li Xihe felt heartbroken when he thought that he was "killed" by his son. It's not that he didn't know that his son was not a weapon, nor that he didn't know that the disaster of the Li family and himself might be related to his son.

But he never thought that Li Siwei, a beast, would make his soul disappear for the sake of his family's wealth.

Rebellious, murdering father for wealth!

So, Li Xihe told Jiang Lin the whole story. In addition to hating his son for being mad, he hated Yang Feiyun even more, and actually used his son to steal his family property.

Even if his soul is not broken up by Li Siwei, he probably won't be able to escape Yang Feiyun's poisonous hand.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin's predictions were like a god, and he really survived the doom, but now, Yang Feiyun's family property has been transferred away by Yang Feiyun's sorcery, and it may be difficult to get it back.

I'll go, Li Siwei, this brat, is really crazy.

Jiang Lin raised his brows. Although he thought that Li Siwei would kill his father, he didn't expect that Li Siwei would blow his father's soul into pieces.

If he hadn't helped Li Xihe to take precautions in advance, Li Xihe would have disappeared.

It's so heartless.

"Brother Li, as you said, after I left, it didn't take long for Yang Feiyun to become famous?"

However, Jiang Lin was very strange. Just now, Li Xihe told him that Yang Feiyun had made a name for himself in Hong Kong before he moved the Li family, and he would win every gamble in the casino.

And the casinos in Hong Kong now have some warlocks or aliens who can master Taoism. If Yang Feiyun uses Taoism to make thousands, he will definitely be discovered.

After all, those who can open casinos are also people with backgrounds. There are so many strange things happening in Xugang. Although the public has been fooled, these people still know what is going on.

They all believed in supernatural things and Qimen Dunjia.

Therefore, in order to prevent someone from using magic tricks, some corresponding measures have been taken in the casino.

That is to say, Yang Feiyun will win every gamble, it is really by luck.

wait, luck?

A flash of light flashed in Jiang Lin's mind, Yang Feiyun contacted Mao Xiaofang, in addition to being able to learn Taoism, he might be able to take away Mao Xiaofang's flying dragon seven-star formation.

After contacting Xugang before, there had been a vision that appeared due to the activation of the flying dragon seven-star array, and Jiang Lin had a guess in his heart.

That flying dragon seven-star array may not be arranged by Mao Xiaofang, but motivated by Yang Feiyun.

In addition to its powerful attacking power, the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array also has the function of defying the sky and changing fate.

If this is the case, then it can explain why he couldn't count Yang Feiyun at all when he was divination.

It should be right!

It was only at this time that Jiang Lin thought that Xuan Kui was not dead at all. If the Seven Star Array was used by Mao Xiaofang to deal with Xuan Kui, then Xuan Kui would have already become scum.

"Brother Jiang, it's true that I'm alive, but my Li family's property... Look at the cooperation between us..."

Li Xihe rubbed his hands together and hinted to Jiang Lin that he wanted Jiang Lin to help him and take back the property belonging to the Li family.

"You can rest assured about this. Since Yang Feiyun committed the crime in your Li family, there is no big problem in helping you take back the property."

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, as soon as his hands formed a seal, a paper crane with a talisman flew to the freezer where Jiang Lin and the others were.

This is Jiang Lin's surveillance Zhihe who stayed in a secret place when he arranged the robbery array for Li Xihe, so that if Li Xihe was robbed at home, he could record the crime scene.

"Brother Jiang, this is..."

"See if this can be used as evidence. If you can, call the lawyer up."

Jiang Lin pointed out and shot a spiritual force on the paper crane, which made it show the scene recorded by Li Xihe on the day when Jiezhi arrived.

"Brother Jiang, God! You are truly my God!"

Seeing the image projected by Zhihe, Li Xihe recreated the image of that day, and admired Jiang Lin's magical ability to the ground.

Jiang Lin smiled, even if Yang Feiyun changed his fate with the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array, he could become rich and rich, but under his deceit, everything would be in vain.

This time, Yang Feiyun's anti-sky tricks will fall under his tricks to hide from the sky.

Afterwards, Li Xihe patted the unconscious lawyer awake, and then made him believe that there are supernatural forces in the world.

He also showed the lawyer the screen projected by Zhihe. With this evidence, he could prove that the person who signed the transfer contract to Yang Feiyun that day was not himself at all.

After that, the lawyer took Jiang Lin and the resurrected Li Xihe to the office. After some research, a group of lawyers decided to help Li Xihe to file a lawsuit and make the transfer contract invalid.

"Brother Jiang, can you come with me to the Li's house, if Yang Feiyun is acquainted, he will return the property of the Li family, and I will take care of him through legal means. If half 'no' comes out of my teeth, I will No matter how much money you have, you have to find someone to kill him."

Li Xi and the hated old teeth are grinding, a Taoist priest like Jiang Lin with ability, then there is no way many people can do anything about it, but Yang Feiyun is far worse than Jiang Lin.

To kill him, spend money.

"no problem."

Jiang Lin naturally has nothing to refuse. One of his goals in returning to Hong Kong is to solve Li Xihe's matter. If Yang Feiyun obediently returns Li Xihe's family property, then this matter will be considered complete.

However, Jiang Lin still asked Li Xihe not to show his true face. With Yang Feiyun's ability, even with Yu Dahai's financial resources, it would be impossible to gather all the materials for the Feilong Seven-Star Array. Therefore, Jiang Lin also wanted to explore Yang Feiyun's identity. The tone of voice, trying to figure out how Yang Feiyun motivated the seven-star formation of flying dragons.

Chapter [*] Against you?What are you?

"Jiang... Jiang Lin, why did you come to my house?"

The protective barrier of the Li family was set up by Jiang Lin, so he didn't need to spend much effort to enter and leave the Li family. When Yang Feiyun saw him, his heart suddenly jumped.

"Your home? This is the home of Li Xi and Sir Li, the richest man in Hong Kong. When did it become your home? Even if it is your home, the cooperation between Li Xi and me is written in black and white, and the contract has not been fulfilled. Why can't I come?"

Jiang Lin looked at Yang Feiyun with his arms crossed. Now that he saw Yang Feiyun, he confirmed his inner guess that Yang Feiyun's fate had changed.

"Li Xihe has already transferred all his family property to me, and now this is my home. As for the cooperation, you can go to Li Xihe."

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