"You are doing it for that woman, for a woman, even a thief. If your master knows, he will regret taking you back to Fuxi Hall. Even if you have a dog, it is better than raising you!"

Jiang Lin also watched Ma Fan grow up from a young age. As a disciple of the Heavenly Dao School, Ma Fan actually let Xiangdao Daotang be harassed, and he even became a robber, just for a woman.

Therefore, he was so angry that he wanted to give up Ma Fan.

"Uncle Shi, Ah Jin will really be captured and sold to a brothel."


Jiang Lin slapped Ma Fan with his palm and slapped it all the way to Xiangdao Daotang.

"Beat! I'll tell Master if I kill him."

Axiu looked at Ma Fan, whose mouth was full of blood, and felt no pity at all. She regretted for her master and raised a white-eyed wolf.

"That's what you said. She owes usurious loans, and she still earns a lot of money there. A stupid pig like you is tricked by a dog."

When he arrived at the Taoist Temple on Fragrant Island, Jiang Lin pointed at Ah Jin in the Taoist temple and slapped Ma Fan out.

There are still many people in Xiangdao Taoist Temple, Zeng Cheng and Ah Jin are still deceiving gods and ghosts to make money.

Pretentious people who help ghosts to collect ghosts, as well as charismatic characters.

"Everyone has seen how superb Master Zeng's mana is. Today, Zhang Tianshi instructed that only [*] talismans to exorcise evil spirits and avoid disasters will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis."

Ah Jin and Zeng Cheng were still happily cheating money in the Taoist hall, and there were many people making noises. They didn't even realize that Jiang Lin and Axiu had entered the Taoist hall.

"What are you doing?"

"Senior Uncle? Third Senior Sister?"

Zeng Cheng saw Jiang Lin and Axiu, and their faces were like blank sheets of paper.

"When did your master teach you to catch ghosts? How long has it been since you started? Are you capable of collecting ghosts?"

"That... In fact, Zeng Cheng has been with Master Mao for so long. He has watched a lot and learned a little bit."


Ajin hurried to Zeng Cheng's side to help Zeng Cheng, who was speechless, to explain, but she was slapped by Jiang Lin and flew out, and fell to the wall, not knowing her life or death.

"Come on, explain to me how you got ghosts to these people."

After Ajin was swept away, Jiang Lin pinched Zeng Cheng's neck and bowed left and right in his face.

Worse than drawing horse sails.

This Zeng Cheng used the plaque he gave to trick him. Jiang Lin didn't slap him to death, he just looked at Mao Xiaofang's face.

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-eight chapters come, let you know how to write stupid words

"Master... Uncle Master... Forgive me! I'm all pretending to be a ghost and cheating money."

The teeth in Zeng Cheng's mouth kept collapsing and flying, and one mouth and cheeks were drawn full of blood.

He was really afraid that Jiang Lin would beat him to death on the spot, so he repeatedly begged Jiang Lin for mercy, and confessed to everyone in the Taoist hall that he was cheating money.

Jiang Lin said coldly: "Forgive you? If you pretend to be a ghost, I will at most teach you a lesson for your master. There is still a plaque I gave in this Xiangdao Taoist Church. You put it here to smear me, I am If you are beaten to death, the word 'no' will not come out of your master's teeth."

However, Jiang Lin didn't kill Zeng Cheng in the end. He had to ask Mao Xiaofang's whereabouts.

The most direct reason for Mao Xiaofang's incognito is that Zhong Bang sued him, and he did not tell the public the truth that Xiao Zun had become a zombie.

And Mao Xiaofang took Zhong Bang as his apprentice, which was the thread he took from it.

So he had to find Mao Xiaofang to learn about the situation in detail, and whether Mao Xiaofang would continue to maintain the master-disciple relationship with Zhong Bang at that time, he would also like to be a witness.

After the believers in the Taoist church knew that Zeng Cheng was completely pretending to be a ghost, they all surrounded him and beat him violently.

After that, Jiang Lin learned what had happened from Zeng Cheng.

All of them are talents.

Hearing Zeng Cheng say that Zhong Bang and Ma Fan thought of a way to separate Xiao Zun's soul from his body, Jiang Lin was amused.

This is not too outrageous, but Ma Fan has also proved that this method works.

After Xiao Zun died, Ma Fan froze the body of a mouse, and then sent the separated soul back, so that the mouse was successfully resurrected, which proved that Xiao Zun was still alive.

And Zhong Bang sued Mao Xiaofang because of this.

"You said you don't know the whereabouts of your master? Well, tomorrow, you will find Zhong Bang. Your master is not here, but the third sister is here, so I will clear the door for her. Look at each of you bullying your master and destroying your ancestors. stuff! It's all fucking talent."

Jiang Lin put down these words, and went to Shu's house with Axiu to stay temporarily.

On the second day, Zhong Bang came to the Taoist Temple in Xiangdao, and Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Jun also came.

In fact, Zhong Jun had long known where Mao Xiaofang was. Although Mao Xiaofang lived in seclusion, he often went to worship Xiao Zun's tomb. Once Zhong Jun met him, and they happened to meet Xuan Kui.

Zhong Jun was saved by Mao Xiaofang, but because he sprained his foot, Zhong Jun could only let Mao Xiaofang go back to his secluded place.

It was at that time that Zhong Jun was somewhat tempted by the old man Mao Xiaofang.

This time, Zhong Bang said that Jiang Lin was back, and she wanted to clear the door for Axiu, so she called Mao Xiaofang.

"Fellow Daoist, you are back."

Mao Xiaofang said hello to Jiang Lin, and then stood aside. Now, he is like an ordinary person, no different from a man who has spent a long time on the street.

Master Maoshan's temperament has also completely faded.

"Old and old talents, small and small talents."

Jiang Lin shook his head, then looked at Zhong Bang and asked, "Did you sue your master?"

"Yes, he killed Xiao Zun."


Jiang Lin slapped Zhong Bang directly, causing the corners of his mouth to bleed.

"This slap was not for others, but for me. I was the one who asked you to go to apprenticeship. If I knew that you were someone who deceived your teachers and destroyed your ancestors, where should you go?"

After speaking, Jiang Lin slapped again, and continued: "This slap is for your third senior sister. To learn Taoism and Taoism, the first thing is to respect teachers and respect Taoism. When you enter the gate of Tiandao sect, you will not only If you sue your teacher for deliberately killing people, and let Zeng Cheng damage the reputation of your Tiandao faction, you should take it!"

"Xiao Zun was originally saved, he killed Xiao Zun!"

"If you don't say that, I won't smoke you."

Jiang Lin gave Zhong Bang another ear scraper, and then he took out two zombies from the ancient mirror in his arms.

"Come on, let you know how to write stupid words. Ma Fan, didn't you say that you can separate Xiaozun's soul from his corpse? Let me see your means. And you, Zhong Bang, you have been learning Taoism for a while now, haven't you? , go and try!"

Jiang Lin kicked Zhong Bang and Ma Fan to the side of the two zombies and asked them to separate the zombies' souls.

Zhong Bang was repeatedly kicked and kicked by Jiang Lin, and he caught fire long ago, and immediately used Taoism to strip the soul of the zombie in front of him.

Ma Fan didn't dare to say anything, just experimented on zombies according to his own assumptions.

However, what puzzled them was that, in any case, they couldn't separate the soul of the zombie from the body.

"What's the matter, continue."

Jiang Lin folded his arms and looked at Ma Fan and Zhong Bang who were performing operations one after another.

"No, I used to separate the mouse's soul from the body, and sent it back after a night."

Ma Fan was sweating profusely, not knowing why his method failed.

Zhong Bang was also at a loss, this way would not work on zombies.

"Taoist priests have dealt with zombies for so many years, and they have saved countless people who were bitten and scratched by zombies. Are you all stupid now? They can't think of such a method? You are wiser than your predecessors? Zombies are different from other living creatures. , his own soul will be locked by the body, let alone you, even a Taoist like me can't separate the soul of a zombie. Since Xiao Zun got blood, he can't be saved, I really think Are you gods?"

"But, Xiao Zun, he will definitely not bite people!"

Zhong Bang always thought that Xiao Zun could be saved, but Mao Xiaofang insisted on killing him, so he was unwilling to forgive Mao Xiaofang.

Now that his cognition has been broken, he can only find a reason for Xiao Zun not to be killed.

Jiang Lin slapped the past again and said, "Let me tell you, zombies that don't suck blood and harm people can only do it if they retain human intelligence or a small zombie born from a mother's body. Those who retain human intelligence can do it. Zombies are basically only the descendants of generals and Western zombies. Let me tell you again, Xuankui is the original corpse poison in Xiaozun, Xuankui is the native zombie in our middle earth. Once Xiaozun is completely corpse, his humanity will be changed. Completely annihilated and turned into a bloodthirsty and brutal corpse. Don't kill him, let him bite people?"

"One or two fools can't do it. If you want to save Xiao Zun, why did you go earlier? When he is completely helpless, all of them are patients with severe cerebral palsy, just like the upper body of the drama elite?"

Jiang Lin didn't show any mercy at all. When he rescued Xiao Zun, he made it clear that if there is another accident, don't look for him.

That means that even the gods can't save it.

These Ma Fan and Zhong Bang are still thinking of saving them with a trick, so let's go in a dream, there is everything in the dream.

Chapter [*]: Li Xi and the resurrection

"I just want to ask you, especially Zhong Bang, what is an accident if you have one accident, and what is the matter if you have two accidents? If something goes wrong, there's nothing left to do. Do you use the method of accusing your master to vent your incompetence and rage? Do you want to? You really have the guts, why don't you go down and be buried with Xiao Zun?"

Zhong Bang and Ma Fan, who were blocked by Jiang Lin's words, couldn't catch up, and Mao Xiaofang had nothing to say.

When Xiao Zun received the detoxification treatment, when they encountered an accident for the first time, they asked Jiang Lin to deal with it.

But Xiao Zun still had another accident.

"And you, Master Mao, a bunch of idiots among the apprentices, are you old and confused? The Fragrant Island Taoist Temple in this area has been used by Zeng Cheng as a place to deceive treasures, are you worthy of the plaque I gave you?"

After scolding Zhong Bang and the others, Jiang Lin scolded Mao Xiaofang. On the one hand, it was because he gave Mao Xiaofang a plaque, and now he looks like a blind man who has lost his eyes. On the other hand, he regarded Mao Xiaofang as a It's only when I'm friends that I'm so open.


Mao Xiaofang looked ashamed and couldn't say anything.

This time, he really felt that he was not guaranteed at the end of the season, and even if it hurt Jiang Lin, he might be laughed at by his colleagues.

"Since you are here, Master Mao, I don't need to take care of Axiu's affairs. You leave a message here, Zhong Bang, whether you continue to be an apprentice or expel your teacher, I will do it. Witness, after all, you took him as a disciple, and it was my lead. As for Ma Fan and Zeng Cheng, one is for women, even for robbers, and the other I don’t want to see, you take care of it yourself.”

Now that Mao Xiaofang is back, Jiang Lin doesn't go to the restaurant anymore. Although his wife, Axiu, is from the Heavenly Daoist faction, he is only Ma Fan's uncle. .

Mao Xiaofang looked at Ma Fan and Zhong Bang and shook his head again and again. Although he learned from Jiang Lin's mouth that there was no way to save Xiao Zun, his mentality could not return to the previous state for a while.

Now, Mao Xiaofang is disappointed with his three apprentices.

"Master, if you don't care, I won't say anything, but I have to abolish Zeng Cheng. Although you are my master, my father is also a member of the Tiandao faction. Zeng Cheng did such a thing that humiliated his ancestors. , I don't think my father and his old man would just let him go."

Saying that, Axiu took a few steps forward and slammed Zeng Cheng's dantian with a palm, completely destroying the foundation of his cultivation.

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