The reason why Yang Feiyun knew this was because he had met an old friend named Qian Dazhong. Back then, he had fortune-telling for Qian Dazhong, saying that before his birthday this year, he would definitely meet a noble person.

And Qian Dazhong has never met any noble people for so many years. At the last moment before his birthday, he met Yang Feiyun.

After hearing what Qian Dazhong said, Yang Feiyun re-arranged to check his own fate, only to find that he had changed the fate of his nemesis Mao Xiaofang through Xiao Zun, a zombie, thus changing his fate.

The two went to the casino for verification that day, and they earned hundreds of thousands of dollars.

After that, Yang Feiyun began to make plans for himself. Since his fate has changed, he will become rich and noble.

So, he and Qian Dazhong came up with the idea of ​​Li Xihe, the richest man, to seize Li Xihe's family property.

The calamity of Li Xihe and the Li family should be on Yang Feiyun.

Because Yang Feiyun used the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array to change his life against the sky, although he did not succeed completely, he also changed his own destiny.

Therefore, when Jiang Lin foresaw Li Xihe's disaster, he couldn't figure out which master Li Xihe's Tai Jisheng should belong to.

Yang Feiyun knew that Jiang Lin had set up a protective barrier in Li Xihe's house, and there was nothing he could do to enter Li Xihe's house or even contact Li Xihe, so he put his mind on Li Siwei.

He let Qian Dazhong enter the prison, showed a few magic tricks in the prison, and successfully attracted the attention of Li Siwei.

After Li Siwei was released from prison, Li Xihe couldn't do anything. He wanted to let his father burp immediately so that he could inherit the property of the Li family and do whatever he wanted.

It happened that he remembered Qian Dazhong he had seen in prison, so he released him on bail by means, and obtained some sorcery from Qian Dazhong.

However, these were planned by Yang Feiyun.

Li Siwei confessed his mistake to his father according to the method that Qian Dazhong said, and handed him tea.

The confession tea he handed was actually Fushui, which was specially used by Yang Feiyun to get Li Xi and his soul out of the body.

After Li Xihe drank the talisman water, something went wrong immediately. Yang Feiyun, who had obtained the talisman from Li Siwei long ago, entered the Li family mansion and took the souls of Li Xihe and Li Siwei and his son. Seal the ghost bag.

After that, he let Qian Dazhong go out of his body and get on Li Xihe's body.

In this way, Yang Feiyun borrowed Li Xihe's body, transferred all the property under Li Xihe's name to him, and became the richest man in Xugang.

And Li Xihe died after signing the transfer contract.

Li Siwei, this ruthless guy, in order to prevent the property of the Li family from being taken away by outsiders, he directly scattered Li Xihe's soul in the ghost bag.

Yang Feiyun got Li Xihe's property, so he didn't go to check Li Xihe's body and soul. As for Li Xihe's body being taken away, he ignored it.

"Abang, we can't deal with Yang Feiyun alone, why don't we go to Master Mao? Now that your Uncle Jiang has returned to Middle Earth, if there is anyone who can deal with Yang Feiyun, it's only Master Mao."

Fang Tu frowned, it was really too difficult for him and Zhong Bang to bring Yang Feiyun to justice.

Yang Feiyun not only knows Taoism, but is now the richest man in Hong Kong. If he wants to deal with such a capable and rich person, it is impossible to rely on him and Zhong Bang alone.

Not long ago, Zhong Bang finally asked Chen Guixiang's soul about the appearance of the murderer. After some verification, he found out that Yang Feiyun was the murderer.

Zhong Bang and Fang Tu used a trick to lure Yang Feiyun out. As a result, they were not opponents of Yang Feiyun and Qian Dazhong. If Xuankui didn't happen to come out and set eyes on Yang Feiyun, they would be in danger.

"What do you want to do with him? Besides being stubborn, what else will he do? Do you believe that if you find him, he will say that we have wronged a good person?"

Zhong Bang snorted, even though it had been a long time since Xiao Zun's death, he was still reluctant to forgive Mao Xiaofang.

"Let's think of another way. Didn't Yu Dahai go to prison by Yang Feiyun? I think he should know what evidence to identify Yang Feiyun."

Zhong Bang didn't even think about looking for Mao Xiaofang and asking him for help, but planned to deal with Yang Feiyun himself.

"Brother Yang, what should we do?"

On the other side, Qian Dazhong was grabbing his hair. Now he and Yang Feiyun are living happily, but now, it seems that the good days are coming to an end.

Just now, Yang Feiyun said that Xuan Kui did not know where the ability came from, but he was able to probe other people's memories, and he knew that the murderer of Xiao Zun was him.

Now they not only have to prevent Zhong Bang and the others from finding evidence to accuse them, but also prevent Xuan Kui from asking them to avenge Xiao Zun.

"Xuankui is a thousand-year-old zombie king, and my current Daoist ability can't eliminate him at all, let's go, use evil to cure evil."

Yang Feiyun is very aware of how much he has. In the past, Mao Xiaofang chased and killed Xuan Kui for so many years, but he was unable to kill him. Although his Taoism with half a bucket of water was stronger than Ma Fan and Zhong Bang, he was better than Mao Xiaofang. , still far from it.

It is not enough to deal with Xuan Kui.

Therefore, he plans to use zombies to deal with zombies.

During this time, he lived a very luxurious life, often imitating the way of life of the Omi people, and because of this, he read a lot of books on Western culture.

From those books, he learned that in a church in Xugang, there was a Western zombie king, Count Gaurus.

Now Xuan Kui knew that he had killed Xiao Zun and launched a madness. If he did not destroy it, it was always a sharp sword hanging over his head.

It happened that he knew what weakness Count Gaurus had, so he could restrain it first and use it to deal with Xuan Kui.

Originally, in the past six months, Xuan Kui became mad because of the loss of Xiao Zun, and often killed people, and Yang Feiyun went to fix a Western Zombie King.

The two zombie kings were in Xugang, and they were biting like a competition. That's not enough. Count Gaurus, who was brought in by Yang Feiyun, created a group of Western zombies in a short period of time, causing another corpse disaster in Xugang. .

In the end, Bishop really had no choice but to leave the port of Xu to go to the Middle Earth, go to Jiang Lin, and let Jiang Lin return to the port of Xu to help deal with the corpse disaster here.

"My brother, I really can't do it without you!"

Bishop went through a lot of hardships to find Renjiazhen and Jiang Lin. Once he found Jiang Lin, he spit out bitterness to Jiang Lin. It was too fucking difficult.

As long as Jiang Lin is not there, then there will be problems in Hong Kong, and he will have to be under a lot of pressure.

The baby is heartbroken.

"I said what's the matter? Isn't there Mao Xiaofang? You can find him if you have something to do."

Jiang Lin was very speechless. He had something to do back to Middle Earth. As a result, when Bishop encountered something, he came to Renjia Town, who had climbed mountains and mountains to find him.

Chapter [*] is so absurd!

"Hey, don't mention it. If I could find Mao Xiaofang, would I still come here to find you, Brother Jiang? Xiangdao Taoist Temple has now become a hall of gods."

When Bishop heard Jiang Lin mentioned Mao Xiaofang, he was angry and felt that Jiang Lin was not worth it. Last year, when Jiang Lin went to Thailand, there were ghosts and zombies in Xugang, and he went to Xiangdao Taoist Church to find Mao Xiaofang, so It is known that the plaque of "Grandmaster of the Generation" in the Taoist Church was personally presented by Jiang Lin.

Now this plaque has become the sign of the magic stick.

"what's going on?"

Jiang Lin couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. It's okay if Mao Xiaofang can't find it. How could the Daotang of Xiangdao become a hall of gods?

So, Bishop told Jiang Lin everything that happened in Xugang during this time.

"Xiao Zun has a problem again? Mao Xiaofang is still regarded as a murderer? Zhong Bang accuses Mao Xiaofang of intentional murder???"

Even though Jiang Lin had encountered a lot of absurd things over the years, he never heard Bishop's words.

Mao Xiaofang killed a dead zombie and was sued by his apprentice, and Mao Xiaofang also went incognito because of guilt.

Fragrant Island Taotang is even more smoky.

How outrageous this must be.

How ridiculous!

"That's right, I let Mao Xiaofang go. Since he's your friend, he wouldn't kill innocent people, and I've heard about the case of Xiaozun, and he's about to become a zombie. , can you not kill it?"

Bishop nodded, and he couldn't understand what kind of absurd drama Mao Xiaofang and his disciples were making.

"Then I'll go back with you tomorrow."

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while, and decided to go to Xugang with Bishop. Now their family has been in Renjia Town for a while, and there has been no progress in their search for the Shushan faction and Tianlei Shuangjian.

If it drags on any longer, I don't have much hope.

And according to Bishop, Li Xihe has already had an accident, and he has to go and take a look.

I didn't expect it to be Yang Feiyun.

Jiang Lin did not expect that Li Xihe would be planted in Yang Feiyun's hands.

Thinking about it now, Yang Feiyun had ulterior motives when he contacted Mao Xiaofang and learned spells from him.

The next day, Jiang Lin brought his wives and returned to Xugang.

"Chili, Tingting, you all go home first, Axiu and I will go to Xiangdao Taoist Church to see."

In the evening, Jiang Lin and the others arrived at Xugang. Jiang Lin asked Chen Yu and Ren Tingting to return to Huixing Mountain first, and he and Axiu went to Xiangdao Taoist Church to ask about Mao Xiaofang's whereabouts.

"Husband, when you arrive at the Taoist Church, don't be polite, hit me, and hit them like a pig's head!"

Axiu and Jiang Lin were walking on the street, and let Jiang Lin meet Ma Fan, Zhong Bang and the others. He didn't need to hold back at all, and slapped them hard in the face.

She heard about her teacher's sect from Jiang Lin, and she was very angry.

My three junior brothers are really more than one bastard.

"Since they call me uncle, then I will definitely hit them."

Even if Axiu didn't say anything, Jiang Lin would not let Ma Fan and the others go.

Ma Fan should fight, Zeng Cheng should fight, Zhong Bang should fight even more.

Really did nothing.

"Stop, robbery! Take all your money!"

Jiang Lin and Axiu walked to the area where the street lights were destroyed. Suddenly, someone jumped out of the alley, strangled Jiang Lin's neck from behind, and held him with a kitchen knife.

"Brother, I'm not in a good mood, you should consider yourself unlucky."

Jiang Lin snorted coldly, grabbed the robber's arm with his backhand, and countered him.


After Jiang Lin turned around, he realized that it was Ma Fan who wanted to rob him of his money.

When Axiu saw Ma Fan's face, she was also stunned.

"Senior Uncle? Third Senior Sister?"

Ma Fan found out that the targets of his robbery were Jiang Lin and Axiu, and his mind was almost blank.

Jiang Lin frowned and said angrily, "Your dignified disciple of the Taoist sect actually learns to rob?"

"No, uncle, I really need money. Ah Jin owes usurious loans. If she doesn't pay, she will be taken away by those who lend. Uncle, sister, do you have any money? hurry."


Ma Fan explained to Jiang Lin and Axiu, and in the end he was greeted by a scratch from Jiang Lin.

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