"Don't stop talking nonsense there. According to Chili and Tian Ji's situation, it is absolutely fine to live to be a hundred years old. It's still fifty or sixty years away, not to mention that your new daughter-in-law is much older than the two of them. If you are young, if you live to be a hundred years old, it will be seventy or eighty years. Do you have enough stock for you to use it for so long?"

"Senior Brother Hangu is right. You don't have a baby yet. We'll get over it early in the morning. You'll be old enough to have children. By then, you will have fifty or sixty fat babies. These treasures will not improve their physique. Guys, what are you fighting with your daughter-in-law and your grandson?"

After hearing what Zhang Han said, Uncle Jiu became even more determined not to accept the treasures Jiang Lin brought out.

"Have you got a dog? If you don't accept it, I'll feed the dog directly."

Jiang Lin waved his hand, Zhang Han and Jiu Shu's ideological work seemed to be difficult to do, so he simply refused to do it.

If you love it or not, throw it away.

If you think about it with good words, it is estimated that it will have no effect.

Especially Zhang Han, when he was young, his nickname was Zhang Laozhu, and he was stubborn like a donkey.

There are not many who can convince him.

"Stinky boy, it's been a long time since I saw you, your wings are hard? Don't look at your Tianshi Tianshi, your teacher I can teach you this boy, you don't even listen to me and Yimei."

Zhang Han put his hands on his waist and took out his master's style. If Jiang Lin pushed these treasures to him and Ninth Uncle again, he would teach his apprentice a lesson.

The ninth uncle also acted like a teacher and asked Jiang Lin to take back the treasure.

"The two of you are working together, and you can't touch me. You should avoid teaching me. Now I have a wife and forget about Master. Master and uncle, your words won't work. I don't have my wife. The words will work. Chili Tianji and Ningshuang have both asked me to let you collect these treasures. As a good husband who is extinct, of course I have to listen to my wife. "

Jiang Lin spread his hands and said that this matter must be decided as such, regardless of the opinions of Zhang Han and Jiu Shu.

Zhang letter: "..."

Ninth Uncle: "..."

If other apprentices say that they have a wife and forget their master, they can break the unworthy apprentice's leg.

But on Jiang Lin's body, there was nothing they could do.

Jiang Lin's wife is their daughter.

After that, Jiang Lin looked at Zhang Han and Ninth Uncle, and said, "You two old men, do you want me to call my three wives over and stage a cry, two troubles, three hangings in front of you?"

Jiang Lin used Zhang Han and Ninth Uncle's precious daughter as tokens, and the two elders immediately wilted, and obediently took away the cold marrow, marrow pulp and Yiguo.

The next day, Jiang Lin went to Qingniu Town with Jingjing Xiaoru Ningshuang and Uncle Zhang Han Jiu. Dian Daoist had been with Simu Dao for so many years, and now he is in Qingniu Town.

Master Ikyu's funeral will also be held there.

When he arrived at the Daotang of the four-eyed Daoist, Jiang Lin investigated the situation of the Daoist, who was not optimistic.

Only last a day or two.

Xiaoru persuaded Daoist Dian Dian to take Hansui and Yiguo to continue his life. Jiang Lin also had no opinion on this. Back then in Tengteng Town, masked ghosts and witches made trouble, all relying on Dian Taoist people to use their own treasures to rebel against gossip. The mirror rebounded most of the power of the thunder, and Jiang Lin escaped.

Now that Diandao Ren is given a part of the treasure to continue his life, he has nothing to do.

But he is willing to give it, but the Daoist is unwilling to accept it.

No matter how Xiaoru suggested, it would not work.

When Diandao Ren was about to leave, Xiaoru was still a "little boy". She cried and burst into tears but could not change Diandao Ren's decision, and it was the same this time.

That night, Daoist Dian closed his eyes while talking to Xiao Ru.

In the end, Jiang Lin and the others buried Master Yixiu and Daoist Dian.

A day later, Jiang Lin and the sisters Ren Tingting went to another Renjiazhen to bury the remains of Ren Zhuzhu's father.

After the funeral was over, Jiang Lin went to Western Hunan. The founder of the Chen Dao School, Yan Zhidao, had something to do with the Shushan School.

One of the wives of Taoist Master Yan Zhi was from the Shushan faction, so the swordsmanship of the Chendao faction was related to the swordsmanship of Shushan.

Jiang Lin is going to the ruins of the Chendao School in western Hunan to find the ancient books in the school.

Unfortunately, the ruins no longer exist.

Jiang Lin could only go to the ancient tomb where the Microwave Sect in Shudi was located with Bai Min'er and the other three sisters, but the building was already empty.

After eight years of war, many people and things have been lost.

In desperation, Jiang Lin had no choice but to walk north and south of the river again, looking for his acquaintances before, to investigate the whereabouts of the Shushan faction and Tianlei Shuangjian.

When Jiang Lin was in the middle of the earth and had a headache to find it, Xugang, Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Bangtou were all about to explode.

They couldn't find Jiang Lin anymore.

Shortly after Jiang Lin left Hong Kong, Xiao Zun had a problem. The blood he poured down by Yang Feiyun was absorbed by himself, and the corpse poison in his body rebounded again, to the point of no cure.

Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Bang had no choice but to go to Huixing Mountain to seek help from Jiang Lin.

But the news they got was that Jiang Lin had returned to Middle Earth and should not be able to return in a short time.

In order to prevent Xiao Zun from being completely corpse, Mao Xiaofang could only choose to kill him, but Zhong Bang was unwilling.

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-five chapters Mao Xiaofang who eats bitter fruit

In fact, Mao Xiaofang really didn't want to kill Xiaozun, but the one in Xiaozun was Xuankui's original corpse poison, and Xuankui was a thousand-year-old zombie king. If Xiaozun was completely corpse, his strength would be like a zombie. almost.

"Master, Fourth Senior Brother thought of a way to freeze Xiaozun's body and strip out his soul to prevent the situation from getting worse. When Uncle Jiang arrives, maybe there will be a turnaround."

In the past few days, Zhong Bang has been racking his brains to think of ways to solve Xiao Zun's complete transformation into a zombie. Not only him, but also Ma Fan and Zhong Jun are all trying to figure out a way.

Ma Fan, who has always liked whimsy, came up with a seemingly feasible method, which was to separate Xiao Zun's body from his soul.

"Nonsense, no one has ever separated the body and soul of a zombie. I have made up my mind, you don't need to say more."

Mao Xiaofang did not listen to Zhong Bang and the others. He had never heard of anyone who could separate the soul of a zombie from the body.

Even if Xiao Zun is not completely corpse, if he does it forcibly, Xiao Zun's body will be necrotic due to low temperature.

Once thawed, the corpse venom will continue to spread.

He doesn't have any treasures, so that the flesh of living creatures can be frozen and not broken.

No matter what Zhong Bang said, Mao Xiaofang was unwilling to change his mind. In the end, Zhong Bang had no choice but to hold Mao Xiaofang and let Xiao Zun escape.

On the way to kill Xiao Zun, Mao Xiaofang also reconsidered what Zhong Bang and the others said. He had never heard of anyone who could strip a zombie's soul from its body. , maybe Jiang Lin can do it.

After all, since he met Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin has created too many miracles.

As for ensuring that Xiao Zun's body will not be frozen, he can also borrow some treasures from Huixing Mountain.

Therefore, when chasing Xiao Zun, Mao Xiaofang explained patiently, hoping that Xiao Zun would go back with him.

But what Mao Xiaofang didn't expect was that Yang Feiyun was following him all the time. The blood absorbed by Xiao Zun was Yang Feiyun's, and it was mixed with talisman water. Yang Feiyun used magic to control Xiao Zun, making him go crazy and want to kill Mao Xiaofang.

Mao Xiaofang's copper sword was hit by Xiao Zun and flew into the air, and Yang Feiyun took the opportunity to use the technique to make the copper sword stick on the top of Xiao Zun's head.

Suddenly, Xiao Zun's entire body burst into ashes.

Mao Xiaofang did not expect things to turn into such a situation, and was stunned on the spot.

When Zhong Bang and the others arrived, they knew that Xiao Zun had been killed when they saw the ashes and pieces of clothes on the ground.

"Mao Xiaofang, why didn't you even give Xiaozun a chance, why!"

Zhong Bang grabbed Mao Xiaofang by the collar and pressed him to the ground to question him.

Mao Xiaofang didn't explain anything, and didn't say that he didn't want to kill Xiaozun.

Now, he has fallen into deep guilt and self-blame.

The next day, Zhong Bang contacted his former colleague and accused Mao Xiaofang of intentional murder, and put Mao Xiaofang in jail.

In the end, Bishop understood the situation and let Mao Xiaofang go.

"Master Mao, what are your plans? I think you should go to the countryside to avoid it. Although the police did not find Xiao Zun's body and let you go, many people outside now know that you killed Xiao Zun and took you away. as a villain."

On a mountain, Yang Feiyun found Mao Xiaofang and advised him to leave the city. Now that Yang Feiyun saw Mao Xiaofang's guilt and self-blame, he didn't want to kill him anymore, so that he could suffer in life and relieve his hatred even more.

"I once swore in front of the ancestors that I would subdue demons and subdue demons all my life and maintain the right path. I never imagined that I would kill an innocent child now. From now on, I will remain anonymous and I will not ask about world affairs."

Mao Xiaofang sighed and threw his copper sword down the mountain, planning to find a remote place to spend his old age.

In the future, he is not going to subdue demons again.

Since then, Mao Xiaofang seems to have disappeared in Xugang.

The Xiangdao Taoist Church also exists in name only. Zeng Cheng obtained the title deed of the Taoist temple, and he and Zhong Jun's apprentice A Jin pretended to be ghosts inside.

As a member of the Daotang, Ma Fan also let Zeng Cheng make the Daotang miserable.

As for Zhong Bang, he often goes out of his body and goes to the underworld to find Chen Guixiang, trying to find the real murderer who killed her. t To Daotang, he didn't bother to ask any more.

Mao Xiaofang could not have imagined that the Taoist church he opened in Xugang would be reduced to the same place of deception and deception as the Seven Sisters Church.

Not even as good as the Seven Sisters Hall.

Although Mao Xiaofang was mistaken for a murderer by outsiders, those people did not deny that he had the real ability. Therefore, Zeng Cheng achieved the reputation built by Mao Xiaofang and made a lot of money.

The plaque of "Grandmaster of the Generation" presented by Jiang Lin has become a golden signboard for Zeng Cheng and Ah Jin to accumulate wealth.

Mao Xiaofang's dignified generation of masters, and now he has been blamed by thousands of people, and he has been ashamed all the time, and his fate is actually the bitter fruit of his own planting.

If he hadn't been ignorant of people, and regarded a villain like Yang Feiyun as a life-and-death relationship, he would not have ended up like this.

It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t know someone well. He doesn’t listen to persuasion. When Lei Gang hadn’t changed his mind, Jiang Lin reminded him, but he didn’t listen. When he talked to Jiang Lin about Yang Feiyun, Jiang Lin spoke again. Indicated to him, he still did not listen.

Therefore, even if he suffers from the bitter fruit himself, he can't blame others.

Now not only is he regarded as a murderer, but even the Tiandao faction with him has become a place for pretending to be a ghost, and his reputation is stinking.

The Xiangdao Taoist Church has become like this. To say who is the happiest, it's not Zhong Jun. Even if Mao Xiaofang is gone, the plaque sent by Jiang Lin is still there. Therefore, Zhong Jun's Seven Sisters Hall will not get any benefit at all.

The happiest person is Yang Feiyun.

Daotang became a place where magic sticks cheated money, and even if Mao Xiaofang died, he would have no face to see his master and ancestor.

Mao Xiaofang felt guilty all his life, and died ashamed of his ancestors, Yang Feiyun didn't know how happy he was.

Originally, Yang Feiyun thought that he would not be able to turn around after being tortured by Mao Xiaofang for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect that he persecuted Mao Xiaofang and actually changed his fate.

Chapter [*] My brother, I really can't do it without you!

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