After Yang Feiyun learned that Mao Xiaofang was only injured by Xuan Kui, he was so angry that he even smashed his iron abacus.

The strongest external force he can use now is Xuan Kui, but even Xuan Kui has not been able to eliminate Mao Xiaofang when he is away.

Now that Zhong Bang's foundation of Taoism is solid day by day, if he really succeeds in his studies in the future, it will be even more difficult for him to deal with Mao Xiaofang.

In order to prevent such a situation from happening, Yang Feiyun used his own blood to mix with talisman water and medicinal materials, and poured it into Xiao Zun while no one was paying attention.

He knew that killing Mao Xiaofang was not something he could do in a while, so he planned to settle for the next best thing, and let Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Bang turn their heads against each other.

The blood he poured into Xiao Zun, because of the effect of talisman water, will always be condensed in Xiao Zun's stomach, and it will be absorbed by Xiao Zun after the power of the talisman water dissipates.

At that time, even if Jiang Lin checked Xiao Zun's body again, he would not be able to suspect his head.

Once his blood is melted away by Xiao Zun, then Jiang Lin will be helpless.

At that time, Mao Xiaofang will definitely deal with Xiao Zun, and Zhong Bang, who has always treated Xiao Zun as his younger brother, is bound to conflict with him.

Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Bang didn't know anything about it, they thought that Xiao Zun's situation was getting better day by day.

Jiang Lin was also busy with something, and Mao Xiaofang told him that Xiao Zun's detoxification treatment was good, so he didn't go to investigate Xiao Zun's situation.

Finally all busy.

After more than a month, Jiang Lin came out of the hotel. He had completely arranged the protective barrier for Emperor Wang and his group of wealthy merchants' houses.

In order to express their gratitude, Emperor Wang and others gathered together and invited him to dinner.


"Zhuzhu, Jingjing, what's wrong with you Xiaoru? Did you have a conflict with someone?"

As soon as Jiang Lin got home, he saw Ren Zhuzhu, Jingjing and Xiaoru who were crying in the yard.

He quickly asked the three wives what happened.

After so many years, my wife has been happy and happy, not to mention tears, but there is very little sulking.

This time, I cried three times all at once, making Jiang Lin wonder what was going on.

"Husband, the ninth uncle has written a letter. My father passed away. Sister Jingjing's master, Master Yixiu, has passed away, and Master Dian is about to die."

Ren Zhuzhu cried and handed a letter to Jiang Lin.

"How did you die?"

After Jiang Lin took the letter, he read it again. The contents of the letter from Uncle Jiu said about Ren Zhuzhu's father, Master Yixiu and Daoist Dian, and asked their family to go back to Middle Earth.

Ren Zhuzhu's father and Master Yixiu both died of old age, and Dian Daoist was also dying because he was over seventy years old.

Time is not forgiving.

Jiang Lin realized that so many years had passed.

Because the looks of himself and his wives haven't changed much, Jiang Lin's concept of time is a little vague.

Thinking about it now, it has been almost thirty years since he came to this world.

Even Ninth Uncle is almost seventy now.

It's just that Uncle Jiu's Taoism is relatively high, and time seems to be slow for him, and like Master Yixiu and Daoist Dian, because of insufficient cultivation, plus years of wind and sleep, they are already old, especially in times of war, they are getting old faster.

Master Yixiu passed away this year, and the life of the Daoist is coming to an end.

As for Ren Zhuzhu's father, it was because he had been poisoned in his early years. Although his life was not bad, it was not worth the years, and he passed away not long ago.

"Pack up today, we'll go back tomorrow."

Jiang Lin comforted Ren Zhuzhu and the others, and prepared to take his family back to Middle Earth tomorrow.

Chapter [*] Return to Renjia Town

The next day, Jiang Lin went to Li Xihe's house. He is going to leave Xugang for a while now, and he may not be able to return in a short time. He must inform Li Xihe.

Lest Li Xihe be in a mess when he can't find someone at that time.

In addition to letting Ren Zhuzhu and Jingjing go back to attend the funeral this time, Jiang Lin also planned to inquire about the Shushan faction.

Last time he asked Mao Xiaofang, but Mao Xiaofang didn't know much.

Now that he had returned to China, he planned to find out where the Tianlei Shuangjian of the Emei Sect went.

"Brother Jiang, you want to go back to Middle Earth? What can I do?"

After Li Xihe learned that Jiang Lin was going to leave, he panicked instantly, and he hoped to let Jiang Lin help him through the disaster, but now Jiang Lin is actually leaving Xugang, and the time may not be short.

"Brother Li, don't worry about this, I have arranged everything for you, and there is more than one guarantee, there is no difference between me and me. If there is an accident, I will go to the underworld to pull you back, you Li How much is the family's property, how much I will pay you."

During this period of time, Jiang Lin had already calculated many times, and the catastrophe of Li Xihe and the Li family would definitely be passed.

For many details, he has deployed corresponding countermeasures, and everything will go on as usual.

"Alright then, Brother Jiang, you said so, and I'm no longer hypocritical."

Li Xihe nodded. He had known Jiang Lin for so long, and he knew that Jiang Lin was definitely not the type of person to talk things out. Now that Jiang Lin was talking about this, if he was still worried, he would not be able to talk about it.

After informing Li Xihe, Jiang Lin went to Shennong Company to let Dengshen pay more attention to matters in the mountains.

When he returned to Huixing Mountain, Chen Yu and the others were already sitting on the bus.

If his family wants to travel, they must take a bus.

This bus was bought by Jiang Lin specially to deal with the situation of traveling with his family.

"Why don't you go up?"

Seeing Baoyi pacing next to the bus, Jiang Lin urged her to get on the bus.

"I won't go back to your parents' house this time, so that your masters will see me in a low voice. Besides, this time Xingshan has to be watched by someone."

Baoyi's head was shaking like a rattle, and she was unwilling to return to Middle Earth.

"Go up to me, what's your idea, fat woman, I still don't know. If you stay here, the mountains will be empty when I come back."

Jiang Lin gave Baoyi a blank eye. Now Baoyi is a pure foodie, and she is fat. If she doesn't take her away, it won't take long for her to gain weight again.

Seeing through Jiang Lin's mind, Baoyi pouted and got into the car obediently.

After staying at Jiang's house for a long time, she now has to look at Jiang Lin's face. If nothing else, whether there is anything good in the food she eats, she has to look at Jiang Lin's meaning.

There is another reason for Jiang Lin to let Baoyi go with him. Although the external aggression has been eliminated in China, the internal worries are still there and the war is still going on. He plans to wait for the ferry to transfer to the ferry there. Tiger went to Renjia Town.

This requires Baoyi to use immortal techniques to cast blindfolding techniques on the colorful tiger king.

Two nights later, Jiang Lin and his family arrived at Renjia Town.

Today's Renjia Town is very different from before. The eight-year war has left many Zhendian villages devastated.

Renjia Town is no exception.

During the war, Uncle Ninth was often out of town and had to deal with demons and demons, so he couldn't take care of this place. Now, the population of Renjia Town is less than one-fifth of what it was back then.

There used to be night markets in the town, but now, in Renjia Town at night, there are almost no people on the streets.

Since the ninth uncle suffered a catastrophe, Jiang Lin and his wives went back to Renjia Town, and they never came back after that.

Almost twenty years have passed.

Looking at Renjiazhen, which had changed a lot, Jiang Lin felt quite sighed in his heart. He and Jiu Shu and Zhang Han had met several times, but they were all in other places, not in Renjiazhen.

Walking on a street that was both familiar and somewhat unfamiliar, Jiang Lin also recalled some of the things that happened here in those days. The original pair of funny brothers Qiusheng and Wencai, now the children are almost adults.

Time flies.

Before long, Jiang Lin and the others arrived at the entrance of Yizhuang.

Mother Tianji, who was collecting clothes at the door, saw Jiang Lin and the others had arrived, so she hurriedly shouted at Yizhuang: "Chili's father, Yimei, our son-in-law's family is back!"

Today, although there are still wars, Yaodao and Yiren have already withdrawn from Middle Earth, so Uncle Jiu has also been idle, and Zhang Han is also old, and he has settled next to Yizhuang to be company with Uncle Jiu.

On weekdays, the two old people played chess and crickets for fun.

"I said Lin Zi, you can, even Xuannv got you a warm quilt, and there is a princess, but you will give me a disciple."

After Zhang Han found out that Jiang Lin married Chi Xiaoyu and Anna again, he kept saying that Jiang Lin was really capable, making Chi Xiaoyu and Anna ashamed and not knowing what to do.

But he was still not satisfied, even Xuannv didn't see his belly getting bigger.

"Chili pepper, Tian Ji, Tingting, you can talk to the ladies and sisters and take care of the former Taoist temple. I will chat with the master and the uncle."

Although Zhang Han looked old, he was still the same as before, a little disrespectful. Jiang Lin asked Ren Tingting and the others to talk to the two sisters, and had a good chat with Zhang Han and Jiu Shu.

On the way here, Chen Yu, Tian Ji and Ning Shuang all said that they wanted their parents to live longer, and Jiang Lin knew what they meant, so he had to do ideological work with Zhang Han and Jiu Shu.

Zhang Han and Jiu Shu are very open about life, old age, sickness and death. Even if he has sent a lot of abnormal fruits before, they also pushed it away, and they all said that the body and bones are still good, and there is no need to prolong life.

Now that nearly ten years have passed, Zhang Han and Ninth Uncle are not as energetic as before. Although they are still in good spirits, the years are not forgiving, and both of them have a lot of gray hair.

The three masters and apprentices chatted for a while, and Jiang Lin also knew about Qiu Sheng Wencai and Fei Bao Xiaohai, and they were all pretty good.

It's just that the elders like Dao Master Four Eyes and Dao Master Qianhe are not very good. Dao Master Qianhe used to have some old injuries. When he was still strong, he didn't take it seriously. Now his legs and feet are not very flexible. The four-eyed Taoist priest was not in a good mood because of the passing away of his old friend, Master Yixiu.

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-four chapters, I, I forgot my master with a wife

"Master, uncle, there are some cold marrow and pulp here, as well as the fruit that contains a strong mysterious yellow energy. Before you were unwilling to accept it, you said that your body is still healthy, so don't refuse now."

Jiang Lin took a lot of good treasures from his arms and put them on the coffee table beside him.

"Jiang Lin, you should keep these good things. Life, old age, sickness and death are unavoidable."

Ninth Uncle shook his head. He was still unwilling to accept these treasures. On the one hand, it was because these treasures were precious. On the other hand, the most important point was that if Jiang Lin extended their lives, he would have to bear the karma.

"That's right, I think Chili Tianji and the others have passed by after so many years, and they are still in good spirits. They can't get rid of their relationship with these babies. Your days are still long, so you can use them yourself."

Zhang Han, like Ninth Uncle, is also unwilling to accept the cold marrow and the abnormal fruit.As a parent, he is very satisfied to see that his two daughters are still young and beautiful.

As for Chen Yu and Tian Ji, if they want to maintain such a frozen age, they need a lot of rare treasures. Besides, Jiang Lin has so many wives, and the consumption is definitely huge, so he doesn't want to increase the burden on Jiang Lin.

"I said you two elders, just accept it. I plant these things in Xugang. The amount is not small, and it is not inferior to the two of you."

Jiang Lin continued to do ideological work for Zhang Han and Jiu Shu. If the two old people were unwilling, he would definitely not be able to pry their mouths and stuff them into their stomachs.

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